Nine idlers

Chapter 503

Forgive Changqing after subduing the three demons of the outer sect.Take them out of the book.Came to the blasting deep fire pool.And the three demons were immediately attracted by the things that appeared in front of them.Treasure Hunter Bao Xiandou's big eyes were wide open, staring fixedly at the Bagua furnace. In his eyes, the light of treasures emitted by the Bagua furnace was something he had never seen before.The instinctive reliance on treasures in his blood made him forget everything around him involuntarily.He walked to the side of the pool involuntarily, immersing his body completely in the light of the treasure, and the natal method hidden in his blood began to work under the stimulation of the light of the treasure, which made his golden core gradually improve, and he had a great pill Become the power of God.

Compared to the Treasure Hunting Rat with the bloodline of an ancient spirit beast, although Medicine Smashing Tugan Pharmacist was born with courage, the potential for cultivation hidden in his bloodline was not much worse than that of Bao Xian.After Xu Changqing brought him here, his attention was immediately placed on the medicine garden that had been temporarily built aside, completely forgetting Xu Changqing's power, and suddenly turned into the original shape of a rabbit, and got into the medicine garden.He was amazed at the variety of medicinal materials here.He also complained that the people who planted the medicine did not know the properties of the medicine, so they planted several kinds of medicines with anti-inhibiting properties together. They were even more curious that these elixir medicines had matured in this environment. Born to understand, he replanted some elixir that both generate and inhibit each other, and his blood aura stimulated by the power of the medicine can not only let him practice on his own, but also protect the elixir from damage during the transplantation process.

Compared with the miraculous performance of the second demon who has the blood of the ancient spirit beast, the one-horned golden beetle order twelve, who is an ordinary demon cultivator, looks much more normal.His attention was also attracted by the small spiritual formation that Xu Changqing had arranged on the ground, but he did not get carried away like his two brothers. Instead, he saluted Xu Changqing in a very decent way, and then pointed to the small spiritual formation. , Ask Xu Changqing in a low voice if he is allowed to observe this formation.

Although the spiritual formation is only a low-level formation, it has been re-evolved by Xu Changqing.On the basis of the original one, eighteen auxiliary formations were added, and their effects were comparable to those of the upper and lower ranks of the spiritual formations in the inner sect Lingshan Dharma practice hall.Mu Twelve, who has always been very fanatical about formations and Taoism, realized that this formation is different, and it was within Xu Changqing's expectations.After he asked in item [-].He immediately nodded in agreement, and stretched out his hand to tap the center of the forehead surrounded by the twelve eyes of Mu Twelve, and directly taught a set of methods of cultivating pills to become babies, and then reminded not to disturb Mi Zhang and others who were cultivating in the formation. Let him go down and practice on his own.This set of small methods is not some ancient immortal method, but the general method of Jindan Taoism, but this method is just suitable for the current situation of Mu Twelve, and Mu Twelve's own understanding of Taoism is also very high, very Quickly figured out the trick.While studying the small spirit cultivation array, he also began to practice.

Although the qualifications of these three demons are ordinary, and their characters are cowardly, they have a solid mind and profound potential. As long as they are polished a little, they may not be able to become pillar talents.In addition, the so-called connections in the mouth of the three demons are also one of the factors that Xu Changqing values ​​them.After all, if Li Yongfeng wants to rise in a short period of time and gain a firm place in the fairy world of Lingshan, the Outer Gate, he needs a network of contacts who can understand the forces of other fairy families. This is what Xu Changqing lacks the most. This defect is filled.After feeling that the three demons had been immersed in their own special cultivation method, Xu Changqing ignored them.Let them practice on their own, and teleport back directly to the book from the ground.Originally, he planned to return to Peach Blossom Mountain where the book from the ground was transformed.Talk to the Chang family brothers again, and change the plan.Let them leave and go back to Dingshan Bone Thunder Hall, lest Hu Yueniang take advantage of the absence of the Chang family brothers.Completely subdue the Gulei Hall, which is almost independent from the Outer Dao League.

In Xu Changqing's plan, the Wai Dao League will also play a very important role, but Hu Yueniang is too scheming, and her ability will never lose to anyone. .Although Hu Yueniang led the elites of the Outer Dao League to come here during the battle at Chayun Mountain, Xu Changqing could guess that the elites of the Outer Dao League who appeared in Chayun Mountain would definitely not be all the forces under Hu Yueniang's command. She must have hidden at least More than half of the strength.Now Hu Yueniang already knew that Xu Changqing was also in Kunlun.It can also be guessed that Xu Changqing will make some moves. According to her character, she will definitely expand her power as much as possible so that she can stand against Xu Changqing on an equal footing in the future. Judging from Hu Yueniang's previous methods, the Wai Dao League has become one of the three sects It is not surprising that one of the four factions


In this way, the Chang family brothers who are on the fringes of the Outer Dao League and also hold a lot of power are particularly important.Regardless of whether the Chang family brothers are willing to continue to submit to Xu Changqing's sect this time, judging from their past experience, Hu Yueniang will definitely think that the Chang family brothers belong to Xu Changqing, and thus suppress their bone thunder hall.And Xu Changqing doesn't necessarily need to subdue the Chang family brothers. He only needs to improve and consolidate the cultivation of the Chang family brothers in a short period of time as much as possible, which can serve the purpose of disrupting the Outer Alliance and allow him enough time to make arrangements.

Just when Xu Changqing was about to enter the illusion of Peach Blossom Mountain.The whole Diyi Xunshu was exposed to the fine concave sun and the different body clams "there was a very weak vibration in the heart. The vibrations did not come from the heart of the Dishu, but from outside the Dishu. Therefore, Xu Changqing moved outside the Dishu , I saw that in the sky outside the book of the earth, I don’t know when, thick layers of clouds suddenly piled up, and countless thunderbolts on the road that are comparable to the peaks of the earth immortals shuttled through the clouds, and The aura of enlightenment that caused this thunderbolt indeed emanated from the book on the ground.

Surprised by Xu Changqing, his mind immediately sank into the book to check the situation, and he quickly discovered the cause of the incident.The Thunder Demon Changman, who was originally banned by Xu Changqing in the Book of the Earth, unexpectedly attained enlightenment after a few days of subterranean cultivation, and created the No. 16th layer of Thunderbolt Wanjun Jue, which broke through the realm barrier of returning to the void and becoming immortals, and achieved Ten Thousand Thunders Yuanshen , Prove the fruit of the immortal way.Since Chang Man himself practiced the method of thunder, using thunder to refine his body, the ordinary enlightenment thunder calamity was useless to him, so the Three Realms Dao should be condensed with a stronger Dao thunder calamity, forming Chang Man's unique enlightenment calamity.

Now Chang Man has become enlightened, but because of the book from the ground, the thunder calamity cannot fall at all. Only when Chang Man's enlightened breath passes through the thunder calamity, the thunder calamity still did not hit Chang Man, but was blocked by the book from the ground.Although the book from the ground was transformed by the prehistoric mulch, this avenue of thunder is also one of the most powerful thunders in the three realms, and it is inevitable that some abnormal fluctuations will occur under the impact of this powerful force.

As Chang Man was unable to overcome the calamity for a long time, more and more calamity thunder and calamity clouds piled up in the sky, thicker and thicker, and there was a tendency to form a thousand extinction thunder calamity.Such a powerful tribulation thunder, not to mention Changman, even Xu Changqing himself is not sure, if he releases Changman's book at this time to cross the catastrophe, he may die in a day before he can completely pass the catastrophe Under the bombardment of Dao Lei Jie.Naturally, Xu Changqing would not let Chang Man die like this, only to see him fully open the big bright eyes on his forehead, and then run the law of controlling thunder in the big bright eyes.With the spread of Jinxian's divine mind, this magical power of controlling thunder gradually penetrated into Jieyun, after controlling part of Jieyun.Then this part of Jieyunlu, which contains Dao Jielei, was separated, and at the same time, it was included in the world of Qiankun along the eyes of the great light, and integrated into the law of Qiankun Leijie in the world of Qiankun.Although the Dao Tribulation Thunder is enough to destroy the world, it can't resist Xu Changqing's encroachment. The thick calamity cloud covering the sky and closing the moon gradually shrinks, and the Dao Tribulation Thunder contained in it gradually decreases, and it is only a matter of time before it disappears.

At the moment when Dao Jielei appeared, almost the whole of Kunlun felt it. Many people were surprised that there was another immortal who had entered the realm of extreme power in Lingshan, the outer gate, and at the same time wondered who could have such cultivation.Hu Yueniang, who has gathered the immortals under her command this Hai, and has returned to the main altar of the Outer Dao League in Wuwang Mountain, is calling the elite immortals under her command to gather in the altar.Discussing countermeasures, she did not hide anything about Xu Changqing from her subordinates.Although many people think what she said is true, there are still a large number of people who think it is impossible. When everyone is arguing about how this matter will affect the development of the Foreign Dao League, they also feel that Kunlun Tiandao is scattered. The thunder robbery that came out was overwhelming, and Hu Yueniang, Xiong Dingfeng, and the hidden figures with comparable cultivation levels in the Outer Dao League also felt where the thunder robbery appeared.

"Is it him?" When Hu Yueniang talked about Xu Changqing's strength, Xiong Dingfeng didn't doubt it.Because of the cultivation bases of the Huang family brothers, Guan Zheng, Yan Feng and others, he didn't recognize how bad Xu Changqing, the No. 1 secular cultivator revered by everyone, would be.Just deep inside him.I still feel that Hu Yueniang is exaggerating Xu Changqing's ability. After all, in his opinion, the only people who can easily subdue Hu Yueniang in Kunlun are the master of the fairy palace, Taoist Tianji and other mysterious and powerful immortals.

However, when the aura of thunder calamity appeared in Chayun Mountain, he immediately felt the strength of the thunder calamity, and based on this, he deduced that the person who crossed the calamity had a stronger cultivation base than him, and he was more likely to be an Xeon Immortal, so he thought

When Xiongdingfeng asked, several other directors of the hidden forces of the Outer Dao League nearby also looked at Hu Yueniang, waiting for Hu Yueniang's answer, because they also felt the strength of the person who crossed the catastrophe from the breath of the thunder catastrophe.However, Hu Yueniang shook her head at this moment and said, "It's not him." After thinking about it, she said, "It should be Chang Man."

"Chang Man?" Everyone was stunned for a moment, while Xiong Dingfeng frowned and said, "Didn't Chang Man just reach the realm of the Void Returning Human Immortal Hengfeng not long ago? It shouldn't be so powerful."

"Don't forget! What Chang Man cultivates is the method of thunder. Naturally, the divine thunder of crossing the catastrophe will be much stronger than other methods." Hu Yueniang replied, then her face was gloomy, and said: "It is not Chang Man who worries me. It is not long after Chang Man was captured by that Xu Changqing, he became a Taoist. I don’t know if there is Xu Changqing’s role in it?"

After hearing this, the immortals froze and looked at each other.Then he couldn't help but sucked in a breath of cold air, and a feeling of horror arose in his heart.The notch throws Shan Xun, books and sun umbrellas

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