Nine idlers

Chapter 747

In the sky above Nie Sha City, Master Dou Zhan only made two real moves, and the whole process could be said to have taken only a moment.However, the aftermath of the power after the attack has affected the two demon cities on the battlefield of Buddha and demons, making many people in the demon world feel terrified from the bottom of their hearts, and those powerful demon kings who can be called the overlord in the demon world feel that there seems to be someone in the demon world. They provoked and planned to take action one after another.

But when Xu Changqing also used the method of gravity of heaven and earth to maintain a confrontation with the Master of Fighting, these powerhouses in the demon world who were about to move became extremely calm.From their point of view, it may be barely feasible to use their strength to deal with the Master of Fighting who has become a powerful demon king. If they borrow the power of the two demon cities, it is possible to suppress the Master of Fighting and teach her a lesson. .But now the strength displayed by Xu Changqing undoubtedly made their idea of ​​saving a little face come to naught. Not only could they not save face, they also chose to control the magic circle in the magic city to dissipate the illusion of trolls formed around the magic city , only kept the surrounding protective formation, so as not to provoke the two people's unhappiness and set themselves on fire.

It's just that the fight that the demon powerhouses in the two demon cities hoped for didn't happen. Instead, Xu Changqing first retracted his mana, removed the gravity world around him, and then calmly said, as if nothing happened before: " You can't kill me, and I can't kill you. It's meaningless to continue fighting, so let's stop! I'm not your enemy."

"But you're not my friend either." Master Dou Zhan didn't intend to make any further moves.In Xu Changqing, he showed his true strength.And when he also mastered the avenue of gravity in the world, Master Dou Zhan knew very well that he could no longer kill him, so he also withdrew his mana and said coldly.

"Sometimes, a pure combination of interests is much more reliable than a so-called close friend." Xu Changqing retorted, and then absorbed the power of a blood mist, condensed it into a jade talisman with mana, Dou Zhanfa moved over and said at the same time: "The deal between you and me is still valid. If you want me to help you remove the hidden dangers on your body, just crush this blood talisman. In addition, in order to punish you just now If you make a move, our deal in Douzhan City is over, and I will not help you find the secret of the blood mist again, and I think it is not a breach of my oath."

"You still dare to trade with me now." Master Dou Zhan took the blood talisman and looked at it.He frowned and said: "You know too many secrets about Douzhan City. For Douzhan City and for the future of this seat, this seat must take your life. Even so, you dare to trade with this seat?"

"Isn't this very interesting?" Xu Changqing showed that indifferent smile on his face that the master Dou Zhan hated very much, and he found a reason at random, and said: "If you have reached the realm of you and me, if you don't have a little With external pressure, it is difficult to make a breakthrough in strength. Cultivate an opponent and create a little trouble for yourself. Maybe it is a good way to increase external pressure."

Regarding Xu Changqing's words, Master Dou Zhan was noncommittal. She seemed to be in deep thought with a blank look in her eyes. She soon returned to normal, and looked at Xu Changqing with a strange expression on her face, and then said inexplicably: "You Already been there?"

No one should have understood such an endless sentence, but Xu Changqing seemed to understand the meaning, just nodded slightly, and did not answer.

"What you said is true?" Master Dou Zhan asked again without thinking.

"If you think it's true, it must be true. If you think it's false, it might as well be false." Xu Changqing didn't give a clear answer this time, but instead said aggressively.

Master Dou Zhan fell silent again.Then he said like a warning: "No matter what you say is true or not, the secrets in the blood mist belong to me. If you dare to act recklessly, even if you escape to the chaotic void, I will find you out. Kill you completely."

"When you can do this, let's talk about it!" Xu Changqing retorted the other party, and did not stay here any longer. His figure turned into a bloody light and flew into the blood mist. Under cover, disappeared.

At the moment Xu Changqing left, Master Dou Zhan didn't think about making another move to keep Xu Changqing, but she still didn't do it because he knew very well that even if he made another move, or even unreservedly exerted all his strength, Not necessarily able to kill Xu Changqing.There was a big mistake in the original plan, which made her feel a little heavy, and what was even more heavy was that she had seen from Xu Changqing's control and mastery of the power of the blood mist just now that Xu Changqing must have mastered the secrets in the blood mist world , and has a certain control over the blood mist as rumored.The sudden appearance of this mysterious strongman whose true identity and name is still unknown has caused unpredictable changes in many of her plans. Therefore, she had to re-plan some things to avoid or defend against the emergence of variables and the consequences they brought. coming impact.

While thinking about things, Master Dou Zhan also flew towards the Nie Sha City below.Although she needs to modify many things, she doesn't need to make other arrangements for things related to Nie Sha City. These people in the demon world helped her find the secret of the blood mist.

Although Xu Changqing has already admitted that he has mastered the secrets in the blood mist, Master Dou Zhan knows very well that no matter whether Xu Changqing's Buzhou Mountain Stone is true or not, the power in the blood mist secret that is crucial to her is very important. It didn't disappear, it still existed in the blood mist.So in her opinion, even though Xu Changqing has mastered the secrets in the blood mist, she still cannot fully use it. Even this time, Xu Changqing's move into Dou Zhan City was regarded by her as a way to find a way to unlock and use this power. .Thinking of this, she couldn't help but regret giving that drop of blood essence to Xu Changqing, because at this moment she was completely sure that the so-called Tuotian spirit monkey blood in her body was the key to using this power.It's just that there is no regret medicine to buy in the world. Instead of regretting here, it is better to find the fragment of the wild that is difficult to distinguish between true and false before Xu Changqing completely unlocks the secret of his blood.

Master Dou Zhan had various misunderstandings about the ultimate purpose of all his actions. Xu Changqing could speculate that this was exactly what he hoped to achieve, and even he finally admitted that he had mastered the secret of the blood mist for this purpose.Only by applying external force in this way can Master Dou Zhan speed up his pace of entering the blood mist, and finally put on a good show when everyone is in position.

Master Dou Zhan underestimated Xu Changqing's strength, but Xu Changqing did not underestimate the strength of Master Dou Zhan, but he still made a mistake, that is, he overestimated the ability of the current Devil Emperor clone.In order to give Master Dou Zhan an incomparably deep impression, he deliberately guessed that Master Dou Zhan was about to kill the killer and did not dodge, but directly withstood the attack of Master Dou Zhan with his body.Ever since, the scene just now was staged.

When the first punch of Master Dou Zhan hit Xu Changqing's body, Xu Changqing released all the power according to the space vibration method contained in the heaven and earth magnetism prepared in advance, and at the same time shook the clone away, and the seal of the devil emperor Moved to another place, re-condensed clone.Originally according to the plan, he should re-condense the clone in an instant, and then fight back once, to teach the fighting master a small lesson.But when condensing the clone, he found that the fist power of Dou Zhanfa's main body had not completely dissipated, and instead formed a stubborn force that affected his cohesion of the clone.For this reason, he had no choice but to borrow the power of the blood mist to reunite the avatar reluctantly, thus missing the opportunity to make a move.

When Xu Changqing endured the second punch of Master Dou Zhan, his Devil Emperor avatar was already at the end of its strength.After all, the devil is good at attacking but not good at defending. Among his four avatars, the defensive power of the Devil Emperor avatar is the lowest, but he uses it as the most defensive avatar of Duobao, and naturally something went wrong.

If Master Dou Zhan made another punch at this time, Xu Changqing would probably be self-defeating, and would have to borrow the power of the Golden Immortal body to resist the attack, or escape into the blood mist, and the plan would fail.But Master Dou Zhan's cautious character made her not continue to attack, but retreated far away, using the power of the avenue to overwhelm others with force, giving the Devil Emperor clone a chance to breathe and recover.

The strength of the Demon Emperor's avatar may be one or two chips behind the Dou Zhan Master, but its cultivation level is not something the Dou Zhan Master can resist.Even if the power of the main body is not borrowed, the power of the Dao law contained in the seal of the devil alone is enough to counter the fighting master.It's just that Xu Changqing didn't use the power of the Demon Emperor's avatar itself, but used the way of gravity of heaven and earth he had learned from the Pure Land Buddha, mixed with some power of the great way of space, and formed an exactly the same gravity world, fighting with Dou Zhan The Dharma Lord's confrontation further strengthened his threat level in the mind of the Dou Zhan Dharma Master.

After leaving the side of Master Dou Zhan and entering the blood mist, the Devil Emperor clone quickly returned to normal.This is also an advantage of the Devil Emperor's avatar. Although the avatar's defense is weak, as long as it doesn't damage the root of the Devil Emperor's seal, another avatar can be condensed quickly without any damage.

At the beginning, Xu Changqing did not leave, he still secretly observed the reaction of Master Dou Zhan through the perception of the movement around the blood mist, and when he saw Master Dou Zhan fall towards the city of Niesha below, his face showed A smile.No matter whether Master Dou Zhan borrowed the power of the people in the Demon Realm due to his pressure or his own plan, it will not have any impact on the general situation.For him, the process is not important as long as the results are consistent.

"Dali Dark Sky Demon?" When Xu Changqing was about to take back his divine thoughts, he happened to see Master Dou Zhan taking back her sky magic phase into his body, and many people in the demon world who had recovered to normal in Nie Sha City came to meet Master Dou Zhan , it seems that he is very familiar with it, and his demeanor is extremely respectful, it is not like the first time he has seen Dou Zhan Fazhu.

This situation made Xu Changqing think that Master Dou Zhan probably has another identity like himself, and this identity is very famous in the devil world, and has even established a considerable influence.And Xu Changqing thinks about it carefully, it seems that there is only one powerful demon king known in the demon world for the magic of the dark sky. A legendary figure in the demon world who claims to be the demon lord but is still alive. (To be continued..)


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