Nine idlers

Chapter 374

Xifa and Michael collided together, from the phantom of the giant, to the hearth to recombine into a huge egg. The whole process happened almost instantly, and Xu Changqing had no time to stop it.

He is also very clear that even if he makes a move, he may not be able to stop it, because the power aura emanating from the phantom of the giant is really amazing, and he feels unprecedented pressure.

Although it felt useless, Xu Changqing still used all kinds of spells to attack the furnace egg in front of him.The result was as he expected, whether it was Huangquan Banner, Shenmu Shenlei, or the power of the Five Elements, they only weakened the outer strength of the furnace egg. If he wanted to completely penetrate it, he would not be able to do it even if he exhausted his entire body.

Right after the phantom of the giant was wrapped in the furnace, the ten long swords that were separated outside immediately lost control and all stood still.In the Yellow Spring Banner, the four spirits contained in the four long swords did not resist, and were dragged out of the long swords by the ghost in the flag, but Xu Changqing did not let the ghost swallow the four spirits, but used the way of the Yellow Springs to swallow the four spirits. He used the method to refine the four spirits and make them become the main souls of the magic weapon like the ghosts of the underworld.

In addition to the souls of the four devil angels, there is also a trace of a powerful soul in the sword.These four souls did not give up resistance, but flew out of the long sword as if they were summoned, fused together, and with the power that erupted at the moment of fusion, penetrated the ghost world of ten directions, and headed towards the furnace egg. flew over.

Xu Changqing, who had already given up on breaking the furnace egg, would naturally not allow the giant in the egg to take back his soul, and immediately sacrificed the Golden Crow furnace to cover the group of souls, and then used the real fire of Samadhi as a guide to activate the Golden Crow God in the Golden Crow furnace The firepower sacrificed that group of souls.

Although the divine soul contains powerful energy, it is only a soul body after all, and it doesn't have much power to resist against the Golden Crow Divine Fire.What's more, the Samadhi True Fire that triggered the Golden Crow Divine Fire contains the Egyptian Sun God's Sun Divine Fire. The power of the Golden Crow Divine Fire is closer to the power of the ancient Golden Crow, but in a short time, the soul of the group was refined into a black pill in the shape of an air mass.

At the same time as the soul was being refined, a roar suddenly came from the furnace egg, and the power contained in the sound hit Xu Changqing directly.Even with the strength of Xu Changqing's Hunyuan golden body, he couldn't bear this force. He was beaten to the point of spitting out a few mouthfuls of golden blood, and several meridians were forcibly shattered, and the immortal energy in his body was also scattered.But what is strange is that such a powerful force seems to be mostly aimed at the physical body, but it is very weak against the condensed souls such as Yin God, Yang God, and Jindan, and it has not suffered the slightest harm under the protection of Daotu's mana.

After confirming that the physical injury was not a serious problem, Xu Chang breathed a sigh of relief, then adjusted his breath, the steady churning blood energy collected the scattered immortal energy, and let Jiuliu Avenue circulate the immortal energy by itself to repair the shattered meridians.After stabilizing the injuries in his body, he turned his attention to the melting furnace egg in front of him that was constantly absorbing the original power of God's Domain.Feeling the increasingly intense prehistoric aura and the power aura of the golden heart in the melting furnace egg, he understood that the other party was using the original power of this God's Domain to sacrifice himself and the golden heart.But he understands it, but he has nothing to do to prevent it from being completed by the Chaos Orb. He might be able to collect the furnace egg into the world of Qiankun, preventing it from absorbing the original power of God's Domain. At the moment, he can only watch helplessly as the opponent grows stronger.

After realizing that he couldn't stop Fang, Changqing stopped thinking about it and turned his attention to other places.Now his recent situation has not changed much from before or worse.The entire God's Domain was still surrounded by a strange force, so that even if he could feel Zhu Yan's incarnation, he couldn't cast spells to penetrate the barrier of God's Domain.The black vortex is also getting bigger and bigger, devouring everything that can be swallowed like a bottomless pit, coupled with the absorption of the furnace egg, the entire domain of God will collapse completely and return to chaos in a short time.

Although Xu Changqing's Hunyuan golden body is very strong.But Bi is not completely immortal.When God's Domain returned to chaos.He is afraid that it will be difficult for him to bear the pure power of chaos.There is a high probability that the physical body will return to its original source.At that time, the only way he can escape.It is to let the three souls and seven souls hide in the chaotic orb.Borrow the chaotic orb, an incomplete realm of gods, to resist the tearing of the power of chaos.But he wasn't too sure.Whether the power of Chaos Orb can fully bear the power of Chaos.So not to the end.He would never choose to take this step.

Whether it is the enemy in the furnace egg.It will still destroy the Earth God Realm.All forced Xu Changqing to find a way to enhance his own strength in a short period of time.So his gaze also shifted to the black pill in the Golden Crow Furnace.Although the pill looks inconspicuous.But the prehistoric aura emanating from above is extremely strong.Even on top of the melting furnace egg giant.It can be seen that the power contained in it is absolutely huge.

In Xu Changqing's knowledge of those ancient books that record ancient events.It was mentioned that the prehistoric and powerful in ancient times could survive in the chaotic world.Unafraid of the power of chaos.You can even ignore the laws of the various gods.Unleash full power in any god domain.From the description of the classics.Xu Changqing felt that the giant in the melting furnace egg seemed a bit like those prehistoric superpowers.But in terms of strength.It's very different.It's just that one thing is certain that this giant will definitely be able to survive in the chaos.Otherwise, he would not use this practice method of self-destructing the lair.

Inference from this.Giants have the ability not to fear chaos.Then the elixir that condensed [-]% of the giant's soul is also very likely to contain this kind of power.It's just that what Xu Changqing is worried about now is not whether the divine soul elixir will work.It's about whether he can withstand the powerful force in the elixir.If Zhu Yan's incarnation is here.Let him take this medicine.Compared with Xu Changqing's other bodies and incarnations, it is much safer to take.At least there is a [-]% chance that nothing will happen.At that time, you only need to transform your body into the incarnation of Zhu Yan.The same can not be afraid of the power of chaos.

It's a pity that the incarnation of Zhu Yan was left in the world.Xu Changqing was not too upset about this.After all, I didn't know that things could get so weird and bad before.He took out the black pill from the Golden Crow Furnace.Put it in your hand and look at it repeatedly.There is some hesitation in my heart whether I should swallow it.In his opinion, this elixir is the medicine of life and death of Queen Mother Naxi.Eat it or become immortal.Or be out of your wits.It can be described as one step to heaven and one step to hell.

Just when Xu Changqing hesitated.Another roar came from the furnace egg.But these roars are not expressions of anger.Instead, express joy.The prehistoric aura emanating from the furnace egg is getting stronger and stronger.And it condensed into a phantom of a giant tortoise that looks like a dragon turtle outside.And the eyes of the giant tortoise stared fiercely at the unusually small Xu Changqing.A huge pressure appeared around Xu Changqing.The pressure made his Hunyuan golden body crackle.

The oppression in front of him forced Xu Changqing to make up his mind, and immediately put the pill in his hand into his mouth, and then suspended cross-legged in the air, quietly waiting for the impact of the pill's power.

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