Nine idlers

Chapter 535 The entrance opens

Chapter 530 The Fifth Entrance Opens

Wen Xingyan also didn't expect that the thunder light that she sacrificed would be captured by others to counterattack herself. Although she was a little at a loss by the situation in front of her, the defensive movements and spells in her hands were not slow at all.I saw her raise her right hand, move her back toward the thundering light, and said with a clear voice, "Take it!"

These menacing thunder lights immediately seemed like a wanderer returning home, honestly received by him, and condensed into a ball of thunder beads.

At this time, several immortals from Hedao Earth Immortal Realm at the edge of the platform did not see the power of the thunder, but thought it was just a trick played by Wen Xingyan and Li Yongfeng, and couldn't help thinking that the Immortal Palace was nothing more than that, so they said There was a contemptuous sneer.

Seeing this, Wen Xingyan didn't say much, and threw the thunder beads in his hand towards those immortals.It is not easy for those immortals to come here. While laughing, they all sacrificed their magic weapons to prevent the other party from angering themselves, which also happened to block Lei Zhu's attack.However, what they didn't expect was that the power of the thunder beads was far beyond their imagination. Their own magic weapon would collapse at the touch of a touch, and they had no time to use evasion techniques to avoid it, and they were caught by the thunderbolt formed after the thunder beads dispersed.There were bursts of screams coming from the dazzling thunder light, and soon there was no sound, and when the thunder light disappeared, the original Hedao earth immortals had turned into several black charcoal-like mummies, even Yuanshen also failed to escape.

There was a sound of breathing immediately on the platform, except for a few people, the rest of the immortals, Buddhas and demons were all shocked by the power of Wen Xingyan's thunder bead.At the same time, they also thought of the scene just now, and only then did they feel the unusualness of Li Yongfeng, a person with the lowest cultivation level, and everyone couldn't help guessing what kind of method Li Yongfeng used to easily counter Wen Jialei's method.If they can know this method, maybe in the near future, they won't have to worry about the Xiangong Wenjia Leifa.

Before the immortals could guess the answer, Wen Yueyan, who had been standing still and speechless, had already given the answer, with a slightly surprised tone, she said, "The Thunder Whip? I didn't expect Li Daoyou to have such a supreme spirit as the Thunder Whip. Bao, this concubine is really surprised! Seeing that fellow daoist can easily capture my little sister Jiuxiaoshuibu Leiting, you think that fellow daoist's imperial thunder whip is made of nine-section dragon blood wood?"

Hearing this, everyone's eyes could not help but fall on Li Yongfeng, most of them were full of surprise and jealousy.The Thunder Whip made of nine-section dragon blood wood can already be called a supreme spiritual treasure. There are only a few in the entire Kunlun Three Realms, and each one is regarded as a family treasure. They never expected A person with such a humble cultivation level as Li Yongfeng actually has such a spirit treasure in his hand.As a result, quite a few people have had their own thoughts. After all, no matter how precious the hidden treasures in Taishang Qingjing Tian’s inner treasury are, there may not be any treasures that can be compared with them. Finding babies from treasure troves is much easier.

"What a clever way to kill with a knife!" Xu Changqing who was on the side couldn't help but applaud Wen Yueyan's words.He could feel that Wen Yueyan did this not because she coveted the treasures in Li Yongfeng's hands, but because Li Yongfeng disrespected her husband, which humiliated the always high-ranking Lord of the Great Hall, so he used this method to teach Li Yongfeng a lesson, and at the same time to try To test whether Li Yongfeng is qualified to be her husband's teacher brother.In this regard, Xu Changqing did not intend to help. He also wanted to see how Li Yongfeng would solve the current situation of wolves watching.

For Wen Yueyan's actions, people with a discerning eye can see it in their eyes and understand it in their hearts.Most of them also coveted the Nine-section Royal Thunder Whip in Li Yongfeng's hands, but they also knew that Li Yongfeng had a close relationship with immortals like Yan Feng, so they all kept their thoughts in their hearts, kept quiet, and waited for a good show.Only some fairy demons who had found nothing after entering the treasure house couldn't resist the greed in their hearts, and began to target Li Yongfeng.

Zhao Changkong, who was on the side, also noticed his wife's thoughts, frowned involuntarily, and glared at her angrily.But when he was about to say something to curb the bad intentions of the surrounding fairies, Wen Yueyan stopped him with the secret technique of sound transmission.I don't know what Wen Yueyan said, although Zhao Changkong's face is still angry, but he has given up the idea of ​​helping Li Yongfeng, and slowly retreated back to the forces of the Immortal Palace, as if to give up.

At this time, Yan Feng and others obviously couldn't watch Li Yongfeng being besieged like this, and were about to stand up to support Li Yongfeng, but they were stopped by Li Yongfeng's wave.I only heard Li Yongfeng look contemptuously at those fairy monsters who were about to move, snorted coldly, and said to Yanfeng and others with a haughty look: "Master's Taoism is as good as the sky, I have only been with Master for two years. That's all, what I have learned is not even superficial, but these learned things are enough to deal with a few unsightly things."

Li Yongfeng's words not only surprised Yan Feng and others, but also annoyed those who had different ideas. Even some other immortals, demons, Buddhas and demons who had died down were also a little displeased by this wild statement, and they looked at Li Yongfeng rather unkindly.

"What an arrogant boy, I'm here to test how strong you are with what you can't even count!" There is no shortage of impulsive fools in this world. When Li Yongfeng's words fell, a The demon leader of the demon world sacrificed seven demon swords, which turned into seven black lights, and stabbed at Li Yongfeng.

"Qixiu Jue Demon Sword!" The moment the demon leader sacrificed the demon sword, people in the Buddhist world not far away immediately recognized the origin of this set of demon swords, and their voices were full of fear and hatred. The Buddha cultivator who recognized this sword must have killed many people around him by this sword.

Xu Changqing also knew a lot of things about the demon world from Dao Wuqing, among which he mentioned the Seventh Cultivation Demon Lord who was also a general under the command of the Vientiane Demon Venerable.This demon lord of seven cultivators is a traitor of the Louguan Dao Sword Sect, and what he cultivates is the secret Qixiu Sword of the secular Shushan Sword Sect that was incorporated into Louguan Dao.Because this demon is obsessed with swords, and created a more powerful Qixiu Juemo Sword based on the Qixiu Sword, and also retreated under the force of his Great Destroyer Sword when competing with the Great Destroyer Demon Lord, so he was captured by the Demon Realm. Wan Mozun is the first sword under the Great Destroyer Demon Lord.Dao Wuqing once said bluntly that if he was in a life-and-death struggle with the Demon Lord of Seven Cultivators, he would definitely not be the one who survived. Even if he is now the strongest Demon Lord who can use the way of sealing the world, the result is still the same.

Right now, the people in the demon world who are attacking Li Yongfeng are only at the peak of Hedao Dixian. Naturally, it cannot be the Seventh Cultivation Demon Lord himself, and it is likely to be his disciple and grandson. In the eyes of Yu Jian's sword fairy, his sword skills are really not worth mentioning.However, the Xeon Immortal who has some understanding of the Dao of Heaven and Earth can still feel that the core origin of this magic sword is a force of destruction. This force of destruction is like an ancient beast that wants to destroy any objects that come close. devour.Xu Changqing also felt that this power was quite similar to the destructive power in the black fire gourd on his waist, but it was too weak.

For this simple and direct attack, Li Yongfeng didn't even move to dodge, allowing the seven magic swords to stab his forehead.There was a sound of gold and iron, and sparks burst out between the tip of the magic sword and Li Yongfeng's forehead. The mana attached to the magic sword was completely blocked by Li Yongfeng's Xie Gangbubu body, and it was discharged to the surroundings. open.

The fairy monsters who were close to Li Yongfeng became the fish in the pond, and they were shocked by the remaining power of the magic sword. They retreated again and again, and those with weaker cultivation bases even had their souls injured by the destructive power in it, so they had to retreat far away. To avoid the disaster from heaven, a large area around Li Yongfeng was immediately vacated.

The people around were all stunned by Li Yongfeng's actions. Although they were also confident that they could resist the attack of the Qixiu Jue Demon Sword, but like Li Yongfeng, they didn't use any mana and just relied on their physical strength to directly meet such an attack with their foreheads. The powerful magic sword is really exaggerated to the point of exaggeration, even the face of the instigator, Wen Yueyan, showed unconcealable surprise.

While everyone was surprised, only three people who knew Tianxie Dao very well could see that Li Yongfeng lost his mind seven times in a row while blocking the seven magic swords.They knew very well that while their physical bodies were not damaged by the attack, their souls were also scattered seven times under the action of the destructive power contained in the magic sword, and reunited seven times, and the person who saw through this was precisely Xu Changqing, Yan Feng and Zhao Changkong.

"The evil gang does not break the body? The law of nine deaths, no life and no death?" Zhao Changkong looked at Li Yongfeng with complicated eyes, envious and jealous, and muttered to himself with a rather disappointed look: "I didn't expect Master's two He has already practiced the fundamental law of the evil way of the sect, and he has only practiced under that person for a year. No wonder the master often said that that person's wisdom and cultivation are unfathomable, and he has reached the level of the sky. Looking at it today Master's words back then are indeed correct!"

"Husband, why bother to build up other people's ambitions and destroy your own prestige! Didn't you also complete the incomplete Tianxie Dao by yourself and create your own Tianxie Six Laws? Compared with Xu Changqing, it is not inferior '." Wen Yueyan, who was connected with Zhao Changkong, naturally felt the loss in Zhao Changkong's heart, so she gently held her husband's hand, and comforted her softly with the secret technique of sound transmission.

Zhao Changkong turned his head to look at Wen Yueyan, and smiled slightly. Although he didn't untangle his heart, he no longer cared about it, and his attention shifted to Li Yongfeng.

Li Yongfeng, who has long been accustomed to the pain of shattering his mind and soul, did not show any abnormalities on his face or eyes. When the opponent took back the magic sword with a blow to no avail, he raised his hand and wiped his forehead where there was no red mark. He smiled coldly, looked around, and finally put his eyes on the man in the demon world who made the shot, and said, "This is the strength of fellow daoist? It seems that it is nothing more than that. Entering the inner vault of this treasury, I am afraid that there will be more bad luck than good, I still advise fellow Taoists to retreat in the face of difficulties, lest thousands of years of hard work will eventually turn into ashes, and the gains outweigh the losses."

"Hmph!" Faced with Li Yongfeng's cynicism, the man from the demon world didn't continue to attack, but just let out a cold snort, then turned around and retreated behind all the people from the demon world.Although this person shrank back on the surface, the real discerning people can still see that his attack and withdrawal are just deliberately hiding his true strength. If Mo Ruo wanted to attack him after entering the inner treasury, he was afraid that he would lose everything by stealing chickens.

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