Nine idlers

Chapter 77

Chapter 77

"What's the matter?" Seeing this situation, Xu Changqing frowned, got up and walked to the place of the quarrel, and asked in extremely pure French.

A string of French came out of the mouth of a monk. This kind of scene was unprecedented for foreigners and rich businessmen in Tianjin. The face is covered with flowers.The foreign manager of this carriage was one of the personnel Chen Jingguo sent back from France to assist Chen Deshang in handling foreign affairs, so he was naturally considered a trusted member of the team and knew a little about the guests of the Chen family.Although he was slightly surprised that Xu Changqing could speak French, he was much calmer than others, and quickly recovered. After saluting Xu Changqing, he told the whole story.

It turns out that the carriage that Xu Changqing is in is not the ordinary No. [-] carriage, but a carriage specially provided for members of Baoding Club. The facilities and services in the carriage are higher than other carriages, and it is not possible to get in with money. , but also identity.These students bought ordinary tickets for carriage No. [-], and they were not members of the club, nor were they rich and powerful, so they were naturally stopped outside and not allowed to enter.Thinking about it, those students also mistakenly thought that as long as they were in the fourth carriage, they could all come in. When they saw foreigners blocking them, they thought it was discrimination against them. From their quarrel in English just now, it can be heard that, They have equated this carriage with those parks that hang Chinese and dogs not allowed.

"Let them in! I will bear all the expenses." Xu Changqing shook his head with a smile. Although he admired these passionate youths, he also felt that they were very naive. Domestic situation, people's livelihood and international situation.

Hearing that Xu Changqing had already sent a message, the manager of the foreigner did not dare to be negligent, stepped aside and invited those students in, and ordered the waiter to take a few people to the vacant seats at the back of the carriage, and then went to other seats to do it one by one. explain.

Xu Changqing returned to his seat. At this time, Guan Zheng had washed up and changed his somewhat damaged gown, and put on a western windbreaker suit specially prepared for the passengers in this carriage, which made the already burly Guan Zheng, even more tall and burly.

"Master, you know foreign languages, it's really beyond ordinary people's imagination." Guan Zheng heard Xu Changqing speak French to the foreign manager, although he didn't understand it, he knew it must be a kind of foreign language, and the desk was full of newspapers There are also quite a few foreign language newspapers here, I can't help sighing.

"These are just layman's affairs, if Brother Guan wants to learn, it won't be difficult." Xu Changqing smiled lightly, took a sip of the tea brought by the waiter, picked up the unfinished newspaper and continued reading.

"The longer I stay with the master, the more I don't understand the master." Guan Zheng watched Xu Changqing for a while, and then slowly said: "At first I thought the master was a practitioner who was proficient in secular martial arts, and then I thought the master was a He is an expert in the world who is proficient in the teachings of immortals and Buddhas, but now I feel that the master is a well-learned person who has learned both Chinese and Western, and he has really confused Guan!"

"It's all because your mind is confused, so you are confused." Xu Changqing put down the newspaper and looked at Guan Zheng, and said with a smile: "Is it important what kind of person the poor monk is? Maybe the poor monk is a monk at one moment, and a Taoist at the next moment." , The next moment is vulgar, will these identities affect the relationship between the poor monk and Guan brother? Just like Guan brother's Guan family identity is a flesh and blood foreign minister, so the title of poor monk, the master of gods and eyes, is not a flesh and blood What about the foreign minister? Brother Guan is obsessed."

"Yes! Guan is indeed too obsessed with appearance, but has forgotten the essence. I befriended the master because of his virtue, not other things." Guan Zheng smiled straightforwardly, scratched his head, and then pointed to the table. The newspaper changed the topic and said: "The master is an outsider and a practitioner, so he cares so much about these worldly disputes."

Xu Changqing did not immediately answer Guan Zheng's doubts, but folded the newspaper, ordered the waiter to take it down, then took a sip of tea leisurely, and said, "Brother Guan, have you heard the elders of the Guan family mention this? A catastrophe?"

Guan Zheng was stunned for a moment, and said honestly: "I have heard it a little bit, but the elders in the family think that even if there is a calamity, it will not meet us practitioners. It is just a secular calamity."

"If the great catastrophe of heaven and earth will not affect the practice world, then why did the orthodox immortals and Buddhas all open the Fengshan Lingbao to hide in the mountains and forests?" Hearing Guan Zheng's words, Xu Changqing was slightly taken aback, pondered for a moment, and then smiled coldly , asked: "The poor monk guesses that some of the Guan family may have gone into hiding!"

"Some people seem to be missing." After hearing this, Guan Zheng frowned, lowered his head and thought about it, and suddenly seemed to remember something, and said in a deep voice: "People from the upper eight veins of the thirty-eight veins of my Guan family have been working together for years. They have all disappeared, and I heard from the elders in the family that they have gone abroad to develop, could it be that they..."

Xu Changqing sighed, interrupted Guan Zheng's thinking, and said, "The catastrophe of heaven and earth, whether it is the secular world or the world of practice, is in calamity! Those sects of immortals and Buddhas have the treasures of sealing mountains, and the sects are lucky. It is long enough to withstand the catastrophe, as long as the people in the door do not easily go out to get karma, nothing will happen, and those of us heretics, as long as we have not achieved the Golden Core Dao, all of us will not be able to escape this catastrophe." He paused for a while. , looked at Guan Zhengdao solemnly: "Your thousand-year-old families are not authentic immortals and Buddhas, so naturally they are also in doom. The Lin family has long been aware of it, and they left the Middle Earth and fled to foreign regions early in order to avoid the disaster, but they don't know. Their roots are still on the land of China, so they will never be able to escape the catastrophe. It is too late for you to realize that your family is about to be ruined, and you will not realize that you have fallen into a catastrophe, and it is too late to hide. If If my guess is correct, the way you Guan family patriarchs and elders are thinking is to respond to the robbery with their lives, save some people, and then let most of the other people respond to the robbery for the entire Guan family, so that the incense of the Guan family can continue .”

"No! How could the elders..." Guan Zheng's expression changed. He was about to refute just now, but then he seemed to think of something. He was stunned, and then took out his mother from the treasure chest. Before he left, he insisted on asking him to bring the gossip Suzaku mirror, stroked the surface of the mirror and said: "Could it be that mother also knows about this, so she gave me the Suzaku mirror that I have never touched. What should we rob?"

As Guan Zheng muttered, his eyes became confused. Xu Changqing, who was sitting across from him, saw his demons entering his body. In the palm of his hand, a cloud of Tai Chi fish formed into a cloud of mist, and he gently patted it into Guan Zheng's forehead, gathered his true energy to form a Taiqing Dao sound, and softly shouted: "Wake up!"

Guan Zheng, who was caught in his own confusion, felt a gust of cool air pouring into his body, stabilizing his restless mind in an instant, and dispelling an inexplicable heat in his body, making him wake up immediately come over.

"Thank you, master, for your help, otherwise Guan will definitely be 'fascinated' by the demons." After Guan Zheng woke up, he immediately understood what had happened, he breathed a sigh of relief, and felt that he had experienced the demons entering his body. It became a lot stronger, and he quickly thanked Xu Changqing with his fists.

"It's nothing more than a little effort, Brother Guan doesn't need to be polite." Xu Changqing put his hands together, smiled lightly, and then said: "According to the conjecture of the poor monk, Brother Guan's mother should not know about the affairs of the upper class of the Guan family, but she may have guessed it vaguely. Some, that's why I handed over this precious mirror to Brother Guan for self-defense."

Guan Zheng looked in the mirror, and after a long time, he slowly said: "After this trip to Peking, if I am still alive, I must go home and ask the elders to understand, otherwise even if I die, I will die." Unwilling to die."

"Brother Guan, don't worry! You don't look like a short-lived person. This trip to Beiping will be fine." Xu Changqing saw that Guan Zheng's heart knot had been unraveled, and knew that his cultivation could improve a lot during this time, so he was not in vain. After some rhetoric, he will definitely be able to help him in this matter of dealing with the Xuangang Heavenly Demon against the sky.

Hearing Xu Changqing's words, Guan Zheng just smiled indifferently, the two of them tacitly stopped talking about the catastrophe, chatted about each other's Taoism experience, and after a few sirens sounded, the carriage shook slightly , The train started slowly.

Due to the special structure of this carriage, the Chen family hired someone from the West to design the anti-vibration and sound insulation mechanism of the carriage, so that the vibration of this carriage is much smaller than that of other carriages.Except for a few vibrations when driving, I can barely feel any vibrations as if I were in a room at home. If the windows are closed again, even the noise of the train movement can't be felt.

Just when Xu Changqing and Guan Zheng were about to close their eyes and rest for a while, the female student who was the head of the four young students ignored her companion's obstruction, walked straight to the seat next to Guan Zheng and sat down, staring at her with big round eyes. Looking at Xu Changqing, her small mouth was pouted high, as if Xu Changqing owed her a mountain of gold.

Seeing the girl's face that fully expressed her inner thoughts, Xu Changqing knew why she came here, smiled coldly, continued to look at her with hateful eyes, and said, "You don't have to thank me." , The poor monk always forgets to repay his kindness, if you insist on repaying, please help the poor monk wash the Taoist robe that this fellow Taoist has replaced!"

"No! No need, I'll wash the Taoist robe myself!" Even though Guan Zheng is straightforward, he can easily sense that something is wrong with the atmosphere here. Fainted, but he couldn't do anything to a delicate little girl.So he got up quickly, moved outside, and said, "Excuse me, I'll find something to drink."

The female student frowned, leaned back and let Guan Zheng pass by, then continued to stare at Xu Changqing, with the determination to see through him.

"The poor monk rescued you just now, and he also bears all the expenses of you and your classmates in this carriage, which can be regarded as your benefactor." Xu Changqing looked calm, looked at the female student with contemptuous eyes, and said : "Although the poor monk does not ask for anything in return, it is the first time the poor monk has seen a person like you who just received the favor of the poor monk and then ran over to stare at the poor monk. Are all the ladies in the slaves so lacking in etiquette and moral values?"

Hearing Xu Changqing's words full of contempt, the female student's face became extremely ugly. When she heard the last sentence, her face froze, and she frowned suspiciously: "Monk, do you know me?"

"I don't know." Xu Changqing said coldly: "I don't want to know either."

"Since you don't know each other, why do you know that I am a lady from Tianjin, Zhili?" Apparently the female student didn't believe Xu Changqing's words, and asked.

Xu Changqing was in a good mood at the moment, and didn't care about the female student's tone at all, and said, "Just to ask why the poor monk sneered at your rehearsal of the play, he didn't hesitate to spend the money that four families need for a year to buy four number four Tickets for carriages, except for those stupid girls who don't know the world and stay in the boudoir, it's really hard for the poor monk to think of anyone else who would do these things."

"That's right, we are some stupid girls!" Xu Changqing's sarcasm calmed down the female student, and she said sarcastically, "Since the master is an outsider, can you tell me what is wrong with the play we rehearsed?" ?”

"As far as the drama itself is concerned, there is nothing bad about it. Although the village where the poor monk lives is a small place, he has seen a lot of dramas, even those performed by Westerners. From the perspective of the poor monk, your The rehearsal of the drama was very successful." Xu Changqing raised his hand to stop the female students from interrupting his words, and continued with a serious expression: "The reason why the poor monk laughed at you was not because of other things, but because you scolded the wrong person. Everyone in the world said Li Hongzhang is a traitor and a sinner of our Chinese people, but the poor monk is a little unclear. Could it be that Li Hongzhang owned the big land of China at that time? Did he want to sign all the traitorous peace treaties? With his intelligence Don't you see the consequences of signing these peace treaties?"

Xu Changqing's three questions made the female student not know how to answer them, her brows were tightly furrowed, and she was thinking about the answers to these questions in her mind.

"Li Hongzhang is indeed eager for quick success, and he is a bit stubborn and rigid, but it is undeniable that at that time, if anyone wanted me to make China prosperous and strong, Li Hongzhang should be at the top. Peace contract, have you seen those hands behind his neck that are holding him?" Xu Changqing's expression became extremely cold, and he said mockingly: "The poor monk still wants to ask, when Li Hongzhang tried his best to want it in his own way, When China became prosperous and strong, what were the ancestors of your big families doing? If the poor monk guessed correctly, they should all be walking birds in cages, fighting cocks and running dogs!"

Obviously the female student is also very aware of the personalities and hobbies of her grandparents, she couldn't refute for a while, her proud head slowly lowered, and her face turned red.After a while, she finally couldn't sit still, stood up, shed tears, and ran out of the carriage, while her classmates all got up and chased her out, and one of the male students who had a good impression of her was passing Xu Changqing's seat When I was there, I gave him a hard look, which made people feel a little bewildered.

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