Nine idlers

Chapter 644 Xuanyuan Demon Mansion

Chapter 640 Xuanyuan Demon Mansion

The request of Empress Tianshi did not make Xu Changqing feel any embarrassment. From the very beginning, Xu Changqing did not intend to kill them all. The survivors of the foreign gods will be sent into the world of Qiankun together with the Holy Ruins to complete the laws of heaven there, so that Qiankun The world's first catastrophe of heaven and earth opens, preparing for the future fusion of Qiankun World and Kunlun Three Realms.

Before leaving, Xu Changqing also persuaded Empress Tianshi to leave Ruomo Town, the junction of Zhanmoya and Immortal Palace as soon as possible, because no matter what the final changes of Zhanmoya, this place will inevitably become chaos in the Immortal Palace. 'The first battlefield.If Xu Changqing fights against the Demon Cliff together, he will definitely face other places in the Immortal Palace. Even if the upper echelon of the Immortal Palace does not stop him, how can the Ten Thousand Monster Mountains in the sky, Yinxian City, and the Demon Realm of the Immortal Palace willingly submit to him? It's bound to happen.Even if Xu Changqing failed to fight the Demon Cliff together in the end, but let those remnants of the alien gods build a heaven based on the Battle Demon Cliff, then the Immortal Palace would inevitably be overwhelmed by the army, and this place would also be unable to avoid the flames of war.

It's a pity that Empress Tianshi didn't understand Xu Changqing's good intentions, but thought that he wanted to recruit herself as a subordinate, just like recruiting the Lord of the Forbidden Forest Savina.In fact, everyone knows the truth that it is good to enjoy the shade under the big tree, and Empress Tianshi also knows that the rise of the Demon God Temple can be said to be unstoppable. If she takes refuge under her command, she can at least gain stability.It's just that in this way, she will be controlled by others again, which makes her who has just been freed reluctant to do so.What's more, if she takes refuge in the Demon God's Temple, she will definitely follow her left and right when she captures the beast's lair and the holy ruins in the future, and most of her cultivation base is on this land connecting the War Demon Cliff and the Immortal Palace. If she said that, her cultivation would definitely plummet, and how could she feel safe after she had already lost a treasure of protection.Coupled with the relationship between her and the ancestors of Qianhun and other former sworn brothers and sisters, she always felt a little awkward, and after surrendering to Xu Changqing, several people would inevitably meet each other, so she could only reject Xu Changqing's kindness in the end, and continued. Stay in this enchanted town and be her lord of the town.

After leaving the top of the mountain near Ruomo Town, Xu Changqing immediately flew towards Moyun Peak, where Guan Poming was cultivating.Originally, Xu Changqing thought that Moyun Peak was just a mountain peak, so he simply made an appointment with Nagong Liangjue to meet at Moyun Peak, but when he arrived at the place, he realized that he had made a mistake. This Moyun Peak is actually a piece of spiritual energy Relatively abundant mountains.There should not be many practitioners in the mountain range, but now there are a large number of practitioners pouring in from all directions, and there are definitely thousands of them. Most of them are evil cultivators, and their cultivation base is not high at most. In the Golden Core Realm, there are even some casual cultivators who have never entered the Tao.Maybe it was because of the large number of people, or maybe it was because of other reasons, the entire Moyun Peak was also shrouded in an evil aura once felt by Guan Poming, and this evil aura made Xu Changqing unable to breathe. Perceive the location of Gong Liangjue through the Lord of Six Desires.

"What a strange evil spirit!" Xu Changqing muttered with a look of surprise on his face.In Xu Changqing's view, this evil spirit is not strong, it can even be said to be very weak, like light smoke in a strong wind, it will dissipate as soon as it is blown, but this kind of evil spirit can easily block the spirit of the peak Xeon Immortal Thinking about it really made Xu Changqing sigh that all things in the world are born and restrained by each other.

"I didn't expect it to be the opening day of Xuanyuan Demon's Mansion!" Just as Xu Changqing was floating in the air, looking for Gong Liangjue's location, a wave of mana surged suddenly behind him, followed by a cloud of green smoke that condensed the human form, When the green smoke dissipated, Gong Liangjue stood behind Xu Changqing, and looked at the thousands of demon monks below who were heading towards a place and sighed.

The spell that Gong Liangjue showed was just a general form of flying smoke, but he was able to use this simple spell so superbly that Xu Changqing couldn't even feel his whereabouts if he wasn't nearby. color'.Seeing this scene, Xu Changqing couldn't help but love talents again, and wanted to take him under his command, but when he saw the look of madness on his face, the thoughts in his heart immediately swelled.Although Gong Liangjue is talented, his distorted personality makes him like a bomb that can explode at any time, and it is uncertain when he will hurt others and himself, and as long as the Yuxu III family does not disappear one day, all his All the attention will be on that, so it is not worth the loss to take it under his command.

"Xuanyuan Demon Mansion?" Xu Changqing who gave up his thoughts refocused on what Gong Liangjue said just now, and asked, "What is Xuanyuan Demon Mansion? Why have I never heard of it?"

This Xuanyuan Demon Mansion seemed to have a special meaning to Gong Liangjue, which made him stunned for a long time, and the crazy expression on his face was replaced by a kind of affectionate nostalgia.However, after hearing Xu Changqing's question, he quickly returned to normal color, and replied in a deep voice: "Xuanyuan Mofu was very famous thousands of years ago, and it almost shocked the entire Kunlun Three Realms, but now only the fairy palace Demonic cultivators and demonic cultivators with low cultivation bases in Moyu and Zhanmoya will remember this place. I wonder if you have heard of Xuanyuan Blood Demon?"

"Xuanyuan Blood Demon? This name sounds familiar." Xu Changqing thought for a while and said, "Could it be the Blood Demon Sect of the Outer Sect Lingshan Moxiu Sect who was first exterminated when the Taishang Qingjingtian Dynasty was established? the head teacher?"

"It's him." Gong Liangjue nodded, looked at Xu Changqing with some surprise, and said, "I never thought that Your Excellency would be so interested in a small sect of Lingshan, an outer sect ten thousand years ago."

"It's just that I'm interested in the Taishang Qingjing Dynasty!" Xu Changqing said indifferently.

Just as Xu Changqing said, the reason why he knew Xuanyuan Blood Demon was entirely because of the Taishang Qingjing Heavenly Dynasty, and he remembered Xuanyuan Blood Demon because of its name. Think of the ancestor of China.In addition, the Blood Demon Sect was the first sect to be wiped out by the Taishang Qingjingtian Dynasty, and the incomplete version of the Hell of the Underworld, the Blood Sea of ​​Gods, etc., which the Blood Demon Sect cultivated, was also one of the reasons that attracted Xu Changqing's attention. As for the Blood Demon Sect The sect itself is too weak, and it is only a third-rate Moxiu sect. As a small sect that was exterminated ten thousand years ago, it is difficult to attract others' attention.

"Hehe! Indeed, if it weren't for the Taishang Qingjing Heavenly Dynasty, few people in the Blood Demon Sect would remember it, and if it wasn't for the Xuanyuan Demon Mansion, no one would remember the Xuanyuan Blood Demon." Gong Liangjue smiled and said: " Xuanyuan Demon Mansion is a small cave, which appeared 6000 years ago. The reason why it is called Xuanyuan Demon Mansion is mainly because of the Xuanyuan Blood Demon Stele at the entrance of the Demon Mansion, on which Xuanyuan Blood Demon’s life experience is written. Xuanyuan Blood Demon’s After the Zongmen was wiped out by the Taishang Qingjingtian Dynasty, they fled to the Immortal Palace, and then accidentally discovered the small cave here, and saw the treasures and ancient books left by the ancient demon immortals, so they stayed here Practice. Who would have thought that after he had successfully practiced, when he was about to leave, he found that the original entrance was actually closed, making him trapped in it forcibly until he sat down. One can imagine the aggrievedness. The Xuanyuan Blood Demon Stele that he carved with his own hands back then was refined by his resentment, nourished by the demon energy of Xiaodongtian for thousands of years, and even became a spiritual treasure of demon cultivation, which caused many strong demon cultivators to scramble for it. In addition, there are countless treasures hidden in it. When the mansion was opened, not only the Immortal Palace made a move, but even several Demon Lords from the Demon Realm forcibly broke into the Immortal Palace to snatch the treasures. It was truly an unprecedented event. .”

Xu Changqing asked suspiciously: "Since this Xuanyuan Demon Mansion is so important, why is there no one now..."

Before the question was finished, Gong Liangjue explained: "No matter how good things are, they will be taken away. Xuanyuan Demon Mansion has been in existence for thousands of years, and it will be opened for one day every Jiazi year. After so many years, there are many people in the Demon Mansion. Almost all the valuable things were taken away. Moreover, the ground veins of Xiaodongtian were also damaged due to previous battles and the breaking of the ban around the hidden treasure. The mansion's aura, evil energy, etc. are not as powerful as back then, but the evil energy here is of great benefit to demon cultivators and evil cultivators below Void Return, and can make it easier for them to condense demon seeds and evil hearts, so as long as it is the day the mansion is opened , Most of the evil cultivators and devil cultivators who have not condensed the evil hearts of the demon seeds nearby will go there to practice for a day."

"It's no wonder that Guan Poming was able to cultivate to such an extent with only one person's submerged cultivation. It seems that it should be the work of Xuanyuan Demon Mansion." Xu Changqing thought for a while, and felt that there seemed to be something in Xuanyuan Demon Mansion that attracted him. After thinking for a while, he turned his head to Gongliangjue and asked, "I wonder if fellow Daoist Gongliang has time to go down with me for a swim?"

"I will accompany you!" Gong Liangjue agreed with no objection.

As a result, Xu Changqing restrained the mana breath on his body, and then cast thousands of incarnations, causing the whole body to emit a puff of evil ghost mana, and the whole person looked like a man who had just entered the cultivation base. It's like a ghost cultivating in the Golden Core Realm.Gong Liangjue also restrained the mana breath of the Lord of the Seven Emotions, and used a method of restraining the breath to cover the mana of the physical body, making it impossible for people to judge his cultivation.Although it is impossible to be as seamless as Xu Changqing, at least it is enough to fool these low-level evil cultivators and demon cultivators.

After falling to the ground, Xu Changqing and Gong Liangjue mingled with a group of evil cultivators. While walking towards Xiaodongtian, they listened to these evil cultivators talking about what happened in Zhanmoya and Immortal Palace Demon Realm.Fighting the "tide" of demonic beasts is naturally the most talked about thing, followed by the conflict between the Eastern Lightning Army and the two major forces of the Immortal Palace and Demon Realm, Wanmo Mountain and Purgatory Gate.It is not very appropriate to say that it is a conflict. More accurately, it should be training. The Eastern Lightning Army used the people from Wanmo Mountain and Purgatory Gate to 'train' their own immortal soldiers.Wen Xingyan set up a formation at the mountain gates of the two forces to prevent people from the two forces from leaving. Although there were more than one exits from Wanmo Mountain and Purgatory Gate, her own mountain gate was blocked by people, so she left through other exits. It's really hard to justify.It's just that after several tentative attacks, the Eastern Lightning Army's formation has never been breached, making the situation stalemate.

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