Nine idlers

Chapter 41

Chapter 41 Shanxi Tangjia

Seeing this person, Chang Yin didn't seem to be surprised. It turned out that the honest and honest farmer's face showed a sinister and cunning look. He smiled coldly and said, "Your master is now in the north. So busy, you still have time to wander around, don't tell me, you just came here to see me."

"Anyway, I'm also your savior. If I hadn't rescued you back then, I'm afraid you would have been buried in the 'chaotic' pile of rocks long ago, with no bones left." Balan said with a cold face. Walking in front of Chang Yin, he said coldly: "Besides, you only have [-]% of your cultivation left now, what right do you have to talk to me like this?"

"What qualifications?" Chang Yin shook his body, and seven white half-moon knives sprang out from his body, and attacked Balang from seven directions.Baron's face was startled, and his movements were not slow at all. His body immediately turned into more than a dozen strands of magic mist in an attempt to avoid the Half-moon Knife, but a strand of magic mist was still hit by it after all.

I only heard the magic fog groaning in pain, and then quickly gathered together, re-condensing into the appearance of Baron, but the hand that was intact just now turned into dry bones little by little, and a large amount of magic energy flowed from the wound on the arm. pop out.Baron immediately cut off the whole arm, and when the arm fell to the ground, it quickly turned into a puddle of thick water emitting a pungent smell.

"Evil Bone Seven Killing Knives!" Baron said with a pale face, looking at the seven half-moon knives floating around Chang Yin.

"Now I have the qualifications to talk to you like that!" Chang Yin pinched the formula in the dark, and put the Banyue knife into his body, and said.

"Haha! I didn't expect that after Chang Yin abandoned his martial arts and joined the demons, he would refine such a superb magic weapon. Admire! Admire! No wonder the prince always mentioned that if brother Chang can enter my demon way as soon as possible, he must be a magic weapon again." I am a great master of magic!" Baron didn't seem to be angry because of his body injury, but laughed endlessly, looking extremely happy. At this time, a cloud of magic fog emerged from his severed arm and gradually condensed into a complete arm.

"You're not bad either. You have practiced the shamanism's Lingwei Xuanmo Kungfu to the point where it becomes invisible." Chang Yin was not stingy with his praise, and said, "As long as you condense the magic pill again, you can cultivate tens of thousands of clones." , the magic pill will not be extinguished, the devil energy will not be exhausted, and perhaps the title of the number one devil in the north will be transferred from your prince to you."

"Brother Chang, you can't say this in a 'chaos' way!" Although Balang didn't say it, in fact, he already thought that he would never be worse than the current Xuangang Tianmo, if it wasn't for being able to use the power of the sky-defying At the moment when the star power leaked out, and the magic pill was formed by borrowing external force, maybe now he has parted ways with the Profound Handle Demon.

"Okay! Stop talking nonsense!" Chang Yin no longer wanted to talk nonsense with Balang and asked directly: "Why did you take the risk to come to Wudang Mountain to find me?"

Balang knew Chang Yin's character, so he stopped beating around the bush and said, "My lord heard that those low-level sects in the south are planning to sabotage the heaven-defying plan on the fifth day of May, and some disciples of the immortal Buddha sect will also go to Peking. , feel that things might be a little tricky, in order to avoid any accidents, so I want to invite the world's magic masters to gather in Beiping to discuss major issues."

"Hmph! In my eyes, that so-called plan against the sky is just a joke! Anyone who knows a little bit of magic knows that the Qing Dynasty is exhausted, and he wants to go his own way. He is looking for death." Chang Yin looked disdainful He said: "More than a year ago, before the plan started, Chen Jiachong's Jiuliu idlers shattered the magic pill and crippled his magic skills. Although the matter has not been publicized, anyone can guess that it can be hit with one blow. To injure the Xuangang Heavenly Demon to such a degree, except for those old guys who closed the mountain for retreat, only the Jiuliu idler's Shangqing Shenxiao Lei Jie could do it. And the Jiuliu idler Xu Changqing almost a few days after this The mountain gate was closed in the sky, if he didn't do it, who would believe it! Besides, don't forget, those descendants of Jiuliu people in the south of the Yangtze River have always regarded Jiuliu idlers as military advisers. If he didn't speak this time, who would have the courage? Running to Peiping to seek death?"

"I didn't expect the dignified hand to cover the sky to be afraid of idlers," Baron said aggressively, "If I remember correctly, it seems that your mortal enemy Ren Sanjiao was rescued by Xu Changqing, and he should be you. The enemy is right."

"Don't get this together, although Ren Sanjiao and I are mortal enemies, I don't hate him," Chang Yin said unaffected, "And my senior brother has a problem of taking advantage of others since he was a child. When Shanghao was about to leave, he stole three jasper gourds filled with corpse energy from Xu Changqing, and overturned Xu Changqing's pot of enlightenment pills. Xu Changqing is not my enemy, but my friend. And everyone in the practice circle knows that although the lineage of Jiuliu idlers is not an orthodox orthodox sect, it is not as good as those of the immortals and Buddhas in terms of Taoism, and the only one in the past few hundred years A person who finally ascends to Taoism is a nineteenth-generation idler, so if you can not offend him, it is best not to offend him."

"If the skulls of Manggu Ertai, Dorgon and Aoboi are exchanged for Brother Chang's support, I wonder if Brother Chang will do it?" Balang suddenly said in a deep voice.

"What?" Chang Yin's face was startled, his face was full of greed, and he said: "You actually used these few things to hire me, is your lord really crazy?"

"Aren't you crazy, Brother Chang, don't need to worry?" Baron smiled triumphantly, and said, "My lord has already figured out that Brother Chang has cultivated into the Evil Bone Seven Killing Knife, so when I go out, remind me , Let me tell Brother Chang, as long as Brother Chang can help. After the matter is completed, the skulls of these three people will be given to Brother Chang to increase the power of the evil bone seven killing knife."

"Hey! Your lord is indeed a man who seeks to achieve his goals and uses unscrupulous means," Chang Yin said with a sinister smile, "Now even the remains of ancestors can be used as trading items. No wonder Emperor Yongzheng wanted to give him A Qi That name."

"That's enough! Brother Chang should think about some things before saying them, lest disaster come out of his mouth." Although Balan was extremely disobedient to the control of the Xuanhand Demon, he was his master after all, and he scolded his master in front of his face. , no one can stand it.

Chang Yin thought for a while, nodded and said: "Okay! I am willing to go to Beiping, but there is one condition, first give me the skull of Oboi, let me strengthen the power of the evil bone seven killing knife, and increase the power of our group. side odds."

"No problem, the prince will agree." Baron agreed without thinking.

Next, the two discussed when they would meet in Beiping, and then they parted ways and left Wudang Mountain.

The seventh day of April is a very festive day for the villagers in Changhe Township, Shanxi Province. The Zhao family, who has been a scholar for generations in Changhe Township, is going to marry their daughter. The person to marry is the Tang family in Pingxiang Township, 130 miles away. The second young master Tang Wei.Compared with the Zhao family, the Tang family has produced generals from generation to generation. From the time when the San Francisco was pacified in the Kangxi year, almost every generation of the Tang family has produced a few generals. The highest one has ever served as the governor of a party. The largest local family in Shili Baxiang is the Tang family.

In this generation of the Tang family, only Tang Bin, the boss of the Tang family, served as the chief soldier under the prefect of Shanxi. Now he is in charge of the 3000-strong guard camp in Yuncheng, and he can be regarded as a moderate general.As for the groom Tang Wei, although his name is majestic, he is very weak. He was selected by the Qing court to study in Germany in his early years. This relatively feudal territory is considered an anomaly.For this reason, he was often scolded by the old lady of the Tang family, but the old lady spoiled the young grandson a little bit, and would let him indulge after scolding.In the end, he had no choice but to propose a marriage to him, and found a dignified and skilled woman to help him settle down. After a thousand choices, he chose Miss Zhao's family.For this Miss Zhao family, the whole Tang family is 12 percent satisfied. Not only is she talented, she understands etiquette, and she is also very beautiful. Even in the capital, it is impossible to find a beauty like her.

Originally, Tang Wei didn't like this kind of marriage model where the man and the woman didn't meet each other, and the matchmaker just opened his mouth. He hoped to have a free-style Western love. Finally, amazed by it, she gave up her original idea and gladly accepted the marriage arranged by her family.

On this day, Tang Wei personally led the members of the Tang family to Changhe Township to welcome their relatives.Halfway on the way, the welcoming team suddenly stopped. Tang Wei, wearing a traditional groom's attire, shouted to the front in displeasure, "What happened? Why did you stop?"

At this time, the third steward of the Tang family ran over with small steps, saluted respectfully, "Second young master, there are three cousins ​​in front of us, and the second master is inviting them to come with us to Changhe Township to greet relatives."

There is a custom in Ping Township, that is, anyone the welcoming team meets on the way is counted as their own cousin, and they go to the woman's house to marry the bride with the welcoming team to increase the joy of the wedding.However, some families who are not well-off are unwilling to break the custom and do not want some idlers to come here for food, so they will ask the man to come to welcome their relatives in the middle of the night, which has formed a unique local folk wedding night marriage.

Tang Wei was stunned for a moment, then immediately laughed again, and said, "Hehe! I didn't expect that there would be people who are not afraid of death and come here to eat in the face of Fourth Uncle. They are quite courageous."

The Tang family had four brothers and a daughter in the previous generation, but she seldom 'show' her face, and she still stayed at home even though she was married.Among the brothers and sisters, except for the second and fourth children who were by Mrs. Tang's side, the other two were out of town and had their own businesses.The youngest fourth child, Tang Tianhao, was the son of Tang's mother in her later years, so she was very much loved.Tang Tianhao also took advantage of the power and influence of the Tang family in this area to spread across the village and became a great harm to the local people.Later, the imperial court set up a military guard camp in this area, and the Tang family helped Tang Tianhao donate a position as a supervisor. Everyone knows this little overlord of the Tang family.

Tang Tianhao had long coveted Miss Zhao's family, but due to the local prestige of Zhao's family and the fact that Miss Zhao's family rarely left Changhe Township, he couldn't do anything.Later, when he came back from an errand, he found that his nephew had snatched away the fat that was supposed to be in his mouth. Dear, he will pick someone's skin off.In this way, none of the people in the surrounding ten miles and eight villages dared to go out on the day of Tang Wei's wedding, for fear of running into the wedding procession by accident and offending Tang Tianhao.This made the welcoming team from Pingxiang Town seem calm and calm, without the grandeur of a wealthy family at all, making everyone in the Tang family feel that Tang Tianhao had gone too far this time, but Tang Wei didn't take it seriously, and he was no longer used to it. With these rural customs, he thought it would be better to be deserted.

"Those are not locals, but a fortune-teller with his two apprentices." The third housekeeper also smiled and explained, "They probably haven't heard of Si Ye's reputation, so they met us by accident. You also know that Second Master and Fourth Master recently had a falling out over a girl from a kiln, of course he will try his best to invite those three people in as cousins, so as to refute Fourth Master's face. "

"Business girls don't know the hatred of subjugation, but they still sing the flowers of the backyard!" Tang Wei smiled bitterly, sighed, and said with a little dissatisfaction: "These uncles don't know the hatred of the country and the family, and they are so in love with each other because of a woman in a brothel." And, I really don't know what to say!"

This time, the third manager didn't dare to answer, so he could only chuckle and step aside, while Tang Wei stepped forward to see what kind of three relatives he was. Anyway, he is also the head of the family, so he should express himself The sincerity of the invitation.When he came to the front of the line, he saw his second uncle Tang Biao was carrying two unknown children into the limousine, and beside the two children stood a tall and thin man.

When Tang Wei took a closer look, he couldn't help applauding the appearance of these three people.Among them is an adult man who is quite tall. Tang Biao, who was already considered the tallest in this area, would bow half his head in front of him. Yin, looks like an eye that has never been opened, with a slight smile on his face all the time, giving people a feeling of being out of the world.He was wearing a blue and elegant long gown. Although he looked like he had traveled a lot, he didn't have any dust on his body, which made him look very weird. He was holding a bamboo pole in his hand and a long streamer was simply hung on it, which read Fortune-telling half money four big characters.This also made Tang Wei sigh. It was a pity that such a character was just a charlatan.

The two children beside this man are also very cute, like jade carved in pink, with round faces, big eyes, and any expression makes people want to love them.It's a pity that the boy seems to have broken an arm, and the little girl is blind, which has to be said to be a defect.

Tang Wei got off his horse and walked in front of several people. After saluting Tang Biao, he turned around and saluted the man, "I'm Tang Wei. I'm the official who is welcoming the bride this time. I've seen you sir."

The man looked Tang Wei up and down, smiled indifferently, and said back, "Xu Changqing, a loose man in Jianghu, congratulations, son, on your wedding."

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