Nine idlers

Chapter 493 All Banned

Second, when Xu Changqing successfully refined the Dajue Divine Pill, he also refined a Heart Pill, but this Xie Pill was not deliberately refined by him.It is only because of the special environment that this elixir was formed due to the situation.After being tempered by Tianlei, the two elixirs have been completed, but at the moment the elixirs are not heated enough, and the medicinal properties are strong.It needs to be cultivated for a period of time, when the medicinal properties are calm.It was considered a complete refining success just now.

Therefore, Xu Changqing controlled the rising and sinking of the two elixirs respectively, and integrated them into the infinite diagram on the top cover of the stove.

Following him, he took away the mana on the Xunli Ergua, re-sealed and cast spells, aroused the vitality contained in the Kunkan Ergua, introduced it into the Wuji Diagram to store the elixir, and at the same time gradually weakened the fire in the furnace.At the same time, the glazed Buddha fire was recorded from the alchemy formation.

Just when Xu Changqing put the elixir into the top cover of the elixir furnace, and used the unique method of accumulating in the Bagua furnace to remove the anger of the elixir, a thunderous voice suddenly sounded in the sky, saying: "Dare to ask?" Which Dharma master of the Daluotian Buddhist sect in the lower realm is refining the Great Enlightenment Pill here, please come out and see!"

Hearing the sound, Xu Changqing was stunned.He had been concentrating on alchemy before, and he was very confident in the Zhetian handkerchief he made, so he didn't distract himself from observing the outside world, and he didn't know that the great sage of Immortal Palace came to Chayun Mountain.After all, Dajue Shendan is a Buddhist elixir. After successful refining, although the qi of the elixir is blocked by the eight trigrams furnace and the sky covering, there is still a trace of it leaking out.Immortals with a general alchemy can't detect this trace of alchemy, but to the eyes of the gods such as Shenhuo Dasheng who are at the top of the Kunlun fairy world, the trace of Buddhist alchemy mixed in the thick evil energy is as eye-catching as a bright light in the dark night, and with The insight of the Great Sage of the Immortal Palace would naturally be able to detect what kind of elixir this trace of elixir came from.It's just that they guessed the pill correctly, but they guessed the wrong person.He mistook Xu Changqing for a certain Dharma master of the inner sect Daluotian Xiaolingshan or Leiyin Temple, so he didn't rush to break through the covering barrier of the sky-shrouding handkerchief and break into the waterfall spirit pool.

When Xu Changqing realized that he had been exposed, the Golden Immortal Divine Sense immediately unfolded, instantly taking everything within a radius of thousands of miles into his heart.Although he had never seen the Great Sage of Shenhuo and the Great Sage of Jingtao with his own eyes, he had heard a lot about these two Great Sages of Immortal Palace from the Outer Sect Spirit Mountain.There are many ancient books on the experience of the fairy world that have recorded the deeds of these two people and their appearance characteristics.So it is not difficult to identify.After confirming the identity of the Great Sage of Divine Fire, his divine sense also sensed that those immortals whose cultivation bases were all above the number of gold core peaks who banned the Wantu Stone Forest in Chayun Mountain could faintly detect purpose of coming here

The Chang family brothers who came to the sky above the Waterfall Spirit Pond followed closely behind the Great Sage Shenhuo and the Great Sage Jingtao naturally did not escape Xu Changqing's divine sense. Xu Changqing was also surprised by the changes in these two old acquaintances.Although he had also thought about the state of the cultivation of these two people now.But now I see an immortal fruit of their achievements.The other reached the peak of human immortality, which still surprised him a little.

When Xu Changqing was observing the external situation, the Great Sage of Shenhuo, who had asked before, obviously had no patience to continue waiting for Xu Changqing's response.Since he became the Great Sage of Asgard 300 years ago.He has always been highly respected, even if the masters of the immortal sects in the inner sect Lingshan met him, they might treat him politely. Once upon a time, he had received such a cold reception and was left aside indifferently.After feeling a little humiliated, a trace of anger flashed across his face, he raised his hand to form a claw, condensed into a flame claw covering ten miles in the void, and pressed down with his arm.Grabbed at the dense and persistent evil spirit of heaven and earth below.

However, when the huge flame claws were about to touch the thick layer of heaven and earth evil spirit.A strange power suddenly came out of the evil spirit, which instantly cut off the controlling mana of the Great Sage of Shenhuo.He seized the control of this flame claw, and counterattacked it back with the same power, enveloping all four people in the sky in flames.Although this flame is enough to melt gold and iron, for the four Daozhen Immortals who have the lowest cultivation level and also have Human Immortal Hengfeng, such flames are obviously not enough to cause them any damage. Cast his method to break these flames instantly.

After the sky-burning flame dissipated, the faces of all the immortals showed shock, but the great sage of Xiangong was shocked that the other party was able to snatch the fire that he cast from the hands of the top fire master in Kunlun. Law.The Chang family brothers were more shocked by the person under the strong evil spirit. They seemed to have guessed who it might be, and at the same time they were shocked by its strength.

"The great sage of Shenhuo claims to be the number one master of fire in Kunlun. It is not worthy of the name when I saw it today. If you only have this kind of trick, you should go back to the fairy palace as soon as possible! lest you end up dead in this outer door spirit mountain. !" Just when everyone was shocked by the strength displayed by the mysterious man under the strong evil spirit, one.A peaceful and indifferent voice came from below, directly penetrating the evil spirit of heaven and earth.It was sent directly into the ears of the Four Immortals.

After hearing these words, although the two Immortal Palace Saints were angry, they looked more cautious.Obviously they have regarded Xu Changqing below as a big enemy.And the Chang family brothers heard this voice.His body trembled involuntarily, and the memories in his heart were drawn out, and his original guess became more and more certain.The two brothers couldn't help but looked at each other, but what they saw in each other's eyes was the same look of horror.Please Qinyun Er deliberately made provocative words.Trying to make the Great Sage of Shenhuo angry.When Zhoucai Shenhuo Dasheng made a move, the flame breath when he cast the spell caused the alchemy formation in the Tushii Bagua furnace to resonate and change.If he hadn't sent the elixir into the Wuji Diagram for cultivation, perhaps the Dajue Divine Pill had been destroyed in this mutation at this moment, and at that moment he was connected to the formation in the furnace through his divine sense, and it was very easy. found out the reason.

Although the alchemy furnace fire in the Bagua Furnace can be replaced by various spiritual fires between heaven and earth, the most suitable spiritual fire for the Bagua Furnace and the alchemy formation of the Bagua Furnace is the Divine Fire of Heaven and Earth.The magic power of the Great Sage of Divine Fire contains the aura of the divine fire of Tushi, and the formation in the gossip furnace has also undergone a resonance mutation due to the traction of the aura of the sacred fire of the Tushi. That's why Xu Changqing wants to stimulate the great sage of the divine fire to make a full shot in order to get rid of it. In its spells, it absorbs the tinder of Tushita's divine fire.It's just that although the two Saints of Immortal Palace were furious because of Xu Changqing's provocative words, they did not lose their composure because of it. They were experienced in the world and they could easily see what Xu Changqing was targeting, and they didn't follow their wishes. plan to act.

The Great Sage Jingtao flew up to the Great Sage Shenhuo, and whispered to him: "From the point of view of talent, this person's method of palming fire is by no means weaker than your Ziyang and may even restrain your magic power. You haven't yet I can completely control that thing, so it’s better for me to fight this battle, and you will sweep the battle for me.” Then, he looked at the brothers of the Chang family and said, “Chang Yin and Chang Man just heard about that man’s attack. There seems to be something wrong with the expression when talking. You have to be careful not to let them mess with it

"If they dare to act recklessly, I will destroy them!" The Great Sage of Shenhuo gave the Chang brothers a cold look, and said in a deep voice.

The Great Sage Jingtao could hear that his colleagues had murderous intentions, so he didn't think about it any more, and activated the magic weapon in his body.I saw that the silver armor on his body exudes splendor, and one hundred and eight water spirit dragon balls absorbed the endless sky-reaching water out of thin air, instantly submerging a hundred miles around, turning this place into a vast ocean.Then, a Fangtian painted halberd extended from the silver armor and was held in his hand, and a flag wrapped in black air appeared behind his head. The momentum on his body reached its peak at this moment, and he jumped into the water .

At the moment when the Great Sage Jingtao submerged in the water, the entire ocean was completely black as if turned into ink, which not only blocked the line of sight, but also prevented the penetration of divine thoughts.up in the air.Although the eyes of the Great Sage of Divine Fire are placed below.But the divine sense was aimed at the brothers of the Chang family, but what surprised him was that the brothers of the Chang family obviously had a different expression, but they did not make any troubles at all. Instead, they flew away slowly, as if to avoid It's like driving something.

Under the water, Great Sage Jingtao dived all the way.But he soon felt something was wrong, because no matter how much he dived, he couldn't reach the bottom, as if the vast ocean created by him was out of control and became endless.He stopped his figure, clasped the painted halberd in his hand tightly, and focused his attention on guard. The banners behind his head kept shaking, forming an invisible force that spread around, and the silver armor on his body also turned black. One hundred and eight strands of black energy gushed out from the eight water spirit dragon balls and turned into one hundred and eight dragons smashing the sea monster, forming a hundred dragons and a big Zhoutian killing array around them.

"Since your Excellency is able to break my Tianhong Formation, you must be one of the most powerful masters in Kunlun. Wouldn't your reputation be weakened by doing so?" The Great Sage Jingtao couldn't feel anything from the Bailong Great Zhoutian Killing Formation. the presence of living things.Everything was caused by him, his expression became serious, his hair-like tentacles swayed constantly, his throat vibrated, and he said in the water: "Your Excellency, why don't you show up and fight me!"

"It turned out to be an octopus spirit with the blood of an ancient dragon." Just as the voice of the Great Sage Jingtao fell, Xu Changqing's calm and indifferent voice came out from behind him, saying: "I am right beside you, But you can't even find my figure, so what qualifications do you have to fight me!"

After hearing the sound, the great sage Jingtao was startled, but he didn't turn his head back, but swept the Fangtian painted halberd in his hand backwards with the momentum, and the shadow of the halberd full of extreme cold covered the entire area behind him in an instant Waters, freezing all the water into a layer of solid ice.This cold air even rushed out of the water, creating a hole in the sky, and the snow fell all over the sky, turning the surroundings into a cold snow field.At the same time as the war halberd was swung, the Hundred Dragons Great Zhoutian killing formation he had prepared long ago was also activated, and the entire underwater Zeguo became a killing purgatory.One hundred and eight monster dragons form one hundred and eight extremely powerful forces that contain endless murderous intent, and almost all living creatures that enter it will be reduced to ashes in this force.

Although the battle halberd and killing array of the Great Sage Jingtao are astonishing, there are very few Kunlun immortals who can withstand such attacks, and even the immortals who want to become immortals need to go all out to stop them.But no matter how powerful it is, it is useless to face the void.At this moment, Great Sage Jingtao felt that he was swinging his halberd indiscriminately and running the killing formation alone, because no living thing was injured or died under his attack, and it could even be said that there was no living thing within his attack range. The land vegetation that was covered by the flood before seemed to have disappeared, completely non-existent, and he seemed to be trapped in a void.

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