Nine idlers

Chapter 74 Underground Trading

Chapter 74 Underground Trading

Lilith gradually got used to the operation of the Five Elements Guiyuan Formation. When she was about to try out the compatibility between this new body and her spiritual consciousness, Xu Changqing, who was standing opposite her and had been practicing with her eyes closed, suddenly opened her eyes and made a move like a thunderbolt , tapped on her forehead.A stream of pure golden core essence rushed into her body from her fingers, stopping the operation of the Five Elements Guiyuan Formation. At the same time, a force emanated from the Five Elements Guiyuan Formation, locking Lilith's spiritual consciousness and making her move. no.

"You, what do you want to do?" Feeling that she had not only lost control of her body, but also her soul, Lilith's face immediately turned pale, and she stared at Xu Changqing in horror, and said.

"Don't be nervous! I just want to take back my reward!" Xu Changqing showed a smile that could be called compassionate on his face, but the gaze in his eyes was always indifferent, and said: "But I'm afraid that when I receive the reward, you He will move around and do something bad, so he made such a bad move!"

"Since you can keep your promise, so can I." Lilith stared at Xu Changqing, and said with a gloomy face: "And don't you think it's too much for you to manipulate my body like this?"

"It's just in case, as long as you don't mess around, why worry about my tricks?" Xu Changqing suppressed his smile, held a knife in his left hand, and slammed fiercely at his lower abdomen 'Plugged' in.

Since Lilith's body is now composed of the energy of the five elements, she does not reject the battle of the five elements, and easily let a foreign hand sink into her stomach.It's just that she, who lost control of her body at the moment, can still feel a hand groping back and forth in her stomach very clearly. No matter whether there is pain in the body, it is always not a pleasant thing.

Not long after, Xu Changqing found what he was looking for, grabbed it, wrapped it with real yuan, and quickly dragged it out of Lilith's body.Although the magic baby only resides in Lilith's body, and Lilith's body is composed of the Qi of the Five Elements, it should not feel the pain of ordinary people.However, the devil baby's body is connected with Lilith's spiritual consciousness. When Xu Changqing dragged it out of Lilith's body, a strong pain that she had never felt before was directly produced in her spiritual consciousness, which made her unable to bear the pain. cried out.Then when Xu Changqing released the restraint on her, she fell to the ground as if she had collapsed, unable to sit up for a while.

The magic baby was forcibly pulled away, and the damage caused to her was obviously beyond Lilith's imagination. She felt that the power of her fallen angel, that is, the ghost energy in Xu Changqing's eyes, had lost nearly half. With her spiritual consciousness, perhaps she had lost the power to continue to control this body at the moment the devil baby left the body, and returned to the place where she came from, turning back into a lonely ghost.

The current situation of Lilith is obviously not something that Xu Changqing should care about. His attention is all on the walnut-sized magic baby in his hand.Although this devil baby is only so big, the ghost aura on his body is not much worse than that of the Yin God and War Ghost. It is not impossible to break through the boundary between humans and ghosts and achieve the body of Yin and God.

Ghost cultivation is the weakest among all the methods of cultivation. Human ghost cultivation is still better. If you practice with ghost body, even if you cultivate ghost pills and become ghost emperor, you can't compare with practitioners who have completed the realm of refining and transforming qi.However, if one can become a Yin God, the situation will change instantly. Even practitioners who have completed the Golden Core Dao cannot compare with it, unless they have cultivated the primordial spirit, or have a magic weapon to restrain ghost cultivation. Victory over Yin God.

This devil baby obviously already had a little bit of spiritual consciousness. After he left Lilith's mother's body, he immediately surrounded himself with ghost energy, firmly protected the fragile baby body, and kept struggling, hoping to be able to get out of it. Xu Changqing broke free from his hand.

"That's right, very good! You've already formed spiritual consciousness. It seems that your usefulness is not just to be lunch for the bronze armored corpse." Xu Changqing was delighted, and he untied the real essence in his hand, and then a burst of true fire of samadhi rushed out of his palm , Wrap the devil baby, instantly rush away the ghost energy around the devil baby, and directly refine its body.The devil baby seemed unwilling to be refined by Xu Changqing's spiritual consciousness, desperately trying to struggle, and issued a ghostly howl that directly attacked the mind.However, these methods have no effect on Xu Changqing, who has a stable Dao heart. The gradually strengthened true fire of samadhi, under his control, gradually erases the part of the magic baby's spiritual consciousness that already has thoughts, and at the same time, he is very careful It does not destroy the ghost energy and other parts of the magic baby's spiritual consciousness.

When the devil baby's last trace of thought and consciousness was refined by the three-flavored real fire, the devil baby let out a ghost howl comparable to the attack effect of the yin god stick, which made Xu Changqing's Dao heart tremble uncontrollably, and Lilith, who was sitting by the side, spit out the almost formed Five Elements Qi, and her whole body became weaker.

"The sky is clear and the earth is spiritual, the ghosts and gods are self-extinguishing, and the demons and ghosts appear, according to the law of Mr. Sanshan Jiuhou, take photos!" Xu Changqing gathered his true energy with his right hand, and quickly drew a supernatural exorcising talisman in the air, chanted the mantra, and drove the talisman to rush Into the body of the magic baby.This pure Dao power absorbed the already blank spiritual knowledge from the devil baby's body, and then the devil baby's body was also beaten into the original form of ghost energy, and the ghost energy wrapped the spiritual knowledge and turned into a ghost under the suppression of the true essence. There is a small black bead.This small bead looks much smaller than the black bead transformed by the fallen angel, but its luster far exceeds that of the black bead transformed by the fallen angel.

Xu Changqing didn't intend to refine the bronze armored corpse into an incarnation right now, one is that the venue is not good, and the other is that the time is wrong.He put the ghost energy beads transformed by the magic baby into the universe in his sleeve, turned his head and looked at Lilith sitting on the ground indifferently, and said: "The Five Elements Guiyuan Formation will automatically restore your spiritual consciousness and body, and it won't be long. You will be able to move freely! In addition, after you recover, it is best to leave my land of China immediately, do not stay here, the restriction I placed in your body will be automatically lifted after you leave."

After he finished speaking, he turned around and was about to leave. At this time, Lilith stared at Xu Changqing coldly, and said, "Wait, is the holy cross of the Holy See on your body now?"

Xu Changqing didn't intend to deny it, but nodded slightly, and said, "Yes! Why do you still want to go back?"

"Don't you think that thing is a scourge?" Lilith smiled contemptuously and said, "With your oriental spells, you absolutely cannot use the power contained in the cross. This thing is just a decoration for you. , and if news of you carrying a cross spreads, do you think the Western Holy See will remain indifferent? Rather..."

"At that time, I'm afraid that there will be countless exorcists under the command of the Holy See coming to my land of China to take back the cross! Is this what you want to say?" Xu Changqing took Lilith's words, then turned around and walked to squat down in front of her , said coldly: "It's just right for them to come. Killing them to take the living soul, I will not create karma, and it will not damage the merits. It will be beneficial and harmless to me to have more people. And you are not at all Knowing my identity, even if those people from the Holy See come here, they will not be able to find me." Then, he reached out and grabbed her chin, pulled her whole body in front of her eyes, and said, "Now you think I'm still Will you be afraid of your western monks? But you are so nervous about this cross, which makes me a little doubtful, what is the use of this holy relic of the Holy See for you western demons?"

Lilith no longer had any expression on her face, she closed her mouth tightly, and just looked at Xu Changqing coldly.

"Don't talk? Then I'll guess." Xu Changqing smiled slightly and said, "Could it be that this cross can not only summon angels, but also use special methods to summon fallen angels or demons. You and that Sama It was not a coincidence that Wei Changhui summoned Er with his incomplete magic strike."

Although Lilith's expression remained unchanged, Xu Changqing had already learned that her spiritual consciousness was trembling through the Five Elements Guiyuan Formation.

Xu Changqing smiled slightly, took out the cross from the universe in his sleeve, put it in front of Lilith, waved it, and said: "As you said, this cross is of no use to me, but I will give it to you like this. I feel really unwilling, why don't you take something I'm interested in and return it."

Lilith's eyes lit up, and she asked anxiously, "What do you want?"

"Heaven and earth spirits! As long as you find a heaven and earth spirit, I will exchange this cross with you." Xu Changqing just remembered that since the Western Holy See has held secular power in the West for so many years, the demons who are against it Naturally, he also has his own influence in the Western secular world, so he immediately had the idea of ​​letting these Western monsters find heaven and earth spiritual things for him.

"Heaven and earth spirit?" Lilith obviously didn't understand what it was, and she looked puzzled.

"What is the spirit of heaven and earth, you can figure it out by yourself?" Xu Changqing, who is not used to being a teacher, stood up and said, "As for our transaction period, we will give you five years! If within five years, you don't find the spirit of heaven and earth If there is no object, I will turn to cooperate with the Western Holy See, with their strength in the Western secular world, I believe that it is not so difficult to find a spiritual object of heaven and earth."

Xu Changqing deliberately pretended to be understated, and then put the cross back into his sleeve, while Lilith thought for a moment, then nodded vigorously: "Okay, it's only five years! I hope you can keep your promise, within five years No contact with the Western Holy See." As he spoke, he turned to Xu Changqing who was about to leave, and asked, "If I found your spiritual object, how should I notify you?"

"You go to Shanghai!" As he spoke, Xu Changqing swept all the calligraphy and paintings in the cave into his sleeves, then touched the ground with his toes, leaped up, and rushed into the passageway when he came. His voice came from inside and said: "When you set foot in my land of China, I will know, and I will find you then."

Hearing Xu Changqing's words, Lilith looked at the hole where he left, eyes full of resentment and helplessness.After a while, when she had the strength to move her arms, she hammered the ground hard, smashing the ground into a big pit, and vented all the grievances in her heart.But after venting her grievances, she drew a magic circle on the ground with a helpless face, then hung her hand over the magic circle, chanted some complicated and difficult spells, and a black ghost rushed out of her palm Qi merged into the magic circle, and the magic circle flashed a burst of light before disappearing.

When the magic circle disappeared, Xu Changqing, who was in the upper cave, could clearly feel an inexplicable force below erupting and disappearing instantly. It felt similar to the Taoist laws and secrets. He knew that the western evil cultivators had already started to act. One more way to obtain the spiritual objects of heaven and earth has been added.

Xu Changqing, who was in a very happy mood, rolled up the sleeves of his cassock on the pile of gold, and a strong suction was generated in the sleeves, and he easily rolled thousands of gold bricks into the sleeves that had grown ten times larger. in the world.Due to the fact that he has improved a lot in the universe in his sleeves, some of the techniques in the universe in his sleeves can also be used, which makes his movements look casual and free, quite like a practitioner of ancient Taoism.

In the cave, he also collected other antique jade articles one by one. Although gold is far more precious than antiques in this troubled world, these antiques are sometimes easier to make friends with than gold. friend.Especially after Xu Changqing has decided to formally enter the world to cross the catastrophe, avoiding being tied to death on the boat of the Chen family, and making more friends with those influential secular dignitaries is also a way to settle down.

After taking away all the things in this cave, Xu Changqing returned to another cave adjacent to it along the original road. The reason why he didn't go out directly from this cave was mainly because he was worried that Wei Changhui would go out again. It would be a waste of time to set any traps in this cave passage and destroy them with hands and feet. Instead, it is better to exit by the same way.Back to the cave full of corpses, Xu Changqing suddenly stopped involuntarily, stood in the middle of the cave, looked at the corpses around, sighed, clasped his hands together, made a lotus seal with his hands, Dao imitated the white lotus Buddha Yuan, chanting the Buddhist mantra of rebirth in his mouth and exercising Buddhist magic.

Xu Changqing's whole body immediately turned into a white lotus, and strands of false Buddha essence containing pure Dao power flew out of the white lotus and turned into small white lotuses, which flew into the corpse, and then the corpse let out a low and deep sound. In the rebirth mantra, it turned into a little bit of white light and dissipated in the air.And those corpses that were still alive showed their appearance before they were alive, with extreme happiness on their faces, and after saluting to Xu Changqing, they also disappeared into the air.

The whole ceremony didn't last long, but it had already consumed most of Xu Changqing's recovery of Jindan Zhenyuan. The moment he released the handprint, he felt a force of merit from heaven and earth entering his body. Slowly merging with the Hunyuan golden body, it made him even more majestic like an eminent monk.

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