Nine idlers

Chapter 402

"Amitabha!" Just when the big cylinder was about to hit Long Jinbao and the others on the head, a sound of reciting the Buddha's name suddenly sounded, and then a white lotus was seen growing out of the ground, swallowing Long Jinbao and the others. , and form a thick light curtain to block the falling large cylinder.

"Dang!" The pillar smashed on the light curtain, and there was a long sound of copper bells clashing with gold and iron. The counter-shock force transmitted from the pillar knocked the violent ape back more than ten feet, and the white lotus light curtain also burst out. It shattered under the fluctuation, and the ground was sunken into a huge pothole due to the unloading force.

After the white lotus light curtain disappeared, besides Long Jinbao and the other three, there was Andy in a barefoot monk's robe.At this moment, Andy's body is surrounded by Buddha's light, his feet are like white lotus stepping on the ground, and his brows are slightly bulging outwards, emitting a ray of relic light from time to time. Even though the surroundings are filled with dust, his body is spotless, and he looks like an eminent monk.Although he was very calm on the surface, his body was full of energy and blood. When he blocked the heavy blow just now, he was also injured by the violent ape's power, but his face was already fair. With the addition of white Buddha light, it is difficult to see its actual situation.

At this time, Catherine and Shen Jingwen had returned to normal, looking at the violent ape who was howling loudly not far away.Looking at Andy again, he said with lingering fear: "It's a good thing you came here in time, otherwise we..."

"Don't talk nonsense, how much of your strength has recovered?" Long Jinbao casually took a rag from a body and wrapped it around his body, interrupting their conversation, and asked.Judging from the strength and speed of Violent Ape's attack just now, he clearly realized that it was impossible for them to escape safely under Violent Ape's pursuit, and now they could only fight and force them back to survive.

Although the two couples were unhappy with Long Jinbao's tone, they knew that now was not the time to quarrel.With mutual understanding, they quickly checked their respective conditions, and said solemnly: "Although about [-]% of their strength has been recovered, they can only exert at most [-]% of their strength under this environment."

"Fifty percent is enough!" Long Jinbao nodded.After thinking for a while, he said, "I'll hold this monster up later. The three of you attack the three crystal skulls separately, and you must take them away." Then, he looked at Andy again.Asked: "Andy, how are you? Can you do it?"

Unlike Catherine and Shen Jingwen, Long Jinbao had directly faced the power of Violent Ape, and had also fought directly, so he naturally understood Violent Ape's strength.Although Andy didn't show any abnormalities, he was careful and found some problems with Andy's condition.

"A little injured, but I can support it!" Andy said truthfully: "We only need to support for a while, and Brother Chen, Mr. Zhang, and Beth will rush over.

"They come and use it. The power of this monster has far exceeded our cultivation level." Long Jinbao smiled wryly, then took a deep breath, agitated his true energy, formed a seal with his hands, and urged the big monster with all his strength. The mana of the Tiangang battle body.This time, the black air emanating from his body was like ink, no light could penetrate through it, and even Andy's Buddha light was faintly swallowed by it.When this black air retracted and covered the body surface.He has completely lost his human aura, and his whole body is black like a rock, with traces of the thick blood of ghosts and gods exuding from the cracks in his skin.In his hand, he held tightly a black sword engraved with Dao dharma runes.

The violent ape on the opposite side was also startled by Long Jinbao's aura, stopped his mad howl, and stared at him with fierce eyes, then his huge body jumped up again, and rushed towards Long Jinbao and others.

Long Jinbao felt the comfortable feeling after using the Great Tiangang battle body with all his strength, looked at the violent ape flying down in the sky calmly, and said in a deep voice: "I will hold this monster back, you guys find your own chance!"

After that, he also flew up, carrying a knife to meet the violent monkey.

At the same time as Long Jinbao shot, Andy and the others also spread out, gathered their strongest strength, stared at the sky, and prepared to shoot.

Soon, Long Jinbao's figure was already under the violent ape, and the big cylinder in the violent ape's hand also swept towards him.Faced with such a powerful attack, Long Jinbao did not intend to fight recklessly. While blocking the cylinder with the big knife in his hand, he moved along with the movement of his body, releasing the force on the cylinder from one side, and at the same time moved his whole body to the On the side of the violent ape's waist, the knife followed the person and slashed at the violent ape's waist.

The violent ape's movements are not slow at all, and what makes Long Jinbao feel strange is that it seems to understand an oriental martial arts. The gossip stick's stick technique formed a shadow of sticks all over the sky while blocking the sword's momentum, while trapping Long Jinbao in the shadows of sticks.

Although Long Jinbao's Taoism is not proficient, his secular martial arts are extraordinary. When he was the governor of Zhili, he had many folk strangers under his command. He learned a lot of unique skills from these people. In a logical way, even Chen Zhenshan can hardly be said to have won against him.

The Yellow Turban Warrior Datiangang Battle Body was originally an ancient martial art from the authentic Qingyang Palace of the Taiqing Dynasty. It is said that it was transformed from the unique technique of the Yellow Turban Warrior in the fairy world.In the myths and legends of the world, the Yellow Turban Warriors are just servants of the Heavenly Palace in the Immortal World, but in fact the Yellow Turban Warriors were the foundation of the entire Immortal World back then.It is also one of the main battle strengths of the ancient immortals. In the battle of the prehistoric, the yellow turban warriors often acted as the vanguard. Even the ancient dragons did not dare to underestimate the yellow turban warriors.It's just that with the shattering of the ancient prehistoric world, the family of the Yellow Turban Warriors was almost wiped out.His own strength has been greatly attenuated, and the fairy art of his family has been incomplete, and finally reduced to a servant-like existence.

Although the current Datiangang battle body can't compare with the Yellow Turban Wrestler's Immortal Technique in ancient times, even the Yellow Turban Warrior's Immortal Technique in the fairy world today, but at least it still contains a trace of the power of the Immortal Technique.Long Jinbao himself may be the combination of her and the Datiangang battle body, which makes this set of martial arts that have been sealed for a long time regain its power, and it is slightly inferior to Chen Zhenshan who practiced the Datiangang battle body together.

In the face of the Violent Ape whose strength is far superior, Long Jinbao will be able to use his fighting spirit with ease.The figure turned into a swimming fish, quickly shuttled between the sticks and shadows, retaliated with a knife from time to time, and gradually attracted all the attention of Violent Ape to himself.However, Long Jinbao's attack couldn't hurt Violent Ape at all, but this kind of mosquito-like harassment gradually made Violent Ape lose his patience and aroused Violent Ape's hostility. All turned into instinctive attacks.

"It's now!" Seeing that the trace of sanity in the violent ape's eyes has disappeared, and the crystal skull on the top of the shoulders and head is completely covered by the murderous aura and lost its original power, Andy immediately gathers the Buddha elements in his body to form a diamond seal. A glaring Vajra Dharma body hit the crystal skull on the top of the violent monkey.At the same time, Catherine and Shen Jingwen also exerted all their strength, forming a raging fire and hurricane, rolling towards the crystal skulls on their shoulders.

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