Nine idlers

Chapter 483 Lou Guan Sword Sect

All this really made Yun Sheng feel her understanding.No matter whether it is the ancient elixir of Canzhi Ranshang, or the divine elixir of inner sect Lingshan Da Luoyu, it is impossible for an immortal to raise several realms so easily in a short period of time.

But now Xu Changqing can do such a miraculous thing with only a set of Prajna Paramita Heart Sutra that is familiar to the world. Xu Changqing makes her feel more and more mysterious, and she can't help but wonder at Xu Changqing's current state. to what extent.

Xu Changqing seemed to have guessed what Yun Sheng was thinking now.With a smile, he explained: "You think of me too extraordinary, Shishu. Even if my Dao cultivation base far surpasses yours, it is impossible to raise a Void Returning Immortal realm at will. In fact, you will have This state is entirely due to your own reasons, judging from your current state of soul and physical body. You should have taken a lot of elixir from the beginning of your cultivation, and by virtue of its effectiveness, you can cleanse the scriptures and cut the marrow, and improve your cultivation. These In fact, the power of the medicine has not been completely refined by you, and a large part of it is still accumulated in your body. Although the elixir can help you improve your cultivation, if it is too late, the power of the elixir accumulated in your body has become poison. Not only will it not improve your cultivation level, but it will also inhibit your cultivation, and what's more, it will form a demonic calamity at a critical moment. Uncle, what I have done is to help you completely refine those poisons and strengthen them. It’s just you absorbing the effect, I’m also surprised that you were able to ascend to the enlightened realm of the Void Returning Immortal, this may be your own chance!”

"Without the help of my uncle, I'm afraid my niece would not be able to get this opportunity." Yun Sheng looked at Xu Changqing very gratefully.Said: "I didn't expect to do such a big favor to my niece as soon as I met my uncle. My niece really doesn't know how to repay my uncle."

"It doesn't have to be like this, we are still a family. It should be like this!" Xu Changqing looked at Yun Sheng, shook his hand, sighed, and said with nostalgia: "Compared to your father, brother Zheng Xuan, who helped me. What I did It's nothing at all. If it wasn't for being bound by my oath of nine streams and one lineage, perhaps brother, he has become the suzerain of one lineage, and he wouldn't end up like this. After sighing for a while, Xu Changqing quickly tidied up mood, and then asked with great interest: "If it's convenient, tell me about the matter between Senior Brother Zheng Xuan and your mother!By the way, you should follow your mother's surname, right?Why don't you follow your brother's surname? .

Because it was just some trivial matters, Yun Sheng did not hide them and spoke freely, but due to the long time and her young age at that time, she could not remember many things related to Zheng Xuan clearly.On the contrary, after she finished speaking, she asked Xu Changqing about some things about Zheng Xuan in the mundane world, which was much more than what she said.Different from Huang Shan and others who say that Zheng Xuan is a master of the evil way, the Zheng Xuan in Xu Changqing's mouth is more about the details of ordinary life. In those days, Zheng Xuan stayed in Taohua Mountain for two years, teaching Xu Changqing some practical knowledge in the world of practice and evil ways.At this time, Zheng Xuanhua looked like an ordinary teacher.

Just when the two of them were chatting about family affairs in the hall.The time outside Yunyanxian Xiapa passed little by little, Qingliu Nvguan had been waiting outside the gate of the palace, and Jiulingxian had come in the middle once, seeing the situation remained the same, she left with a dark face.

"Can you find out the exact news about Xu Changqing?" He returned to the monastery where he was.Jiu Lingxian couldn't wait to ask Taoist Qingmu who just came back from outside.

Taoist Qingmu shook his head and said: "It's the same as before, but I know that he came to Wuzhen more than a year ago, and later accepted a herb picker named Li Yongfeng from Wuzhen as his registered disciple. In a few years, he established a mortal faction, the Bitter Medicine Association, which is very popular in the three mountains of elixir. In addition, Li Yongfeng also established a bitter medicine hall based on a bitter medicine scripture, which is somewhat similar to the White Lotus Sect back then. It's just that he is very clean and can't bring the Kuyaotang and the Kuyaohui to Xu Changqing. Recently, he has completely separated the Kuyaohui from the Kuyaotang. People can't find the slightest excuse. View What he does is indeed a rare talent

Jiu Lingxian frowned and thought for a while, and said: "I remember that Li Yongfeng's adoptive mother seems to be Yulongxian, who was known as the number one female fairy returning to the void, who lived in Lingshan of the Outer Gate for a while. Besides, but the relationship between her and Huzhentang is still there, could it be that Xu Changqing also has a relationship with Hubatang?

Another young Taoist in the courtyard replied: "It should be impossible! Now there seems to be a great enmity between the Yu family and Xiong Liancheng of Huzhutang. Not long ago, Xiong Liancheng specially sent a At the price of ten bluestone pills, the children of the Yu family were not allowed to pass the entrance examination.

"It is absolutely impossible for such a Sanxian who is valued by Lou Guan Tao to jump out of a stone. He must be a fairy family from the outer sect Lingshan. The bitter medicine meeting is probably just a kind of test for them to test the Nine Spirit Immortals Conceitedly speculated about Xu Changqing's origin, but unfortunately he did not participate in the search for Xu Changqing by the inner sect Lingshan and the secular Ascension Immortal, otherwise he would definitely be able to associate Xu Changqing's origin from the identity of Master Yuxuan. After making a mistake to Xu Changqing After guessing, Jiu Lingxian immediately ordered the mortal Taoist deacon under Qingfeng Pavilion to secretly send someone to monitor Xu Changri... The craftsman does not need to know much about Xu Changri, it only needs to know that Xu Changri has no one for four days. .

Regarding Xu Changqing's origin, not only the Nine Spirit Immortals in the Qingfeng Pavilion were curious, but even the Taoist immortals in the Louguan Taoist building in the bamboo forest on the other side of the nave were also a little curious.Compared with before, there are four more immortals with white hair and long beards in the bamboo building. These four immortals have all reached the realm of returning to the void and enlightening the Tao like Venerable Jubao.Moreover, the four immortals are quadruplets, all of them have exactly the same appearance and height, and their identities can only be distinguished from their black, white, blue and purple clothes.

If Jiu Lingxian and the other ten returning immortals from Qingfeng Pavilion were here, they would definitely not have the guts to try to snatch food from the tiger's mouth, because these four people are not only in the outer door Lingshan, but also in the inner door Lingshan and even the entire Kunlun fairy world. famous.The four of them are more than 300 years old, and their names have long been forgotten. Outsiders can only call them by their clothes and winks.They are the most famous sword idiots in the Louguan Dao Sword Sect, each of them is good at a kind of peerless killing sword, although they are Void Returning Immortals, they are no worse than ordinary Hedao Earth Immortals.In addition, the four of them created a set of four-element transparent Zhuxian formation, when the formation was formed.It can be condensed into an indestructible sword energy that can kill gods and immortals.The power is infinite.

They relied on this set of sword arrays 1000 years ago.When the previous generation of Immortal Palace Lord passed away, he broke into the Great Saint Hall of Immortal Palace, beheaded many Constellation True Monarchs and Enlightened Demon Immortals, and finally faced the combination of six of the Nine Great Saints of Immortal Palace.Until the head of the Nine Great Saints, the Yishan Great Saint, took the shot.Only then did they repel them, but the end result was that both sides suffered.The four of them have not made any progress in cultivation over the past 1000 years because of their injuries, and they have always stayed in the realm of returning to the void, and Xiong Zhenyu was also injured by the four of them, and finally lost in the competition for the position of the palace master of the fairy palace. defected to Asgard.

The four of them have extremely high identities, and they are of the same generation as the current Master Louguan Taoist. Although Venerable Jubao was born in Fazong, he should respect them as master uncle when he sees them, and Louguan Taoist Sword Sect is even more It is directly called the four scraping ancestors.These four have since been injured.They seldom go out to recuperate in the Neishan Cave of Louguan Dao, but now Louguan Dao actually sends these four people to Wuzhen.It can be seen how much Lou Guandao attaches great importance to the matter of the outer sect Lingshan.With the four of them here, unless it was an immortal giant like Xiong Zhenyu with thousands of years of skill fighting to the death, they would pose no threat to these four.

These four thousand-year-old sword immortals have only arrived in Wuzhen not long ago. After hearing Venerable Jubao's introduction to the current situation, they all showed doubts. They didn't seem to understand what Yun Sheng meant by letting a Sanxian join in.

The Tsing Yi Sword Immortal frowned and asked with a hint of vitality in every gesture, "Do you know what happened to Xu Changqing?"

Venerable Jubao introduced Xu Changqing's situation again, and what he said was different from what Jiu Lingxian and others heard from Qingfeng Pavilion.The four sword celestial beings have been recuperating for hundreds of years, so they naturally don't know about the search for Xu Changqing by some sects in Lingshan.And Lou Guandao did not join in the search for Xu Changqing, so Xu Changqing's name did not spread among Lou Guandao's Dharma and Sword sects.Although Venerable Jubao knew that some sects in the Inner Sect Lingshan had searched for a person because of the Ascension Immortal, but he didn't know the person's name.I don't even know that this person is the current Xu


After listening to Xu Changqing's situation, the four sword immortals didn't think there was anything strange about it.Even bitter medicines are nothing more than gadgets in their eyes.

"If you can't figure it out, let's just ask Yun girl later. Even if Yun girl lets this Sanxian enter the treasury in two years, it's no big deal. Even if you can go in, it's not certain whether you can come out. And after entering the treasury The more people there are, the better. Aren't we going to sell those jade talismans in large quantities when the time is right? Anyway, one more person is not too many, and one less person is not too many, so why waste this mentality and try to guess its origin.

Now, let's think more about how to attract those people from the Outer Gate Lingshan!Perhaps because he felt that Xu Changqing shouldn't bother with such a trivial matter, the Ziyi Sword Immortal, who seemed straightforward, yelled and came to a conclusion, then turned to Venerable Jubao and asked, "Jubao, those Qingfeng Pavilion members When are you going to get rid of it, little guy?." Speaking back to Master Zi's uncle, it's still early, and they still have a lot of uses. It's not too late to clean them up at the end. Venerable Jubao stood aside respectfully, and said, "Today, Xiaosheng Yunyan Fairy Xiapa has already been displayed in front of Jiu Lingxian and others. It won’t be long before the entire outer gate spirits let the fairy world know, and then we will look for opportunities to leak the other two dynasty treasures, and they can’t help but come together

"I'm afraid that someone will see through your scheme and won't be fooled by this." The black-clothed sword fairy said coldly with slightly gloomy eyes.

Venerable Jubao said very confidently: "It doesn't matter even if someone sees it through. What I'm doing is a conspiracy, and the benefits in it will definitely move their hearts, so they choose to take a risk. Sheng that is just placed in the open may be dangerous. Disciple I hope that all the masters and uncles can protect her in secret, so as not to cause any accidents to her."

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