Nine idlers

Chapter 439

Not long.Then saw Mao Fangzheng, who was wearing a coarse cloth and short jacket and full of white hair, walked in, and when he saw Chen Yuanshan, he hurriedly said before him, "Yuanshan, you also feel that you are so It's a force of heaven and earth, right?"

Chen Yuanshan was not polite, nodded slightly, and said, "Master Mao, do you feel that this power of heaven and earth is a bit like the spirit of a fairy recorded in ancient legends?" "You think so too? I I thought it was my delusion!" Mao Fangzheng was stunned, frowned and said in doubt: "Could it be that a fairy from the upper realm appeared in the world, but this should be impossible! It is reasonable to say that the way of heaven is fair, and everything is orderly, regardless of the cultivation world. Even if that person achieves immortality, he cannot stay in the human world, let alone allow him to do such a thing and destroy the balance of heaven and earth."

Chen Yuanshan also nodded in agreement.After thinking for a while, he speculated: "Master Daoist, do you think some of those people in Kunlun Wonderland have come out?"

"It shouldn't be possible! Although I was unable to go to Kunlun Wonderland because of my family's catastrophe and to avoid people in the devil's way, I heard from those who survived the war between immortals and demons that Kunlun Wonderland and the secular world are just like immortals. Practitioners who have attained their cultivation level will be able to enter smoothly, those who have not arrived will be blocked outside, and those who have entered will never be able to come out. Listen to them, those masters of various sects of immortals and Buddhas who went in first could only Standing in front of the Immortal Barrier, I watched the disciples who were close at hand being slaughtered, and the morality of the world became extinct, but I was still unable to lend a helping hand." Although time has passed, Mao Fangzheng still couldn't hide a trace of what happened back then. With a sense of desolation, after sighing, he gradually returned to normal color, and then expressed his guess, saying: "I really think that what happened just now may be related to the assassination incidents that have occurred in various places recently. !"

"Assassination incident?" Chen Yuanshan was stunned. The recent thousands of assassinations targeting dignitaries and figures from all walks of life in the north and south of China have almost become the headlines of major newspapers every day, even for a cultivator like him who keeps his ears open Heard about it too.After expressing his doubts, he asked inexplicably: "Why would the Taoist leader think that this is related? I read in the newspaper that these are some unrighteous things carried out by some opposition parties and forces to subvert the existing government." .”

"Damn! Those are just fake news made by the Nanjing government to stabilize the situation and buy people's hearts!" Mao Fangzheng seemed to be dissatisfied with the existing government. After a cold snort, he continued: "I was invited in Guangzhou I checked the bodies of those assassinated, and found that they were all demons without exception."

"What? According to what the Taoist said, could it be that these people from all walks of life who were assassinated were all members of the devil's way." Chen Yuanshan was startled, hesitated for a moment, and speculated.

"It should be! Yesterday, I have come to Shanghai, but last night I went to check the cemeteries and residences of those who were assassinated. People are similar to this." Mao Fangzheng nodded slightly, his face was a little ugly, and he smiled bitterly: "Although the cultivation bases of these demonic people are all very high-ranking, and they are far behind you and me, but they all have Excellent hiding technique. Don’t be afraid of your jokes. Among the people who were assassinated in Guangzhou, there are still a few people who have a close relationship with me. If it weren’t for the assassination this time, I’m afraid it would be difficult for me to find out that my friends around me turned out to be the ones I’ve been looking for for many years The enemy is ridiculous

Although Chen Yuanshan wanted to comfort Mao Fangzheng a few times, he felt that it was not appropriate, so he stood quietly aside, and waited for Mao Fangzheng to return to normal before saying: "According to what the Taoist said. Completely mastering the power of all walks of life in China, I am afraid that the chaos in China for so many years is also inseparable from these people in the devil's way. Although I don't know who is the person who eliminated these troubles in China. But this is a shocking event for the entire descendants of China Good deeds, I believe that the chaos in China will gradually calm down in a short time. China is also expected to recover."

"I'm afraid it may not be as you wish." Mao Fangzheng, who is well versed in the world, was not so optimistic. He shook his head slightly and said, "Now that China is in chaos, all forces have the military power to fight against the central government. The ambitious Dongying gangsters are obstructing it, and the balance strategy of the Western countries, even if the root cause of the chaos is eliminated, I am afraid that the chaos will be difficult to calm down in a short time." After speaking, he sighed again, and said: " Sigh! Forget it! Forget it! You and I are both outsiders, and it is still within our power to do some things to subdue demons, cure diseases and save people. As for those important national affairs, we have no intentions. Talking about these things will only suddenly increase sadness and disturb Dao heart It’s okay if you don’t talk about it!” Then, as if changing the subject, he used his nose forcefully to oh, oh, the strong smell of medicine around him, and praised: “Good guy! It seems that I came in time this time. But Bufan, it looks like he's almost done! I don't know if this old guy like me has a stomach for it?"

Hearing Mao Fangzheng's reminder, Chen Yuanshan noticed that the elixir that he should have had to refine with slow fire for a few days before it could be successful was quickly refined, and he couldn't help guessing that it might be affected by the power of heaven and earth just now. , At the same time, because of the sudden change of things, he lost confidence in the potency of this furnace of elixir.

Seeing Chen Yuanshan's face showing embarrassment.Mao Fangzheng was also stunned, and asked, "Why doesn't the old man have such a good taste?"

"Of course not! Yuan Shan, when did the refined elixir not be given to the Taoist priest for evaluation! It's just that I'm not sure about this batch of elixir." Chen Yuanshan quickly explained, and told Mao Fangzheng his doubts.

"The power of heaven and earth is so pure and mighty, even if the elixir is ripened, it should not affect the properties of the elixir.

Mao Fangzheng walked quickly into the alchemy room, stood next to the alchemy furnace, lightly oh, oh, the pill mist drifted out from the air hole, and said: "Although the old way of making alchemy is not as good as you, the pinnacle alchemy is worse than you. From then on, the alchemy furnace Judging from the smell of the medicine, this elixir is mild in nature and full of elixir power. Just taking a sip of the elixir mist, you can feel a burst of fresh air spreading from the heart and lungs, directly into the meridians, and invigorate the mind. According to the old way, this elixir is absolutely It is a high-grade panacea. It is several times better than those pills you refined before."

Hearing Mao Fangzheng's admiration, Chen Yuanshan also showed joy on his face, and worried in his heart that he could not grasp the heat of this furnace of elixir, so he invited Mao Fangzheng to complete the last step with him.Mao Fangzheng also felt that this was one.Rare opportunity.So he didn't refuse, he directly closed the courtyard door, put a refusal talisman on it, and then he and Chen Yuanshan nestled in the elixir room and waited for the elixir to come out.

"What? You can't open that door. Call them, but they can't hear you?" During dinner in the evening, Zhou Qinglan ordered her daughter Chen Xuanjing to go to the backyard to call her husband and master to eat, but she got such a result. After thinking about it, he quickly understood the reason, smiled wryly, and said to the family members waiting at the table, "Everyone, let's have dinner! Don't wait for the two of them, they probably won't eat."

"Auntie, it's better to ask Uncle and Taoist Master Mao again." Zhou Zhenglin, who was nearly forty years old, had some wrinkles on his forehead, and his hair was also a little gray. He looked older than Zhou Qinglan, who was ten years older than him.Since he inherited the position of the Patriarch of the Zhou family, he has been conscientiously managing the family business, and finally managed to maintain the family business in this troubled world, and the hard work naturally cannot be known to outsiders.If Zhou Qinglan hadn't given him some mild tonic pills to recuperate his body all the year round, I'm afraid he would look even older.

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