Nine idlers

Chapter 476 The Secret of Nine Towns

Xu Changqing heard the exact news from his mouth.Li Yongfeng seemed excited about Wanshan, Shiyun's greatest dream in his life was to obtain the power of a fairy, and seeing that this dream was about to come true, he suddenly felt an unreal feeling in his heart, accompanied by a trace of unknown fear.He was not afraid of Xu Changqing, but of himself as a master.He is only grateful in his heart. Without Xu Changqing, he is still just an ordinary herb picker, and he would not be able to create such a large foundation within a year with a lot of wisdom as he is now.Although Xu Changqing did not give him any help in the process of creating the Bitter Medicine Association, he understood that when he encountered difficulties, the knowledge taught by Xu Changqing would definitely have the answer to solve the difficulties, so in his mind , Xu Changqing's status is second only to his mother Yu's.

The reason why Li Yongfeng has a little fear is because he has a premonition in his forgetfulness, feeling that if he has mastered the Xiegang body training method, Xu Changqing will also leave here. This is like a person who has lost his way. The eyes are also lost in the darkness and the confusion of the unknown prospect.Although there were some fluctuations in his heart, Li Yongfeng was already the leader of tens of thousands of people after all. The stable state of mind he had cultivated for more than a year made him calm down the fluctuations in his heart quickly. Listen to master's arrangement

"No, it's better for you to make your own decisions about such things." Although Li Yongfeng's inner confusion and fear were only a momentary thing, Xu Changqing still easily caught his abnormality. , also guessed the reason why he was so abnormal, so he said solemnly: "Almost all the knowledge I can impart to you has already been imparted to you, as long as you integrate this knowledge, even if you don't have a teacher by your side, you can still adapt to the situation." All kinds of difficulties. You just lack a little confidence now. Although you will be a little flustered after the teacher leaves, I believe that with your aptitude and mood, you should be able to adapt quickly. Now the teacher will teach you the last lesson, and Like the first lesson taught to you a year ago, it's about trade-offs.

"The way to choose?" Li Yongfeng was stunned after hearing this.

Xu Changqing nodded and said: "Yes, the way to choose! I used to say that everything in the world and the laws of heaven, no matter how they change, always maintain a state of balance. Just like breathing, no one can always inhale, but Without exhaling, the body is in a state of balance between breaths. Similarly, when you gain something and strength, you will lose something else. This may be your right, or it may be other s things

Li Yongfeng realized something, and asked in a deep voice: "Then what will the disciple lose after he cultivates the Xie Gang body training method?"

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Xu Changqing didn't give him a clear answer, instead he talked about him in general, and said: "Have you heard of the White Lotus Sect? .

"I heard that Li Yongfeng thought for a while and said: "The disciple once heard that some things about the immortal sect of the upper realm were mentioned in the worshiping immortal. This White Lotus Sect seems to be a very powerful immortal sect in the outer sect Lingshan. Its power seems to be comparable to that of the outer sect. The three sects and four sects of Menling Mountain are not comparable.I heard that this immortal sect seemed to have preached in other mortal cities in Lingshan before, but because of something, its suzerain was arrested and imprisoned in the Immortal Town Pagoda for more than 20 years. The preaching in the mortal city was also forced to stop

Xu Changqing then asked: "Do you know why the Madonna of the White Lotus Sect, who teaches poisonous white lotus, was arrested by Xianlvtang? .

"The disciple didn't know that Li Yongfeng shook his head, he couldn't help feeling that this might be related to the choice he would face.

"Because the Holy Mother of the White Lotus violated the law of separation between immortals and mortals Xu Changqing took out a booklet from the world of heaven and earth. He handed it to Li Yongfeng and said: "This booklet is the fairy law class of Xianlutang, which records some immortals. The rules that should be followed, that is, the law of the immortals, any immortals and demon cultivators of the Outer Sect Lingshan who violate the laws of the immortals, the Zhengqi immortals of the Xianlutang will send people to arrest them and imprison them in the tower of suppressing immortals or the tower of suppressing demons for a corresponding period of time

Li Yongfeng took the booklet and looked it over carefully, his face soon became a little gloomy.When closing the booklet, he asked with some uncertainty: "Master, what you want to say is that no immortal or demon cultivator is allowed to preach among mortals?"

Xu Changqing nodded slightly, acknowledging Li Yongfeng's guess.Said: "The White Lotus Sect violated this prohibition back then, that's why the sect was almost wiped out. For the entire Kunlun fairy world, the mortals in Kunlun are like the cornerstone of the entire fairy world. Anyone who tries to shake the cornerstone and profit from it Immortals or sects in the world will be suppressed and punished by the entire Kunlun Immortal Realm. Not to mention a sect of the outer sect Lingshan, even if it is the nine major sects of the inner sect Lingshan Daluotian, if they dare to spread their teachings among ordinary people without authorization, it will be the same will be punished

Li Yongfeng asked cautiously: "Master, what do you mean, if I practice the Xiegang body training method, I can be regarded as a fairy, and the Kuyaotang under my command will be banned by the entire Kunlun fairy world, and I will also be banned by the fairy world." Li Tang caught it, right?

"Yes, Xu Changqing answered in the affirmative.

The previous joy and love quickly receded in Li Yongfeng's heart, replaced by worries about the future development of the second series of Zhanji.compared to others.Li Yongfeng is more aware of how important this religion he founded is to the entire Kuyao Society. Just as ordinary people are the cornerstone of the Kunlun Immortal World, the large number of believers in the Kuyao Church are also the cornerstone of the Kuyao Society.If the Kuyao Hall was banned, it would be a devastating blow to the entire Kuyao Society. Even if he became a fairy by then, it would seem that the loss outweighed the gain.

But if Li Yongfeng can't gain more power, then the development of the Bitter Medicine Society will stagnate, and it may even be annexed by those big families in the future.The Bitter Medicine Society is now only equivalent to the low-rank guild, and the difference between the low-rank aristocratic family guild and the middle-rank and upper-rank aristocratic family guilds lies in the level of immortals enshrined in their shrine buildings.In general families or guilds, as long as the worshiping immortals in their enshrining buildings have middle-rank immortals who have formed golden cores, they will automatically be positioned as middle-rank aristocratic families or guilds. In addition, there are also immortals who have entered the Lingshan sect of the inner sect, such as Wuwangfengjia and Huzhentang.In fact, the current power of the Bitter Medicine Society is completely comparable to that of ordinary middle-rank families, but because of its level of enshrining immortals and not yet being recognized by Shennong Valley, it has always been suppressed as a low-rank gang.

Li Yongfeng also thought about hiring a middle-rank immortal to be an enshrinement, making his guild directly become a middle-rank guild, and gaining the privileges that a middle-rank guild should have.However, a guild that has not been recognized by Shennong Valley and does not have a private medicine field in its hands, let alone a mid-level immortal, even an ordinary high-level immortal would not be willing to join, so the offerings of the Bitter Medicine Society have always been just unreasonable. The flow of imported Sanxian.What is going to happen, these unqualified loose immortals may not be as effective as the warriors in the Zhengwu Hall, they are at most just a symbol.Whether you have a middle-rank immortal who can hold back the scene has become a key factor for the continued development of bitter medicine, and instead of having an uncontrollable middle-rank immortal, it is better to become such a middle-rank immortal yourself. Improving the cohesion within the Bitter Medicine Association can also quickly increase the reputation of the Bitter Medicine Association. This was Li Yongfeng's original idea.

One side is the key to development, and the other side is the foundation of development, no matter which side is very important to Bitter Medicine.In fact, Li Yongfeng is patient. When Shennonggu recognizes his status as a low-grade guild, he can own a private medicine field between the mortal medicine-picking area and the area controlled by Shennonggu, which can often produce middle-grade elixir. If you can hire a higher-level worshiping immortal, you will definitely be able to be promoted to a middle-rank guild in the end.The whole process takes a long time, but it is very stable, there will be no major changes, and the Kuyao Hall is not worried about being banned. If it continues to develop for a long time, the Kuyao Association can even become the Tiger Pillow Hall, which can almost be compared with the outer sect. The top-rank gang of the three sects and four sects in Lingshan.

It's a pity that Li Yongfeng is not a patient person, otherwise he would not use dangerous tactics such as provoking civil strife, making Bitter Medicine a low-rank gang with great development potential in just one year.Such a dilemma made him have to think carefully. When he couldn't make a decision immediately, he didn't even say the original purpose of coming here, so he pleaded guilty to Xu Changqing and left, and returned to the Kuyaohui with his confidantes. The subordinates discussed how to resolve this matter.

In fact, Li Yongfeng asked Xu Changqing how to establish a religious branch church as early as when the Bitter Medicine Association was first established.At that time, Xu Changqing was very clear that this matter definitely conflicted with the laws of the Xianlutang, but he also saw how important such a religious organization was to the development of the Kuyaohui, so he not only taught Li Yongfeng the rights of various religious organizations Architecture and control methods, and also personally wrote the bitter medicine for it.In order not to attract the attention of Xianlutang, most of the bitter medicine scriptures he compiled were the enlightenment and guidance of Confucianism, Taoism, and Buddhism, and there were also a lot of knowledge about elixir that was only circulated in the Kunlun fairy world.

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The following two revisions of the scriptures only added some inspiring stories and some simple methods of refining medicine, so as to attract more believers.

The reason why Xu Changqing took the initiative to promote the development of the followers of Kuyaotang was not only because he wanted to help Li Yongfeng, but also because of his own interests.Through these mortal believers, he has received great help this year. It can even be said that he was able to completely cleanse the turbid air in his body within this year thanks to these mortal believers.Although these mortal believers can now say that they have nothing to do with the Kunlun Immortal World, many of them have ancestors who were once well-known figures in the Kunlun Immortal World, and they also have some things left by their ancestors in their hands, and among these things Most of the valuable treasures have been exchanged for fairy treasures by their descendants, only some books such as the travel notes of their ancestors are still preserved.It is these well-preserved travel notes that allow Xu Changqing to clearly understand the sects, loose immortals, demon cultivators and other forces in the entire Kunlun Immortal World without leaving home. He even recalled the secrets hidden in Weiji Mountain from one book. The answer was found in Xu Renxian's travel notes.

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