Nine idlers

Chapter 412

When surrounded by the five auras, Xu Changqing felt a force that broke the two worlds, and knew that he should have been sent to another world by the aura, and he deduced that it might be his own world.However, when the aura disappeared, he found himself standing on a high mountain, and what caught his eyes was another scene that he couldn't imagine.

The world in front of me is completely different from the desolation and barrenness in the Qiankun world, and it is full of infinite vitality everywhere.Leaving aside the dense jungle that can't be seen at a glance and the aura of heaven and earth that is dozens of times thicker than that of the human world, the really big things that live in the jungle are enough to make ordinary people horrified.I saw that there were many huge beasts living in the jungle that was more than ten feet high at the foot of the mountain.Some of them have slender necks shaped like hills.Some have arrow armor on their backs and move clumsily, while others have heads as big as hammers and are fierce.

All in all, Xu Changqing has not only never seen these huge beasts, but has never heard of them before.But he can be sure of one thing, the giant beast here must have come from the human world, and it is from the ancient prehistoric period.Because in these giant beasts, he can clearly feel the prehistoric aura similar to the ancient desolate beasts, but the prehistoric aura of these giant beasts is inversely proportional to their size.It was so weak that even a person like Xu Changqing, who was very familiar with the prehistoric atmosphere, needed to concentrate to feel it.Not to mention the prehistoric aura contained in the ancient wild dragon, the prehistoric aura on Zhu Yan's body alone is tens of thousands of times stronger than these terrifying giant beasts.

Xu Changqing quickly calmed down from the weird scene in front of him, tried to let go of his golden fairy thoughts, and went straight to Jiutian Qingming, trying to explore the trajectory of the heaven in this world.However, what surprised him was that what he saw after passing through dozens of layers of clouds similar to a protective seal was not the Qingming Starry Sky.It is an endless chaotic void.In addition, there is no heavenly way in this world.All the aura of heaven and earth circulates and circulates under the impetus of a force that is similar to but different from the way of heaven, and the source of this force seems to be in the center of this world.

Just when Xu Changqing felt the difference in this side of the world, there was a sudden noise behind him, and then he saw a monster several times larger than ordinary people coming out of the bushes.This monster resembles a bird, with a long pointed beak and large wings, but it also resembles a bat.There are no feathers on the body and the hind legs are short.After the monster came out, it immediately approached Xu Changqing.The sharp beak pecked towards Xu Changqing, as if he regarded him as his only prey.But when it was about to peck at Xu Changqing, the huge long beak pierced through its body, and then Xu Changqing's body disappeared from its eyes like a cloud.

Just as the monsters prowl for their missing prey.Xu Changqing, who was its prey, had already stood on its back, stepped on its long sword-like pointed end, and said to himself: "It happens to be missing a mount for transportation, so I'll use you to make up for it! "

As Xu Changqing's voice fell, an extremely thick ancient wild dragon breath emanated from his body, and the instinctive memory hidden in the monster's weak soul was immediately awakened.The fierce monster just now turned into a docile dog, uttered a few low sounds that sounded flattering, and then spread its wings according to Xu Changqing's will, soared towards the center of the world flew over.In the jungle below, the behemoths that were so noisy just now all became silent, and lay on the ground like a king welcoming them, not daring to move, until the ancient wild dragon aura emanating from Xu Changqing completely disappeared. Just recovered.

Standing on the back of the monster, Xu Changqing seems to have become a completely different person, different from the restrained and calm before, now he exudes a domineering arrogance of a king, regardless of whether it will alarm the owner here, exuding wantonly I have a strong ancient wild dragon breath on my body.At this moment, all the spiritual energy of the surrounding world poured into his body and merged into his primordial spirit, and immediately a domineering nine-clawed black dragon's fur appeared behind his head.

After losing the shackles of heaven and earth, Xu Changqing's three-point primordial spirit can be used freely, but compared with the ginseng fruit tree primordial spirit and the real martial arts sword primordial spirit, the human dragon primordial spirit seems to be more suitable for this world as the main primordial spirit environment of.Therefore, just now Xu Changqing transferred the heart of the Dao to the soul of the human and dragon, and his heart also changed with the change of the soul, especially when the aura of the surrounding hills merged with the soul of the human and dragon, making it the power of the ancient barren dragon. As he gradually recovered, he felt an illusion that he was in charge of the world.

Although there are many differences between this world and the human world, the changes and restraints of the fundamental aura of heaven and earth are the same as the human world, so Xu Changqing is now almost sure that this place is created by the Atlantis sun king Indi who divided the world God's domain.It's just that this God's Domain is not complete, even Xu Changqing's Qiankun World is not as good as it is. It is not these heaven and earth auras that support the whole world, but the power that promotes the mutual generation and restraint of the heaven and earth auras.If the support of that power is lost, the aura of heaven and earth in the whole world will also lose the law of generation and restraint, and eventually collide with each other.It caused the whole world to collapse, and this power to support the world is exactly the source of God's domain that Xu Changqing's Qiankun world needs.

At that time, Xu Changqing obtained part of the origin of the divine realm from the two golden statues of the Feathered Serpent God, which led to the evolution of the Daotu and the Dingtian Hunyuan Pearl into the current world of Qiankun.Although after Xu Changqing's continuous improvement, the Qiankun world has begun to take shape, and it can be regarded as a faint world, but even so, it is still possible to evolve high-level spiritual beings.Most of the living beings in the Qiankun world are like ants, or they are plants born from changes in aura, and none of them have souls.However, the world he is in now, although not as good as the Qiankun world, has spawned so many creatures, and each creature has a complete soul, which makes him suspect that the problem lies in the birth of two The origin of God's Domain in the world.

Although Xu Changqing eagerly wanted to rush to the center of this world, and figure out the doubts in his heart.But he also knew very well that there must be unusually powerful forces there.

For this reason, he chose to ride the monster under his feet to slow down, and at the same time absorb the strong spiritual energy of the surrounding world to restore his own cultivation.As for his deliberate distribution of the ancient wild dragon breath in his body, it is not reckless and arrogant. The main purpose of doing so is actually to see the reaction of Indy, the sun king of Atlantis, the master of this world.It's just that what happened next seemed to be a bit beyond his expectation. Not only did his provocative temptation not cause any counterattack from the other party, but it caused the power supporting the world to continuously inject the aura of heaven and earth into his consortium.As if helping him regain his strength.

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