Nine idlers

Chapter 55

Chapter 55 The Five Elements of Thunder

When Xu Changqing heard something flying towards this side, he knew clearly that those were cannonballs, and the opponent's cannonballs could accurately find his position, proving that his every move in the magic circle was under the surveillance of the other party under.So he immediately took out a mahogany figure from the universe in his sleeve, and performed the Gezaoshan puppet technique, transforming the mahogany figure into his own appearance, standing in place to hide people's eyes and ears, while he himself raised his movement to extreme speed, and instantly moved to his substitute 30 meters on the right.When he heard the explosion of the cannonball and the scream of his own puppet, he immediately followed the route he found out, rushed out of the magic circle, and rushed towards the very obvious group of people on the opposite hill.

When he rushed to the vicinity, Xu Changqing didn't hesitate at all, and threw a stick at the burly man he thought was the most threatening, knocking him out.Then, he turned around and rushed towards the seven cannons before the opponent's gunner could react.

When Xu Changqing rushed to the front of the cannon, the disciples of Yinkui realized it, and they took out their magic weapons one after another, preparing to call out the ghosts in their bodies and kill Xu Changqing.However, Xu Changqing's figure did not stop at all. After turning over the first cannon on the far right, he reached out and dug into the steel shell at the tail of the cannon with his physical strength, and easily lifted the thousand-jin heavy cannon with one arm. The cannon was lifted up, and with a vigorous swing, the gunner of this cannon was smashed into minced meat on the spot, and then thrown towards the gunners at the tail of other cannons.

There was a sound of "uuh", the air vibrated, and the huge artillery roared like a steel train and crashed into the bodies of the Yinkui disciples. No one could resist such an impact.Some disciples with profound skills immediately turned their ghost bodies into virtual souls, but the force rolled up by the cannon instantly blew away the virtual souls, making those disciples unable to recover their original forms before their skills were exhausted, and died extremely ugly.

After Xu Changqing cleaned up these gunners, he saw that the master who was sent flying by him just now had stabilized his mind, his whole body was covered with the power of thunder, and he rushed towards him, and the surrounding land was also beaten to pieces by Lei Jin. Deep pits appeared.

"The thunder demon is always full!" Xu Changqing was slightly startled, but his hands did not slacken in the slightest. With a movement of his body, he walked behind the remaining cannons, and hit the Yinshen stick under the cannons hard, making them It boiled up, and the ten thousand jin force mixed with the Hunyuan golden body hit Chang Man.

Facing the menacing cannon, Lei Man, not to be outdone, concentrated his skills, and punched the cannon body of the cannon fiercely, seemingly hitting it back effortlessly, and rushed away several subsequent enemies in the air. The cannon shot back towards the top of Xu Changqing's head.Although his punch seemed to be understated, when he withdrew his fist, he couldn't help frowning. Even though his Thunderbolt Art could give him a strength no less than Xu Changqing's, his body was not as strong as Xu Changqing's. Yuan Jinshen got acquainted like that.The blow just now looked very powerful, but in fact his hand had been paralyzed by the shock of the cannon, which made him have to stop attacking, and Yun Jin slowly let his hand recover.

For the cannon that hit his head, Xu Changqing seemed more relaxed than Lei Man, stretched out his hand to catch it, and took the cannon firmly in his hand.However, when he saw the deeply sunken fist print on Cannon Pao's body and the traces of Lei Jin's melting steel around him, he couldn't help showing a slightly shocked expression on his face.He found that this attack method was very similar to the Dao Wu Wu Xing Jue created by himself, and many places were almost identical.

"Brother Chang, you are indeed a master of the Qingwei Sect. No wonder the four masters of the Qingwei Sect's Outer Hall couldn't take down Brother Chang." Xu Changqing casually threw the cannon aside, patted the dust on his body, and walked away A few meters away from Chang Man, he stopped and said, "Brother Chang didn't seem to be using the Taoism of the Qingwei School just now! It looks more like a secular martial arts."

Chang Man has also recovered at this moment, with a sneer on his face, he said with a sneer: "Mr. Xu didn't seem to be using the Taoism of the Qing Dynasty just now. I wonder if you can tell Chang what secret technique it is?"

"Although my lineage of Jiuliu idlers comes from the Three Mountain Talisman of the Shang Qingzong, the spells I use come from various sects of immortals and Buddhas. Otherwise, the orthodox sect of Immortals and Buddhas would not classify my lineage of Jiuliu idlers as heretics." Xu Changqing laughed at himself. He smiled and said: "Just now I used the Hunyuan Golden Body I created myself. In addition, I also created a set of Dao Wu similar to Brother Chang called Wuxing Zhanjue. I haven't found a good opponent to prove it. How powerful Taoist martial arts can be, seeing brother Chang today just gave this little brother this opportunity."

As he said that, Xu Changqing shook his hand, put the Yinshen stick into his dantian, and then performed the Five Elements Battle Jue, and the loess on the ground of tens of feet around him was rolled up by a force of energy.What he is using at the moment is the most powerful golden formula in the five elements battle. His whole body is enveloped by the gathered golden aura, and under the twilight of the setting sun, there is a faint metallic luster.

Seeing Xu Changqing running his self-created Dao Wu with such momentum, Chang Man was also aroused the passion of the warriors, and said: "I also use a set of secular martial arts created by the Qingwei sect's Great Thunder Demon Extinguishing God Lei. You can also use it. It is the so-called Dao Wu you mentioned just now, it is called Thunderbolt Wanjun Jue. So far, apart from the Xuanhand Demon Physique, which was defeated by Xuanhand Demon, I have never met other opponents, and I hope Mr. Xu can give me a surprise today."

After finishing speaking, he also promoted the Thunderbolt Wanjun Jue to the peak, and circulated the Thunder Qi with his true energy throughout his life, covering his whole body, forming an unbreakable thunder body, and waves of sizzling thunder energy gushed out from each acupoint, and Inhaled into the body from another 'acupoint', it is no worse than Xu Changqing's Five Elements Battle Judgment in terms of appearance and power.

The bodies of the two were activated almost at the same time, and they rushed to the middle position in an instant and gave each other a hard palm.Although this palm hit without the slightest sound, the ground centered on them sank in an instant, and the splashing sharp golden air was mixed with the powerful thunder force to create grooves on the ground, and the grass beside the grooves Burnt marks.

"Open!" As the two roared in unison, each other's bodies were shaken away by the other's powerful force.However, the way the two retreated was completely different. Changman's legs gathered strength and 'inserted' into the ground. Although Xu Changqing's sharp gold palm was extremely powerful, it failed to make him take a step back, but he and his body together After moving back seven or eight meters, it stopped, and there were two deep trenches in front of him.As for Xu Changqing, it seemed much more ingenious. Following Changman's thunderous energy, he floated up, and then the Five Elements War Judgment started to run again and again according to the law of mutual generation. After flying more than ten meters, he floated down. Water, from rigidity to softness, completely dispelled that domineering thunderous energy.

Although Chang Man didn't seem to move a single step, and his retreat distance was shorter than Xu Changqing's, which seemed to be an advantage, but he used his body to forcibly defuse Xu Changqing's sharp gold palm force, which seemed a bit blunt and far from conforming. The principle of combining rigidity and softness in martial arts and even Taoism seems to be a bit too rigid and easy to break.On the other hand, although Xu Changqing seemed to be at a disadvantage, he was able to defuse Changman's thunder energy without injury, which seemed much smarter.However, Chang Man's thunder energy was extremely weird. Although it had been dispelled by the Five Elements Battle, there was always a wave of thunder energy that could not be refined, and it ran wildly in his body.Just when Xu Changqing was about to expel his energy from his body, his divine eyes suddenly reacted automatically, generating a suction force, sucking the thunder energy in his body into the divine eyes along the meridians, and turning it into his own thunder energy.

"Happy! Happy!" Xu Changqing was overjoyed, knowing that the Thunder Judge Seal in his eyes could restrain Chang Man's Lei Jin, and could also absorb it, so he pretended to laugh a few times boldly, with a haughty tone The exasperated general said: "It's fun, but it doesn't seem to be as strong as I imagined. I wonder if Brother Chang has spare energy?"

Chang Man frowned, he didn't expect Xu Changqing to take over his Thunderbolt Art that even the elders of the Qingwei Sect couldn't forcefully accept, and it seemed to be able to dissolve his Thunder Jin.So his face became gloomy, and he said, "Mr. Xu, don't worry, it's just the beginning, and the real thing is next."

As he said that, his body instantly disappeared on the spot, turning into a bolt of lightning and rushing towards Xu Changqing. Xu Changqing had been on guard against his sneak attack for a long time, and raised his ghostly spirit to the peak without showing any weakness, and his figure also turned into a wave of emptiness. Shadow, go up to meet him.

The two used the martial arts they had learned from the secular world, and they fought dozens or hundreds of palms with all their strength.One is the master of thunder, and the other is the clear energy of the five elements. The movements of the two are as fast as a rainbow. Not only can they not be seen with the naked eye, but even a practitioner with profound skills can only see two phantoms. The only thing that could be heard was a dull thunder that made people vomit blood.Countless sharp gold auras mixed with thunder jin flew around, the thunderbolts were vigorous without distinction between good and evil. The demon souls and demon heads in the magic circle are all deadly forces.

In the magic formation, dozens of demon souls had no time to dodge, and were smashed by the strength of the two people's confrontation. Seven or eight relatively strong thunder and sharp gold aura broke through the magic formation and hit Yin Kui's body. Several direct disciples were beaten out of their wits before they could even scream.As for the two big devils, the Yinfeng old monster and the Tianyin ghost saint, they had to take back their natal magic weapons to prevent being hurt by them.

At this time, Yin Kui, who was hiding in the magic formation, was not affected much because of the protection of the ghost banners. When he saw that not only his own people were affected by the aftermath of Xu Chang's fight, Even Colonel Mo Jin, who worked hard to support the Nine Heavens and Ten Earths Extermination Formation, was also affected, and the barrier of the formation was shrunk a little bit.Seeing that Captain Jin of the Tomb Raider faction focused all his attention on maintaining the formation, and the attention of other people seemed to be on this side, so Yin Kui suddenly emerged from the magic formation and shouted: "Still Don't do it!"

As soon as Yin Kui finished speaking, Shi Maitreya immediately turned back the cassock that had been sacrificed to block the artillery shells just now, and covered all the "Mo" Jin Xiaowei underneath, and the Nine Heavens and Ten Earths Extinguishment Formation was unmanned. It collapsed in an instant, and the demon outside the formation couldn't wait to rush in.

"Shi Maitreya, you 'traitor'!" Because of his distraction just now, let Shi Maitreya's inner enemy sneak attack, Yan Feng became angry from embarrassment. Shi Maitreya.

Shi Maitre didn't expect Yan Feng to react so quickly, and hurriedly retreated, just in time to see a disciple of Yinkui rushing over, he waved his hand vigorously to block him, and then circulated his true energy at a high speed, Use the lotus seal of the great sun and hit the disciple of Yinkui.The Yinkui disciple was immediately crushed by the lotus Buddha element pouring into his body, forming a blood-colored lotus flower, which quickly opened and blocked most of the spirit swords of Yanfeng Wanjianjue, but there was still A part of the spirit sword 'revealed' over, he hastily circulated the Taiqing Yuan Gang, spreading energy all over his body, and forcibly received Yan Feng's spirit sword.

Chinese sword cultivators are rare. Apart from the Donghua School, only the Southern Sect of the Jindan School in Emei Mountain has a set of sword cultivating methods.In addition to the extremely strong power of the sword cultivator itself, the shortcut method in the sword cultivator that entrusts one thing to break all laws is indeed unique. Among them, the most famous sword cultivators are Lu Dongbin and the fire dragon of the Song Dynasty. Taoist.Although the sword cultivator has declined nowadays, no one can underestimate them. Yan Feng is even known as the No. 300 sword cultivator in 1 years, and he is also the first sword cultivator to approach the Golden Core Dao in hundreds of years.

Although Shi Maitreya had gathered the Taiqing Yuangang to protect his body, the dozen or so spirit swords of Yanfeng still broke through the Taiqing Yuangang and pierced into Shi Maitreya's body. Yuan was blocked by the fat all over his body, but failed to hurt his internal organs, and was in a stalemate with the spirit sword.

"Shi Yousheng, I'll help you!" Yin Kui didn't care that his disciple was being used as a shield by Shi Maitreya. Seeing him trapped by Yan Feng, he hurried forward and slapped him on the back, circulating his true energy, Apply force on the skin with your own ghost essence, cooperate with Shi Maitreya's Buddha essence, and shake the spirit sword away.

"Traitor, watch the stick!" Seeing Shi Maitreya's defection, Mrs. Tang was also very angry, gathered the Cihang Buddha element in her body, poured it into the green dragon stick, and threw it at Shi Maitreya and Yinkui.I saw that after the green dragon stick was released from his hand, it immediately turned into a one-horned green dragon and rushed towards Shi Maitreya.

However, at this moment, Shi Maitreya has recovered a little vitality, and hurriedly retreated with Yinkui, and took out the second Maitreya Sect Lingbao Transcendent Lingzhu from his body, and silently recited the mantra, forming a shield that can block Mrs. Tang's attack Azure Dragon Staff.Although this spirit treasure has the name of Buddhism, it actually uses Taoist methods. When the two magic treasures collide, the burst of force is released to the surrounding by the Taoist Taiji Sanling Mantra It didn't hurt Shi Maitreya at all.

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