Nine idlers

Chapter 693 Nine Star Realm

Chapter 690 Three Nine-Star Realm

"Is there anything that the Great Master doesn't understand now?" When Xu Changqing was thinking about things, Venerable Miku also finished explaining the formation diagram. 【 *】hand type

Although he had already guessed the intentions of Venerable Misery, Xu Changqing did not show any strangeness, instead he pretended to be concentrating on recalling, and after a while he replied: "The Tao is very clear, and there is nothing I don't understand."

"Since that's the case, I'll trouble your lord to make a move at that time!" Venerable Misery stood up, bowed to Xu Changqing very solemnly, and then when he was about to say something, suddenly a burst of abnormal fluctuations came from the center of the empty Buddhist world. come out.

After this wave of fluctuations, the power of the entire empty Buddha world seemed to be sucked away, and the inexplicable pressure around him instantly weakened by nearly [-]%, and Venerable Misery also appeared extremely weak.Although Venerable Misery looked very bad now, his face did not show any panic or depression, but was extremely excited and joyful.

The Miserable Venerable quickly restrained his joy, and calmly said to Xu Changqing: "The Void Relic has been obtained by others, please also ask Baoguang to go to Jiezi Lingshan as soon as possible, and don't delay!"

After finishing speaking, his whole body was instantly covered by the suddenly upturned ground as if fleeing, and he disappeared as the ground became flat again.At the same time, a force comparable to the magic power of a celestial being came out from the ground, instantly enveloping Xu Changqing and sending him out of the empty Buddhist world.

Xu Changqing didn't have any intention of resisting Venerable Misery's sending him off. He also knew that Venerable Misery sent him away in such a hurry because he was completely worried that Xu Changqing would take advantage of his weakness and attack him.Different from the weak state pretended before, the Venerable Suffering should be really weak now. Most of the power of him and the Kongji Buddha Realm has been transferred to the human body who has obtained the relic of Kongji. Now the Venerable Suffering should be the weakest time.

Although Xu Changqing has now been sent out of the empty Buddhist world, it does not mean that Xu Changqing has no chance to make a move.Even after Venerable Suffering sent Xu Changqing out, he used secret techniques to completely hide the empty Buddha world, so that people in the realm of celestial beings could not find it.But he couldn't get rid of the imprint of mana that Xu Changqing left in the empty Buddhist world before. With this mana imprint, Xu Changqing was able to sense the exact location of the empty Buddhist world, and directly used the teleportation method to re-enter the empty Buddhist world.

However, since Xu Changqing has reached an agreement with Venerable Misery, there is no need to be as hostile as before.However, this does not mean that Xu Changqing does not covet the empty Buddhist world, on the contrary, Xu Changqing has already regarded the empty Buddhist world as his own.

If it was before talking with Venerable Misery, Xu Changqing might not have been tempted by this empty Buddha world, but now he is [-]% sure that he can completely subdue this empty Buddha world, even if Misery Venerable, the incarnation of the empty Buddha world , it is also impossible to prevent.

It's just that Xu Changqing can't fully believe what Venerable Misery said just now. According to his judgment, at least [-]% of what Venerable Misery said just now is false. If you believe everything in him, you may not know how you died .

For example, Venerable Misery said at the beginning that he could lead people to enter and leave the empty Buddha world freely. This is obviously nonsense, but it should be true that he said that he could not leave the empty Buddha world.For another example, Xu Changqing felt that Venerable Miku really wanted Monk Jiurou to take out the Buddha Kalpa from the Mustard Seed Spirit Mountain, but it is debatable whether taking out the Buddha Kalpa was as he said to get rid of the shackles of heaven.

In addition, what confused Xu Changqing most was the identity of Venerable Misery.Xu Changqing guessed the origins of the incarnation of heaven, the incarnation of Kongji Buddha Realm, etc. Although Xu Changqing also tried to test it out, since Venerable Misery did not deny it, he did not admit it either, obviously he was deliberately creating suspense.The only thing Xu Changqing can be sure of now is that he has a very close relationship with the Kongji Buddhist world and the Buddhist world of heaven, and it seems that this kind of relationship does not necessarily represent the incarnation of the two.

Also, the previous Kongji relic, from the surface, seems to be the condensation of the original power of the Kongji Buddha Realm, because the power of the Venerable Misery and the Kongji Buddha Realm did become extremely weak at that moment, but this relic Is the thing contained in it simply the power of emptiness?Obviously judging from Venerable Miserable's final expression, this empty relic is as extraordinary as Xu Changqing felt at first.Thinking of this, Xu Changqing couldn't help feeling sad for the person who got this relic.

Although entering Jiezi Lingshan now can allow Xu Changqing to familiarize himself with the Renli Tiangong formation in the ancient Buddhist world in advance, and occupy a certain opportunity and advantage, but this advantage is completely dispensable to him.Through the diagram of the mighty flame wheel and light sky obtained before, as long as he is given enough time, he can draw inferences from one instance and make all his diagrams closer to the original diagram of the ancient Buddhist world, so what Xu Changqing needs most is actually time .

In addition to the reasons for the formation map, the main reason why Xu Changqing was unwilling to enter the Mustard Seed Lingshan in advance was that the person who held the empty relic had not yet refined the treasure, nor had he entered the Mustard Seed Lingshan. The will has not been suppressed, which will have a great impact on Xu Changqing, and it will only affect Xu Changqing.

This murderous will will not have any effect on people with low cultivation bases, but the higher the cultivation base, the greater the impact.Although Xu Changqing's current multi-treasure avatar is only in the realm of the strongest, his body is already in the realm of the Golden Immortal. This deterrent force from the will of the ancient catastrophe will directly affect Xu Changqing's body through the connection between the body and the avatar, and even It will affect his integration of the various small thousand worlds of the Taiqingtian Dynasty.If Xu Changqing directly blesses the strongest human-dragon primordial spirit among the three-point primordial spirits to the Duobao avatar to fight against it, then there will be too much movement, but the Duobao avatar may not even think about acting in the Buddhist world anymore .

At this time, Xu Changqing, who was based in the void of this world, tried to release the Golden Immortal Spiritual Mind again to detect the surrounding situation.He soon discovered that because of the weakening of the suppressing power of the empty Buddhist world, the ancient will of the evil catastrophe emanating from the Buddha Kalpa was several times stronger, but compared to before, this murderous will was much more honest. The power of the Renli Tiangong formation was exuded, which was obviously done by the wine and meat monk.Just looking at the current situation, it is obviously not something that the wine and meat monk wants to completely control the formation map of the Renli Tiangong in the ancient Buddhist world and subdue the Buddha Kalpa.

As for the person who obtained the Kongji relic is not in the Mustard Seed Spirit Mountain, but in the winter treasure house of the Nine Taiqingtian Dynasty in the third star ring, judging from the mana breath of that person, he looks a bit like Yutian Bodhisattva.But judging from the strength of this person's mana, this person's cultivation has obviously reached the realm of Prajna Mahasiddha, and it is not much worse than that of Avalokitesvara Bodhisattva, which is obviously the same as that of Yutian Bodhisattva. There is a world of difference.

"It seems that they have regained their previous cultivation." At this time, Xu Changqing felt that beside Yutian Bodhisattva, there was a breath of mana comparable to his level of cultivation, and this breath of mana was just like Bodhisattva Satisfied All. In the past lives of these two people, Xu Changqing can easily guess what benefits the two of them got from the treasure house of Xiaodongtian.But then, he smiled inexplicably again, and said: "It's just that I just got out of the prison and went into the wolf's den again. I don't know if the two of you can escape this disaster."

Although the Jiezi Lingshan area completely cuts off the Buddhist realm, it cannot cut off the Three Realms Dao, and the great law of cause and effect that Xu Changqing realized from the Three Realms Dao can also be applied here.Now he can easily see that the Bodhisattva of Desire Heaven and the Bodhisattva of All Satisfaction are entangled in karma, and the source is the empty and lonely relic that the two of them regard as the most precious treasure and are refining it.

Xu Changqing quickly found the locations of the Buddha of Wisdom, Guanshiyin Bodhisattva, Compassionate Master, and the masters of various sects through the Golden Immortal Mind, and found that they, the great achievers of Prajna, were all concentrated in this place. A strange star continent full of death, corpse, yin, and underworld in the two-star ring feels like the fragments of the ancient underworld.In addition, the rest of the Buddhist hermits are scattered in the treasure houses of the various Taiqingtian dynasties, and they are all trying their best to search for the treasures in the treasure houses, and they are determined not to give up until they reach their goals.

Seeing this situation, Xu Changqing did not immediately meet up with Wan Gu Wisdom Buddha and others, but used the teleportation method that integrated the space avenue, and did not hesitate to spend a lot of mana to break several rifts between the two worlds in a row, and moved directly to a treasure house in the cave. .

Xu Changqing had only initially mastered this space avenue, and he could only touch the edge, and the continuous use of this unskilled Three Realms avenue would consume a lot of mana of Duobao clone.When he entered the Dongtian Treasure House, his mana incarnation had already shown a blurred state, and the Duobao Pagoda was even revealed, so he had to stop and recover his mana first.

The situation in Jiezi Lingshan is very similar to that of the Holy Ruins. The distances between the various Star Continents are very far, so the Star Continents in the Holy Ruins are connected by gates. If you want to come here, it is no exception. Otherwise, you should be in the Nine Cave Heaven Treasure It is impossible for the Avalokitesvara Bodhisattva and the various sect masters to appear in the Star Continent of the second star ring at the same time at this time.

However, there will be a hermit who should be in the cave treasure house in the empty Buddhist world, and it should also be caused by the star gate.However, Venerable Misery did not let Xu Changqing use the star gate, but directly threw Xu Changqing into the void, obviously due to careful calculation.Going to the Mustard Seed Spirit Mountain or the Death Star Continent of Avalokitesvara Bodhisattva and others at the location where Xu Changqing was just now, even if he used his full strength to fly away, it would probably take three or four days to arrive.This time should be almost exactly the best time to assist the wine and meat monk to subdue Buddha Kalpa, so this made Xu Changqing unable to do other things.It's a pity that Venerable Miserable Misery made a mistake in his calculations. He didn't realize that Xu Changqing had already mastered a usable method of space avenue, and he didn't have to worry about the consumption of mana, he could replenish the consumed mana at any time.

Although the aura that crossed through Xu Changqing's Golden Immortal body will consume a lot during the boundary-breaking guide, it is superior in that it has a large amount, and the remaining aura is enough for Xu Changqing to recover his mana in a short time.

Soon as Xu Changqing's mana recovered, his avatar also changed from virtual to real, but before the mana was fully recovered, Xu Changqing suddenly stopped, followed by a slight change in his face, cast the light, and flew towards the highest mountain in the center of the cave .

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