Nine idlers

Chapter 744 Windfall

Xu Changqing's words made Master Dou Zhan feel extremely shocked and unbelievable. She never thought that among her competitors there was a powerful man who was ten thousand years ago. (Baidu search: , the fastest update is to read the novel)\(Find the material of the novel and you will arrive) However, she didn't immediately believe what Xu Changqing said, but after thinking for a while, she asked: "Who is the reincarnation of Emperor Haotian? "

Xu Changqing said: "The lord of the Eastern Dragon Palace in Lingshan, Stars and Hanhai in Kunlun Fairyland."

After hearing this name, Master Dou Zhan also showed a hint of surprise. Obviously, even in the Demon Realm, she had heard the name of this fairyland overlord who rose powerfully in the stars and sea.But after Lu showed a little surprise, she didn't say anything more, and drove the platform to the storage room where the living notes were stored, pushed en away, and let Xu Changqing enter to read books, while she waited outside.But after Xu Changqing entered the stone room, she summoned more than a dozen Dharma protectors Wei Tuo, and gave them a few instructions, and after they left, they closed their eyes and rested their minds.

After a while, those Dharma protectors Wei Tuo reappeared one after another. When they appeared, they all held a box that was sealed with a forbidden law, placed it in front of the Master of War, and left silently. No, it also shows that the laws and regulations in Douzhan City are strict.

The Dou Zhanfa master cast a spell to lift the restriction on the box, and took out the volumes of documents stored in it to read them one by one, and his expression became extraordinarily solemn as the number of documents he consulted increased.After reading the last document, she couldn't help but take a deep breath to calm down the shock in her heart, and then turned her head to look deeply at Xu Changqing in the stone room, who was reading the daily notes of the fighting masters of the past dynasties.Then he closed his eyes and thought for a while, then put the paper away again.Put it in the box and restore the restraint.

For the next two days, Master Dou Zhan sat outside the stone den to handle the official affairs of Dou Zhan City, and sent out various orders one by one to Dharma Protector Wei Tuo, and all kinds of combat forces hidden in the entire Dou Zhan City gradually began to operate. stand up.All kinds of magic circles that can only be opened during wartime are also opened, and the operation of the magic circles is repeatedly checked to avoid any mistakes during the battle.A large number of gods and Buddhas in the Dou Zhan Department who had retreated were awakened one after another and began to prepare for the battle. The atmosphere in the entire Dou Zhan City became tense for a while.

From Xu Changqing's point of view, those gods and Buddhas of the Douzhanbu who are closed to death are based on cultivation.It's not very strong, and the strong ones are only in the realm of ordinary great achievers, and the total number of people is only more than 1000.But in his feeling, these gods and Buddhas of the Douzhanbu who are retreating together are extremely dangerous.Because each of them has a powerful force in their bodies that is not much worse than the Prajna Mahasiddha, and this force is full of killing intent, and it obviously exists for killing.Think about a thousand strong men whose cultivation base can reach the state of Prajna great achiever in a short period of time and who specialize in killing. Their power is enough to make any world tremble with fear. This is definitely the power behind Dou Zhancheng. The master of life and death will not use them.

While Master Dou Zhan was preparing for the battle, Xu Changqing stole the secrets of various powers in Dou Zhan City bit by bit, and quickly integrated them.Originally, Xu Changqing only deduced some information about the main magic circle of Dou Zhan City from the content recorded in the daily notes of the masters of Dou Zhan Fa in the past dynasties, allowing his divine sense to spread along the trajectory of the formation force in it, and perceive the fighting city law. Array overall.

It's just that the magic circle in Douzhan City is like a big tree.The main magic circle is just the trunk that provides nutrients, while the magic circle that really dominates offense and defense is at the end, which is also the basis of its existence.These magic circles either contain special power and cannot be infiltrated by external force, or they are completely closed and not opened, like dead objects, and Xu Changqing was unable to penetrate into these magic circles with divine sense to explore them without alarming the defenders. mystery.

Fortunately, Master Dou Zhan's inspection of the operation of various magic circles before the battle seemed to open a door in a locked door, which gave Xu Changqing an opportunity to attach himself to Dou Zhan The spiritual sense in the main part of the city magic circle can flow with the power of the circle.And infiltrating into those magic circles that were really useful to him, he soon mastered the entire Douzhan City offensive and defensive magic circle system.

Although Xu Changqing had already estimated the offensive and defensive combat power of Douzhan City, and he tried to overestimate it, but when he cleared all the offensive and defensive magic circles in Douzhan City and deduced the results of all the magic circles exerting their power, he still had no idea. Can't help but be shocked by it.It is not known that the people who built the city did it on purpose from the beginning.It was formed unintentionally by latecomers, and the magic circle in the entire Douzhan City was born for killing regardless of offense or defense.The powerful power contained in the magic circle is enough to make Douzhan City an incomparably huge battle fortress.Whether it's the floating city on the Fairy Palace War Demon City, or the inner and outer Nine Vehicles of Xumi Lingshan in the Buddhist world, they are as fragile as babies in front of them, and they are vulnerable to a single blow. In terms of the power of this city, even Xu Changqing's Golden Immortal I am afraid that the ontology cannot compete with it here.

"This city was definitely not created by the Buddhist world. It's probably an ancient relic!" After Xu Changqing found out the details of Douzhan City, a guess that should be considered fact emerged in his mind.

Xu Changqing's guess is entirely because if most of the mandala circles unique to the Buddhist world are removed from the magic circles in this big city, the remaining magic circles are the foundation of the entire Douzhan City magic circle system, and these magic circles Without exception, all the formations are ancient magic formations that are different from the current Kunlun Three Realms magic formation system.Although these ancient magic circles are dilapidated and incomplete, they are of amazing variety, almost including the unique magic circles of various races of immortals, witches, witches and gods in the prehistoric period, and the main body of the magic circles that completely connects these magic circles is a kind that is absolutely clear. The formation technique of the ancient array stacking technique is much different, and its layout has the demeanor of a self-contained master.Although Xu Changqing knows much more about the ancient magic formation than all the formations in the Kunlun Three Realms, and he also has a fragmented memory of the ancient power, but he still has to admit that he has never seen this kind of formation technique, it should be from someone An unborn powerful hand of ancient hermit.

Although this formation is incomparably wonderful and has extraordinary magical effects, its flaws are also extremely obvious. In terms of the aura consumption after the entire formation is in operation, I am afraid that even Xumi Lingshan, which is the ancestor of the spiritual veins in the Buddhist world, cannot supply such a huge amount of aura for a long time. .This is why Douzhan City will block more than [-]% of the offensive and defensive magic circles when there is no war, and only a few magic circles will remain in operation, and two additional acropolis will be built to share the consumption of the defensive magic circles.Now the source of spiritual energy for the entire Douzhan City formation is not some spiritual vein, but the spiritual pool accumulated by the Douzhan City's own spirit gathering formation.These spiritual pools are the dangerous places that Xu Changqing's spiritual sense felt in Douzhan City before. In terms of thickness, these acquired spiritual pools are not much worse than those spiritual veins, but These spirit pools do not have the staying power of spirit veins.In addition, the aura in the spirit pool is very complicated, and it has not been transformed into a kind of aura like Xu Changqing's way of mutual generation between heaven and earth. Some auras even restrain and conflict with each other, so you must be very careful when using these auras. When it exploded, its power was enough to instantly destroy the entire Douzhan City.

"Now it seems that Master Dou Zhan is not only looking for the fragments of the wilderness just to stimulate his blood power and practice his natal supernatural powers. I am afraid that this Dou Zhan City is also one of the reasons." Feeling that Master Dou Zhan looked at Xu Changqing couldn't help but secretly thought about his sight.

Xu Changqing has been to that piece of prehistoric fragments, and has seen the huge power contained in the four Buzhou Mountain stone pillars. If Master Dou Zhan really gets the Bu Zhou Mountain Stones, the various magic circles in Dou Zhan City will be able to continue continuously. up and running.At that time, I am afraid that Master Dou Zhanfa will no longer have any scruples. With her own strength, coupled with the huge battle fortress of Dou Zhan City, she will easily sweep the entire demon world. To compete with it, as for the other two worlds, it may be equally difficult to resist its power.It's hard to say, it's not impossible for him to dominate the three realms of Kunlun.It's a pity that the premise of all this is that there are no mountains and stones. If Xu Changqing hadn't appeared, she might still get this treasure. It's a pity that Xu Changqing has already regarded this treasure as something in his pocket, so naturally he won't give it up again.

Although the ancient magic circles in Douzhan City are incomplete, and some places are even deliberately destroyed because of the need to re-arrange the mandala circles, which greatly reduces their value, but this method of perfectly integrating thousands of magic circles makes people He has benefited a lot, and the fantastic ideas of the builders of Douzhan City have also inspired him a lot.As far as it is now, he already has a good idea, which is to shrink Douzhan City dozens of times and make it the size of a floating spaceship, so that all its magic circles are attacking magic circles, making it a complete A chariot that exists to attack the fortified Zong en mountain protection formation.Just like Dou Zhancheng, the big flaw of this idea is also to provide the source of spiritual energy for the operation of these magic circles. Before this problem is solved, all this is just an idea.

In these two days, what Xu Changqing learned was not only about the secrets of Dou Zhan City's magic circle. He also didn't expect that his request to watch the daily notes of the fighting war masters of the past generations made him discover some more interesting things. thing.Compared with the formation method created by Honghuang Yinxiu in the ancient times, he is more interested in some information he accidentally discovered from the daily notes. The fairyland is the demon world, and it appeared on the battlefield of Buddha and demons. It was rescued by the master of fighting at that time, and he was accepted as a disciple.

In this record related to it, Xuanqingsu’s name is not clearly mentioned, but it is called the dharma name of Xuyuan, which is exactly the dharma used by Xuanqingsu disguised as a monk when walking in the secular world No, the only people in the world who know about this matter are the descendants of Jiuliu idlers.A single dharma name is not enough to determine its identity, but some of the content related to its practice recorded later shows that some of the dharma en performed by it are unique dharma en of Xuanqingsu and Jiuliu Yimai.In addition, the time when this person appeared happened to be the time when Xuan Qingsu ascended, these were enough for Xu Changqing to confirm his true identity.

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