Nine idlers

Chapter 391

Qing has been listening carefully to what the other party said, and she is also aware of things that may be related to him.Fortunately, he didn't expect that the other party would answer truthfully. This part of the words alone has solved a lot of his doubts, and the most useful content is naturally how to supplement and perfect the incomplete Zhenwu Shattering Sword Art.

Although many doubts in Xu Changqing's mind were solved, new doubts appeared, the biggest question among them was who exactly was Xu Daoling talking about.From Xu Daoling's words, Xu Changqing felt that he was the one who killed Emperor Zhenwu, and that he had no interest in the great sword that destroyed the heavens that the three worlds coveted. On the surface, he is like a powerful existence like heaven and earth.

Even though there were many doubts in his heart, Xu Changqing had no intention of continuing to ask this question. It was enough to know how to perfect the Zhenwu Shattering Sword Art.So, he immediately separated part of his mind secretly, submerged into the realm of Taoism, analyzed the secrets of the Taiqing Immortal Formation on the mirror of heaven, earth and man, and continued to ask calmly: "The prehistoric mulch I have is only a part of the body, and the immeasurable land boundary cannot How can we make up for the incomplete part if we can fully exert its power?"

"You have a good idea. The Zhenwu Shattering Sword Art is for attacking, and Zhenyuan Wuliang is for defending. No matter what kind of force you encounter, you will be invincible." Xu Daoling didn't seem to see that Xu Changqing was distracted. After listening to his question, he made a joke, and then said: "Zhen Yuanzi's Boundless Land Realm is the first-class defensive fairy formation in the Three Realms, even if Zhenwu's shattering sword power of the heavens can't break through the Boundless Land Boundary in a short time At that time, it was Zhenyuanzi who trapped Zhenwu and attracted all the shattering sword lights with infinite boundaries, so that Zhenwu finally died. It is a pity that Zhenyuanzi, an innate god that existed in ancient times, could not escape the power of the great sword The attack, ended up in a disastrous end, even the reincarnation can't do it."

After some exclamation, Xu Daoling's words came to the point, and said: "Since you have obtained part of Zhen Yuanzi's land book, you should naturally know that the foundation of the boundless land boundary is the earth book composed of prehistoric mulch. But in that In the second life-and-death battle, most of the prehistoric mulch in Zhen Yuanzi's underground book has been turned into nothingness by the great sword force and cannot be restored. Therefore, the infinite land boundary cannot be truly immeasurable. Now the only way to repair and supplement the underground book It is to find a new prehistoric mulch to melt it and make up for the damage. It’s just that this prehistoric mulch is the remnants of the earth veins left when the ancient prehistoric shattered, and now most of them have been assimilated with the three realms of heaven and earth. Except for the prehistoric mulch you got The remnant, the remaining prehistoric plastic film is my Jinxiu Mountain and River. After you promise to do that thing for me, you will naturally give this Jinzhu Mountain and River to you. At that time, you only need to spend some time to integrate it into Guijian In this process, the boundless land can be restored to its original state."

Listening to Xu Daoling's words, Xu Changqing couldn't help but smiled wryly, and there was a trace of nostalgia in this smile.The reason for this is that this kind of speaking style with hidden temptation in words is unique to his master.When he was studying art, he was often tempted by the benefits mentioned by his master and eventually deceived, so he also knew very well that the more precious what he got, the more he would have to pay because his master never Make a loss-making business.

Xu Changqing didn't realize that he had gradually regarded the person in front of him as his teacher in his heart, and now his main consideration was how to use the only three remaining questions to answer his current confusion in practicing the law and grasp as much as possible within the time limit. Mostly uncontrolled forces.So after careful consideration, he asked the third question, directly asking: "How should I use the Mirror of Heaven, Earth and Human?"

Xu Daoling seemed to ask Xu Changqing this question, so he immediately replied: "Although the legend of the mirror of heaven, earth and man was made and mastered by me, the person who actually made it was the Daoist Taiqing of the fairy world. The bodies of the three Liuyu Tianzun who fell in World War I. The human mirror uses the Antarctic Changsheng Emperor, the earth mirror uses the Dongji Qinghua Emperor, and the sky mirror uses the Taiji Emperor, the head of all demons, that is, the Gou Chen Dadi, although the Mirror of Heaven, Earth and Man has been in my hands for tens of millions of years, I have never been able to fully understand the usage of this object. I can teach you the second mirror method of the earth and people that I know, as for the sky mirror, it depends on your own chance."

As he was talking, he saw Xu Daoling lightly touch his forehead with his hand, and a multi-layered spiritual light immediately appeared on the top of his head, followed by his finger sweeping through the spiritual light, bringing out a spot of light towards the world behind Xu Changqing's head. The three-layer aperture formed by the human mirror bounced past.

At this moment, Xu Changqing's heart surged, and the sliver of resistance that was still there was dispelled, and he completely resigned to fate.Because when that aura appeared, he could fully feel the strength gap between himself and the opponent, just like a giant and an ant, the trace of strength that the opponent showed casually could only make him look up.Not to mention preventing him from leaving with such a powerful force, even if he wanted to completely obliterate him, it would be as easy as breathing.

It was also at that moment that he began to fully believe that the existence sitting across from him was the legendary Nuwa empress Tushi.

The defense Xu Changqing tried his best to make was as fragile as thin paper in front of the light. Whether it was the Great Formation of the Underworld or the plastic film of the wilderness, they were easily penetrated by it and had no effect at all.After the aura merged into the aperture, vast knowledge far beyond his own memory slowly flowed into his original mind and merged into his own memory.It wasn't until this moment that he understood why such a powerful existence as the other party, after mastering the Mirror of Heaven, Earth and Humanity for thousands of years, still couldn't fully grasp its mysteries.There are as many as a million methods of using the Mirror of Heaven, Earth and Man, and the power of any one method is far greater than some of the methods he has comprehended, and most of them are beyond his ability to use.

Although Xu Changqing is very happy that he can learn the usage of the mirror of heaven, earth and man in such a simple way, the knowledge is too complicated. Far from being a simple matter.Fortunately, the other party had already thought of this before teaching it, and divided all the driving techniques into seven layers, and separated the techniques that require special strength to use them, for reference only.In the end, there are only more than [-] kinds of techniques that can be used with fairy spirit in the seven levels of techniques, but with his current Dao cultivation base, there are only three techniques that can be used in the first level, the one that Xu Changqing self-understands. The teleportation technique is one of them, but the opponent's technique is more perfect and powerful.

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