Nine idlers

Chapter 70

Chapter 70 Dongwang Zangjin

Since Wei Changhui's spiritual consciousness was only sealed by the formation and not refined, Xu Changqing couldn't put it in his sleeve, so he could only temporarily trap it with the Maitreya cassock, shrunk it into the sleeve of the cassock, and waited. There is a chance to refine it again.

Xu Changqing did not immediately pick up the holy cross of the Western Holy See, but turned around and walked to Guan Zheng's side to check his injuries.Although Xu Changqing's main idea at the beginning was to use him, but for such an upright and upright person, Xu Changqing also admired him very much, and liked to get along with such a person, after all, it reduced a lot of troubles of intrigue.

Since the rune armor blocked most of the ghost power that erupted after the ghost pill shattered, the ghost power that actually invaded his body was not too much. Although he has passed out now, the Haoran Zhengqi Art in his body is still in progress. Little by little, the ghost power is dispelled and forced out.Although it was easy for Xu Changqing to wake him up, but he did not intend to make a move.Even though he imitated the Buddhist True Essence so vividly that it was more real than the real one, it was still the Golden Core True Essence of the Taoist School. If he tried to save Guan Zheng, he would definitely show his flaws.Now he is very satisfied with the current identity of the holy monk, and there is still the mystery of the wish that directly turns into golden light of merit has not been solved. Before he loses interest in this identity, he tries not to reveal it as much as possible. 'Own true identity.In addition, the more important point is that his mind, mind and consciousness both feel that his new Buddhist identity may be related to his ability to safely survive the catastrophe of this secular world.

Xu Changqing walked to the grass where the talisman sword fell and picked it up. After this battle, most of the power of the talisman in the talisman sword was exhausted, especially the dozen or so five thunders carved near the hilt. All the talisman powers were completely released.However, relying on Guan Zheng's current skill of penetrating the eight meridians to replenish all the Dao power of the Talisman Sword, even if it takes a year, it will be difficult to complete.

Thinking that Guan Zheng could beat the ghost emperor level with such a cultivation level, Wei Changhui had no choice but to use the shattering ghost pill. Of course, it was because Wei Changhui had not systematically learned the method of ghost cultivation and did not have the magic weapon to match his hands. It has to be said that Guan Zheng is indeed able to display his strength exceptionally.This point is very useful in Xu Changqing's eyes. He thought that maybe he could play an unimaginable role on the fifth day of May, so he had a rare kindness, circulated the golden core essence, injected it into the talisman sword, and supplemented the talisman sword loss of power.Following the input of Xu Changqing's golden core essence, the talisman sword emitted a faint white light, and when it was fully replenished and restored, the light gradually became restrained, returning to its usual inconspicuous appearance.

Xu Changqing waved the talisman sword twice, nodded in satisfaction, turned around and walked to Guan Zheng's side, and put the talisman sword on his body.Then Xu Changqing walked to the cross, covered his hands with a layer of true energy, and carefully picked up the cross.Although the throat-breaking sword just now failed to hurt his Hunyuan golden body, it still made him feel pain.

Xu Changqing looked at the cross in his hand. If it weren't for the huge spiritual power contained in the cross, it would be hard for him to believe that this palm-sized cross was the cross that nailed the savior of the Western Holy See.However, besides making him feel the true power of the gods, the cross in the palm of his hand also has a very strong wood spirit energy of the five elements, but this wood spirit energy is very tight, as if it was forcibly squeezed together by an external force .

Xu Changqing's Jiuliu Dao was slowly running, trying to extract the true power of the gods contained in the cross, but no matter how hard he tried, he couldn't succeed.Just like the air of the wood spirit in the cross, this spiritual power is firmly locked in the body of the cross by external forces, making the cross like a relic, which can only be used by people who conform to the power of their beliefs. Borrowing strength in order to increase one's own strength in battle, but still unable to directly draw strength from it to temper oneself.

Since the power in the cross cannot be taken out for his own use, and Xu Changqing has no intention of becoming a follower of the Western Holy See, he lost interest in studying this holy cross in depth. Right, walking towards the village ancestral hall.

After unlocking Guan Zheng's exorcism circle outside the ancestral hall, the people in the ancestral hall came out. When they saw Guan Zheng lying motionless beside Xu Changqing, they were all startled. They all thought that Guan Zheng had been killed. With a sad face.But afterward, when Xu Changqing finished talking about the incident, and learned that Guan Zheng had just passed out, he turned his grief into joy, and hurriedly carried Guan Zheng to the ancestral hall and placed him on the laid quilt, like He was serving him like an emperor.

Because he had learned from Xu Changqing that the mountain ghost that had troubled the villagers for many years had been eliminated by him, the people in the village kowtowed to him in gratitude, expressing their willingness to regard him as their master and regard his ideas as their lifelong beliefs.When each of the villagers made a great oath to convert to Xu Changqing, the pure power of the vow that directly turned into a golden light of merit seemed to become stronger, which made Xu Changqing wonder whether he should simply establish a branch of Buddhism and recruit more believers , to strengthen the will.

However, after careful consideration, Xu Changqing cut off his crazy idea.It was hard for him to find a way to get out of the big cause and effect of the Chen family. Now if he establishes another branch of Buddhism, it is equivalent to jumping from one fire pit to another fire pit. Because of the reason, it is very difficult to get out of the catastrophe of heaven and earth.In addition, those high-ranking Buddhists who want to achieve Arhat status will never let him, a low-level person, establish a side branch of Buddhism. If it becomes a cult by then, it will be like the White Lotus Sect, where karma will never change.

After Xu Changqing's severe refusal, the people of Majiapu also gradually gave up this idea.However, in the eyes of these ordinary people, Xu Changqing's behavior turned into a kind of saintly virtue that does not seek fame and fortune, but is sincere to the Buddha. The portrait is for home.Xu Changqing also guessed the thoughts of these people from the old village head who secretly drew his own appearance on the clothes with charcoal. Thinking that this was not his order, and there would be no cause and effect, so he ignored them.

After setting up Guan Zheng, Xu Changqing got up and decided to visit Wei Changhui's lair.The reason why he did this was not that Wei Changhui had any high-grade magic weapon, but for the holy treasury under the mansion of the Eastern King Yang Xiuqing of the Taiping Heavenly Kingdom.

Back then, Eastern King Yang Xiuqing, in order to please his Western masters, searched for gold wantonly in the name of establishing a holy treasury, hoarding it underground in the Eastern King's Mansion, and planned to transport this batch of gold to the Western Holy See when he had the opportunity.Later, after Yang Xiuqing was killed by the Demon Lord of Ten Changes, this batch of gold fell into the hands of the Demon Lord of Ten Changes. However, the Demon Lord of Ten Changes didn't value these worldly things at all, and he didn't take it seriously and let it go. Stay underground.Later, the Demon King of Ten Changes was seriously injured by Shi Da's attack. Wei Changhui took the opportunity to capture the East Prince's Mansion and took control of the entire Tianjing. The gold naturally fell into Wei Changhui's hands.

After Wei Changhui rebelled and fled, Hong Xiuquan used a dummy head to appease Shi Dakai, but Shi Dakai saw through it and turned against him. The Taiping Heavenly Kingdom was completely split and eventually perished.But after Zeng Guofan captured the entire Tianjing, he learned about this batch of gold from Li Xiucheng, and searched everywhere, but except for some gold found under Hong Xiuquan's Heavenly King's Mansion, there was no trace of this batch of East King's hidden gold anywhere. This also became a serious heart disease in Zeng Guofan's heart.

The owner of the Yizhuang back then had some friendship with Zeng Guofan because of the Chen family's relationship, and was entrusted by him to go to Tianjing to find the East King's hidden gold.In the end, he found a gold vault with a depth of [-] meters through the ground search method, and found some bones and a passage in the vault. It seemed that someone had smuggled the gold out, and then killed people to kill them.At that time, the only person who had the manpower and material resources to smuggle gold out of Tianjing without anyone noticing it was Wei Changhui, who was recognized as dead. And the owner of Yizhuang also wrote down this matter in his own notebook.

Now that Wei Changhui has confirmed that he is not dead, with his recognized character of regarding money as life, he will definitely keep this batch of gold by his side even though it is already a possession outside his body.Although this batch of gold is far inferior to a good magic weapon in Xu Changqing's eyes, having such a batch of gold can enable him to do many good deeds.Even though doing good deeds cannot save him from doom, it can accumulate merit for him. If the gold is used to do some things to promote literature and morality, such as running schools, it is possible for him to use virtue to resist disaster when the catastrophe comes. .

With the deepening of his cultivation, Xu Changqing became more and more afraid of the catastrophe of heaven and earth.When the catastrophe comes, the luck of the heaven and the earth will be chaotic and disorderly, and all the people in the catastrophe will have no luck at all. The little gangsters in the village are also more prosperous than those who know the way of heaven.Xu Changqing, who had experienced the exhaustion of luck more than a year ago, knows very well that if he is unlucky and his luck fails at the time of the catastrophe, then he will not be safe at that time, and he may be left alone An old man with the power of a chicken can also kill him.

Xu Changqing also thought about leaving the land of China and hiding in a foreign land during the more than a year on the mountain, but in the end he thought it was useless. His energy was always connected with the land of China, no matter where he fled, he could not escape the catastrophe.Unless when the catastrophe comes, he can offset the catastrophe after the catastrophe with the help of meritorious deeds, and then leave the land of China, not to be involved in the cause and effect of the catastrophe in China. At this time, you only need to be careful to avoid being involved in foreign disasters, so that you can avoid this catastrophe.It is precisely because of this that this kind of wealth without cause and effect may become the key to whether Xu Changqing can escape the catastrophe of heaven and earth.

Under the starry night, Xu Changqing galloped all the way in the mountains and forests without touching the ground, and his clothes were not stained with dust, and floated towards the place where he saw the ghostly aura.When he reached the not-too-high mountain, Xu Changqing easily identified which mountain Wei Changhui came from from dozens of rolling hills.Wei Changhui couldn't control the ghost aura freely. When he left the lair, the overflowing ghost aura sucked all the plant life on the mountain clean, opening up a very eye-catching path.

Going along this road, there is a cave at the end. Xu Changqing stood at the entrance of the cave, opened his eyes and looked into the cave. There seemed to be no danger inside, but because there were too many side roads, the cave could not be seen for a while. Deeper situation.In order to avoid accidents, he sacrificed the World-Transferring Pearl on the top of his head, circulated his true energy, cast a spell to set up a layer of protection around his body, then squatted down, drew a Taoist talisman on the ground, bit his middle finger and dripped a drop of blood on the Taoist talisman , and finally take out a mahogany man and 'insert' it in front of the Taoist talisman.

"Hunyuan Tiangang rises, and Lingyuan turns into a body. Hurry up like a law! Congeal!" Xu Changqing took two steps back, with sword fingers in his hand, stepping on Tiangang, circulating his true yuan, turning it into Dao power, and injecting it into the Dao talisman.As the Taoism was performed, a thick air of earth spirit wrapped the blood dripping on the Taoist talisman, rushed into the mahogany man, and immediately flew up with the mahogany man, suspended in mid-air, and the surrounding soil immediately disappeared. It was the center, gathered together, and soon formed a clay figurine that looked exactly like Xu Changqing.

Driven by Xu Changqing, the clay figurine led the way, and he followed. Along the way, as he expected, Wei Changhui set up many traps inside, but all of them were forcibly broken by the puppet clay figurine.Although it is impossible for these traps to harm Xu Changqing's Hunyuan golden body, it is certain that if there is no pre-arranged clay puppet, he will be very embarrassed by these things.

After taking several wrong side roads that Wei Changhui deliberately set a trap for, Xu Changqing finally came to the end of the cave before the clay figurine was completely destroyed.This was a very large cave. The cave was not filled with gold as he had imagined. Instead, it was full of mummified corpses that had sucked their energy.Seeing these, Xu Changqing couldn't help but think of the remnants of the Boxer Regiment that were rumored to be haunting nearby. From the dust accumulated on the mummy, it can be estimated that the remnants of the Boxer Regiment have already become Wei Changhui's delicacy, and the remnant party that is still circulating today should be Wei Changhui Pretend.

In addition to these mummies, there are also some corpses that have attracted Xu Changqing's attention. Some of the mummies in bridal attire should be the ghost wives he married before. Judging from the number, it can be judged that he is definitely not just looking for Majiapu.However, what surprised him was that the expressions of these ghost wives seemed very calm, without any panic, as if they were asleep.In addition, next to the corpses of the ghost wives are the corpses of a group of monks and Taoists. They should be the real eminent monks who died in the hands of Wei Changhui.

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