Nine idlers

Chapter 701

Chapter [-]: A Small Town in a City

Mosang's appearance immediately became the focus of the entire assessment forging workshop. Different from the respectful eyes of others, Xu Changqing's eyes were more surprised. He was surprised that there was something that should not have appeared on Mosang. The thing on him is Dao Flame, another form of the True Fire of Morality among the Nine Great Spiritual Fires of the Three Realms. 【 】

Among the nine spirit fires of the Dao of Heaven and Earth, the fundamental spirit fires of the three Dao of Chaos, Creation, and Tribulation have long been lost. Although the other spirit fires are still circulating in the world, they are also very rare.Only one of the Houtian Dao Spiritual Fire is the True Fire of Morality. Although its name has been circulated in the three realms of Kunlun, no one has ever possessed this kind of Dao Spiritual Fire.There are many reasons for this, not only because the spiritual fire of the Houtian Dao appeared very late, until after the emergence of Confucianism 1000 years before the Great Desolation, this kind of spiritual fire of the Houtian Dao appeared, but also because there are very few people who possess this kind of spiritual fire of the Dao, There are only three people in written records, but it's more because the condensation process of the acquired spiritual fire is very difficult.

The Dharma gates that completely record how to practice moral fire have now been divided into two. Among them, the Confucian moral fire dharma gates are hidden in Zhiyuan Hall, and the Taoist Daoyan dharma gates are hidden in Qingyang Palace. No one has ever refined it, so some people doubt whether this true fire of morality really exists. After all, the time between its appearance and disappearance is too short, and the written records related to it are only rare.But even with this little text, the details about the true fire of morality have been clearly stated. It is precisely because of this that Xu Changqing can quickly feel the power of the flame of the true fire of morality from Mo Sang.

As two acquired spiritual fires among the Nine Great Dao Spiritual Fires, the Moral Real Fire and the World-Cleaning Glass Buddha Flame have a common function, that is, purification, but the division of labor between the two is slightly different.The world-cleaning glazed Buddha flame mainly purifies the body and impurities, supplemented by tempering the soul, and finally enables the owner to achieve the vajra glazed indestructible Buddha body, the perfect enlightenment relic without leaks, and achieve the great enlightenment.The true fire of morality is just the opposite. It is mainly to purify the soul, supplemented by tempering the body.

Freelance craftsman Mosang can be said to be both lucky and unlucky.The reason why he was lucky was that he somehow got a dao flame that remained after the ancient prehistoric shattered. This dao flame was enough to refine his divine fire to a level far beyond the current level of the supreme god of the Holy Ruins, and even made him called It is not difficult to be a strong person like the ancient foreign gods.But he is also here unfortunately, he got the Dao flame to refine the divine fire, but he didn't get the moral fire to assist the body and the divine body, so that the level of his gods and gods continued to improve, reaching the peak of returning to the void and condensing the true god of the kingdom of gods However, the physical body and the divine body have always remained at the level of ordinary gods, which are not even as good as low-grade golden elixir.This is like pouring water into a sealed wooden barrel, and the huge water pressure will eventually swell the wooden barrel to pieces.

Mosang is also considered a lucky person. He was able to give up his obsession at a critical moment and join the hammer furnace or the Opalodi family. With the help of this family of gods, he suppressed the continuous improvement of his own gods and fire. Only then was he able to save his life.Any piece of clothing he is wearing now should be a high-grade divine artifact, but these divine artifacts are specially forged for him, and the function of the divine artifact is only to suppress Mosang's divine fire, and it is inside but not outside. So from the outside, these artifacts are no different from ordinary clothes.To be able to create such an exquisite divine artifact that is no less than the magic weapon of the three realms of Kunlun, presumably it should have come from the hands of the elder of the Opalodi family who greatly appreciates Mosang's talent.

Although Xu Changqing really wanted to get the Daoyan in Mosang's body, but now the timing is not right, and Daoyan has been completely fused with Mosang's god fire, unless Mosang completely let go of the fire, otherwise Xu Changqing will find it difficult to extract it .If he directly kills it like he did with Bell, and then ingests the divine fire, it may cause the Dao flame to backlash, and it is likely to completely destroy the Dao flame, which may be the only remaining Dao flame in the world, so the gain outweighs the loss.

While Xu Changqing was thinking about how to take out the Dao flame from Mo Sang's body, other people in the workshop were still immersed in the appearance of the legendary free master and his current identity change.Even after hearing the order to start the assessment, most of the people were still there in a daze. Only a few people picked up tools and were about to turn on the stove, but they all stopped, as if they were waiting for further instructions from Mosang.

"What? Is no one willing to participate in the assessment of the hammer furnace?" Mosang looked at the people around who were still in a daze, frowned, and said slightly displeased.

After everyone heard this, they hurriedly returned to their respective positions, but they still didn't make a move, they all looked at Mosang.

At this time, a person who had participated in the assessment seemed to realize something. Before Mosang was upset again, he explained: "Master Mosang, are we waiting for you to come up with a question?" <Wrong, smiled awkwardly , followed by a blunt apology, and then asked the question: "Just forge one of your best artifacts! It doesn't have to be high-grade, but it must be spiritual. The first 30 people who complete the forging will temporarily Accept, whoever forges the artifact with the most spirituality will be hired, and the artifact with the weakest spirituality will be replaced automatically. This is the rule, let's start now!"

The so-called artifact spirit is a very vague concept. Most of the people present are not very clear about what is spirit and what is not. Forge your own best artifact.

After Mo Sang also finished speaking, he walked to the furnace where the middle-aged man who possessed both the power of the God of Deceit and the God of Forging was located. He planned to keep a close eye on him alone. There seems to be a little grievance between them.

At the moment when Mosang appeared, the face of the middle-aged Medis, who was still full of confidence, became extremely gloomy, but when he opened the furnace and sent the ore prepared for them by the hammer furnace into the furnace, He forgot everything around him, and concentrated on controlling the firepower of the furnace, without being affected by Mosang standing behind him at all.

"It seems that he has some real talents and real learning. I don't know how other people are?" Xu Changqing was not in a hurry to make a move. Instead, he closed his eyes and meditated, as if he was thinking about how to forge a spiritual artifact.

In fact, with Xu Changqing's ability, and the fact that he had already learned a lot about the composition of the Holy Ruins' divine array and divine artifacts when he was in the Fourteenth Star Wen Aoguang's and Yan Jingfu's mansions, it took only a few minutes to forge a divine artifact. , and there is no need to use any of the tools here, only all kinds of spiritual fires are enough.What he has to do now is not to forge the best spiritual artifact in the shortest time, but to use the skills of ordinary forging craftsmen in the Holy Ruins, using these low-level tools that he has never used before, to forge a spiritual artifact that can pass the examination. , and will not appear particularly prominent spiritual artifact.The difficulty of doing this is far more difficult than forging a divine weapon with his own ability, so now he is not thinking about how to forge a divine weapon, but is using his divine sense to capture the movements of everyone around him, learning this kind of magic weapon that he sees Come to the extremely low-level forging technique.

Xu Changqing's act of closing his eyes and meditating like this is not outstanding. Except for some people who have already made plans, most of them have to reconsider the details of their finished products, but most of them are thinking about it while smelting ore.

While paying attention to his old friends with whom he had a lot of grievances, Mo Sang also devoted a little attention to other people. There are nearly 60 people left in the factory, and there are more than [-] people worthy of attention, so he His attention only stayed on Xu Changqing for a while, and then shifted to the candidate he had been optimistic about before.As for Xu Changqing, who has never done anything, he was mistaken for the kind of person who just came to experience the atmosphere, accumulate experience, and prepare for the next time. Although he was only hosting the assessment for the first time, he also heard that every assessment would have such a person. A class of people showed up, so it didn't seem surprising.

A little bit of time passed, and soon someone completed his work.Under Xu Changqing's spiritual observation, whether this artifact is good or not is second to none, but he can be sure that this artifact has no spirituality at all.This artifact is a standard artifact, similar to the unqualified magical artifacts in the Kunlun Three Realms, and it is only used by ordinary orcs and human city guards.The only thing worthy of praise for the person who forged this artifact is that practice makes perfect. He perfectly portrayed the magic circle on this standard artifact, and the carving was almost completed with one stroke, which is worthy of praise for his superb skills.

Although this person's work is not very good, this person's forging technique has given Xu Changqing a lot of help, because his technique can be called the standard technique of a god-level forging craftsman, from the mastery of the furnace temperature, the selection of forging spirit ore, From the use of carving tools and the display of his own divine power, every detail is very standard, even Mosang can't find any flaws.Judging from Mo Sang's expression, even if this person's work cannot be included in the thirty quotas, he will use his power to pull this person into the hammer furnace, because although this person is not a good craftsman, he Definitely a good basic craftsman teacher.

Through this person's forging process, Xu Changqing has almost deduced the most basic forging techniques of these god forging craftsmen, so he started to work on his own works.I saw that he didn't think about it for a long time, and soon deduced a secret plan in the realm of Dao Xin. He picked out several kinds of ores from a pile of spiritual mines prepared in the hammer furnace and threw them into the furnace. The method seems to be carefully controlling the firepower, melting the spirit mine without destroying its original characteristics.

When the several kinds of spiritual ores melted into the state Xu Changqing wanted, he used the tools in front of him to fish them out, and then used the imitated divine power to promote the low-level forging method of the Holy Market, and gradually melted several kinds of spiritual ores. After merging together, cutting into the desired shape, followed by more detailed carving and combination, a seemingly simple work will gradually take shape. At this time, more than [-] people have completed their works.


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