Nine idlers

Chapter 695

Full Text No Ads Chapter 690 Five Alien Avenue

Xu Changqing's action of taking away the nine cave treasures is really overbearing, which is also the result of his full use of the power of the Golden Immortal. [ |] Full text without advertisements If he is in the Buddhist realm or other Kunlun realms, he may not dare to be so presumptuous. After all, the Kunlun three realms of heaven are not decorations. The disaster of death.Fortunately, this mustard seed spirit mountain world is very special. Although it is in the Buddhist world, it completely isolates the Buddhist world from the heaven and earth, forming a world of nothingness, so that Xu Changqing's golden fairy mana can be exerted here without any worries.

It took only a few breaths from Xu Changqing breaking a rift between the two worlds to the nine Dongtian Treasure Houses being swallowed by the cracks. It was so fast that almost no one noticed that the gods closest to the Dongtian Treasure House, including Kalachakra Bodhisattva The Buddhas were all busy collecting those real and fake treasures. When they realized something was wrong, the Dongtian Treasure House had disappeared into the gap between the two worlds, and the gap between the two worlds was also rapidly dissipating.As for the others, when the rift between the two worlds appeared, they noticed the abnormal power of the Buddha world. Although they were able to respond in time, none of them could stop it from happening.The main reason is that the distance between the two is too far, even if there is a secret method, it is impossible to feel it in time, and the second is because the power displayed by Xu Changqing is too strong, so strong that those few people who are interested can't resist.

Just when the nine small caves were taken away by the Jinxian body and placed next to the treasure house of the Taishang Qingjingtian Dynasty, the Duobao avatar located nearby cast the teleportation method in time, and moved away from the place where the incident happened without anyone noticing. And move towards the three barren star continents in the second star ring.

"What do you guys think?" On the floating land with the magic circle at the entrance of the Mustard Seed Spirit Mountain, the Wangu Wisdom Buddha who felt the disappearance of Xu Changqing's golden fairy power suddenly turned his head and asked the other people beside him.

Although the Mustard Seed Lingshan has disappeared from the Buddhist world for thousands of years, there are still a lot of Buddhist teachings and magic weapons related to the Mustard Seed Lingshan in various sects of the Buddhist world. , practiced some Buddhism.Among them, there is a method that can perceive various movements in the Jiezi Lingshan through the void power of the Jiezi Lingshan itself, but it is the first time that Wan Gu Wisdom Buddha and others have used this method, and they cannot perceive the details, but they perceive it roughly. The situation was enough to make them feel moved.

"There is such a powerful existence in the three realms of Kunlun?" Arhat Riddled Lord Dazhi Ruyi Miaoxian Luohan's face was a little pale. It was obvious that when he perceived Xu Changqing's golden fairy power just now, he didn't have time to withdraw his divine sense and was shocked by the golden fairy's magic power. up.However, he quickly took out a elixir, crushed it, turned it into a wisp of green smoke, and then inhaled the green smoke into his belly, and his face quickly recovered.

"It seems that Arhat Cheng's life is going well, and he just got a tonic pill from the alchemy pavilion." Xian Luohan Yuanshen was injured, so he couldn't help showing a hint of joy, but seeing that he quickly recovered from the injury with pills, he couldn't help but sarcastically said.

The Great Chi Ruyi Miaoxian Arhat ignored the taunting of the radiant and empty lion statue, and asked the two people, the Buddha of Wisdom and Guanyin Bodhisattva with a calm face: "The two people who are well-informed and have such powerful magic power are also in the Three Realms. There are very few people, so I wonder if there is someone to suspect?"

Wan Gu Wisdom Buddha and Avalokitesvara Bodhisattva seemed to have guessed something, glanced at each other, and then said the same name in unison, saying: "The demon world is destroyed!"

In the Kunlun Three Realms, the origin of the Demon Lord of Great Destruction has always been a mystery, and no one knows when the Demon Lord of Great Destruction appeared.All the immortals, demons, Buddhas and demons in the Kunlun Three Realms just know that before the official sect and ancient inheritance appeared in the Kunlun Three Realms, the Lord of Destroyer had already become famous in the demon world, and for tens of thousands of years, he has always existed and never died. reached the top of the Kunlun Three Realms.Although most people think that the Demon Lord of Great Destroyer is just a title of a demonic inheritance, some people still suspect that the Demon Lord of Great Destroyer has been the same person since ancient times, and it is not an inheritance.

The Lord of Destroyer has very few shots, and the maximum number of shots is no more than ten in almost 1000 years. Although the number of times is small, each shot can be called earth-shattering. Few of those who oppose it can escape It hunts down.And the way he shot was the same as the way Xu Changqing took away the nine treasure houses of the cave just now. He also cast spells in another world, and then broke the gap between the two worlds, and the spells finally affected other worlds.In the eyes of Wan Gu Wisdom Buddha and others, the only person who can do this in the entire Kunlun Three Realms is the Great Destroyer Demon Lord.

With such powerful and unpredictable mana, and such a special way of casting spells, if people can't guess his identity, then the mana breath of the Demon Lord of Destroyer imitated by Xu Changqing through thousands of incarnations is enough to guide everyone's guesses Go in the direction you want.

Although Xu Changqing had never confronted the Demon Lord of Destruction head-on, but when he was in the secular world, Xu Changqing had confronted the incarnation of the Demon Lord's divine sense once. At that time, due to the restrictions of the heavenly law in the world, and Xu Changqing did not fully grasp it. Both of them did not use their full strength for their sudden leap-forward cultivation.Although it looked like Xu Changqing had the upper hand, in fact it was a tie, but Xu Changqing also remembered the spiritual breath of the Great Destroyer Demon Lord.Now it is not difficult to deceive the gods and Buddhas of the Buddhist world who also have little contact with the Great Destroyer Demon Lord by imitating his divine sense breath and casting method.

After hearing the words of Wan Gu Wisdom Buddha and Avalokitesvara Bodhisattva, everyone's faces were gloomy.Although they don't know how the Great Destruction Demon Lord broke through the void and entered here, and why he took away the nine severely damaged small caves.But they are very clear, judging from the powerful physical force displayed by the Demon Lord of Destruction just now, if the Demon Lord of Destroyer makes such a sudden move when the Mustard Seed Lingshan subdues the Buddha Kalpa, I am afraid that with their strength, it will be very difficult. Hard to resist.

"How did he find this place?" King Peacock Ming, who had been taciturn all this time, suddenly asked.

"There is an internal response!" Everyone didn't think much, and the same answer appeared in their minds by coincidence, and then they all looked at the people around them with a trace of doubt, but unfortunately, everyone had the same expression. Can't see any difference.However, they soon stopped placing their doubts on the people around them. After all, the people here are either the masters of the sect or the people who hold great power. There is no need to cooperate with the Great Destroyer Demon Lord.Compared with them, those hermits who accompanied them into the Mustard Spirit Mountain were more likely to cooperate with the Demon Lord of Destruction.After all, I feel that my life is ending day by day, but there is nothing I can do. People who are in a bad mood can easily give birth to inner demons. It is not uncommon to be treated as a puppet by a demon overlord like the Great Destroyer. The world has not happened.

Dachi Ruyi Miaoxian Arhat frowned, and said, "What exactly does he want to do? How dare he reach out to Jiezi Lingshan so boldly, isn't he afraid..."

"He doesn't need to worry about the existence of the Three Realms of Heaven here." Avalokitesvara Bodhisattva quickly thought of a possible answer, and his expression became serious.

It is no secret in the Buddhist world that the Lord of Great Destroyer was restricted by the Kunlun Three Realms to the central demon realm and could not move easily.Although the Lord of Destroyer has the ability to break through the two worlds and kill anyone directly, he dare not use it easily, for fear of causing the backlash of the laws of heaven.Now in Jiezi Lingshan, the three realms of Kunlun and Heaven are completely isolated, which means that the Demon Lord of Destroyer can show his power here at will, and everyone present may be the next target of the Demon Lord of Destroyer.

Soon everyone thought of going with Avalokitesvara Bodhisattva, and their faces became extremely ugly. Then they turned their heads and looked at the Buddha of Wisdom through the Ages, as if they were waiting for him to make a decision, but everyone was hindered by various reasons. Open your mouth and ask.

Only King Peacock Ming asked bluntly without any scruples: "When can I enter the Mustard Seed Spirit Mountain?"

"It's not yet time, before Monk Jiurou restores the outer layer of Renli Tiangong array, I will definitely die when I enter Mustard Seed Spirit Mountain!" Evidently, Wan Gu Wisdom Buddha did not expect such a change in things, but he calmed down quickly. Looking at the third star ring that was vacated after the disappearance of the nine small caves, he turned his head to look at the empty Buddha world that suddenly disappeared into the void not long ago, and said with great confidence: "Don't worry, everyone, we will be fine, even if we are big The Lord of Destroyer strikes again, and someone will help us block his attack."

Avalokitesvara Bodhisattva and Master Compassionate Mind knew who the Buddha of Wisdom through the Ages was talking about, so they nodded slightly, and their dignified expressions relaxed a little.Although the others didn't understand what Wan Gu Wisdom Buddha said and wanted to ask for clarification, they saw that Wan Gu Wisdom Buddha didn't seem to intend to continue explaining. Waiting patiently for the opportunity to enter the Mustard Spirit Mountain.

Just when Wan Gu Wisdom Buddha and others were imagining because of Xu Changqing's shot, Xu Changqing had already landed on a star continent in the second star ring.

This Star Continent is the largest of the three stars, and its shape is more than twice the size of the other two combined. If the Mustard Seed Spirit Mountain located in the center of the void is placed with it, it will be like watermelon and sesame seeds .It's just that although this star is huge, it is also extremely barren. Its surface is covered with a thick layer of sand, and it is desert at a glance.Although the land in some places arches upwards to form high mountains, the hard rocks on the surface of the high mountains have already been penetrated by invisible forces, making them extremely fragile. All the peaks within tens of miles collapsed and turned into pieces of dust, either falling to the ground or flying into the void.

Perhaps it is related to its huge body shape, and there is an extremely weird power on this star.This force comes and goes, and its manifestations are also diametrically opposed.Sometimes it can make a piece of dust become as heavy as a towering mountain, easily pressing the ground out of a deep hole, and sometimes it can make another mountain feel like a floating cloud without weight, break free from the comfort of the ground, and float up extremely abnormally.

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