Nine idlers

Chapter 538 Karma Golden Body

Chapter 530 Eight Karma Golden Body

The fairies, demons, Buddhas and demons gathered separately on this hanging island, and after some discussion, they finally agreed to Xu Changqing's cooperation proposal.The three parties respectively elected Xu Changqing, Zhi Wuqi, and the mysterious power of the demon world named Kaitian Mojun as the three leaders of the temporary alliance, and all the immortals, Buddhas and demons obeyed the orders of the three.

Xu Changqing's astonishing cultivation is clearly here, and Li Linxian and other four people have already guessed his identity and regard him as their respect, so his nomination is the least suspenseful.The Kaitian Demon Lord seems to have a very high coercive power in the demon world. Although he is alone, the rest of the demon world refuses to respect him, and there is no problem with his recommendation.

But only Zhi Wuqi's recommendation caused those Buddhists to quarrel for a long time.Among the more than 50 people in the Buddhist world, there are only six Arhats including Zhiwuqi, and most of the rest are Wei Tuo and Babu from Vajrayana and All Heavens, and there are two other Bodhisattvas. Xiaojue Bodhisattva.Most of these people in the Buddhist world are in the same strength, that is, at the peak of Hedao. Only Zhi Wuqi and Vajrayana's Wrathful Vajrayana are comparable in strength, and they have already stepped into the strongest state with half a foot.Zhi Wuqi has the Thousand-Handed Arhat Dharma Appearance, which can improve his cultivation to the strongest level, and Na Faxian also has the Great Nirvana Golden Body, which can also increase his strength to the strongest level.It's just that Zhi Wuqi's improvement can be permanent, and on this basis, he can use his unique secret method to continue to improve to a higher level, reaching the realm of heavenly immortals, while Fa Xian's improvement can only last for a period of time, which is naturally dwarfed clumsy.Although Fa Xian has the support of the vast majority of people, but after all, he lacks confidence, and Zhi Wuqi has also grasped the clues to enter the real treasure house of this formation. In the end, Fa Xian had to take a step back and let Zhi Wuqi become the person in command. .

The framework of cooperation was temporarily constructed, and after Xu Changqing made a vow of original intention with loopholes, Zhi Wuqi also revealed the clues he had discovered before.It's just that a lot of Buddhist vocabulary was used in what he said, which made many people who haven't studied Buddhist classics feel a little confused. In the end, Xu Changqing turned to Taoist words and magic cultivator words to recreate it. It was only after he said it that everyone could understand, and Xu Changqing's actions also made everyone present marvel at the miscellaneous knowledge he had learned, which actually involved the three scriptures of Taoism, Buddhism and demonism.

Although Zhi Wuqi's discovery is very messy, and it seems extremely complicated to say it, but the root of it is the word karma of Buddhism.The cause of Buddhism is the self-nature, the condition is the appearance of the name and form, and the cause is the action of the heavenly way and all karma, but the self-nature does not exist forever in the Buddhist philosophy. The true suchness, this true suchness is the existence of all things and the root of all things. Only by breaking away from the self-"nature" can we obtain the eternal true suchness.

This twelve karma formation is full of mutual generation and mutual restraint like the nine palaces and eight trigrams formation, but it is different from the fairy family formations such as the nine palaces and eight trigrams formation in that the power used to arrange this formation is extremely mysterious heaven and earth karma.Regarding this point, Xu Changqing also noticed it while absorbing the turbid aura of the elixir of this place. After all, the karma of heaven and earth has a slight connection with the Dao of Karma and Karma, and he, who possesses the great law of karma, can also feel that the karma of this place is as heavy as the real one. The underworld of the underworld.It's a pity that he couldn't find the way these karma of heaven and earth work through the law of causality, and could only feel its existence vaguely.

The only way to break through the twelve karmic circles is to peel off the misty world karma, find the nature of the magic circle covered by karma, which is where the real magic circle is, and then break it open. Formation, find the truth, you can enter the real treasure chest.Zhi Wuqi is a great supernatural being in the Buddhist world, so he is no stranger to the karma of heaven and earth. Even in terms of karma alone, the great law of cause and effect that Xu Changqing has mastered cannot compare with it.After he understood the name of this formation and there was a layer of hidden treasures, he quickly found a trace of unique power hidden in the karma of heaven and earth through experience, which was the strength of the entire twelve-karma formation.As long as he is given a little time, if he wants to master the method of karma operation, it is not difficult to find the location of the formation heart. Then he can find a way to clear the karma, break the formation heart, and enter the real treasure chest.

After listening to what Zhi Wuqi said, everyone asked Zhi Wuqi to cast a spell to find out the method of karma operation in this array.It's just that Zhi Wuqi said that he can't see through such a strong karma of heaven and earth with his own power, so he asked other people in the Buddhist world to bless his body with his own destiny, so that he can enter the real "nature" of great enlightenment. Realm, open the Buddha eye that sees all over the three realms.

Those in the Buddhist world are a little hesitant about this, especially those in the Vajrayana, because the method of blessing Zhi Wuqi said is basically tantamount to handing over one's life and death to others.Even if there were no casualties afterwards, Zhi Wuqi was able to pass through this state of the unity of all Buddhas during the process of blessing, and thus master the various secret techniques of Buddhism that they each practiced.If Zhi Wuqi mastered so many secrets of the Vajrayana, Bodhisattva Vehicle, and All-heaven Vehicle, then the strength of the Arhat Vehicle will definitely increase greatly. This is definitely not what the Vajrayana Buddhists headed by Faxian hope to see. of.

When he was at a stalemate, Xu Changqing suddenly said: "Although I believe that a person with the status and cultivation level of Master Zhifa would not do such a despicable thing, after all, everyone has concerns. Since everyone has Why don't you use a compromise method for your own unspeakable secrets?"

"Immortal Venerable, please speak." Seeing someone mediate, all the people in the Buddhist world stopped arguing and looked at Xu Changqing, hoping that he could come up with a good solution.

"You don't object to the blessing of mana, but you are worried that in the process of blessing, the Lord Zhifa will steal all the secret methods you have practiced. If this is the case, why not add a transitional person between you and the Lord Zhifa?" Xu Changqing He said unhurriedly: "If my prediction is correct, Lord Zhi Dharma can only steal all the Dharma that you have practiced when you have reached the state of the unity of ten thousand Buddhas. If you can teach this blessing method to one or several A person who can bear the vast Buddha power of all of you, concentrate all the blessed Buddha power on this person, and then transfer it to the Lord Branch Dharma. In this way, it will only bless the Buddha power, and will not enter the return of ten thousand Buddhas. A state of oneness."

After hearing what Xu Changqing said, people in the Buddhist world thought it was feasible, but Zhi Wuqi remained expressionless from the beginning to the end, making people feel that he never thought of stealing the Buddhist secrets of fellow Buddhists from the very beginning. Law.After everyone agrees, it is the person who chooses to be the bridge of transition, and among all the people present, it seems that only Xu Changqing and the mortal body of the Kaitian Demon Lord can withstand such a large blessing of Buddha power.It's just that the Kaitian Demon Lord is a demon cultivator, and asking him to accept the blessing of Buddha's power is tantamount to asking for death, and this job finally fell on Xu Changqing.

However, Xu Changqing's responsibility made these people in the Buddhist world hesitate. They always felt that Xu Changqing had another purpose for doing this, but they couldn't know the real purpose.After all, if you are not a person who has achieved the great achievement of Buddhism, you cannot steal the Buddhist secrets from them through this blessing method.Although Xu Changqing showed a deep knowledge of Buddhist classics just now, he and Zhi Wuqi used the martial arts method when they fought, so in their view, there is no danger of stealing it, and they will soon learn it again. Take it easy.

But no matter how they thought about it, they never imagined that Xu Changqing actually had a three-point primordial spirit, which can be called a god-defying way, and one of the primordial spirits' Buddhist attainments was even higher than that of Zhi Wuqi, the No. 1 master of Lingshan. .The reason why he made this suggestion and acted as a transitional person of Buddha power was precisely to secretly learn the ten thousand volumes of Buddhism in the Buddhist realm of Vajrayana, Arhat Vehicle, Bodhisattva Vehicle and All Heaven Vehicle, so as to perfect his own nine-stream Dao.

After agreeing to this suggestion, everyone began to cast spells. Fa Xian taught Xu Changqing the most superficial guidance method in this special blessing method, and he concealed the other parts.But he didn't know that Xu Changqing knew the method of empowerment and blessing of Buddhism, as long as he had the guiding method, it was enough for him to deduce a similar complete method in a short time.Although this kind of method is useless to him, it is very suitable for Li Yongfeng, who has many people but very low cultivation level, to improve the power of the immortal family.

After Xu Changqing had mastered this guiding method, Du Qitian and others temporarily cast spells to trap dozens of people in the Demon Realm in order to prevent people from the Demon Realm from attacking suddenly while casting the spell.Although this formation is not reliable and can be broken quickly with the power of these people from the demon world, this period of time is enough for the people in the Buddhist world and Xu Changqing who are casting spells to return to normal.Although the people in the demon world were extremely dissatisfied with this, they had no choice but to obediently be trapped in the formation.

After everything was ready, everyone began to cast spells. Zhi Wuqi sat cross-legged in the place with the strongest karma he found. Not far behind him was Xu Changqing, and those people in the Buddhist world formed a Buddha formation , began to run the method of blessing, and blessed Xu Changqing with all the Buddha's power through the guidance of Faxian.At the beginning, Xu Changqing did not use the connection of these Buddha powers to use the Buddha nature of the Eight Treasures Glazed Ginseng Fruit Tree Yuanshen to fuse with them, spying on their Buddhist secret methods, but honestly guide and support these Buddha powers in the support Wu Qi's body.

I saw that after Zhi Wuqi was blessed with such a huge Buddha power, the previous thousand-armed Arhat dharma figure appeared again, but at this moment, there was an extra Buddha's appearance on the forehead of the Arhat dharma figure.When more and more Buddhist powers are blessed, both the arhat's dharma form and the Buddha's appearance become more and more solid, and the Buddha's eyes slowly open, revealing a pair of empty eye sockets, but This pair of empty eye sockets made Xu Changqing also have the illusion that he was seen through.

At this time, the blessing of Buddha power has stabilized, and all the people in the Buddha world have entered a state of emptiness.Xu Changqing felt that the time had come, so he aroused the Buddha nature in the eight-treasure glazed ginseng fruit tree primordial spirit to merge with the Buddha power flowing through him, and relied on the immovable Buddha thoughts that far surpassed all the people in the Buddha world present , with oneself as the center, forming a more thorough state of ten thousand Buddhas' courtship than ten thousand buddhas being united.A large number of Buddhist secrets were transmitted to Xu Changqing's eight-treasure glazed ginseng fruit tree primordial spirit from afar, so he had to fully mobilize three parts of the primordial spirit and use the realm of Dao Xin to deal with the damage caused by these massive Buddhist secrets to his primordial spirit. Before it is destroyed by the impact, digest and absorb it, and become your own nine-stream avenue.

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