Nine idlers

Chapter 57

Chapter 57 Thunderbolt Maitreya

Seeing that Shi Maitreya fled after seizing the treasure, Yan Feng casually struck out a True Spirit Sword, breaking Shi Maitreya's restraint on Tang Wan's Qinglian, and was about to catch up with the sword and retrieve the Tang family's treasure.Mrs. Tang, who was already unable to move, got the strength from nowhere, reached out and grabbed the hem of Yan Feng's clothes, and said weakly: "Hero Yan, the treasure is small, and the soul-suppressing tower is big, go to the middle of the town quickly, don't let the dark Kui broke the restriction."

"Don't worry, Mrs. Tang, even if I try my best, I won't let that devil succeed." Yan Feng saw the sadness in the heart of Mrs. Tang, who had lost her life, and heard her righteous words, no longer thinking about it, and went to Shi Maitreya glared fiercely at the direction he was leaving, and raised his sword to kill towards the center of the town.

"Mother, it's useless for my daughter to let Shi Maitreya's traitor snatch the Nirvana relic!" Tang Wan, who regained her ability to move, immediately flew to Mrs. Tang's side, with a sad expression, crying bitterly.

"Don't cry, did you cultivate the Cihang Dharma door for nothing? You can't understand such a simple knot of life and death. How can you inherit my position in the future, and inherit my Tang family's line of guarding spirits?" Old Mrs. Tang's expression turned pale. Although pale, but with a very calm expression, he said, "Help me up."

Tang Wan gently helped Mrs. Tang up and leaned against the room next to her. Mrs. Tang took a deep breath, mobilized the Buddha element in her body to suppress the injury, and then said with a serious face: "Tang Wan, kneel!" Down!"

Although Tang Wan didn't know what Mrs. Tang was going to do, she still knelt down obediently.

Mrs. Tang raised her hand with difficulty, took out a jade seal from her bosom, and placed it in front of Tang Wan.I saw some words engraved on the periphery of the seal in Chinese, Manchu, Tibetan, and Mongolian. In the middle is a nine-grade lotus platform, and at the bottom is the words "Feng Tian Dai Shou" written in ancient seal characters.Mrs. Tang said with a solemn expression: "The No. 11 guardian of the Tang Sect's lineage, Cihang, is trying to eliminate demons today, but failed, and was injured by the demons. I know my fate is not long, and I am here to show the ancestors of the Tang Sect , pass on the position of guarding Cihang to Tang Wan." Then, she said to Tang Wan: "Tang Wan will pass on the position of guarding Cihang to you now, and you are the [-]th generation guarding Cihang who guards the Zhenhun Pagoda. You must fulfill your duties, and you must not slack off in the slightest, allowing evil spirits to sneak in."

Hearing Mrs. Tang's words, Tang Wan was taken aback for a moment, hesitating whether she should accept the seal, but when she saw Mrs. Tang's pale face, the slight hesitation in her heart disappeared, and she took her mother's hand in tears. Seal in hand.

"You lower your head!" Mrs. Tang said extremely weakly.

Tang Wan heard the words and lowered her head. At this time, Mrs. Tang put her hand on top of Tang Wan's head, a pure Buddha power passed from the top of her head, and the Buddha element in Tang Wan's body uncontrollably began to circulate according to the universal white lotus method .With the help of foreign Buddha power, the fourth-grade white lotus formed by the original Buddha essence in her body opens and closes little by little. Each time the white lotus is opened and closed, there will be an extra layer. When the last wave of foreign Buddha power is poured into her body Afterwards, Tang Wan's universal white lotus was promoted to the seventh-rank realm.But when her mind came out of the Universal White Lotus Dharma, her body was able to move, and when she raised her head, she found that her mother, Mrs. Tang, had been dead for a long time, and a mournful cry resounded through the entire Ping Township.

With the assistance of Tianyin Ghost Sage and Yinfeng Old Monster, Yinkui used the Wangui Banner to arouse the magic energy of the magic circle with all his strength, and impacted the Sixiang town spirit map located in the middle of the town.With the impact of the stronger and stronger ghost energy, cracks began to appear in the town spirit map, a glint of blue light shot out from the crack, the ground began to vibrate, and the soul town tower seemed to be about to break free.

At this time, Yan Feng cast the Flying Immortal Sword again, the human sword merged into one, and walked against the sky, rushing towards Yinkui.

"Damn it, the restriction will be lifted in a few more strokes. The ghost saint and the old monster will block him! After the matter is completed, I will hand over the whole set of Huangquan Tao to you." Yin Kui felt the pressure of Yan Feng's sword, and at the same time Feeling that the demon energy in the demon formation was getting weaker and thinner, and there were less than two hundred demon souls in the formation, he hurriedly shouted at the two demon leaders behind him.

"Fight it!" Tianyin Ghost Sage and Yinfeng Old Monster also felt the power of Yanfeng's sword-controlling technique, thinking in their hearts whether it would be better to run away.However, under the temptation of Huang Quandao, the top secret book of ghost cultivation, they all gave up the idea of ​​giving up halfway, looked at each other, understood each other's thoughts, immediately dispersed their ghost bodies and demon bodies, and met with the magic weapon of their own destiny, the cloud banner It merged with the Yinfeng bag and joined together to form a surging trend, mixed with amazing Senluo ghost power to meet Yanfeng.Although the two of them cooperate to increase their own strength and the power of the magic weapon, they are not at all sure that they can take down Yan Feng, who is recognized as the strongest sword cultivator in the past 300 years by Xianfo Zhengzong, so they can only temporarily use the characteristics of their magic weapon 'Trap it and give Yin Kui time to break the restriction.

At this moment, Xu Changqing was outside the magic formation, urging the Yin God Stick and the Thousand Soul Yama Shuttle to absorb the magic energy and demon soul with all his strength, suddenly felt a vibration in the Dao map, and then saw Shi Maitreya rushing out from inside, holding a sword in one hand. The green dragon staff and the other hand are missing, and the light of Nirvana relics can be faintly seen in the monk's robes and cassocks.Needless to say, Xu Changqing was very aware of what had happened at this moment, so he let the Yin God Stick and Thousand Souls Yama Shuttle do things in the magic formation, while he used ghostly and supernatural actions to rush towards Shi Maitreya, ready to beat the dog in the water.

At this moment, Shi Maitreya can be said to be ecstatic. Although his body was injured, he got the two spiritual treasures he wanted the most, especially the Nirvana relic, which would enable him to separate the Maitreya sect from the White Lotus Sect and become his own. What a stroke of luck.However, he seemed to be a bit distracted, completely forgetting that there was another idler outside the magic circle. After leaving the formation, he galloped eastward without checking the surrounding situation at all.It wasn't until after he ran for half a mile that he felt a strong and powerful wind blowing towards him behind him. Only then did he think of the existence of the idler Xu Changqing, and hurriedly activated the Taiqing Yuangang, his body was like a flatulent toad It seemed to bulge up, and Maitreya cassock also transformed into a smiling Maitreya image under its urging, covering it to resist Xu Changqing's sneak attack.

When the incoming force slapped Shi Maitreya's back, he immediately felt as if a mountain was pressing on his back, causing his body to sink and his knees to sink into the ground.Xu Changqing is now using the earth spirit formula, which is the most powerful in the Five Elements Battle. A pair of palms full of the power of the earth and the power of his own golden body make each palm as heavy as a hill.

Seeing that Shi Maitreya had been suppressed by his Daowu Five Elements Battle, Xu Changqing was not prepared to fight back at all, so he clapped his palms alternately.With each palm, I used my full strength, and attracted the energy of earth spirits from all directions to gather under my palms, so that Shi Maitreya could only circulate the Taiqing Yuangang hard, urging Maitreya's cassock to resist passively, and the hand holding the green dragon stick was lifted up. You can't do any moves, let alone counterattack.

When Shi Maitreya was beaten until half of his body fell into the ground, Xu Changqing pushed out his palms with all his strength, and hit him hard on both shoulders.The force of this blow was no less than [-] jin, and Shi Maitreya fell into the ground all of a sudden, leaving only one neck on the ground. The six internal organs were beaten to the side, and a mouthful of golden blood spurted out and sprinkled on the yellow ground.

"Five-element golden spirit, listen to my orders, turn into a diamond, and hurry like a law!" Xu Changqing chanted the mantra, and the sharp golden power gathered by his hands slapped the ground around Shi Maitreya. In an instant, the ground became extremely hard, and Shi Maitreya His body was firmly stuck in the ground.

Shi Maitreya also felt the sharp gold energy around him, and at the same time, the ground around his body became extremely hard, and the whole body was stuck in the ground, no matter how hard he tried, he couldn't break free.At this moment, Xu Changqing retreated more than ten steps, pinching his sword fingers, stepping on his feet, and chanting the mantra of Shangqing Shenxiao Wulei Zhengfa in his mouth, and the true energy gathered at his fingertips flew across the air, forming an upward Qingshenxiao five thunder talisman, and when he drew the talisman, a thunder force and true energy power were injected into the void talisman from the eyes of the gods.

Shi Maitreya seemed to have guessed what Xu Changqing was going to do, begged for mercy loudly, and struggled hard to try to escape from the ground, without the slightest air of a low-level master.

"Leading thunder!" Although Shi Maitreya said loudly that knowing the secret and what would benefit him, Xu Changqing was unmoved at the moment. His only thought at this moment was to kill Shi Maitreya and drive him out.

Xu Changqing pointed his sword finger at the sky obliquely, and swung it downward vigorously. With the pulling of the true essence of the sword finger, the Dao power of the Dao talisman instantly spread to the sky, and it turned into a thunderbolt as thick as two people out of thin air, towards Shi Maitreya. The top of his head was chopped off.Shi Maitreya tried his best to push the Buddha Yuan and Dao Gang all over his body to gather on the top of his head, forming a Tai Chi white lotus, trying to resist this lightning strike.However, this thunderbolt is not unusual, it is the thunder force in the eyes of the gods. Although the power is only the power of the five thunders of the Shangqing God Xiao, it has an extra power to hit the mind directly with the yin god stick.Caught off guard, although Shi Maitreya tried his best to resist the power of the five thunders from the Shangqing Divine Firmament, another thunder force in the thunderbolt aimed at the mind's spirit leaked past the Taiji White Lotus defense and rushed directly into Shi Maitreya's body. In the body, his mind and spirit were split into pieces, and turned into a wave of heaven and earth aura, which dispersed from the body.And although he himself is in good health, he has lost any sensory perception, at best he can be regarded as a living dead.

Xu Changqing did not expect that the power of the five thunders in the Qing Dynasty would have such an effect. He knew that it was related to the thunder in the eyes of the gods, but he was still very surprised.Looking at Shi Maitreya, who had lost his mind but was still cultivating, he suddenly smiled ferociously and said, "It's so good, make food for my bronze armored corpse."

As he spoke, he took out the bronze armored corpse from the universe in his sleeve, then slapped the ground to dispel the sharp gold power, grabbed Shi Maitreya's cassock and pulled it out.Although Shi Maitreya's mind was extinguished, his hands were still tightly grasping the green dragon staff, and he did not intend to let go at all, while the golden lotus containing the relics of Nirvana fell out of Maitreya's cassock and fell to the ground.

Xu Changqing stretched out his hand to grab the red dust rope that had been pierced into the back of the bronze-armored corpse, and passed a divine thought, controlling the bronze-armored corpse to bite down on Shi Maitreya's neck.Streams of out-of-control Buddha Yuan Dao Power were instinctively sucked into the body of the copper armored corpse along with the blood, and slowly refined by the corpse energy in the body, blending into the body, and Shi Maitreya's obese body bit by bit The body shriveled down, and finally only a piece of human skin was left holding a bone frame.It wasn't until then that the Azure Dragon Staff broke free from his hand and fell to the ground.

After the bronze armored corpse absorbed Shi Maitreya's whole body cultivation base, it automatically entered the cultivation state of the corpse, and there seemed to be more blood on the dry face.When he has completely refined Shi Maitreya's Buddha Yuan Dao Power, although it is impossible to increase a level, at least it will be much stronger than before. At that time, Xu Changqing can refine it into an incarnation outside the body.

Xu Changqing put the bronze-armored corpse back into his sleeve and let it practice on his own. He put the Maitreya cassock, the secret book of exercises and a small box containing the book of secret books into his sleeve, and a note of the spirit of the five elements of fire was released. Maitreya's mummy and burned it to ashes.Afterwards, he also picked up the Azure Dragon Staff and Nirvana Relic that fell on the ground, and looked at it in front of him. Although both things moved his heart, they involved the karma of the Soul Suppression Tower, unless the Soul Suppression Tower was destroyed, Otherwise, anyone who possesses these two things must take up the responsibility of guarding the spirit, or he will be sent by heaven.

At this time, the dark clouds in the sky suddenly dissipated, and a sky full of stars appeared on the black curtain, among which the Big Dipper was particularly bright, surpassing all the other stars around, and the moonlight seemed a little more sinister. Different red.Xu Changqing opened his sky eyes and saw that an evil light full of death aura shot out from the Big Dipper and hit the moon, and the moon drew out a blue evil spirit from the ground to resist this evil light, and push it back little by little.

"The Sha Chong Seven Star Bureau has already begun." Xu Changqing's face was gloomy, he counted with his fingers, and said to himself: "There is still an hour, the evil spirit will rush to the Big Dipper, and by then the evil spirit on the ground will It will be the thickest, and Yinkui should use the evil spirit to open the soul suppression tower at that time."

Just when Xu Changqing was about to return to Pingxiang Town, the ground suddenly shook violently, and the magic formation that had been almost absorbed by Qianhun Yan Wangshuo and Yinshen stick was instantly dispersed by a blue light that shot straight into the sky.Xu Changqing quickly took back the Dao Map, Yinshen Stick and Thousand Soul Yama Wang Shuo with his second sense of mind and spirit. Except for the slightly dimmed luster of the Dao Map, the other treasures were not damaged.

Xu Changqing put away the treasures and looked over at Chaoping Township, only to see that the last soul-suppressing tower had emerged from the ground, and the blue light shot from the tower illuminated the whole land in a strange way.Under the light of the blue light, some disciples with weak skills were all killed on the spot, while Niu Gangzhen and others spread their true energy all over their bodies, turning them into shields, blocking the attack of the blue light, and supported each other to retreat outside the town come out.However, Xu Changqing couldn't find Yan Feng and Tang Wan among those who quit.

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