Nine idlers

Chapter 44

Chapter 44 The Gap Between Tang and Zhao

Suddenly hearing someone talking to him in the dungeon, Xu Changqing was taken aback for a moment, then immediately realized that this person must be the thief, so he gave a cold "hmm".

Although the people in the dungeon didn't say much, the information leaked from them was enough for Xu Changqing to judge the general situation. There are few princes in the world who can drive great masters, but those who can drive these people who know evil methods There is only one family of princes.It seems that Yin Kui, who is the right-hand man of Xuangang Tianma, has already begun to deploy here. This person is his subordinate or disciple sent to steal the suppressor of the Soul-suppressing Tower, but he did not expect that there would be a Taiqing Liang here. Yisuo Spirit Formation, and that suppressor happened to be the introduction to the formation.

"Your Majesty, hurry up and save me. My hands and feet were broken by those bastards, and I can't move." The man seemed to be in a hurry, and asked Xu Changqing for help, and then said viciously: "Wait until I leave In this damn place, I must make the Zhao family die, especially the precious daughter of the Zhao family. I want to play with her, and then buy her into a brothel to be a bitch that can be ridden by thousands of people and fucked by thousands of people. Son, to relieve the hatred in my heart."

Xu Changqing took a few steps forward and came outside the cell of the dungeon. Under the faint light, a thin middle-aged man with a goatee was lying on the ground struggling to sit up. His limbs were twisted weirdly. Limp on the ground.Xu Changqing didn't go forward again, but stood in the shadow of the lights, lowered his voice, and said with a little Beijing accent, "Where are the things? What about the things that the sage asked you to fetch?"

"I've already hidden it, it's very safe, and I'll tell Master when I get out!" The middle-aged man wasn't easy-going, so he kept his hand on purpose.

Xu Changqing did not continue to 'force' the question, but instead asked: "When they 'forced' the confession, did you tell the Holy King's plan?"

"No! Of course not!" The middle-aged man quickly denied it, and said, "Before I left, I had sworn my own life, and no matter what happened, I would never reveal a word of Master's plan, otherwise I would be devoured by ghosts." die."

"Impossible, if you didn't disclose the news, why did the Zhao family and the Tang family send people to Sanhetun today?" Xu Changqing chose a place name at random to catch the middle-aged man's words.

"Sanhetun? What are they going to do in Sanhetun?" The middle-aged man was taken aback for a moment, without turning his head, and said, "The other two soul-suppressing towers are clearly in Pingxiang Town and Baisui..." As he spoke, he suddenly realized He stopped when he saw something, and said angrily: "You are not someone sent by my master, who are you?"

Although the middle-aged man reacted in time, he didn't finish his sentence, and only revealed the location of a soul-suppressing tower, but the other place name revealed by him, there are only two nearby places that match, one is the hundred-year-old palace, and the other It is Centennial Mountain.

Xu Changqing came out from the shadows, with a sneer on his face, and said: "Thank you, brother, for giving up his life to tell Xu these things. Xu has nothing to repay. In the future, when Chongyang Zhongyuan is held, burn more paper money to pay homage to brother's spirit in heaven." .”

Hearing Xu Changqing's words, the middle-aged man remembered his natal oath, and his face immediately turned pale, and then his body seemed to lose control, shaking constantly, and the skin on his body bulged outwards, looking like Something wanted to rush out of his body.Immediately afterwards, the middle-aged man uttered a half-scream, and all the bulging lumps on his body were concentrated in his throat. Countless ghosts rushed out of his mouth, and then frantically devoured his body, but in the blink of an eye, he was alone. A skeleton stand.Those ghosts seemed to be unsatisfied, and rushed towards Xu Changqing again, ready to bite his body.However, Xu Changqing did not evade. He pinched the sword finger with his right hand, held his right hand with his left hand, raised his right foot and stomped on the ground forcefully, and said in a deep voice, "I invite Emperor Guandi to come on me, as urgently as a law!"

I saw that the dozens of ghosts who had just bit Xu Changqing's body were immediately shaken out of their wits by a mighty righteousness, while Xu Changqing had a dignified face, holding a Qinglong Yanyue knife made of the true power of the gods in his right hand.Facing the countless ghosts rushing in front of him, he quickly swung the invisible Yanyue knife, and saw a blue righteousness of heaven and earth immediately rolled up where his invisible blade passed, and gradually formed a vortex, killing all the ghosts. Sucked in, twisted to pieces.

When all the ghosts disappeared, Xu Changqing tied his hands to give away the god seal, and after reciting the mantra once, the true power of the invited gods gradually dissipated, and finally returned to the void as a stream of pure wish power.

Xu Changqing has simplified a lot for the Shijia gods. Originally, according to his current first-rank cultivation base, if he wanted to invite the gods, he had to set up an incense altar. A simple technique similar to the general magic strike.Although it doesn't have the speed of beckoning at the second-rank realm, the improved method of inviting gods is not much worse now.In addition, the power is also very satisfying to him. If these ghosts are dealt with by Taoism, they will definitely need to use magic weapons, but now they can be subdued with bare hands, which is not a small improvement.

Xu Changqing had obtained some of the information he wanted, and was about to leave the dungeon, when he found a short book written in bones falling from the skeleton of the disciple of the Nether Great Sage.From the fact that he sewed the Jane into his stomach, it is enough to see the importance of this human skeleton, and it is very likely that it is the natal exercise of the Nether Great Sage, Huang Quandao.After breaking open the iron railing of the cell with a little force, he went in and picked up the bone scroll without looking at it carefully, put it in his sleeve, and then left the dungeon quickly.

After leaving the courtyard of the dungeon, Xu Changqing immediately jumped onto the high wooden platform used for warning, opened his eyes, and looked around, looking for an area where many people gathered in the middle, but the surrounding area was isolated. The place with this condition is the place where the Yinkui disciple was arrested.Soon he discovered that in the northwestern corner of a house belonging to Bamen's seat, many young and strong guards from the Zhao family had gathered, but the surrounding area was completely isolated by a circle of no-man's land.

After the disciples of the Great Sage Nether obtained the treasure, they triggered the Taiqing Liangyi Locking Array, and were suppressed by the soul-suppressing power in the array, the ghost power in the body was suppressed, and they could hardly move at that time, but the Zhao family did not do anything afterwards. There is only one possibility that the treasure can be found from him, and that is that the treasure was hidden near the place where he fell to the ground.Although the Zhao family didn't understand why he fell on the ground and couldn't move, they also thought that the place where the Snitch hid his treasure was in the courtyard where he fell, so they sent a large number of guards to stay behind until there were enough people after the wedding banquet. , and then look for it.

Xu Changqing was very curious about this treasure, and it was possible for the Nether Great Sage to send someone to steal it even at the risk of leaking the news. It can be seen that this treasure is absolutely extraordinary, and it is very likely to be one of the important items for absorbing the battle spirit. .Xu Changqing is determined to win this, but not tonight, he has already done enough tonight.If the Great Sage Nether still valued this treasure, he would definitely send someone to rob it. At that time, Xu Changqing would take advantage of the chaos to take the treasure away, which would be much safer.

After Xu Changqing found the place, he turned over and fell down, and then walked back the same way.When he came to a small garden, he suddenly heard someone walking and talking at the same time, he stopped immediately, turned around and hid behind the rockery, and then crossed after the person had left.

"Zhao Wan, are you really going to tie yourself to this kind of old-fashioned family interests and give it to others as a gift?" A female voice that seemed full of air came from the opposite side of the rockery, and then heard footsteps. The sound of kicking stones, and the stones falling into the pond, seemed that the woman was very dissatisfied with this young lady of the Zhao family who was about to get married.

Zhao Wan sighed and said: "After all, I belong to the Zhao family. My parents raised me and did not let me suffer for a day. I have to make some sacrifices for the interests of the Zhao family."

"Hmph! The so-called sacrifice means selling you to the second young master of the Tang family, who only knows how to flirt with Western style?" The woman snorted coldly and said, "How can he be worthy of you with his talent and character! Don't you I would like to live a lifetime with such a person!"

Zhao Wan said: "Cousin, don't say any more! It's too late to say anything now. Two days ago, a snitch came to our house and killed seven or eight people. Now my father has sealed off the whole village. Even if I have the power to fly, I can't escape." , why do you need to say these annoying words to break my heart?"

"Xiao Wan!" The woman seemed to feel that her words were a bit too much, and stepped forward to hug Zhao Wan.What happened next left Xu Changqing dumbfounded. The two women in front of them sat by the pond and kissed like a pair of lovers. There was a very 'kinky' and 'fascinating' sound in the depths.

Xu Changqing felt a little dumbfounded now, he didn't expect to see such a scene when he came out, it turned out that the eldest lady of the Zhao family didn't love men and women.The two women didn't have the kind of "exposed" sex on the floor, prostitution and sexual intercourse. After the cousin whispered a few words in Zhao Wan's ear, the two left hand in hand. It wasn't until then that Xu Changqing followed the moonlight. He saw Zhao Wan's appearance clearly.It's no wonder that Tang Wei lost his mind after seeing her photo, changed his old behavior, and couldn't wait to give the dowry. It's also no wonder that the fourth master of the Tang family coveted her, and he didn't hesitate to turn against his nephew.She was indeed born with a peerless appearance, with a melon-seeded face, willow-leaf eyebrows, apricot eyes and a straight nose, and a small cherry mouth. This face is perfect. She is wearing a cheongsam with a wide collar unique to this area of ​​Shanxi. The concave and convex curves of the body are all outlined, even a person with a strong heart like Xu Changqing can't help being moved by it, let alone an ordinary person.

When the two women left, Xu Changqing was about to leave when he heard a very faint cry from a hidden forest, so he stopped again.I saw the bridegroom officer, who was supposed to be in the front yard, came out of the bushes at this time, with tears on his face, a look of grief and indignation, looking at the small door where the two women left with hatred in his eyes, clenched his fists, Gritting his teeth, he said, "What a lady! Although I, Tang Wei, am not talented, I still have a bit of a man's integrity. Today's humiliation will be repaid tomorrow."

After finishing speaking, he turned around and quickly left the garden through another small door.Seeing this scene, Xu Changqing immediately grasped the context of the matter, and couldn't help admiring the scheming cousin who had always turned her back on her. First, she used Zhao Wan's name to invite Tang Wei to the backyard, and then lured Zhao Wan who didn't know about it. By saying this, he took the opportunity to humiliate Tang Wei.Tang Wei was originally a proud person, so he would naturally not be willing to be humiliated, and would definitely let this marriage end without a problem.

There was no one else in the garden, Xu Changqing quickly walked through it, and when he just returned to the room, an alarm bell resounded through the sky from the direction of the dungeon.After he heard it, he immediately changed his clothes and put them in his sleeves, then lay down on the bed and pretended to sleep.Sure enough, it didn't take long before the sound of bustling footsteps came from outside the door, followed by the door being kicked open, and seven or eight people came in angrily holding torches.However, when he saw Xu Changqing just waking up, he couldn't help being stunned for a moment. The leader quickly woke up, said a simple search, and began to search Xu Changqing's luggage. The brothers and sisters of the Huang family were also alerted, all terrified Hiding behind Xu Changqing.

When nothing was found after searching, the visitor's face was gloomy, he turned his head and stared at the few people guarding inside and outside the yard, and asked, "Is it true that no one has left this yard?"

"Back to Chief Manager, Lao Xu and I were guarding the door of the room, and indeed we didn't see anyone leaving!" The guards nodded and said.

The chief executive of the Zhao residence frowned, turned around and waved his hands, and said, "Let's go!"

"Slow down!" Just as the people from the Zhao family were about to leave, Xu Changqing stood up from the bed, stopped them, pointed to the scattered clothes and the enlightenment books bought for the Huang family brothers and sisters, and said coldly: " Humans are not dogs, dogs come in and bark and bite randomly, I can't argue with dogs, but people are different, does the head of the Zhao family owe me an explanation?"

"You, a little charlatan, are worthy of my explanation. If it weren't for the fact that you are a cousin of the Tang family, I wouldn't even bother to tell you this! You'd better leave before I find out. It will be embarrassing for you to steal chickens and pet dogs." The chief executive of the Zhao residence snorted coldly, then led the people out with a wave of his hand.

Watching the group leave, Xu Changqing had a sneer of disdain on his face. It was useless to argue with these people who were about to face catastrophe. He turned around and told the Huang family brothers and sisters to pack up the scattered items and continue to sleep.Afterwards, the chief manager of the Zhao family searched the rooms of other servants of the Tang family. These servants were different from Xu Changqing. They were all long-term laborers of the Tang family. Such bullying, after a word of disagreement, the two gangs fought.

Afterwards, Tang Biao and Tang Wei rushed over. After asking about the situation, their expressions became extremely gloomy. They thought that the Zhao family did not search anywhere when something happened. Surveillance here, this is not the way to treat in-laws, it is clearly to guard against thieves.Thinking of this, Tang Biao immediately became violent and cursed. Tang Wei also had new hatred and old hatred in his heart. Seeing Tang Biao's unrelenting noise, he not only did not dissuade him, but added fuel to the fire, making Tang Biao even more troubled. fierce.In the end, the old lady of the Zhao family and the Patriarch of the Zhao family were also alarmed, and they came over to explain and persuade them. Finally, the person in charge of monitoring was also withdrawn. Tang Biao's anger calmed down, and this incident made Tang Wei's intention to leave even more determined.

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