Nine idlers

Chapter 629

Chapter 620 IX The Reunion of the Sun and the Moon

"I didn't expect you to be the first one to come to see me." Xu Changqing looked at the ancestor Qianhun who walked in, narrowed his eyes slightly, and said with a smile: "But you came to see me as I expected, Qianhun Fellow Daoist must not only come here to promise your Tongtian Pill, right?"

While Xu Changqing was speaking, Patriarch Qianhun looked at the small palm-sized incense burner next to Xu Changqing in shock.There is nothing special about this censer, nor is it a great magic weapon. Instead, it is very ordinary, just like the ordinary censer bought in the War Demon Street Market, and the unusual thing is the incense flakes lit in the censer now , this incense piece is clearly a divine elixir.

Strains of green smoke-like Dan Qi floated out of the incense burner, winding upwards, turning into a dragon and tiger, and soon disappeared three feet above the Dan Furnace, and its Dan Qi became invisible and enveloped the entire purple pill in the attic of the building.When Qianhun Patriarch was outside, she didn't notice the strangeness inside at all, but the moment she walked in, she immediately felt that the mana and immortal essence on her body had suddenly increased several times under the urging of the pill energy. A kind of wonderful perception is also entwined around her Dao heart, which makes her unable to bear the urge to indulge in it.

The preciousness of the divine elixir is self-evident in the three realms of Kunlun. Even Kong Daomiao, who is the lord of the Immortal Palace, cannot be extravagant enough to use the divine elixir as a piece of incense.However, the person in front of him did this, which made Qianhun Patriarch have doubts about the identity of the person in front of him again.It took a long time for her to come back to her senses, she quickly cleared up her mentality, her eyes swept over the long-rumoured corpse of the beast hanging on the top of the attic, and then she sat down on the soft couch opposite Xu Changqing in a very natural manner , leaning on it like an old friend, with a look of interest on his face, he said: "Elder Nie, you said that the concubine didn't come here for the Tongtian Pill, why did she come here? And This concubine also wants to know which one Elder Nie thinks should come to see you before this concubine?"

"Can you play chess?" Xu Changqing suddenly asked inexplicably.

Patriarch Qianhun frowned, but still answered truthfully, "Yes."

"Let's have a game!" Xu Changqing went to the Qiankun World to find a Go chess seat and chess pieces made of peach wood and jade in Taohua Mountain, and pushed the white chess piece in front of Qianhun Patriarch, saying: "I haven't played for a long time. I also hope that Fellow Daoist will be merciful!"

Seeing Xu Changqing's weirdness, Qianhun Patriarch couldn't help being curious, and wanted to see what Xu Changqing wanted to do, so he put aside his purpose for the time being, raised his hand and twisted a white piece from the box, and hit it on Tianyuan on the chessboard. In the seat, he started to play chess with Xu Changqing.

Qianhun Patriarch played the ancient chess style, he was good at besieging the ground and defending the city. Once he defended it, he would be as firm as a rock and not afraid of intrusion. However, Xu Changqing played the new chess style, which is good at attacking and killing, and there are many changes. Make people hard to guard against.The difference in chess strength between the two is not far, but because of the quality of the chess style, Xu Changqing won the middle game twice in a row, which also made Qianhun Patriarch gradually become interested, and his mind sank into the chess game.

At this time, the chess style under Xu Changqing's jurisdiction suddenly changed. It was no longer the game of killing and attacking every inch of land just now. Instead, it had a mysterious state of indifference and inaction. Zu's tranquility deepened, and his Dao heart also comprehended the Dao of heaven and earth in the aura of Dao contained in the chess game.In this state, a wonderful power that has been hidden in the Dao heart has also leaked a little bit, but under the cover of the mana of the ancestor Qianhun, if you don't pay attention, it will be very painful. It's hard to feel the slightest bit of power.

The reason why Xu Changqing, a caring person, set up this chess game was to draw out this trace of power, so he felt its existence immediately, the corners of his mouth were slightly turned up, a smile appeared, and a little more understanding was on his face.After achieving his goal, he didn't use the power of the Dao to push the chess game any more, and the ancestor Qianhun was naturally freed from that perception of the Dao.

"Elder Nie, what do you mean?" The extremely intelligent Qianhun Patriarch quickly noticed the strangeness in himself, and quickly restrained his breath. At the same time, he suddenly understood that Xu Changqing was playing tricks on him, and his face immediately darkened. Come down, put down the chess pieces in your hand, and question Xu Changqing.

"I want Fellow Daoist to meet a friend!" Xu Changqing ignored Patriarch Qianhun's questioning, instead he changed the topic with a smile, and then saw him wave his long sleeves, and a figure suddenly appeared in the open space beside him. The concave arc disappeared with a slight shock of the arc, replaced by a beautiful woman with a look that even the ancestor of Qianhun could be tempted by.It's just that what Patriarch Qianhun cares about now is not the appearance of this woman, but the aura of mana emanating from this woman, which actually resonates with the blood power hidden in the depths of her Dao heart. Two dharma forms, the silver crescent moon and the red sun, appeared above the head respectively.

"It's you?" Beth, who was brought out from the book by Xu Changqing, felt the resonance deep in her heart, and soon realized that the appearance standing in front of her was not much inferior to her, and she also had the charm Who is the glamorous woman who is so powerful, she couldn't help exclaiming.

"You are..." Patriarch Qianhun was also a little caught off guard by the vision that appeared on her, but she quickly guessed the identity of the person in front of her, her face changed suddenly, and a burst of colorful rays of light suddenly appeared on her body Wrap the red sun dharma on the top of the head, and entangle it into the body together, and the divine power of the foreign gods also disappears.After Qianhun Patriarch covered up his divine power with a magic weapon, the Moon God's divine power, which had lost the object of resonance, also calmed down, retreated into Beth's body, and Beth, who was all focused on Qianhun Patriarch, didn't notice it either. The divine power resonance just now caused a slight change in her divine power.

"Nie Guzhong, what do you mean?" It was the same question, but this time Beth called him by his first name, and her tone became extremely cold. He held a long flag in his hand and flew out of it. All kinds of ghosts that came out flew around in the attic, forming a certain kind of reality, and the attic became extremely cold, enough to be compared with the underworld.

"Don't be nervous! I just want to know the real situation of my subordinates, so as not to cause any unnecessary misunderstandings in the future!" Xu Changqing smiled calmly, and his body and face began to change, returning to Zhou Ming, the master of the Demon God Palace. look.

"Sir?" Patriarch Qianhun saw that the person in front of him suddenly turned into Zhou Ming, his complexion changed suddenly, and there was a trace of surprise in his eyes, obviously suspecting that this is Nie Guzhong using some kind of Spells test themselves.It is not unheard of in the three worlds of Kunlun to change the shape of the spell, but Xu Changqing's current spell that even changes the mana breath is unheard of, and the ancestor Qianhun couldn't help being surprised.

Seeing the expression on the face of Patriarch Qianhun, Xu Changqing naturally understood what he was thinking, and directly took out the Wanzi Nifosha that he personally refined in front of Patriarch Qianhun and others from Qiankun World, and put it beside him, saying : "Should I continue to call you Thousand Soul Fellow Daoist? Or should I call you the Sun God Hals?"

"My concubine is the Patriarch Qianhun in the lair of the Three Realms, not the sun god Hols." Patriarch Qianhun replied without hesitation.

"Being able to understand the Dao of the original heart and not being 'confused' by external forces, is it no wonder that you, fellow Taoist Thousand Soul, can cultivate to such a powerful state?" Xu Changqing nodded approvingly, and pushed the thousand-word anti-Buddha killing to the ground. In front of the ancestor, he said: "It's useless to put this thing here, so I will leave it to you to use!"

Wanzi Reverse Buddha Killing itself is a remarkable spiritual treasure. If this treasure is integrated into the Thousand Soul Banner, then the strength of the Thousand Soul Patriarch will definitely be greatly improved.Regarding this, the Patriarch Qianhun was not pretentious, rolled up the Qianhun banner in his hand, put the Wanzi Nifosha into it, and thanked him: "Thank you for the treasure!" Then she changed his voice and asked: "Dare you dare to kill the Buddha?" Is there anything Shang Zun bestows on Qian Hun to do?"

"It's really easy to deal with smart people!" Xu Changqing nodded with a smile, then pointed to another soft couch in the attic, motioned for Beth to sit down, and said, "I haven't introduced you two yet. This is the one in the Three Realms." The lair of the famous Thousand Soul Patriarch, this is the moon god Beth among the foreign gods of the Holy Ruins. As for the location of the Holy Ruins, you must be very clear about the location of the Thousand Souls Taoist? I don’t need to say anything more .”

The ancestor Qianhun frowned slightly, nodded to Beth, and said nothing else.

"I have been friends with my younger sister for a long time. I saw her today, and my younger sister is really a wonderful person!" Compared with the cautious and cautious ancestor of Qianhun, Beth seemed very natural and affectionate. In the effect produced by the resonance of the two divine powers, they found an opportunity to steadily improve their own strength.

Although Qianhun Patriarch felt Beth's kindness, and she also had an inexplicable affection for her, but she didn't like this feeling of not being 'controlled' by herself, so she tried her best to make herself appear indifferent, without Ignoring Beth, she asked Xu Changqing directly, "My lord, what do you want Qianhun to do?"

"Two simple things." Seeing the two of them like this, Xu Changqing showed a strange smile on his face, and said, "The first thing is to do everything you can to let the Zhanmoya coalition forces suppress the Alchemy Society." , it's best to 'force' Dan Dao to have nowhere to go."

"What?" Patriarch Qianhun and Beth exclaimed at the same time, with surprised expressions on their faces.They absolutely did not expect that someone would want others to attack their own strength, and it would be as hard as possible, which is simply against common sense.However, Patriarch Qianhun quickly thought of the reason Xu Changqing did this, and said in a deep voice: "My lord, I want to use the hands of Zhan Moya's allied forces to 'force' the Dan Daohui to leave Zhan Mo City so that we can subdue it to your subordinates?"

"It's fine to know some things yourself, there is no need to say it!" Xu Changqing smiled, then pointed to Beth beside him, and said: "The second thing is to take her to the lair of the Three Realms and let her Become the leader of the dark children set up by the Holy Ruins in the lair of the Three Realms."

"What? No, the concubine doesn't have the final say on everything in the Three Realms Lair!" Ancestor Qianhun obviously didn't want to have more contact with Beth, and quickly objected.

Beth did not refuse this request, but she had a strange look in her eyes and said, "Aren't you going to help me get in touch with the bondage? Now let me go, aren't you afraid that I will escape?"

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