Nine idlers

Chapter 735

Xu Changqing, who was about to leave the hall, heard the voice behind him, stopped and didn't look back, but secretly gathered his mana in his hands, ready to strike at any time. (Baidu search: , the fastest update to read novels)

After seeing that Tathagata great achiever just borrowed the power of the entire Acropolis to easily kill a strong Demon Venerable, Xu Changqing was able to calculate that without borrowing the power of the Golden Immortal body, he could now use his avatar alone The strength that can be displayed can only be a lose-lose battle with the entire Zuowei City.In this way, the too damaged Zuowei City will not be enough to wear down the strength of the group of demons that came with Jiang Sanbao, and it will even cause the entire Douzhan City to collapse, allowing Jiang Sanbao to easily occupy here, which is really against him. plan of.So unless it is a last resort, he will not choose to confront Dou Zhan City head-on at this time Chapter 730 Five Buddha Seeds of the Underground Palace, if his identity is exposed, he will at most give up his plan to investigate the situation in Dou Zhan City and retreat into the blood mist among.

"Jia Lian, if you have time, go to Zhenmo Mountain. You may need to take action to solve this trouble." Just as Xu Changqing was guarding, the Holy Heaven Lord who was in charge of Zuowei City had a slight tone of voice. said pleadingly.

Hearing this, Xu Changqing understood that his identity had not been leaked, so he dispersed the mana secretly gathered in his hands, neither expressing his consent nor objecting, or even making any unnecessary movements, just continued to walk out of the hall , walked towards the city.

After Xu Changqing left, the Tathagata great achiever said: "The strength of Venerable Jialian is getting more and more unpredictable. Just now I couldn't use my power to detect anything in his body. It looks like an ordinary person. Like human beings, judging from this, he has probably reached the eighth consciousness in the past 200 years."

"Maybe it's even higher." Master Shengtian added, after a moment of silence, he said again: "Demon, do you feel a trace of demonic energy in Jialian?"

The devil was stunned for a moment, and recalled: "There is indeed such a devilish energy. [] It's just that the Venerable Jialian has practiced asceticism for 730 years among the Buddha seeds in the underground palace in Chapter 200 of the Blood Mist. Is it normal? Ordinary people will be contaminated with demonic energy after entering the blood mist for more than ten days, and it would be abnormal if there is not even a trace of demonic energy on the Venerable's body."

Master Shengtian frowned.Said: "Perhaps? Jialian always makes me feel that something is wrong." He hesitated for a while, then shook his head again.I denied my own thoughts, but there was no result in the end, so I could only smile and said, "Why do I think so much? Anyway, Jialian is back. I also found this thing for me. It won't do me any harm. .”

"That's right, it's the monks of the ascetic monks who should be more worried now." The devil also smiled and said: "Given the prestige of Venerable Jialian among the various ascetic monks, if he stands up and expresses If he wants to become the great monk of the three fighting cities, I think he should be able to sit in that position easily, and many people will be anxious about it by then."

"Stop gloating! Although the relationship between the ascetic monks and our fight against the heavens has not been very harmonious these years, they are the main force against the demons in the demon world after all. Don't make trouble for me in this critical period." Sheng Tianfa The Lord frowned, and warned the demon, and seeing his disapproval, he couldn't help but sighed and shook his head.After all, the demon phase is his right-hand man.There is no need to blame the demons too much for the sake of the ascetic monks.So I didn't continue talking.

Master Shengtian then turned his attention to the string of Buddhist beads in his hand, and muttered in his heart: "Nine chapters of Buddhist beads? What secrets are hidden here? Why did Master Dou Zhan and Master Mitian be so impatient back then? Want to find it?"

Just when Master Shengtian was puzzled by the Buddhist beads in his hand, Xu Changqing had already known the location of one of his main targets, the Buddhist scriptures hall, through the conversation with the gods and Buddhas of the Douzhanbu who were practicing some kind of battle formation on the square.

The Buddhist scripture hall in Zuowei City was built on the side of the Buddha Pagoda Square. It is said to be a hall, but it should be regarded as an underground palace. The part on the surface is just an inconspicuous small house.After entering the door, go down the spiral staircase on both sides.It is a small basement with a total of 81 floors.In these basements hang some Buddhist beads similar to luminous pearls.The entire basement is illuminated transparently, just like daytime.Huge bookcases are placed neatly. In addition to the most classic Buddhist scriptures of various sects, there are more classics written by ascetic monks in the past on the bookcases. It is just because no one organizes them that all the books are messy and disorderly. Put together, unless you are a frequent visitor, it is difficult for anyone to find the Buddhist scriptures they want from these messy books in a short period of time.

Although most of these books are placed in disorder, there is still a certain pattern in them. The lower the basement, the older the books are. The books in the lowest basement are almost all written by the Buddhist circle. The pioneers of the Dou Zhan Department who developed the Dou Zhan City.It's just that Xu Changqing can feel from the volumes on the books that, except for the books on the top few floors, all the other books are copied by others, not written by the author himself, so there are almost no volumes on it. Qi.

Most of the people who read these books in the Sutra Hall are ascetic monks from Zuowei City. The gods and Buddhas of the Douzhan Department rarely come here. If they have time, most of them will choose to go to the top hall of the Buddha Pagoda to practice fighting. The Dharma created by the ancestors of the Zhanbu can be condensed into the most important true meaning of Douzhan of the gods and Buddhas of the Zhanbu.

No special procedures are required to enter the scripture hall, just like the hall at the top of the pagoda, anyone can enter and read any book.Xu Changqing didn't stay in the scripture hall for too long. It took him about a day to find out what he wanted to know from these books, and he had a general understanding of the situation in Douzhan City.

Like most sects in the Buddhist world, the top-level rights of Douzhan City were divided into three at the beginning. In the whole city, Dharma Lord Mitian and Dharma Master Shengtian ruled the Doubu God Buddha and the Zhanbu God Buddha respectively. It was not until the left and right Acropolis were built that the two Dharma Masters left Douzhan City and took charge of the two Acropolis respectively. , and the gods and Buddhas of the Dou Zhan Department, which were originally divided into two parts, were also mixed together and divided into three parts, with each of the three masters in charge of one part.

In addition to the three masters of Dou Zhan City, the ascetic monks are also a major force. They are independent of the gods and Buddhas of the Dou Zhan Department. Although they will also participate in the battle against demons during wartime, They do not obey orders from the Combat Department, the two are just a cooperative relationship.Regarding the existence of the Sangha, the Gods and Buddhas of the Douzhanbu are also very helpless, because they are not the most numerous in Douzhan City, but the ascetic monks, and the ascetic monks are the main force for fighting the demons in Douzhan City, and their role is even more than that of the monks. The gods and Buddhas of the Dou Zhanbu itself.

Fortunately, although there are many ascetic monks and monks, they act independently like a pan of scattered sand, unable to pose any threat to the gods and Buddhas of the Doozhanbu.However, this situation has changed in the past ten years. For some reason, the monks in Douzhan City and Left and Right Acropolis were all gathered together, and a chief monk was elected according to the city where they were located to lead the monks in the city. The practice of the ascetic monks was vaguely aimed at the three masters of the Dou Zhan Department.Recently, it is even more important to elect a great monk, who seems to be preparing to elevate his status above the Master of Dou Zhan, which has also made the relationship between the gods and Buddhas of the Dou Zhan Department and the ascetic monks become tense recently.

Regarding the identity of the person he is changing now, Xu Changqing also found the answer in the books on the third floor.As he guessed in advance, Venerable Jialian's status in Douzhan City is indeed unusual. More than 200 years ago, he was regarded as the number one ascetic by all the ascetic monks in Douzhan City. Although he did not have any position in the Sangha, but He can indirectly influence the decision of the Sangha, so he can be said to be the uncrowned king.If all the sangha had elected a great monk to be Zhengzheng, then he would be absolutely 200% sure that he would be able to sit in this position.It's a pity that 200 years have passed. In other places, 200 years is enough to make people forget everything, especially in places like Douzhan City. Although he still has great prestige among ascetic monks now, compared to [-] years ago It's not as good as coming.However, if he wants to fight for the position of Great Monk now, he will still be able to bring great threats to those who peep at this position, which is why some of the ascetic monks and monks will retaliate against him just now.

Although the ascetic monks base themselves on the asceticism of asceticism, it does not mean that they have no desire at all. On the contrary, because of their suppression of the body and spirit, when some kind of emotion erupts, it is often more difficult than Ordinary people are more intense.The ascetic monk regards this as a catastrophe, and only by suppressing and conquering this emotion can he survive the catastrophe safely, otherwise he will sink.As for the ascetic monks, there are various ways to overcome the catastrophe, but the vast majority of ascetics choose indulgence as the best way to overcome the catastrophe. Indulge this devilish emotion to the limit, let yourself feel disgusted, and then take advantage of the situation. Jie's emotions are suppressed and eventually eliminated.

The monks Xu Changqing saw on the Buddha Pagoda before, they were going through the magic catastrophe, and this magic catastrophe stemmed from the pursuit of power.The Venerable Jialian transformed by Xu Changqing was also crossing the Devil Tribulation when he left Douzhan City, and his Devil Tribulation was because of his desire for a secret, and this secret was the secret hidden by the Jiuzhang Buddha Bead.

The reputation of the Nine Chapters Buddha Beads is only spread among the people in power at the top of Douzhan City, and is not seen in ordinary Douzhanbu gods, Buddhas and ascetics. Origin, a book about its shape.The people who made the nine-chapter Buddhist beads were the first batch of Douzhanbu strongmen who pioneered the Douzhan City back then. The method of making them is untestable, but they are known to be Buddhist beads made of ordinary camphor wood, but their hardness is as strong as that of immortals. Pin Lingbao is comparable.As for its usefulness, it is only rumored that it contains a big secret that can allow people to grasp the entire battlefield of Buddhas and demons. No one knows what this secret is and how to unlock it, at least no one publicly expresses their knowledge.Ever since the No. 16 master fighting master who held this object died in the blood mist world, and this object was left in the blood mist, the rumors about this object have also disappeared.

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