Nine idlers

Chapter 466

Among the many divine beasts of Erzhaxia.Kirin is considered to be the most diverse animal.There are dragons and horses who can vent their hunger and gossip in Zhutian, and Dirui who controls the qi of Ziwei, but among all the unicorns called auspicious beasts and spirit beasts, only one kind of unicorn is called a fierce beast, and that is the fire beast. Kirin.According to legend, whenever the fire kylin appears, the earth will be drought and famines will continue, and its name can be compared with Hankui.

Although Xu Changqing also thought that he might encounter some monsters in this land of mysterious yin and old yang, he never expected to meet the legendary fire unicorn.It is very simple to know the age of a unicorn, all you need to do is count the forks of its horns. The fire unicorn in front of Xu Changqing has two horns, and the natal energy between the two horns shows the appearance of its body, indicating that its cultivation has reached the golden core The peak, and the two horns have three forks, indicating that it is 6000 years old.

It is a million times more difficult for a monster like Huo Qilin with the blood of an ancient divine beast to form a pill than an ordinary monster or a cultivator to form a pill.Ordinary monsters and immortal cultivators have just stepped into the gate of immortals. They can be called land immortals and monsters in the mortal world, and they can be listed as middle-grade immortals in the outer sect Lingshan in the Kunlun fairy world.According to the different realms of golden elixir, it can be divided into middle and lower grades of just formed alchemy, middle and middle grade of solid golden elixirs, middle and upper grades of complete alchemy, and upper and lower grades of golden elixirs with several peaks. I'm afraid the immortal's rating will be even stricter.If one has stepped through the realm of golden elixir and achieved returning to the primordial spirit, then the immortal cultivator has stepped into the gate of true immortality that is often said in Kunlun's books on immortals, that is, secular immortals. Immortal Realm, this is exactly the Real Immortal Realm.Generally, as long as the Outer Sect Lingshan has cultivated to the Void Returning Primordial Spirit, it is the upper middle immortal grade.They can all enter the inner sect Lingshan to practice, and rarely stay in the human world.

The alchemy of monsters is also similar to the alchemy of immortal cultivators, but there are some differences in the primordial spirit.After the monster has formed the alchemy, it can refine the horizontal bone.If you speak human words, if you reach the number of golden elixir peaks, you will transform into a demon body and become a human body, and your cultivation will grow by leaps and bounds.It's just that because the natal essence can't adapt to the human body immediately, it will be emitted involuntarily, showing the natal appearance, just like the Cangfu Lord of Xiashui City before, who always has a blue wolf appearance on the top of his head.Since demon cultivators cannot cultivate primordial spirits, they can only ferment primordial spirits with similar effects with the essence of life, demon pills, three souls and seven souls. Similarly, as long as they have cultivated primordial spirits, they can be attracted by the fairy palace and enter the fairy palace. Cultivate the divine art.

Although these were not directly described in the book, Xu Changqing was able to infer one or two of them based on the different realms of practice in the world of secular practice.This is only suitable for ordinary demon cultivators and immortal cultivators, and it is completely unsuitable for the fire unicorn with the blood of ancient beasts.The descendants of ancient mythical beasts such as Huo Qilin are born with enlightened wisdom.The physical body is tyrannical, and possesses supernatural powers.The strength of an ordinary adult fire unicorn is definitely higher than that of immortal cultivators and ordinary demon cultivators.

The strength of the fire unicorn that formed the pill is skyrocketing, and the ordinary earth immortals of the same way may not be able to match it, and Jindan Hengfeng is even close to the realm of heavenly immortals.Since the physical bodies of the descendants of the ancient divine beasts are inherently extremely powerful, their physical bodies will continue to be tempered when they practice on their own.Unless a certain great supernatural being can make the cultivation base of the ancient divine beast surpass that of the physical body in an instant, or they can find a secret method that can suppress the power of the physical body and only improve the cultivation base of the Tao, the appearance of the ancient divine beast can only maintain the shape of a beast forever.

With Xu Changqing's eyesight, it is not difficult to see that the fire unicorn in front of him seems to be practicing some kind of secret method of transformation, using the yin and yang to poison to weaken the physical strength, thus becoming a transformation beast.If only in terms of physical strength, Xu Changqing's prehistoric physical body passed down from the ancient dragon's head punishment is much stronger than the fire unicorn's divine animal body, but physical strength is only a condition for winning or losing.Now that Xu Changqing is restricted by Kunlun's cultivation, he wants to fight a fire unicorn at the peak of Jindan and gain the upper hand, which is a bit daunting.If Xu Changqing let go of his hands and feet and used secret methods such as the Great Destroyer Sword Qi and the Taiqing Ancient Formation, he might be able to suppress this fire unicorn a little bit.But in that case, it would definitely disturb the entire Kunlun Outer Gate Spirit Mountain, which would be contrary to its original intention.

Just when Xu Changqing was embarrassed by the Huo Qilin in front of him, the Huo Qilin lying on the only dark place on the lava lake also found Xu Changqing.However, he was also very surprised by this unexpected guest, Huo Qilin. Xu Changqing's method of transforming the surrounding Zhiyang fire poison was no worse than his natural fire control ability, and with his omnipotent divine sense, he couldn't see through the reality of the person in front of him. Cultivation is just an instinctive feeling of danger.Although Huo Qilin was still lying on the ground without moving, just staring at Xu Changqing suspended above the lava, but a flying sword tempered with yang poison had already gathered in his body, ready to attack at any time.

Naturally, Xu Changqing can easily feel the hostility of Huo Qilin, as long as he moves closer, a big battle is inevitable.Such a mindless fighting method seemed meaningless to him, so he took the initiative to restrain the fire spirit energy around him, revealing his true face, and said to Huo Liangong Er! "Xu Changqing is a casual cultivator in the lower Kunlun, because he wants to find a foreigner! The ground came to plant elixir, and he stumbled into the practice place of fellow daoists by mistake. I hope you don't blame fellow daoists."

"Planting elixir? Here?" Xu Changqing's initiative did not alleviate Huo Qilin's scruples, but added a little doubt, but Huo Qilin's animal instinct felt that Xu Changqing was not hostile, so he relaxed a little. Then he spit out words and said: "This old man is practicing secret art here, and it is inconvenient to give up. If fellow Taoists only need a small piece of land with the utmost yin and yang, you can go forward about thirty miles and there is another place." Spiritual land, about half of Daoists here can go there to have a look."

Apparently, Huo Qilin was unwilling to set up a strong enemy at this time, so he raised his forelegs, pointed in a direction, and gave a suggestion.

Xu Changqing doesn't need too much land to plant elixir and spiritual objects, according to Huo Qilin, the size of the land is enough, and it is best to be able to eliminate a sword into nothing.Extending Xu Changqing's spiritual thoughts, he discovered the mysterious land pointed by Huo Qilin. Although the land is much smaller, the yin and yang energy in this place is more pure, which is very suitable for planting golden thread cold fragrant fruit and Heaven and earth gourd.So he didn't say much, and after raising his hand to thank Huo Qilin, he bypassed this mysterious land and flew towards that mysterious land.

After Xu Changqing left, Huo Qilin, whose mind was a little slow in cultivation, remembered what kind of elixir needs to be used in the most yin and yang place, raised his head and looked in the direction Xu Changqing left in surprise, and said: "In this place In the volcano, it takes thousands of years to grow the golden thread Lengxiang fruit. Could it be that this person is crazy? Doesn’t he know that in a few days, all the fires here will erupt, and the land of Xuanyin will be destroyed by then? Will it sink into the lake?" Then, the gigantic unicorn shook its head again, and said to itself: "I don't care what he does, it's better to do his own thing first, so as not to cause any trouble."

After finishing, I saw the fire unicorn spit out a mouthful of red light, causing it to be divided into nine parts in the air, and the eight auras were submerged in the eighth house outside the nine palace map centered on this mysterious land, and the rest of the red light Then it fell back to the land of Xuanyin, occupying the central position of Wutu, forming a nine palace circle.

The movement of the Fire Qilin's formation was so great that Xu Changqing could easily feel it. He didn't feel any discomfort, but rather admired the Fire Qilin's prudent behavior.You must know that the way of practice is like walking on the edge of a cliff. If you seldom slack off, you will make a wrong step, and you will never be able to recover. Maintaining a cautious attitude and behavior is the basic condition for being able to go further in the way of practice.

After Xu Changqing landed on the relatively small piece of Xuanyin land, he felt the thick and extremely Yin Qi coming from his feet. After wiping off the thick layer of volcanic ash on the surface, he could see the Xuanyin Qi below. Condensed ice crystals.After planning how to use this land of Xuanyin in his mind, Xu Changqing took out all the magic weapons and spirit treasures refined in the secular world from the world of heaven and earth, and then arranged them in Xuanyin according to the orientation of the Dayan Five Elements Formation. In the lava around the place.The mundane turbidity contained in these magic weapons and spirit treasures has become sharp weapons at this moment. As long as this formation works, the immortals and monsters trapped in it will not die in the various forms of the Dayan Five Elements Formation. Under the force of the formation, even the cultivation base will be completely corroded by the turbid air in the formation.

After setting up the formation, Xu Changqing took out the seeds of Qiankun Gourd and Golden Thread Lengxiang Fruit respectively, and planted them in the two places with the heaviest aura in the Xuanyin Land.Afterwards, he drew a ray of fairy spirit from the eight-treasure glazed ginseng fruit tree primordial spirit, which had just recovered not long ago, and drew two spirit-gathering fairy arrays around the two seeds, arousing the surrounding most yin and yang qi , gathered on this square inch of land, soon the ground and air around the two seeds were all covered by the most yin energy like water droplets and the most yang energy like mist.

When he felt that the amount of spiritual energy in the array had reached the limit of the spirit gathering array, Xu Changqing shot a mana of the Way of Life and Death to the two seeds respectively, and increased the compression of time in the Way of Life and Death to the limit.But in the blink of an eye, the originally extremely thick aura in the spirit gathering array was immediately absorbed by the two seeds, and the two seeds also began to germinate and take root.After the aura disappeared, Xu Changqing eliminated the mana of the Way of Life and Death around the seeds, and then controlled the spirit-gathering array to quickly accumulate the yin to yang qi, and when the yin to yang qi accumulated to the limit, life and death were triggered again There is no way of mana to catalyze the seeds.

The aura required by these two elixir seeds is far from what ordinary elixir can match. In addition, the time required to mature them is very short, and the aura needed for decades of growth can be absorbed in an instant. The supply of spiritual energy around him will inevitably be insufficient.Unless Xu Changqing's cultivation base is mostly restored, he can use a large amount of fairy energy to perform the Great Zhoutian Spirit Gathering Formation, or refine the spirit-gathering magic weapon Guiyuan Jiuding to destroy the whole.All the spiritual energy of the mountains gathered to supply the growth of the golden thread cold fragrant fruit and the Qiankun gourd, otherwise he could only use this stupid method to give birth to these two kinds of spiritual medicines little by little.

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