Nine idlers

Chapter 52

Chapter 52 Nine Streams Strongman

"Mrs. Tang's praise!" Although Xu Changqing was very surprised by the green dragon stick in Mrs. Tang's hand, her face was still very calm. After all, this green dragon stick was not the one from the Song Dynasty. Then she cupped her fists and said : "I am also a member of the lower nine streams. This time, I will also participate in the matter of Xuangang Tianma trying to destroy my Chinese luck against the sky. And Yin Kui is the right-hand man of Xuangang Tianma. Soul, to refine the Yellow Spring Banner and assist the Xuanhand Heavenly Demon, we will naturally not let him succeed."

"Huh! Since you are a helper, why did you beat my husband seriously?" Seeing that her husband was still in a daze, Lu Rong felt anxious. Hearing Xu Changqing's words, she couldn't help snorting, and said, "Don't you mean Do you want to knock down all your own people first?"

"Mrs. Niu, you don't need to involve other people. I only want to beat Niu Gangzhen!" Xu Changqing's face turned cold, he gave Lu Rong a look, and said, "Half of the grievances between me and him are known here. Such a sneak attack didn't kill him. It's his luck. God and all of you are here to help. The grievances between me and him have been wiped out, and we will not owe each other in the future. You can beat him to death with a stick, so you don't have to worry about it."

Lu Rong wanted to say something more, but she was blocked by Xu Changqing's sharp gaze. At this time, a fat monk standing next to her said with a smile: "Mr. admire!"

As he said that, the fat monk formed a lotus seal with his hand, operated the Buddhist acupoint, pressed on Niu Gang's top door, and forcibly stuffed back the three souls and seven souls that had been beaten out by the Yin God's stick.Then he ordered Niu Gangzhen, who was gradually waking up, to sit quietly and adjust his breath to strengthen his mind.After the rescue, he turned his head and squinted his eyes at Xu Changqing, and said: "Mr. Xu's stick is so powerful that it can knock out the three souls and seven souls of people. As far as I know, a spirit with such power The magic weapon is only the Yinshen stick in the hands of Emperor Qianyuan, and now this Yinshen stick is in the hands of Podi Tianjun Bai Zhan, where did Mr. Xu get such a magic weapon?"

"Bai Lian You Sheng, you don't have to use such secret words to provoke me. It's not just a matter of a day or two between me and your White Lotus Sect!" Xu Changqing sneered, looking at Shi Maitreya, the right sage of the White Lotus Sect, with disdain , and then raised his hand, the Yinshen stick appeared in his hand again, and said: "This is indeed a Yinshen stick, and I snatched it from Bai Zhan two days ago. If you think I am not suitable to take this treasure, Then where can I give it to you!"

As he spoke, he casually threw the Yinshen stick in front of Shi Maitreya, and the stick turned twice in mid-air, and it hit straight in front of Shi Maitreya.The elders of the Niu family and the Tomb Raiders on both sides waved at their nephews and disciples at this moment, and led them to retreat to the two sides. Yan Feng also pulled Lu Rong, Niu Gangzhen and the few elders from the outer hall who came out with him to retreat. side.At this moment, only Xu Changqing, Shi Maitreya, several monks from the Maitreya Sect of the White Lotus Sect, and the mother and daughter of the Tang family were present on the field.

The grievances between Jiuliu Xianren's lineage and the White Lotus Sect have a long history. It is impossible to test when it first started, but I know that the two are in conflict, and for a while they reached the point of immortality. There were three White Lotus Sect members Shengzhu died at the hands of Jiuliu idlers.

Mrs. Tang is a little dumbfounded now, she thought she was getting some help, but she didn't expect her own people to fight first.For the sake of the overall situation, she hastily stood between the two and stopped her: "Everyone is facing a great enemy, we really shouldn't be 'chaos'..."

Before Mrs. Tang could finish speaking, Shi Maitreya, who was staring at the Yin God Stick with a greedy face, took advantage of the moment she stood in the way, and stretched out his hand to grab the Yin God Stick.But as soon as he grabbed it, he immediately felt something was wrong, the strange force in the stick made his mind tremble, as if the three souls and seven souls faintly wanted to break free from the body.He quickly recited the Maitreya centering mantra secretly, trying to stabilize his mind, and the disciples of Maitreya Sect behind him also noticed that Shi Maitreya's expression was not right, and immediately reached out to help him.

Xu Changqing looked at this scene with a sneer, and suddenly circulated his true energy, instantly raised the ghostly spirit to the extreme, disappeared from the spot, and then appeared in front of Shi Maitreya out of thin air, kicked Shi Maitreya's big belly, and put him together with him. The disciples behind him were kicked out together.Following him, holding the Yinshen stick in his hand, he retreated and retreated to the place where he was standing before. He was calm and looked at the opponent who fell on the ground with a calm face, as if he hadn't moved at all from the beginning.

What happened just now was too sudden. Except for a few people with profound cultivation like Yan Feng and the mother and daughter of the Tang family who could clearly see Xu Changqing's movements, the rest of the people, even Lu Rong and Niu Gangzhen, didn't know why they were released. Maitreya and his disciples would suddenly fly backwards and fall to the ground. Why would the Yin God stick suddenly appear in Xu Changqing's hand seven or eight meters away?

"Mr. Xu, Shi Yousheng, can we stop now for the sake of the old man's face!" Mrs. Tang's face darkened when she saw the two men fighting in such a disregard of the overall situation, she couldn't help but feel extremely displeased. Thinking contemptuously, after all, they are low-ranking sects, all of them are brave and ruthless people.

Xu Changqing was expressionless, played with the Yinshen stick in his hand, and said lazily: "Mrs. Tang, whether to stop now is not up to me. I should ask Shi Yousheng if he agrees?"

As soon as Xu Changqing said this, everyone's eyes were on Shi Maitreya, and they realized that something was wrong with Shi Maitreya.Although Shi Maitreya possessed the authentic Taoist body protection skill Taiqing Yuangang to resist Xu Changqing's foot weighing ten thousand catties, but he couldn't block the spiritual energy of the Five Elements Fighting Fire contained in Xu Changqing's foot.Although the Huo Lingjin rushing into Shi Maitreya's body was quickly intercepted by the Bailian Buddha Yuan in Shi Maitreya's body, no matter how much Shi Maitreya used his energy, he couldn't force it out of his body. , his face was flushed, and even the people around him could feel the heat emanating from his body.

If it was a month ago, Xu Changqing developed the Daowu Five Elements Battle Art through the Yin Yang Five Elements Hand, it might not be able to bring any harm to Shi Maitreya.But ever since he realized that this five-element battle technique can exert great power in hand-to-hand combat, he has been constantly improving the five-element battle technique during these days.Through last night's transformation of spiritual consciousness from emptiness to reality, the control of the Five Elements Taoism has been greatly improved, which makes the corresponding Daowu Five Elements Battle also more powerful.Now it is not the spiritual energy of the five elements transformed by Xu Changqing that is causing trouble in Shi Maitreya's body, but the unrefined and pure spiritual energy of the five elements of heaven and earth, so once this spiritual energy enters the body, it is difficult to "force" it from the body. out, the only way is to import it into other people.

Shi Maitreya also seemed to have noticed the solution to the problem, and immediately shouted to the disciples behind him: "You guys still don't help me, do you want to watch me die?"

Hearing Shi Maitreya's order, the disciples of the Maitreya sect rushed out, and put their palms on Shi Maitreya's back, and then felt an irresistible yang energy coming from Shi Maitreya's body, pouring into them along the palms. in the body.These few disciples didn't even utter a scream, they were covered in flames, and when they woke up, they were burnt into a few cokes in a short while.Seeing this scene, everyone couldn't help feeling dumbfounded, and looked at Xu Changqing with horror and fear. Everyone didn't expect that Xu Changqing's blow just now "forced" Shi Maitreya to use his disciple as a scapegoat in public.

"What a domineering fire spirit!" An elder from the outer hall of the Donghua School standing next to Yanfeng said with a solemn expression: "If I get hit by that trick, I'm afraid I can only use others to do it!" Take the place of the devil!"

"This is the ability of the Jiuliu Xianren's lineage to fight against the White Lotus Sect for hundreds of years." Yan Feng sighed: "The Jiuliu's idler's lineage is really unique, and it can appear almost from generation to generation. Wizards, all kinds of Taoism that have never been seen before emerge in their hands one after another, it is really hard to guard against." After speaking, he looked at Niu Gangzhen who was beside him with a shocked face, and said with a secret method: "Although Changqing has already said that he will not be here. I don't care about that matter, but Jiuliu idlers always hold grudges, if you don't have to, you'd better not get close to him, so as not to be hurt by his design."

Niu Gangzhen nodded silently, and then said with a dejected expression: "Back then, his cultivation base and I were only on par with him, but the Taoism was a bit behind. After thinking about it, the gap with him is getting bigger and bigger.”

"Husband, there's no need to be like this. The lineage of Jiuliu idlers cannot be deduced with common sense," Lu Rong held Niu Gangzhen's hand, and comforted her softly: "Your Taoism cultivation base can be regarded as an outstanding master even in the orthodox sect of immortals and Buddhas. In the lower sect, besides those old people with decades of skill, how many people from the younger generation are your opponents, so why belittle yourself."

"Xiao Rong is right." Yan Feng also took a picture of the nephew and aunt who was afraid that he was optimistic about the heretics, and said, "Your Taoism cultivation is few among your peers can match, but Jiuliu idlers are different. Taoism is very domineering, although it is powerful, but there is a [-]-day limit, and it is difficult to advance after reaching the bottleneck, and if you can concentrate on cultivation, one day you will definitely be able to enter the Golden Core Dao, so why envy others for a moment. "

"Master taught me the lesson, it's because Gang Zhen is too aggressive!" After all, Niu Gangzhen is the most outstanding disciple of the Nongmen Niu family. After Yan Feng gave some advice, he suddenly came to his senses, his face returned to normal, and his eyes regained his confidence. .

Yan Feng looked at Shi Maitreya who was adjusting his breath, then looked at Xu Changqing who was standing on Ruoting Mountain, and said, "Changqing is indeed a rare genius among Jiuliu idlers, and now his Shangqing Jiuzhuan Jindan* *'s cultivation level is almost close to the Golden Core Dao, only slightly worse than mine. The strange body technique he used just now should also be a worldly martial art, and he can use the worldly martial art so powerfully that even my Yuqing Dharma Eye can't Only a phantom can be seen, it seems that he has broken away from the barrier of the Jiuliu Xianren's line of Taoism, and started to create a Taoism that suits him like other outstanding Jiuliu Xianren. And from the time he kicked Shi Maitreya just now With one kick, except for the spirit of fire, the rest is pure physical strength. It is possible to shake Shi Maitreya's Taiqing Yuangang away with physical strength alone, and that kick has at least ten thousand catties of strength. **With such a powerful force, apart from Guangxi Shi Family's magic strike, only the ancient method of "sex and life cultivation" can be achieved a long time ago."

Although Yan Feng's voice was not loud, the people around him were all practitioners with a certain level of cultivation, so they could hear his words clearly. For a while, everyone looked at each other in blank dismay, especially those young juniors in their early twenties. It was dumbfounded.Although they have heard from their elders how powerful the Taoism of Jiuliu Xianren's lineage is, they have never seen it before.

Because Xu Changqing and his master don't like to travel around the rivers and lakes, tainted with karma, and Xu Changqing only left Chen Jiachong twice after inheriting Yizhuang, which made most of the younger generation in the practice world gradually forget the lineage of Jiuliu idlers powerful.In their minds, only those who are well-known are masters, and only those old people are afraid of the idlers.Right now Xu Changqing is attacking forcefully, the force of the blow is actually ten thousand catties, and Bailian Yousheng Shi Maitreya, whom they think is high above, will fall in one blow, which really makes their jaws fall to the ground, and the only feeling in their hearts is shock.

At this time, Shi Maitreya had already adjusted his breath, he stood up, looked at the disciple who had turned into charcoal behind him, his eyes were indifferent, and then he showed that kind of happy smile abnormally on his face, and looked at Xu Changqing and Mrs. Tang Putting ten together, he said: "I have learned the Taoism of Jiuliu Xianren again today. I know that I am not an opponent, so I can only bow down. I hope Mr. Xu will not blame me if I offended you just now!"

After finishing speaking, he did not leave, but walked to the side with a smile, closed his eyes and sat down cross-legged, as if in a trance, making people feel that what happened just now and the corpse on the ground were all illusory and never existed.Xu Changqing sneered at Shi Maitreya, looked at him thoughtfully again, then cupped his fists at Mrs. Tang as a confession, jumped up to the roof of the nearby inn, sat down cross-legged, closed his eyes and meditated.The other people around didn't expect the matter to be resolved like this, they were all stunned for a moment, and then under the order of the elders in the door, they buried the corpse on the ground, gathered aside, and discussed the matter just now in small groups, Xu Changqing didn't have the high spirit before he came here.

Xu Changqing sat cross-legged on the roof, quietly experiencing the changes in his body. After he resolved his resentment towards Niu Gangzhen, the speed at which the golden core essence in his body transformed into gold 'liquid' essence increased again.In addition, the golden 'liquid' true essence has gradually replaced the golden core true essence that circulates in Xiao Zhoutian. Through Ren Du's two veins, the golden 'liquid' true essence of the upper, middle, and lower dantians are fused together, and are distributed in the three There seems to be a fire burning slowly in the golden 'liquid' essence in the dantian, gradually promoting the operation of the golden 'liquid' essence.

"Civil and martial fire refining, gold 'liquid' circles the sky!" Xu Changqing couldn't help showing a hint of joy on his face, and said to himself: "Finally entered the realm of refining qi and transforming gods."

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