Nine idlers

Chapter 684

Chapter 680

There is no definite conclusion on how long a practitioner can live the longest. According to ancient rumors and the actual records of the prehistoric relics, the lifespan of those innate gods is based on signs, and the acquired power can also have a lifespan of tens of millions of years. After the shattering, everyone's lifespan dropped by tens of thousands of times. Practitioners in the Kunlun Three Realms can live to be two thousand years old, and it is almost rare to live to five thousand years old. If you don't borrow reincarnation The law of reincarnation, if you live long live, you have never heard of it. [ ] "Please familiarize yourself with the domain name." Now Xu Changqing is publicly declaring that he has personally witnessed a grand event in the Buddhist world during the ancient prehistoric period.

Although the gods and Buddhas in the Buddhist world around the altar feel a little ridiculous, but now everyone's aura is being suppressed by Xu Changqing with my supernatural powers, and they don't get up and leave. They decided to listen and see if Xu Changqing is still alive. What absurd remarks.

However, what surprised everyone again was that they discovered that Xu Changqing did not preach exactly according to the content of the scriptures taught by the Buddha, but only a small part of the content was similar to the scriptures, and most of the other contents turned out to be All are new scriptures that have never been heard before.The content he preached was not made up, but a lot of the content was inextricably linked with the truth of calamity in heaven and earth, and there was also an illusion of dharma evolved from scriptures on his head, making everyone present People can't help but feel that they are listening to a powerful preacher from ancient times.For a moment, everyone involuntarily integrated their minds into the scriptures, and as Xu Changqing's words deepened, they slowly realized the true meaning of the Dao in the scriptures.

Although those prajna masters and legends sitting in the void are not as deep as the gods and Buddhas above and below the altar, their minds are also focused on what Xu Changqing said. After all, what Xu Changqing said is It is the ancient Buddhist avenue, and it is also a Buddha kalpa that is useful to everyone.

However, among all the people, the one who listened the most was the wine monk. What Xu Changqing said was of great help to him, and it was the key for him to fulfill his long-cherished wish for many years.But he didn't want Xu Changqing to continue talking and let other people hear the content.Because other people have also heard about the content of Buddha Kalpa, especially Guanshiyin Bodhisattva and other people who will follow him into Mount Mustard in the future. If they hear these contents, it is very likely that the real secret hidden in Mount Mustard Seed will be exposed to them In front of him, let his thousand-year calculation fall short, this is the last thing he wants to see.

But the wine monk couldn't find any reason to interrupt Xu Changqing.It is this kind of mood of being up and down and worrying about gains and losses that makes him the one who listens the most carefully among all the people, but he is also the one who remembers the least.It wasn't until Xu Changqing finished talking about the beginning of the Buddha's kalpa that he realized that his mentality was wrong, and immediately adjusted his mentality and continued to listen to the next content.It's just that he has already missed the content of Cheng Kalpa, and only remembered and realized half of the true meaning of Buddha Kalpa.

The effect of the preaching on the Lingtai has long been expected by Xu Changqing. After all, what he said not only has his own understanding of the way of Buddhism, but also contains the ancient Buddhism.At the beginning of the lecture, he started with what I heard, and told about the grand event in the ancient Buddhist world, and it was not a lie, because he really saw and participated in that grand event.

Zhen Yuanzi was known as the ancestor of the Earth Immortals back then, and he had traveled throughout the prehistoric world. Naturally, the Buddhist world that flourished for a while was the object of his frequent wandering. Change, at least not as barren as the current Buddhist world.Because of his extensive contacts, he also has many friends in the Buddhist world, so whenever the Buddhist masters hold a Dharma lecture meeting, they will inevitably invite Zhen Yuanzi to participate, so in Zhen Yuanzi's memory, he has many stories about The memory of the grand meeting of the ancient Buddhist world's sayings and scriptures.

Through the memories of these grand events, Xu Changqing deduced the scene at that time in the realm of Dao Xin, and re-interpreted it again in the realm of Dao Xin, just like participating in it himself.The only regret is that these memories are mixed with too many subjective thoughts of Zhen Yuanzi, which makes the ancient sayings and sutra lectures in memory not so authentic.This is the final result after Xu Changqing spent nearly a day clearing out most of Zhen Yuanzi's subjective thoughts and filling in his own understanding of what he said.Although it is not as good as the real powerful preaching of the ancient Buddhist world, it is enough to deceive the gods and Buddhas of the current Buddhist world. Appearing above the head, it gave a great shock to everyone present.

When Xu Changqing was preaching the ancient Buddha's calamity, his voice penetrated the barriers of two realms around Mount Sumeru, making it possible for people from the Nine Vehicles outside the Mount Sumeru, the inner nine, and even the 72 rings of the city to hear the content.It's just that these contents are too profound, and even a titled great achiever may not be able to understand them. At the source, if Xu Changqing hadn't guided me with the supernatural powers I have heard and the ancient method of preaching grand gatherings, it is very likely that there will be people from all over the altar. More than [-]% of people will be in a fog when they hear it.This is true for these titled great achievers and Tathagata great achievers, not to mention the ordinary Buddhist gods and Buddhas who are not even great achievers outside Sumering Mountain.However, they all knew that these must be preached by the great powers of the Buddhist world, so they all stopped what they were doing and tried to memorize these contents for future comprehension.For a while, the entire Inner Nine Vehicles and the Huancheng became quiet, only Xu Changqing's voice rang here.

Although most of the gods and Buddhas outside of Sumering Mountain are not yet at the level of a great achiever, there are also many high-level people in the various city lords who sit around the city, such as the enlightenment Bodhisattva and so on.Although they couldn't fully understand it, they gained much more insights than others, and among these people, Hei Ye, who was sitting in the Acropolis of Mercy, gained the most and listened most fascinated.

Just when everyone was intoxicated by the sound of the avenue, there was an abnormal surge of mana in the Sutra Library on the edge of the Acropolis of Mercy.A force appeared out of nowhere, covering the entire interior of the scripture library in an instant, and instantly stunned several masters who were reading in the library, and their spiritual power was completely sealed, making it impossible for them to give birth to the slightest resistance force.

After everyone was restrained, a ray of light erupted from the bottom of the table in the middle of the hidden %%, the surrounding tables and chairs were instantly shaken away, and then the light retracted and disappeared quickly, replaced by Xu Changqing's Nine Heavens Yingyuan Leishen Puhua Tianzun avatar.

Unavoidably alarming the Lord Hei in the Acropolis of Mercy, the moment Xu Changqing's Puhua avatar opened the passage between the two worlds, it restrained the surrounding power as much as possible. Like an ordinary person.

"The aura here has such a strong suppressive force on my mana?" After Xu Changqing came to the Tibetan scripture building, he was not in a hurry to collect the beautiful mountains and rivers in the Buddhist world, but quietly felt the changes in himself.Soon he discovered that his cultivation had been silently suppressed by more than [-]% of his mana after entering the Buddhist world, and he had dropped a whole level.

Xu Changqing felt the suppression of his mana and soul by the heaven and earth in the Buddhist world, and said to himself: "It seems that not only people in the Buddhist world have the disadvantage of being suppressed by other worlds, even people from other worlds will also be suppressed in Kunlun. Cultivation."

Because Duobao Clone is the way of practicing Buddhism, the breath of mana and so on are in harmony with the heavenly way of the Buddhist world. Although it is not a person in the Buddhist world, it will not be affected.But the universal avatar is different. The universal avatar itself is a Taoist thunder method, and there are ancient gods in it, plus some Confucianism and exotic divine power, which makes the power of this avatar complicated.And if it wasn't for his many thunder powers also containing the thunder power of the Buddhist Emperor Shitian, I am afraid that the power of the heaven and earth confinement he received would be even greater.

After Xu Changqing let his body get used to this confinement force slowly, he began to collect the picture of splendid mountains and rivers above.He first cast a spell to remove all the tables and chairs in the middle of the building, then took all the books on the surrounding bookshelves, arranged them according to the Confucianism's ten thousand volumes of books, and finally used the four treasures of the study that had been prepared as a large formation Array eyes.

This set of Four Treasures of the Study is not ordinary pens, inks, papers and inkstones, but four fairy treasures that have been stored in the Immortal Palace for many years. The Great Confucianism of the Splendid Mountains and Rivers Map.It's just that I don't know why this person suddenly fell on the Zhanmoya, and these four treasures fell into the hands of Xiangong. The Confucianism of Zhiyuan Hall thought that the death of this great Confucianism was caused by Xiangong, and Xiangong didn't bother to refute the rumors , and even disdain to explain to Zhiyuantang, and finally simply intercepted the set of spirit treasures that were supposed to be returned to Zhiyuantang.

Xu Changqing had heard of this set of treasures before. Originally, he exchanged a month's worth of offerings for this set of treasures from the Immortal Palace to give it to Yan Jing who was in the Holy Ruins. With the help of this set of treasures, it was enough for her to recover For, even further.However, Xu Changqing changed his mind after seeing the map of the beautiful mountains and rivers in the Buddhist world in the Tibetan scripture building. Although Xu Changqing still has many ways to collect the map of the beautiful mountains and rivers, if he wants to collect this treasure perfectly, it is best to follow the Confucian principles. It is more secure to do it in the same way.

After setting up the formation, Xu Changqing followed the ancient etiquette, burned incense and meditated, and silently entered the peaceful and far-reaching state of Confucianism. Then, using his own aura as a guide, he activated the power of the four spirit treasures to push the entire world A large sea of ​​books.With the operation of the large formation, a wave of formation power soon shrouded the entire interior of the scripture building, and the picturesque mountains and rivers floating in the scripture building were also included in it.

"What's going on? Why can't I absorb it?" Suddenly, Xu Changqing said to himself with a hint of doubt on his face.

I saw that according to the influence of the formation, the map of the splendid mountains and rivers in the Buddhist world should be fused with the power of the sea of ​​​​ten thousand volumes of books, and then refined by Xu Changqing together with the four spirit treasures.But the current situation is that the strength of the sea of ​​books and the map of the splendid mountains and rivers formed by the aura of Buddhist scriptures are as incompatible as water and oil.


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