Nine idlers

Chapter 419 Stern warning

On the special plane of the Chen Consortium flying to New York, Chen Tao quietly looked at the documents in his hands, while his wife Xie Ling and Ai Lun were teasing a few little ones.Ever since Xu Changqing helped the little guys recuperate their bodies, their complexion has become better and better, which also made the whole Chen family feel a lot more relaxed.Opposite Chen Tao, the paper figurine Zhang sat quietly, as if he had something to say. Although he had never entered Liu's villa in the car before, he knew the situation inside well. He felt that Chen Tao seemed to have done something wrong. OK.

"Mr. Zhang, do you have something to say?" Sensing the abnormality of the paper figurine, Chen Tao put down the document and asked cautiously.

"Did what you did just go too far?" Paper figurine Zhang Suran said: "Boy Xu doesn't seem to want his daughter to pay attention like this, you gave gifts to Guanqing with such fanfare, and you said something like that , It’s basically putting her on the fire, Xu Xiaozi will be unhappy if he finds out.” Chen Tao didn’t seem to care about the paper figurine’s worries, he smiled and said confidently: “Sir, I won’t be angry, If the husband is here, he will agree with me to do this. Recently, the U.S. government is preparing to introduce some policies to suppress Chinese businessmen in the west and support local businessmen, so as to calm some public anger caused by the economic recession. If these policies are implemented, Dong Small and medium-sized Chinese businessmen like the Dong family will inevitably be hit hard, and even go bankrupt. Now that our Chen Consortium has made a big show of supporting the Dong family and showing its relationship with the Dong family, those foreign businessmen will also be scruples when they do things. Although It may not be possible for the Dong family to completely avoid this political and business storm, but at least it will allow them to preserve their fundamentals." "Don't your Chen family also have a lot of influence in American politics? Why don't you stop those foreign devils from publishing bullying What about our Chinese policy?" The paper figurine Zhang frowned, with a faint murderous look on his face, and said, "Just let me, Andy, and Jingwen send all the foreigners who caused trouble to the west, and we'll settle it once and for all. "If it was that simple, I would have asked you to take action a long time ago. Unfortunately, if this is done, those big families and big consortia may completely collapse overnight, and the U.S. economy will also completely collapse. Those affected will There will be tens of thousands. Not only foreigners, but Chinese in the United States will be hurt directly and indirectly, and even compatriots in China will not escape this crisis, so our sin will be great." Chen Tao shook his head and explained After a while, he said again: "Although my Chen family has some influence in the American political arena, compared with those old American families and consortiums, the power we secretly support is simply insignificant. In addition, we wiped out the Denisen consortium in South America, and South America Obtaining a large amount of political and business resources has attracted the attention of those big consortiums. They all know that as long as my Chen's consortium fully integrates the resources in their hands, the overall strength of the consortium will expand several times. When the big brother is added, our Chen's consortium will The consortium of the Chen family is comparable to a big consortium like Morgan. Naturally, those foreigners will not just watch us grow up like this, and it is inevitable to use secret tricks. I will give all the property of the Chen family in the west to Miss Guanqing, too. I want to support another Chinese consortium, divert some of their attention, and at the same time see their reaction so that we can make corresponding countermeasures." "I'm afraid you also want to use this to drag Xiaozi Xu into the water, right?" The paper figurine Zhang revealed Chen Tao's hidden thoughts.

Chen Tao didn't deny it, but said with a little pride: "It's best for Mr. to come in. Even if he doesn't do it himself, he will definitely let the third brother, Lord Long and Andy follow Miss Guanqing. Invisibly, it can become a boost to our Chen Consortium."

"It seems that you have stayed abroad for too long, and you have forgotten the relationship between Yizhuang's lineage and your Chen family. Be careful that you are smart and you will suffer from it." The paper figurine Zhang shook his head and looked at Chen Tao.He reminded: "Boy Xu will definitely be angry. Although he won't break up with your Chen family because of this, his punishment will definitely be inevitable. You should be prepared..."

The paper figurine hadn't finished speaking, but it stopped abruptly, and looked behind Chen Tao in surprise. Chen Tao also noticed something was wrong behind him, turned around and looked over, and saw that Chen Zhenshan was on the plane at some time , and stood behind him.

Chen Tao immediately stood up, turned around and asked, "Third Brother, why are you here? Aren't you in South America?"

Chen Zhenshan ignored Chen Tao, turned his head to Xie Ling and Ai Lun, who were also shocked, and said, "Daughter-in-law Bei, please take the child to another cabin. I have something to say to Lao Wu."

Seeing Chen Zhenshan with a gloomy face, Xie Ling and Ai Lun felt a little uncomfortable. They didn't know whether to follow Chen Zhenshan's request. It wasn't until Chen Tao nodded that he led the child to the back cabin with a look of worry on his face.

"Is third brother Mr...." Perhaps Chen Tao wanted to relieve the tense atmosphere here, and asked him about his situation with a smile, but before he could finish speaking, Chen Zhenshan slapped him hard on the face, knocking him down. After hitting and rolling several times in the air, it hit the bulkhead before falling down.Seeing this situation, paper figurine Zhang wanted to step forward to dissuade him, but was stopped by Chen Zhenshan's eyes. He sighed and sat down again.

Chen Tao lay down, and it took him a while to recover and get up from the ground.At this moment, half of his face was swollen, blood was flowing from his nose and mouth, and he looked in a panic.Compared with the self-confidence and arrogance just now, he looks very flustered now, swallowed dryly, and asked tremblingly: "Third brother, why did you hit me?"

"Why did you hit you? You dare to ask me like this, do you want me to tell you what you did?" Chen Zhenshan grabbed it, Yun Jin pulled it in front of him, grabbed his collar, and leaned in front of him , asked in a deep voice: "Who told you to encourage your eldest brother and sister to give Guanqing a gift? Who told you to put Guanqing on the bright side with such fanfare? Who told you to involve Guanqing in the Chen family's business?" ?”

Chen Zhenshan's repeated questioning made Chen Tao not know how to answer for a while, and he even forgot all the words he had thought up before. After a long time, he said nervously: "I also have good intentions, I want..."

"Shut up, put away your good intentions! Don't talk about your little thought, sir, even I can't hide it. It seems that the harvest in South America has made you too complacent, and you have forgotten that some people are not something you can provoke Yes." Chen Zhenshan reprimanded sharply, looked at the panic-stricken brother in front of him, and sighed.He loosened his collar, and said earnestly: "You have done too much this time, but luckily you didn't make too much noise, otherwise it would not be me, but Senior Brother Long, if that is the case, you will only have a dead end." gone."

Looking at Chen Zhenshan with a serious face, Chen Tao realized the seriousness of the matter, and his killing decisions in political and business affairs disappeared without a trace.Now he is like a helpless child.Grabbing Chen Zhenshan's life-saving straw, he asked anxiously, "Third brother, what should I do? Are you very angry, sir?"

Chen Zhenshan shook his head, and said: "You better pray to God that Guan Qing can live this life in peace, otherwise even the master will let you go. Brother Huang, sister and brother Long will not let you go At that time, not only me, but even the eldest brother will not be able to save you."

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