Nine idlers

Chapter 7 Guangxi Shi Family

Chapter 7 Shijia, Guangxi (this chapter is free)

Although Xu Changqing has said that this matter is under control, the old Taoist still said, "You know better! These days, the Patriarch of the Chen family has sent people to see if you have passed the customs. After dispatching more than 30 times, I am almost annoyed by those people!"

"Although the cause of this matter is yours, since I have taken over the cause and effect afterwards, you don't need to worry about it, so as not to get involved again." Xu Changqing smiled lightly, stretched out his hand to brush the hair on the old Taoist's forehead, and saw the hair on his forehead. The corpse aura pattern has disappeared, so he said: "Your corpse aura has been completely eradicated, go on the road immediately tonight! I calculated for you a few days ago, after leaving here, go straight to the southwest for seven days, and then Turn to Xiangxi, and you will be safe and smooth all the way."

"Thank you!" The old Taoist said gratefully: "If we can return to Xiangxi smoothly and become a corpse god, my Xiangxi Zhong family will be rewarded!"

"Stop doing this!" Xu Changqing raised his eyebrows with a look of oily smoke on his face, and said, "There is no need for generous rewards! You should give me the reward we agreed in advance!"

The old Taoist looked at Xu Changqing in embarrassment, and then said in a pitiful tone as much as possible: "You also know that the secret art of earth escape is a secret of our Zhong family's exorcising corpses. If I teach you the secret art of earth escape, That is to betray the family, but you will be punished by the highest family rules and become a corpse soldier in the family! Our relationship is so good, you will not just watch me become a corpse soldier without knowing it?"

The old Taoist's pitiful face not only did not play any role, but made Xu Changqing feel that he was particularly wretched, and had the urge to slap him, so he rolled up his sleeves, clenched his fists, his eyes were indifferent, and he was not polite Said: "Then according to what you mean, it means that you are going to renege on your debt?"

Seeing that Xu Changqing seemed to be about to make a move, the old Taoist shook his head quickly and explained: "Of course not! Even if I were to blame Lord Yan, I wouldn't dare to blame you poor idlers! Those who know you have Who doesn't know that all of you idlers in the past have always regarded money as your life, and relying on your debts doesn't force you to work hard? What I want to ask is, can you use other sects' secret methods instead. "

Xu Changqing still looked at the old Taoist with indifference, and said, "What secret method? If it's too bad, I won't follow it!"

"Look at it and talk about it, okay?" As he spoke, the old Taoist carefully took out a book wrapped in yellow silk from his Taoist robe, and handed it to Xu Changqing.

Xu Changqing couldn't help being curious when he saw the mysterious look of the old Taoist priest, so he took it and opened it to take a closer look. His expression changed suddenly, as if he had caught a hot potato, and he quickly threw it to the old Taoist priest. He cursed loudly: "Old Taoist priest, do I have any enmity with you from my Nine-Liu Idlers lineage? By giving me this thing, do you intend to let my Nine-Liu Idlers' sect perish?"

"Don't...don't worry!" The old Taoist hurriedly explained: "This thing was given to me by the Shi family, they won't come to trouble you!"

It's not that Xu Changqing made such a big fuss on purpose, he has few opponents among Taoist sects, and only those authentic Taoist and unborn talents are slightly better than them, so they have developed their arrogance. grid.When Xu Changqing's last generations of Yizhuang owners were traveling abroad, they offended an expert who was proficient in collateral thaumaturgy, and this expert was a disciple of the Shendashi family in Guangxi.

Shen Da is a kind of thaumaturgy that is neither Taoist nor witchcraft. Those who have achieved success in cultivation can borrow unknown and vast divine power with every move. , The martial arts or spells borrowed from the gods can also be easily cast, so it can be said to be a magic weapon with infinite power and sanctified flesh.However, the method of the gods is not as good as that of the six ears, and the method of direct lineage is handed down. Although this can effectively inherit the gods invited by the previous generation, but with the severance of the direct blood of some families, the gods of this line The kung fu has also been lost, and now only the Shi family in Guangxi is the only one who can really master thaumaturgy.

Xu Changqing's previous patriarch offended the master, one of the direct lineage descendants of the Guangxi Shendashi family. He practiced the Guan Sheng Dao, and he had already reached the second-rank realm that few people have cultivated for thousands of years. There is no need to set up altars and statues , You can borrow the divine power of the Holy Spirit of Guan.Xu Changqing's patriarch had no way to deal with this invincible divine thaumaturgy. He could only be beaten passively, fleeing while beating, until he fled back to Chen Jiachong, and trapped him with the power of the earth spirit. To be able to breathe a sigh of relief.Later, although the Shijiamen was trapped and couldn't leave Chenjiachong, he didn't let go of the Yizhuang in Taohuashan, and almost destroyed the family property accumulated by Jiuliu idlers for a hundred years. In the end, it was the contemporary The Patriarch of the Chen family deliberately made friends with him, worshiped him as a brother with a different surname, and then mediated through them, so that the matter was exposed.

When the Shijiamen left Chen Jiachong, he saw that the Patriarch of the Chen family was weak, so he gave the patriarch of the Chen family the solid formula for entry into the body that Shi Jiashen had made.Afterwards, Xu Changqing's patriarch asked for this formula, and incorporated it into the hundred-day foundation building of the Nine-Turn Golden Elixir of the Shangqing, so that the masters of the righteous village will no longer practice it when they practice their own medicine. Like the previous generations, the Taoism is so advanced and the body is weak.This matter has become the biggest embarrassment and hatred of the Jiuliu idlers. So far, the owner of Yizhuang has added a prohibition to the rules of conduct: "Never provoke the Shi family in Guangxi, and even if you see the Shi family, you must stay away!" .

This incident was a disaster for the owner of Yizhuang, but a blessing for the Chen family. Later, this Shijiamen joined the Taiping Army, and later became a prince in the Taiping Army. Therefore, their careers did not suffer too much loss when the Taiping Heavenly Kingdom ran rampant in the south of the Yangtze River.It's a pity that this Shijiamen member was too persistent when trying to break through to the top [-]rd grade of thaumaturgy, but was controlled by the inner demon, and eventually lost all his skills and died in battle.

"Really?" Xu Changqing knew that the old Taoist priest would never lie about this matter, his face softened, but he still had doubts: "When did the Shi family be so kind, they would beat their family so vividly?" Fajue for you?"

"The one who gave me the formula was not the direct sect, but the elders of the collateral line of the Shi family," the old Taoist said with a sigh, "All the members of the direct lineage of the Shi family died unexpectedly last month, and I will personally bury them At that time, the elders of the collateral line thought that the magic spell was an ominous thing and planned to destroy it. After I learned about it at that time, I asked the elders of the collateral lineage of the Shi family to ask for it."

"Impossible! Not to mention that the collateral branch of the Shi family has long coveted this magical formula for many years, even if the members of the direct lineage of the Shi family are protected by true spirit and divine power, how can they all die suddenly?" Xu Changqing had a look of disbelief, but soon thought about it, and asked after thinking: "When did the direct family of the Shi family die suddenly last month?"

"On the third day of last month." In fact, the old Taoist felt that there was something strange about the sudden simultaneous death of a branch of the Shi family's direct lineage. Although the Shi family's collateral lineage had also asked people to check whether there was any evil spirit, they couldn't find out at all.

"The third day of last month?" Xu Changqing pinched his fingers and counted carefully, his face darkened, he sighed, and said, "I didn't expect that the Shi family god would be killed by a quack warlock!"

The old Taoist looked at Xu Changqing incomprehensibly, and asked, "What do you mean?"

"The third day of the last lunar month is a rare event in a thousand years when the star power opens up. At midnight that night, the star power will release a stick of incense. Practitioners can get twice the result with half the effort if they practice at that time, and even use the star power to break through the realm. It's not difficult." Xu Changqing smiled disdainfully, and said: "But anyone who knows a little bit about the law of celestial phenomena knows that although star power can improve cultivation, if the heart is not enough, borrowing star power will attract Greedy Wolf, Po Jun, and Seven Killings are the three evil stars, causing demons in the heart, and finally going mad. I think the Patriarch of the Shi family must have heard some quack warlocks that day, and hoped to use star power to improve the level of thaumaturgy. After this great catastrophe, I didn’t expect to go mad and die on the spot. The disciples of the Shi family’s gods are all connected by fate, and their energy is connected. If one is damaged, all will be prosperous. The star power borrowed by the head of the Shi family may also spread to other body, that’s why they died together.”

"I didn't expect that the Shi family would become the first victim of our cultivation world a few years before the catastrophe of heaven and earth." The old Taoist sighed and said regretfully.

"Old man, don't push everything to the catastrophe of heaven and earth. This is a crime, not a catastrophe." Xu Changqing sneered, and said: "The Shi family is a wealthy family in Guangxi. Guizhou and even overseas Thailand also have a certain image power. However, all the finances of the Shi family are in the hands of the direct disciples, and the subordinates can only watch and drink porridge from the sidelines. Guangxi is no longer a secret."

The old Taoist's face changed, and he said gloomyly: "You mean that all this is caused by collateral people?"

"I once read a book like Shi Gongan written by a Westerner. I agree with a sentence in it, whoever benefits the most is the mastermind!" Xu Changqing took the magic trick from the hands of the old Taoist priest , looked at it for a while, and said: "The collateral branch of the Shi family has benefited the most from this matter, and the collateral branch of the Shi family doesn't even want this coveted book of magical tactics. , In fact, it’s just for show! I guess they have already copied a copy of the same formula, and it doesn’t matter to them whether they want the real copy or not!”

The old Taoist cursed angrily: "Damn it, I didn't expect, old man, I've been in the rivers and lakes all my life, and when I'm about to retire, I will be tricked and used as a shield!"

"One drink, one peck, one's destiny! If you have not been used by others, I am afraid that now you can only hand over your Zhong family's unique earth escape secret technique to me, and if the Shi family's collaterals do not have this magical skill Ben, if they practice according to the scriptures they copied, I'm afraid..." Xu Changqing laughed loudly, put the magic tricks into his sleeve, and said: "My luck is really good these days, not only have I got Two volumes of the Peerless Dharma Jue, and hearing about the extermination of the Shi family's direct lineage is so gratifying, it seems that we should throw a feast to celebrate."

"The entire lineage of the family has died, is it worth your joy?" The old Taoist looked at Xu Changqing with displeasure and said, "You gloat like this, be careful of retribution!"

"Retribution? It is indeed retribution." Xu Changqing put away his smile, Wenya Kuangzheng's face became extremely gloomy, and said coldly: "But this retribution is due to the direct line of the Shi family. If it wasn't for the Shi family who killed me Most of the magic weapons and spirit treasures of the wandering people are destroyed. I was able to use the many magic weapons and spirit treasures collected by my teacher last month to form golden pills with star power, and I no longer have to worry about the end of my life. But I knew that that day was a once-in-a-thousand-year opportunity, so I could only sit by and miss it. I watched Zhou Tianxing's star power overflowing, but I couldn't take it for my own use. Do you know how I felt at that time? "

"Hey!" The old Taoist priest couldn't say anything about the grievances of the Shi family's direct lineage and Jiuliu Xianren's lineage. He sighed and said, "When is the time to repay the grievances! We practitioners must be broad-minded so that we can be Taoists. You are also a big A wise person, why bother with this grievance?"

"It's true that being broad-minded and Taoist is really important, and don't forget that it is also very important for us practitioners to settle karma." Xu Changqing ignored the old Taoist's persuasion, and said: "The direct lineage of the Shi family is extinct, and it is in the same line as my nine-year-old idler." The karmic grievances have been cut off, and I don't need to bear the grievances of the Shi family's direct lineage. The so-called lightness of nothing, it seems that my good luck these days is also somewhat related to this matter." Then he looked at it with an unhappy expression on his face. The old Taoist priest of "color" said: "You don't have to be so unhappy. Since I have accepted the magic trick, I have taken over the karma that should have been on you. If there is a chance, I will help you. The Shi family is directly seeking justice, after all repaying a grievance with virtue is considered a great merit."

"I hope you will do what you say!" The old Taoist didn't say any more, turned around and waved to his disciples, indicating that he was ready to leave, and then reminded Xu Changqing: "Since you have decided to go up and down with the catastrophe, you must be careful in everything. If you have anything to do, come to the mountain gate of my Zhong family."

"Don't worry, I will be careful." Xu Changqing replied with a slight smile.

The old Taoist nodded, took out another ticket from the Guangdong Chamber of Commerce, and handed it to Xu Changqing as a reward for casting the spell. The walking corpses surrounded the center, waiting for Xu Changqing to collect the copper coins, then drove the corpses away.

Xu Changqing pinched the magic formula with his hand, pointed at the sword, and all the copper coins stuck to the corpse's throat flew back to his hand at the same time.After releasing the copper coins to lock the corpse, the old Taoist raised the soul-destroying bell in his hand and shook it vigorously, and then shouted loudly: "The corpse at the bell gate, the soul is changed!"

Following the shout of the old Taoist priest, all the walking corpses jumped up and automatically arranged in order. After seeing the old Taoist priest stomp his feet, the ground turned into a big mouth that swallowed all 67 figures, and then left to return to normal. Nothing happened in general.

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