Nine idlers

Chapter 68

Chapter 68 The Northern King of Heaven

"Brother Guan, set up the formation quickly!" Xu Changqing succeeded in a sneak attack, reminding Guan Zheng, while relentlessly chasing after the most dense ghost aura, the ghost aura scattered around seemed to want to gather around him and besiege him. However, it was blocked by the Dao Power of the Taiqing Yuangang emanating from the World Transcending Spirit Orb he sacrificed above his head.The dense ghost energy also wanted to escape from Xu Changqing's attack range, but Xu Changqing, who was always expected to retreat, beat it back with the white lotus Buddha element, and the range of movement did not exceed one foot, although the ghost energy was not fatally affected. Injured, but suffocated.While being suppressed by Xu Changqing, he tried his best to contain the scattered ghost energy, condensed it into shape, and prepared to give Xu Changqing a fierce move.

After Guan Zheng heard Xu Changqing's reminder, he immediately reacted, pinched the sword formula, stood up with the sword, and silently recited the mantra, and a talisman sword instantly turned into 49 dao power talisman swords, according to the position of the Xuanyuan Guizhen sword array 'Insert' into the ground.Afterwards, he silently performed the Great Righteousness Art, and when Xu Changqing withdrew from the sword formation, he activated the sword formation to trap the mountain ghost in front of him.

At this time, the mountain ghost had already condensed into shape. After taking a blow from Xu Changqing's white lotus Buddha element, he took two steps back. The right hand hidden behind his waist suddenly pushed out, and his fingers turned into five indestructible ghost gun heads, and he bypassed Xu Changqing. The white lotus foyuan pierced his throat, heart and other vital organs.Facing the opponent's stern attack, Xu Changqing appeared to be unhurried. He controlled the World-Walking Spirit Orb to his chest, and then formed a diamond lotus seal with both hands, and poured the Taoist golden elixir true essence into the World-Walking Spirit Orb through the Buddhist method.Immediately, the Transcendent Lingzhu rushed out a mighty-looking Vajra Dharma Elephant, which blocked the mountain ghost's attack, and soon shattered like glass, and the scattered true essence turned into a hidden Taiji diagram , release all ghost power.Xu Changqing also took the opportunity to follow this force and jumped out of the range of the sword formation.

"Let's fight!" Seeing Xu Changqing backing out, Guan Zheng immediately launched the sword array, and saw 49 pure awe-inspiring righteousness and true energy rushing out from the Dao Power Talisman Sword underground, connecting with the awe-inspiring righteousness of heaven and earth, turning into 49 The Shan Yukong spirit sword surrounded the mountain ghost, all points of the sword pointed at the mountain ghost, and moved with his movement.

"The little Xuanyuan Guizhen Sword Formation also wants to trap this king!" Facing the situation before him, the mountain ghost did not feel any panic, but sneered, and spread the twelve-winged wings that had just formed on his back, turning them into For the eight mountain ghosts that are exactly the same as them, stand in accordance with the Liuyi orientation of the Nine Palaces Hidden Spirit Formation, connect each other's ghost energy together, and hide the mountain ghost itself in a position.When the mountain ghost was hiding in the Nine Palaces hidden spirit formation, the surrounding spirit swords immediately lost their targets, aiming randomly at the eight ghost spirit substitutes.

"How could this be?" Guan Zheng's face was startled. Obviously the mountain ghost was standing in the middle, but the spirit swords didn't respond at all, so he was about to cast spells, control the sword array, and change the formation.

"Don't move around!" Xu Changqing immediately stepped forward to hold Guan Zheng, and said with a relaxed expression: "He is just bluffing, although this secular Nine Palaces hidden spirit formation can hide his body, But he can't move, and he is still trapped in your sword formation. If you change the formation, he can find the flaw at the moment of the transformation and escape. It's been a lot of tricks!"

"Hey! Little monk, you have a deep understanding of this king's thoughts. It seems that we should be the same way." After hearing Xu Changqing's words, the mountain ghost's face darkened for a moment, and then he immediately regained his confidence. Smiling, he pretended to be relaxed and said, "I am very curious about how you know my identity?"

"Is it Wei Changhui, the northern king of the Taiping Heavenly Kingdom? I guessed it!" Xu Changqing kept a smile on his face, stepped forward, and said: "The Western Holy See has six most sacred objects, the ark of the covenant containing the Ten Commandments, the Holy Grail of the Last Supper, The crown of thorns that Jesus wore before his death, the cross that nailed Jesus, the holy gun that directly crucified Jesus, and the shroud when Jesus was resurrected. When Hong Xiuquan saw the Taiping Heavenly Kingdom, the Western Holy See wanted to use the puppet Yang Xiuqing to control the Taiping Heavenly Kingdom. It was used by Yang Xiuqing to demonstrate the so-called divine power. Later, Yang Xiuqing was killed by the Demon Lord of Ten Changes, and the cross fell into the hands of the Demon Lord of Ten Changes. Shi Dakai, the King of Wings, severely injured the Demon Lord of Ten Changes with a second-grade god, and the cross again It fell into the hands of Shi Dakai. You took advantage of the opportunity of the Wing King Shi Dakai and the ten-change demon king who turned into Yang Xiuqing to lose both sides, eradicate Yang Xiuqing's men and horses, and killed Shi Dakai's family. In the end, you are the king of the north who holds the cross. Wei Changhui." Pointing to the cross hanging upside down around Wei Changhui's neck, he said: "Although there is a distance, the poor monk can still feel the true power of the gods contained in the cross. A cross with such power, except for that Are there any other holy relics of the Western Holy See? Besides, it’s no secret that you, Wei Changhui, like to dress up as a Western missionary the most, and I’ve seen your portrait before, so I don’t want to recognize you Liuqian It's really hard to be old."

Hearing Xu Changqing's words, Guan Zheng stood behind him and stared at him dumbfounded. Obviously, he did not expect to tell so many secrets from his mouth, which was in great contrast to what he knew about the history of the Taiping Heavenly Kingdom. It's a little hard to accept, and it's even more impossible to understand why the mountain ghost in front of him is the person who should have been dead for many years.

"Haha! I didn't expect that after so many years, there would still be people who could remember the embarrassment of the 'chaos' in my heaven so clearly." Wei Changhui was a little terrified when he heard it, as if everything about him was controlled by Xu Changqing, and Xu Changqing was in the There is still a fog in his eyes.He could only hide his panic by laughing, and said: "You, a little monk, can know so many secrets, even Shi Dakai is from the Shi family in Guangxi, Yang Xiuqing is a puppet of the Western Holy See, and the ten-changed demon king has become Yang Xiuqing. You know everything so clearly, it seems that your identity is not simple! Are you a descendant of a prince in the kingdom of heaven, or are you simply the root left by Hong Xiuquan?"

"You don't have to guess. The poor monk has nothing to do with your Taiping Heavenly Kingdom. It's just that an ancestor of the poor monk's family likes to collect some anecdotes and secrets and record them in the book. That's why the poor monk knows so clearly." Xu Changqing smiled indifferently, and then asked: "Everyone said that Wei Changhui had been killed by Hong Xiuquan, and his head was given to King Yi Shi Dakai, and it was also said in the classics hidden by the poor monk. But I have read all the However, there is one thing that is very strange about Wei Changhui, that is, Wei Changhui had the strength to win the Heavenly King's Mansion that day, but in the end he was arrested by Hong Xiuquan, who was already terminally ill, and had his head beheaded? What about solving the 'confusion'?"

Xu Changqing mentioned what happened back then and seemed to touch Wei Changhui's sore spot. The ghost energy in his body fluctuated up and down, and he was almost found by the spirit sword of the sword array again.At this time, he realized that his emotions were being led away by Xu Changqing, so he quickly calmed down his excitement, and said with a cold face: "You are indeed right, you can have the strength to fight against me in Tianjing that day. Only Hong Xiuquan's few people from the Heavenly King's Mansion were fighting, and I thought I could take the Heavenly King's Mansion in one fell swoop, but unfortunately, I met a bunch of meddling guys." He said, and stared at Guan Zheng with extremely fierce eyes. , Said: "The 38 members of your Guan family spoiled my good deeds, but died afterwards at the hands of those foreigners who came to look for the cross. It is really retribution for the Guan family to be in such a miserable state!"

"Shut up! I, a righteous man from the Guan family, can't be understood by a demon like you," Guan Zheng immediately reprimanded Wei Changhui angrily when he heard Wei Changhui's words: "The 38 ancestors of my Guan family didn't take down you, a demon, today. When it happens, it happens to get rid of your scourge, this is the cycle of heaven, karma!"

Xu Changqing turned around and patted Guan Zheng on the shoulder, signaling him not to get excited, then looked at Wei Changhui coldly and said: "According to what the poor monk knew, the strength of the 38 members of the Guan family was only at the level of opening the eight veins and sparking civil and military fire. In the mid-level stage of refining and transforming qi, but there is a set of 38 sword formations that can exert the power of the top level of refining and transforming qi. With your strength at that time, you couldn't resist the 38 ancestors of the Guan family joining forces. How did you escape? "Speaking, he looked at the twelve-winged black wings behind Wei Changhui, narrowed his eyes slightly, and said, "Could it be that six thousand years old used the gods of the Shi family to hit the upper body of the gods?"

Wei Changhui's face gradually turned serious, and he said, "Little monk, I really want to know who you are more and more? You can even guess this. Your throne is also yours."

"Shi Family God Fighter? Could it be that Master Shenmu is talking about the Shi Family God Fighter from Guangxi?" Guan Zheng was stunned for a moment and asked.

"I think even in the kingdom of heaven, very few people know that Yi Wang Shi Dakai is the only Shijiamen who has practiced as a second-grade god in the Shi family in Guangxi for so many years!" Wei Changhui replied in place of Xu Changqing: "Back then, this king knew that Shi Dakai was After being born in Shijiamen in Guangxi, he pestered him to teach me the first-grade god fighting. Unfortunately, no matter how I begged him, he would no longer teach me the second-grade god fighting method. Even if I copied his home, I couldn't find it The secrets of the Shi family's gods, otherwise, when I invited the gods to come to me, I wouldn't be as inhuman as I am now!"

"One grade of gods is used to invite gods, and six thousand years old you hold the best gods in your hands! Back then, you must have used that holy cross to invite gods, and wanted to invite angels from the Western Holy See to forge Western gods. The so-called miracles of the Holy See are used to give you a basis for your rebellion." Xu Changqing took two steps back, retreated to Guan Zheng's side, and continued: "The miracles of the Western Holy See are actually fought with gods. Inviting the upper body of the god is almost the same. With the first-grade god you learned from Shi Dakai, it should not be difficult to invite the upper body of the god from the cross, but it seems that what you invited is not an angel, or another kind of angel called What is it, it seems to be called a fallen angel!"

"I didn't expect you, a Buddhist disciple, to know so much about the Western Holy See. Could it be that your Buddhist sect is also planning to preach to the West!" Wei Changhui smiled ferociously, and the black wings behind him spread instantly, and the giant python head on top of his head was also high. He lifted it up and stared at Xu Changqing coldly, his momentum was really scary.

"Compared with whether the poor monk is going to the west to preach, the poor monk is more interested in who is this fallen angel you invited at the age of six thousand but refused to leave?" Xu Changqing looked at the snake head without fear, Suddenly, he seemed to be talking to the illusory snake head on Wei Changhui's body: "Your appearance reminds the poor monk of the fallen angel mentioned in a Western Holy See pseudonym, known as the poisonous messenger of light, Samael!"

When Xu Changqing uttered the name in very pure Greek, the ghost aura on Wei Changhui's body erupted as if he had been stimulated by something. Rough, rushed towards Xu Changqing directly.However, Wei Changhui seemed a little unable to control the ghostly aura on his body. He formed an invitation seal with his hands, buried his mind in the seal, and quickly recited the God Control Mantra, trying to control the snake head who attacked without authorization.

But the snake head seemed to have a consciousness of its own, so it ignored him at all, breaking through Wei Changhui's Nine Palaces Hidden Spirit Formation, which attracted 49 spirit swords to fly towards it.Driven by Guan Zheng, the spirit sword pierced the snake's body in an instant, and took away a trace of ghost energy. When the snake's head forcibly rushed past the Xuanyuan Guizhen sword array and rushed to Xu Changqing, the ghost energy surrounding it was gone. One less lap.

Facing the ghostly snake head that had opened its mouth wide and biting towards him, Xu Changqing sneered coldly with extreme disdain, and formed a lotus seal with his hands. Made a blooming white lotus, blocking the rushing snake head.Facing the impact of the ghostly spirit of the snake head, his figure did not shake at all, as stable as Mount Tai.Then he quickly and secretly cast the Shangqing Fenggui spell, disguising it in the white lotus coat.At this time, Bai Lian immediately emitted a strong suction force, tightly stuck to the snake's head, uprooted it from Wei Changhui's body, pulled out the sword array, and trapped it in Bai Lian.

The giant python condensed by the extremely thick black ghost energy immediately became panicked, and hit the white lotus shield transformed by the World-Walking Spirit Orb forcefully.Xu Changqing looked at the ghost python trapped by it, and said with a contemptuous smile: "It really is an evil thing in that barren land. It has no brains at all, and it doesn't know how deep it is. If it was in the west, maybe the poor monk would be afraid of you. After all, you are also a yin god, but this is Dongfang Huaxia, even if your only master comes, you must abide by my Dongfang rules."

As he spoke, Xu Changqing closed his hands, and on the surface it formed the seal of the inner bound lion of the esoteric religion, but in fact it formed the seal of the Taoist seal of evil in an instant.When he used the Taoist magic to seal evil, the lotus leaves gathered one by one and turned into a flower bone, and the boa constrictor became smaller and smaller, and finally turned into a small black bead, which fell In the hands of Xu Changqing.

"It's such a strong ghost energy, it really is a good thing comparable to the soul of fate!" Xu Changqing smiled and played with the black bead, and then used the white lotus illusion method to make the true fire of Samadhi appear in the form of red lotus fire, refining it The true spirit of the fallen angel in the small bead, and then put it into the universe without a trace, and prepares to use it as a tonic for the bronze armored corpse when the bronze armored corpse is refined into an incarnation outside the body in the future.

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