Nine idlers

Chapter 607

Chapter [-]: Qilin Patriarch

Because of the strong rise of the Devil's Temple, the current situation in Zhanmoya has become very unfavorable for both parties.Although the Zhanmoya side had plans to take refuge in the Demon God Temple and take shelter under its wings, they only wanted to join the Demon God Temple in name, and did not want the Demon God Palace to completely control their power and life.However, judging from the current strength of the Devil's Temple, such a plan has obviously become very unreliable. According to the current development of the Devil's Temple, as long as those turbid beasts do not make a shocking reversal, it will be the end of the War Demon Cliff being unified by the Devil's Temple. inevitable result.It is more uncomfortable to let these immortals, demons, Buddhas, demons and Zhanmoya natives who are used to being free and unrestrained are restrained than killing them. If I could find a way to see if I could go to other places in the Kunlun Three Realms before, now this road The way out has been blocked, and they have to start to carefully consider how to go in the future.

Compared with the coalition forces of the major forces in Zhan Moya, the situation of the Nanfang Lihuo Army is even worse than them.Originally fully prepared, because the edict from the Taishang Palace became confusing and confusing, Xiaoyuntian's various parties who relied on Lu Ming's personal relationship also began to become a little half-hearted. With the support of Shangdian, the South Lihuo Army's move to fight Moya became unreasonable.It's fine if it succeeds, but if it fails, not only the Southern Lihuo Army will be in a doomed situation, but even those who participated will be severely affected.This is also the main reason why Chiming Shenjun and others were so angry at the edict of the Supreme Hall. They were the ones who started it, and they were the ones who put people on the hanging bridge to draw boards.

On that day, the reason why Chiming Shenjun obeyed the command of the Supreme Palace and entered Zhan Moya with great fanfare was not only the reason of the Supreme Palace itself, but also because the Supreme Palace promised them that they would transfer [-]% of the profits from the stone mine of the two realms to The South is away from the Fire Army.Although the Nanfang Lihuo Army is one of the four great immortal armies of Xuanyuantian, among the four great immortal armies, the Nanfang Lihuo Army is somewhat close to the Taishang Palace and the various clans and families of the Immortal Palace, and has been greatly influenced by external forces, so it has always been They are not valued by the Palace Master of Asgard.The Dongfang Leiguang Army was sent to Xiaoyuntian to learn about Xingyan's experience, and the Southern Lihuo Army was sent to Zhanmoya because they were assigned. The Southern Lihuo Army knew this well.But it is one thing to be clear, and another to change. Even if they want to get closer to the Palace Master of the Asgard, it is difficult to escape from all kinds of invisible restraining forces. They are too deep.

"Master Commander, do you think this is a play co-starred by His Royal Highness the Palace Master and the Taishang Palace? The purpose is to break up and reorganize our Southern Lihuo Army." As a military adviser, Great Sage Mu Yun quickly entered status, suddenly told everyone a bold guess that was almost impossible.

However, after the conjecture was made, everyone was stunned for a moment, but they did not refute it. Instead, they thought about it thoughtfully. Many people nodded secretly, as if they agreed with this conjecture. Lu Ming shook his head slightly, expressing that it was unlikely.

The gap between the Palace Master of the Asgard Palace and the Supreme Palace is a secret known to everyone in the Palace of Asgards. The mission of the Supreme Palace in the past is to restrain the Palace Masters of the Asgard Palace, lest the Palace Masters of the Asgard Palace be too strong and make irreparable mistakes. No one is standing by to stop things.No one in the entire fairy palace would think that the relationship between the owner of the fairy palace and the Supreme Hall is good, otherwise, after the master of the fairy palace took over, he would not have retreated for many years in order to avoid the edge of the Supreme Hall. Take power, and take back the power from the Supreme Palace bit by bit.

It's just that this kind of estrangement is the rule established when the Immortal Palace was first built, and it was not intentionally aimed at. It was like this before, it is like this now, and it will still be like this in the future.Since it's not the kind of deep hatred that can't coexist, it's possible for the two to cooperate, but it seems unreliable that this cooperation is only used to target the Southern Lihuo Army.If the South Lihuo Army is stationed in the Battle of Demon Cliff with such great fanfare, if it fails in the end, no matter whether it is the Palace Master of the Immortal Palace who apparently did not participate in this matter, or the Supreme Palace who actively participated and escaped halfway, the reputation will be greatly damaged in the end. Compared with the reintegration of the Southern Lihuo Army, the loss of the Immortal Palace's prestige is a bit greater, and the gain is not worth the loss.

"No matter what kind of thinking the above is, we have to solve two problems now." The Great Sage Muyun said suddenly: "The first problem is what is the Devil's Temple going to do? He won't allow us to enter the Devil's Temple, or simply I really don’t want us to fight with the Zhanmoya coalition forces. In fact, there is no unresolved knot between us and the Demon God’s Temple. I think there may be some misunderstandings between us because we didn’t communicate in advance, and the decree of the Lord of the Demon God’s Temple made the misunderstanding worse. I believe that as long as the explanation is clear, the Demon God’s Palace will There is no need to worry too much. The second question is how we should hold the Demon Warman who is the only one who knows the Stone Mine of the Two Realms in our hands. According to the information I got, that Demon Warman has not yet learned the exact details of the Stone Mine from the Two Realms. Speaking of the location, in order to win the trust of the higher-ups, he just showed a raw ore of the two-world stone. Now that the Supreme Court has stopped, they will definitely not let him stay in Xiaoyuntian and let other people get the two-world stone mine , so they will send someone to pick up the Demon Warrior. What we have to do is not let him be picked up by the people of the Supreme Hall. As long as he is in our hands, no matter what happens in the end, we will have no big problems .”

After hearing this, Chiming Shenjun pondered for a moment, nodded vigorously, and said, "This is the only way we can do now! Muyun, Xiehuo, you two are the same as Xuanyinzi and Xuanmingzi, leading 12 yuan. Chen immediately went to Yinxian City to take over the War Demon Clan, anyone who dares to stop them, don't worry, just kill them directly."

"We're leaving! What about here?" Great Sage Muyun asked with concern.

"It doesn't matter, the Zhanmoya gang dare not take the initiative to fight, and I will not take any action until I find out the real intention of the Demon Temple." Chiming Shenjun looked at Zhanmoya's side with disdain, Shen The voice said: "The longer the delay, the better for us. We can afford it, but they may not be able to."

Just as Chiming Shenjun said, the Zhanmoya Allied Forces really couldn't afford to delay, the soldiers and horses did not move, and the food and grass went first. This sentence is equally applicable whether it is in the secular world or in the Kunlun Wonderland.Although the Southern Lihuo Army is somewhat unknown, it represents the Immortal Palace after all, and all the necessary supplies can always be supplied in sufficient quantities.However, due to the sudden move by the Southern Lihuo Army, Zhanmoya was not prepared for it. All the things that are consumed now are the treasuries of various forces, big and small. Can not afford such consumption.In addition, when consuming a large amount of these reserves, they can't see any benefits to themselves after winning this conflict. Even the legendary two-world quarry has no shadow at all. A strange emotion began to spread among the coalition forces. Spread in the middle, so that some people began to retreat.

"Brother Lian Dao, do you think we can win?" On the small hill on the right side of the main camp of the Zhanmoya Allied Forces, Guang Hanxian ordered the disciples to hold hands around, and then came to the top of the hill with Lian Wanren, looking at the More than ten rays of light flew out from the camp of the Southern Lihuo Army, with a look of bewilderment on his face, he asked in a deep voice.

"It's up to people to plan things, but it's up to God to make things happen! We've done our best." Even Wan Ren's face was a little ugly, he was not optimistic about the future, and he sighed slightly, and said: "A month ago, the chief manager of the Demon God Palace She Chen once sent someone to send me an invitation letter, but I ignored it at the time, but now it looks like I might have to use this thing."

Immortal Guanghan frowned, with a little doubt on his face, and reminded: "You are crazy! If you are talking about the Demon God Temple at this time, if the madman of Purgatory Demon Lord hears , maybe you will be charged with a crime, but no matter what the final outcome of this conflict is, you and your Wanzhong Sect will become the target of public criticism, and then how can you gain a foothold in War Demon City!"

Seeing that Immortal Guanghan cared about him, Lian Wanren showed a happy and gratified smile on his face, waved his hand, and said in relief: "It's okay! Fairy Guanghan, you may not know it, but the whole Zhanmoya is not I am the only one who has this idea. In fact, as early as a month ago, nearly half of the big and small sect forces in the War Demon City and the Lair of the Three Realms have already discussed whether they should take refuge in the Demon God Temple, but because they are afraid that after taking refuge in the Demon God Temple My own power will be seized, so there has been no result. The current situation is so urgent, and our chances of winning are not great. Many people have begun to look for a way out. If I am not wrong, I am afraid that Qianhun Patriarch One side has already begun to contact the Demon God Temple, and is ready to surrender under the wings of the Demon God Temple at any time. If the situation is unfavorable for Fairy Guanghan, the two of us will..."

Immortal Guanghan blushed for no reason, interrupted Lian Wanren, and said, "Stop talking nonsense! Who is with you." Perhaps because he felt that his tone was a bit too strong, he softened it a little, "Everything Let's talk about it later! It's not our style to be timid before fighting." After she finished speaking, she looked up at the sky with white clouds, and said to herself: "I really miss it! Xiao Luotian's sky!"

Just when the people from the Zhanmoya Allied Forces and the Southern Lihuo Army were looking for a way out and a breakthrough for the predicament in front of them, in a small hill outside the Demon Temple, Demon Lord Nine Flames, Patriarch Qianhun and others walked Together.It's just that they didn't discuss the matter of belonging to the Temple of Enchantment as Lian Wanren thought, but fought like life and death enemies, without any sense of friendship between the two.At the same time, the awe-inspiring aura emanating from the sky above the Demon God Temple also seemed to be absorbed by some invisible force, and instantly poured into the refining room on the side of the main hall of the Demon God Temple, and then countless golden ancient texts came from Flying out of the refining room, they condensed into the phantoms of ancient sages and sages in the air, and soon the phantoms disappeared together with the awe-inspiring aura, as if they had never existed.

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