Nine idlers

Chapter 407 Monster Attack

Back then, Xu Changqing went to the Alps to find a place to practice before he practiced the Jindan Avenue, and met some western demon hunters in a small town of the Druid sect.The big man he saw at this moment was very similar to the one among the demon hunters at that time, in terms of appearance and power aura, the Nordic big man who used the Odin artifact to pray for gods to possess him. He should be a pair of twin brothers.The brown-haired woman with glasses was the only little girl who left town alive and possessed Baphomet's ability to travel through space.Although her appearance is slightly different now, Xu Changqing recognized her quickly.

"Do you know those two people?" Xu Changqing suddenly asked Long Jinbao with his mind.

Long Jinbao was startled, and soon realized who the two people Xu Changqing mentioned were referring to, so he replied truthfully: "I have met several times, they are famous archaeologists in Europe, the man is called Hoffman The wife's name is Jamie, and they were both employed by an archaeological society under the name of Yasukuni, but they are not very familiar with them. Beth has dealt with them, so she may know better."

Xu Changqing asked Beth again, and Beth turned her head to look at the two, and said with the same thought: "Both of them used to be the main members of a demon organization in Europe, but this organization ten years ago Because of the internal strife, they collapsed on their own, and there are only two of them left alive. Now they seem to be professors from a French university. The man is called Hoffman, and he is a descendant of the weak European gods. He has the blood of Odin , with three Odin artifacts on her body, if she uses her full power, she should be similar to Catherine and Angel who are not joining forces, or even stronger. That woman is called Jamie, and she seems to have demon blood on her body. She has the ability to demonize, The strength is not bad, but she has an instinctive power of teleportation, and it is difficult to catch her if she is an enemy."

After hearing this, Xu Changqing thought for a while and ordered: "You don't need to do anything later. I want to see their strength."

Long Jinbao and Beth were stunned for a moment, but they didn't understand what Xu Changqing meant. At this time, Long Jinbao's extraordinary sense of danger reappeared. He felt that something dangerous was approaching here in the southeast. The head also turned to the southeast according to the feeling.The people around the fire were startled when they saw Long Jinbao, who was standing still like a statue just now, suddenly move. and Beth.At this time, the big Nordic man named Hoffman immediately shouted in a deep voice: "Don't mess around! Put down your guns."

There was some deterrent power in the yelling of the big Nordic man. All the explorers came to their senses in an instant, hesitated for a while, and finally obeyed Hoffman's order and put the gun back into the holster. It seems that Hoffman Man's prestige among them is quite high.

After things calmed down, those scholars also lost interest in continuing to study the temple in the dark, and all gathered beside the fire, drinking hot soup while silently sorting out the materials in their hands.Hoffman sat beside his wife Jamie, looked at Long Jinbao and Beth, then lowered his head and whispered in Jamie's ear.

After hearing this, Jamie nodded slightly, and immediately filled two bowls of hot soup with a container, and brought them over.He said to Beth and Long Jinbao: "Miss Beth, Mr. Long, have a drink of hot soup!" After saying that, he put the container in front of the two of them, sat down on the spot, and said with a smile on his face: "We Don't you want to be so hostile? Speaking of which, we have worked together before. Although we are not friends, we shouldn't be enemies either. Do you think so?"

Perhaps for the convenience of Long Jinbao, Jamie said it again in some convoluted Chinese (but Long Jinbao didn't pay attention to Jamily's overtures. Still motionless, but Beth smiled and put the container Pushing it back, he said, "Miss Jamie, you don't need to test it! Mr. Long and I are here purely by chance, not as you think, and we don't have the intention of looking for the so-called Golden City. And if If we are hostile, do you think you can resist?"

"It seems that we are indeed paranoid!" Jamie laughed dryly.She didn't know the depth of Long Jinbao's power, she just instinctively felt the danger, but with Beth's power, she would definitely be able to defeat her.So when Beth said that she would not be their enemy, even though she couldn't confirm whether it was true, she couldn't help but relax a little.

Jamie just relaxed, though.He tensed again following Beth's words.I saw that Beth seemed to feel something at this moment.Following Long Jinbao's line of sight, he looked towards the southeast, and his face became serious.He murmured, "Miss Jamie, you should take care of yourselves! The owner of this jungle doesn't seem to like unauthorized intruders very much."

Jamie's face was startled, and she followed her gaze to the southeast, but she couldn't see anything except the darkness, and even through her bloodline ability, she couldn't feel anything within a radius of ten miles. What is the danger, so he turned his head and asked Beth suspiciously: "Miss Beth, what do you mean..."

"Experience it for yourself!" Beth was not interested in reminding her again, she closed her eyes, put down the black veil on her head to cover her face, and said no more.

Seeing that Beth was like this, Jamie didn't ask any more questions. Frowning slightly, she returned to the side of the fire and recounted the conversation to her husband in a low voice.Hoffman seemed to have noticed something, looked at Long Jinbao and the two thoughtfully, then walked outside the temple, took an eyeball-shaped golden sphere from his neck, and muttered something, when the golden sphere glowed slightly time, stick it on the forehead.

At this time, his eyes also turned golden, and an invisible force shot out from the eyes, penetrated the dense and pitch-black jungle, extended to the southeast for a hundred miles, and shot at those who were rapidly approaching. on the monster.

"Everyone get up and build fortifications! The enemy is coming!" Seeing these powerful monsters, Hoffman's expression became extremely ugly. Those who took off the golden ball didn't care that it would cause panic. The surrounding men shouted loudly.

Hearing Hoffman's shout, everyone was startled, but they all reacted quickly.Those professional explorers rushed to the fire like well-trained soldiers. Under Hoffman's command, they quickly used some gravel to build some fortifications on the key parts of the temple's porch.Ammunition** is also placed within easy reach.The other archaeologists also quickly put away their things, took the openings that were also handed over one after another, shrank in some natural bunkers in the temple ruins, and looked outside nervously.

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