Nine idlers

Chapter 458 Invited to Enshrine

"So that's how it is." Xu Changqing listened to Li Yongfeng's words.Wei Wei nodded a little bit to understand the situation of the Huang brothers and sisters and others.

From the words, it can be felt that they seem to be under control now. Reminiscent of the divine sense they encountered when they were in Mexico, they feel that their 200 years in this Kunlun Wonderland have not been in vain, and their cultivation has really improved a lot.

But when Xu Changqing was about to change the topic back to Kunlun itself, he remembered a question.That is to say, even in Kunlun Fairyland, he can be called the Supreme Golden Immortal Divine Sense, which cannot break through the protection of Kunlun Fairyland and extend the divine consciousness to the secular world, but the Huang brothers and sisters only use the ordinary immortal divine consciousness, It is too strange to pass through the barrier between the two worlds and even cover the entire secular world with divine thoughts.In his opinion.The Huang brothers, sisters and others could do this, if they hadn't learned some special magic arts in Kunlun Wonderland, or had some kind of treasure that could communicate the two worlds, this reminded him of what Li Yongfeng said just now. Since ancient times, it was used to attract the fairy stones of the two worlds, and it felt that the problem was caused by it.

Although Xu Changqing really wanted to know the reason why the Huang brothers and sisters traveled through the two worlds, but he didn't intend to ask Li Yongfeng in front of him. Apart from the fact that Li Yongfeng, a mortal, couldn't know too much about cultivating immortals, but also because he talked too much. lose.His identity has already made Li Yongfeng doubtful. He is unwilling to lose this suitable guide before the current situation of ignorance is not completely resolved, and it seems that behind this guide is a big local family. An opportunity to more quickly integrate into this new world.After all, it's much better to have a big family behind you to help than to run around like a headless chicken.

"Perhaps my teacher has something to do with those immortals! If I can meet them, maybe I can be sure." Xu Changqing didn't deliberately hide it, but also showed curiosity.Following Li Yongfeng's train of thought, and with such imperceptible physical power in his words, he said: "Which immortal sects are they all in the inner sect Lingshan now? What should I do to see these cultivators?" By?"

"This villain doesn't know either. The villain is just a mortal in the outer sect Lingshan. How can he know about the inner sect Lingshan? The immortal chief thinks too much about the master." Although Li Yongfeng is much stronger than the secular mortal, but in Xu Changqing He still couldn't resist the spell, and soon all the doubts in his heart dissipated, and he really regarded him as a hermit immortal who didn't know his sect.Later, Li Yongfeng was afraid that Xu Changqing would not believe it, so he described the general form of Kunlun Wonderland in detail. In the middle, he was afraid that Xu Changqing would not understand, so he took out a map with the whole Weiji Mountain from his junior's back basket, and used it as a guide. Source, drew a simple but intuitive panorama of Kunlun Wonderland on the ground.

After listening, Xu Changqing couldn't help taking a long breath of air.He felt that the form of Kunlun Fairyland was completely different from what he had guessed, and its complexity far exceeded his expectations.According to his thoughts in the secular world, the Kunlun Fairyland should be as free and scattered as the ancient prehistoric world. The Huang brothers and sisters and other immortals, Buddhas, demons and other sects came to separate the two factions and fight each other.And he only needs to calm down the chaos when he comes here, and then rely on the fairy spirit of Kunlun Wonderland to improve his cultivation base, completely integrate the second world and the universe world, and make the laws of heaven and the aura of all parties in the universe world reach the perfect harmony as much as possible Balance, and finally find the way to the place where the sky is mended in the ascension channel of Kunlun Wonderland, mend the sky, and fulfill your destiny.

But now things have been completely out of Xu Changqing's control because of a completely wrong estimate of Kunlun Wonderland, and he, who likes to make decisions before acting, has to start thinking about countermeasures again.First of all, Kunlun Fairyland is not as chaotic as he thought it was in ancient times, nor is it uninhabited except for wild beasts as he thought, not to mention that it is only in the city of identification in Li Yongfeng's mouth.The population is as high as one million, and there is an extremely strict triple heaven level in Kunlun Wonderland.In Kunlun, Asgard is known as the most heavenly place.He is the supreme ruler of Kunlun, followed by the Inner Gate Lingshan, which is called the Supreme Heaven, and its power is comparable to that of the Immortal Palace. Yintang and the immortal gate of the various sects of Lingshan.This is called Yinxiantian. As for the dozens of cities of mortals and mortals in the eight spiritual mountains of the outer gate, they are not included in the level of Zhongtian.

Li Yongfeng didn't know much about the Immortal Cultivation Sect and the Immortal Palace in Lingshan. He could only know a little from some books that recorded ancient legends and some market rumors handed down from his ancestors. But even this, for Xu Changqing Words have been a great help.Although Asgard is called Xian, it is more suitable to be called Yao.Because from the top to the bottom, from the inside to the outside of the Immortal Palace, most of them are demon beasts who have become spirits. Since they all have some wild beast blood, they are also good at some ancient magical powers, and they also learn ancient immortal methods.This established their dominance in Kunlun.The sect of Lingshan in the inner sect should have been created by the ascension ancestors of various dynasties and generations in the cultivation world, but before they ascended, they didn't know that what they ascended to was not the real fairy world, but Kunlun.Although there are many ancient cultivation methods in these ancient cultivation sects, the effect is more powerful than the previous ones.

Immortal method Jianshu sun plus concave said dishan) different body ", it is said that reading is easy to go outside... there are many volumes. However, due to physical factors and other issues, compared with the people in the fairy palace, it is in terms of life span, It is still much weaker in terms of mana, and can only use quantity against quality to barely maintain a balance.

Li Yongfeng only knew very clearly about Bianwu City, but he didn't know much about other places.Even the other two cities in Weiji Mountain know very little, but they know that every three years, people from Shanghuo and Xiashui will be sent to identify the disciples of Wucheng.In the entire Kunlun Outer Gate Spirit Mountain, Weiji Mountain only covers three cities, and it is said that the largest Wuwang Mountain has more than forty mortal cities.There are [-] cities where the outer sect sects reside, and almost two-thirds of the inner sect Lingshan sects have their residences here.

While Xu Changqing was listening quietly, Li Yongfeng was also carefully observing Xu Changqing's expression. Seeing that he was slightly moved when he heard Wuwang Mountain, he took the initiative to suggest: "If the Immortal Chief wants to enter the inner door Lingshan, it is best The best choice is to go to Wuwang Mountain and worship the sect of the inner door Lingshan. As long as the immortal master has enough cultivation base, he can enter the inner door Lingshan

As Li Yongfeng guessed, Xu Changqing also wanted to enter the inner sect Lingshan, find the Huang brothers and sisters and join them, and solve the Great Destroyer Demon Lord behind Diao Shichang Demon Lord as soon as possible, and eliminate his greatest threat.But he is also very aware of his current situation, and it is really inappropriate to show up.It is best to wait for the state to recover before leaving for Kunlun Neimen Lingshan.

So he didn't express any agreement or denial to Li Yongfeng's words, but just smiled and said: "Why do you want to go to Wuwang Mountain? Didn't you just say that there is also a Shennong Valley here? I worshiped under the Shennong Valley, and I can do the same. Enter the Inner Gate Spirit Mountain."

Li Yongfeng quickly shook his head and said: "The Immortal Elder may have misunderstood! Shennong Valley is not an inner sect spirit mountain, but a simple sect of cultivating immortals in the outer sect of Lingshan. There are also many such sects in the casual cultivators of Xiashui City. There are also many, joining them does not give you the opportunity to enter the Inner Gate Spirit Mountain

Xu Changqing asked with doubts: "The sect that controls the Lingshan of the outer sect is not from the Lingshan of the inner sect. Could it be that there is some great supernatural power in Shennong Valley that makes the Lingshan of the inner sect feel worried?"

"That's not the case. It was only because of the special role of Shennong Valley that it was arranged by the various sects of the inner school Lingshan." Li Yongfeng quickly explained: "As the name suggests, Shennong Valley mainly focuses on planting and refining medicine, and the Taoism is not advanced. 2 When Shennong Valley was founded more than [-] years ago, the Neimen Lingshan Sect and the Immortal Palace placed Shennong Valley on a special spiritual vein in Weiji Mountain to refine immortal medicines for the Neimen Lingshan and Immortal Palace. The outer sects like Gu Tong also have Xiaoguoshan’s Yaodingmen and Fengxiao’s Baicaotang. Although the mortals attached to these sects are named freely, they are all medicine slaves. Every year, each family has to pay to the above. Only a large amount of medicinal materials can survive in the city, otherwise they will be driven out of the city and become the blood food for those monsters to fill their stomachs."

"The strong are honored and the weak are slaves. It's the same everywhere! It's ridiculous to practice hard and end up with slaves in the upper realm."Xu Changqing couldn't help but mocked himself in a low voice.

Li Yongfeng has told Xu Changqing everything he knows, and feels that he has successfully narrowed the relationship with Xu Changqing, so he carefully expressed his thoughts: "Xianchang, if you don't have a foothold now Fang, are you willing to condescend to come to my Li family, but as an offering?" Seeing that Xu Changqing did not respond, he continued: "My Li family has been based in Kunlun for nearly [-] years, and there are many ancient books left in the family. If the elder becomes an enshrinement at home, you can browse through those ancient books at will, and you may be able to find something that the elder is interested in, and if the elder wants to make alchemy, my Li family can provide rare herbs that are hard to find outside at any time

In fact, it was Li Yongfeng's first sentence.Xu Changqing has already agreed in his heart, what he needs most at this moment is a place where he can practice safely and help him understand and integrate into this world as soon as possible.And Li Yongfeng's proposal was exactly what he wanted.After that, the benefit Li Yongfeng said was exactly what Xu Changqing wanted most, how could he refuse?

However, Xu Changqing didn't agree immediately, but hesitated for a while, and said in a pretentious manner: "Whatever you gain, you will lose. Since I have gained so much, what do I have to pay? If things are too troublesome, I will pay for it." It's better to be alone

"The Immortal Elder is overwhelmed!" Li Yongfeng quickly explained: "The Immortal Elder does not need to pay anything after becoming an enshrinement, but when the formation of the family medicine field spirit garden needs mana, he can add some mana to the formation to maintain the medicine field spirit garden. Aura."

Xu Changqing nodded slightly, then looked at Li Yongfeng suspiciously, and said, "Are you good at such a big thing as an invitation to enshrine? You are just an ordinary pharmacist in your family. If you promise me so many benefits, your family doesn't care. meeting"

"No! No!" Li Yongfeng hurriedly said: "If the elder wants other conditions, maybe the family stewards will be required to make a decision, but as far as the current conditions are concerned, anyone in the family can agree to the elder. Don't you doubt the elder? "

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