Nine idlers

Chapter 784

"Why?" Xu Changqing looked at Master Dou Zhan and asked in a deep voice.

Daoist Yuanbao has already left contentedly, and chased after Emperor Haotian under Xu Changqing's guidance. Although this behavior was somewhat contradictory, he still wanted to catch up with Emperor Haotian and protect him from the demon world safely. This is his and Xuan Qingsu's agreement Trade, otherwise his trip to the devil world will be in vain.Just when he stopped and talked with Xu Changqing, he gained a lot. Even if he failed to reach a cooperation agreement with Xu Changqing, he had already made an agreement with Xu Changqing. He believed that with Xu Changqing's participation, he would be able to convince Xuan Qing white.What surprised him even more was that Master Dou Zhan also participated and acted very positively. It seemed that she was also salivating at the vast sea of ​​stars.

For Lou Guandao, the cake of stars and vast seas is too big, not only Lou Guandao cannot swallow it, but even with Qingyang Palace and Tianji Gate, it may be difficult to swallow it, so it is not necessary to temporarily join a fighting city. Will affect his expected final benefits.Moreover, with the current strength of Master Dou Zhan and the strength of Dou Zhan City itself, her joining will only make the plan even more powerful, and the final chance of winning will also increase a lot.The only thing that Daoist Yuanbao worried about was that the war between Buddha and Demon or the civil strife in the Demon Realm would last for a long time, making it impossible for the Master of Fighting to get out of it. In that case, cooperation would become empty talk.

Master Dou Zhan is also very aware of Yuan Bao's concerns, but she guarantees that as long as Yuan Bao and Xu Changqing and Xuan Qingsu reach an agreement, she will be able to dispatch a team of Zhu Zhan with the lowest cultivation level from the Dou Zhan City at any time. After Tianshen Buddha went to Lingshan of Neimen to support Lou Guandao, Daoist Yuanbao left with peace of mind.Although they didn't make any vows, their cultivation has reached their level.It is often said that the law does not follow.Even without oath.Some promises can also cause karma, which has an effect similar to that of an oath, but the karma after breaking the contract is different.

What Master Dou Zhanfa has to consider now is how to end this war between Buddha and demon as soon as possible, and transfer the war to the inside of the demon world, so that she can free up manpower to carry out her plan.Perhaps because she was thinking about something, she didn't immediately understand the meaning of Xu Changqing's question, she was taken aback for a moment, and asked back with a twist: "Why?"

Xu Changqing frowned slightly.Said: "You stayed here in Dou Zhan City well, why did you participate in the battle in the Inner Gate Spirit Mountain? Aren't you afraid of getting burned?"

Xu Changqing is very clear that Master Dou Zhan's move is to give Dou Zhan City an additional refuge for backup, but he also knows that the sects of the inner sect Lingshan may not be willing to have another one to compete with them power.Therefore, if Master Dou Zhan participates in the affairs of the stars and the vast sea, besides making Yuan Bao's idea a little more likely to win, there will be more enemies that shouldn't be there for no reason.

"It's better to burn yourself than to sit and wait for death." Master Dou Zhan answered coldly, then sighed, and said: "Mr. Xu also saw the predicament of my Dou Zhan City. Wait until the future..."

Xu Changqing didn't wait for the other party to finish speaking.Then he interrupted: "In the future, this Northern Demon Territory will belong to Jinbao, plus your sworn brothers. Why do you have to worry about the safety of Douzhan City? Why do you have to go through this muddy water?"

"That's right! According to Jinbao's plan, even if the Lord of Destroyer intervenes, plus some accidents, we can still control the western and northern demon realms. We can really rest easy in Douzhan City." Master Douzhan said with great confidence. The worst result they expected, then hesitated for a while, and said: "When I was alive..." "It's true that nothing will happen, but if one day my body dies, Dou Zhan City will still die." Whether it can continue to be stable is unknown? And even if there is no worry on the side of the demon world, what about the side of the Buddha world? Under the pressure of the two worlds of immortals and demons, sooner or later, all the sects of the Buddhist world will belong to one line, and when the time comes, they will fight The city will definitely become the target of their subjugation, it is impossible for me to ask for help from the Demon Realm, right?"

Xu Changqing was at a loss for words for a while, and he didn't know how to answer. Indeed, as Master Dou Zhan said, Dou Zhan City seems to be stable, but in fact it is dangerous. It is like standing on a lonely stone pillar. It will fall if you are not careful.The only way to save it is to find another way and leave the stone pillar, and the vast sea of ​​stars is indeed a good choice.If Dou Zhan City is transferred to Xing Chen Han Hai, at least Xiao Qing Wei Tian and Xiao Luo Tian of the Inner Sect Lingshan will not have much objection to this. After all, this will not fundamentally harm the interests of the All Heavens Sect, although there will be some minor actions , but will not confront it head-on, as long as Master Dou Zhan has a firm foothold in the vast sea of ​​stars, and then makes friends with Xiaoling Mountain and Leiyin Temple, the foundation of Dou Zhan City will be consolidated.

But the problem now is that Xu Changqing doesn't want Dou Zhancheng to be involved in the affairs of the inner door Lingshan. Adding such a variable as Dou Zhancheng will have a very big impact on his original plan.

However, Xu Changqing had no reason to stop Master Dou Zhan from making a decision. After a moment of silence, he sighed and said, "Forget it, since you have already made your decision, my lord, I don't want to say more, but the lord is still Don’t place too much hope on Daoist Yuan Bao.”

Master Dou Zhanfa's face turned slightly cold, his eyes flashed with displeasure, and he said, "What does Mr. Xu mean by that?"

Xu Chang "Jiu Liu Idle Man Chapter 780 Chapter [-] Indistinguishable from Friend and Enemy" Qing said calmly: "There is no other meaning, because it is impossible for Xuan Qingsu to be persuaded by him."

Master Dou Zhan froze for a moment, his face darkened immediately, and he said, "Just now, you already estimated that this would be the result?"

"That's right." Xu Changqing nodded, and said: "Xuan Qingsu is also an idler, and most of the rules of dealing with affairs come from her hands. Just as she knows my thoughts very well, I also understand her thoughts very well. Before Xingchen Hanhai's layout is foolproof, and the interests she can ultimately obtain are not the greatest interests, she will not easily attack Xingchen Hanhai, and she will not allow other people to intervene."

"Since you know this, why are you still looking at me making an agreement with Daoist Yuanbao?" Master Dou Zhan asked a little angrily, "Could it be that what I did just now was just a joke in your eyes?"

"No opportunity now does not mean that there will be no opportunity in the future." Xu Changqing's expression became solemn, and he said: "Now the consumption and output of spiritual objects and elixir in the Kunlun Three Realms are only maintained in a balanced state, and the resources in the three realms have also been exhausted. , when Kunlun Heavenly Dao's restrictions on our cultivation are lifted, the consumption of spiritual things and medicines will increase several times, but the immortals, demons, Buddhas and demons of the three realms of Kunlun will definitely focus on those unexplored caves and blessed lands. Stars Due to the favorable location and natural dangers of the vast sea, no one except the vast sea aquarium can settle here. Compared with the output of spiritual objects and elixir in the vast sea, the consumption of the aquarium is not enough at all, so there must be a huge accumulation in the vast sea over the years. Treasures, I guess even the fairy palace may not be able to compare with them. These treasures are like a table of delicacies that can make their stomachs full for the immortals, Buddhas and demons of the three realms of Kunlun. Although the Shui tribe under his command is strong, they are not united, and they are not enough to deter these powerful people from the three realms, so even if there is no Daoist Yuanbao, it may be a matter of time before the sect forces of the Kunlun Three Realms take action against Xingchen Hanhai."

"It seems that I am happy for nothing." Master Dou Zhan calmed down, his face was slightly gloomy, and said: "If that time really comes, I am afraid that no matter how powerful I am, I will not be able to compete with those great masters of the Three Realms door." As he spoke, he laughed at himself, and said, "The ones that end up in my hands are likely to be leftovers, and it's still a long way off for us in Dou Zhan City to get rid of the current Kunlun."

"That's not necessarily the case." Xu Changqing shook his head and said, "I believe that the Lord can also feel the power contained in his own blood, as long as the Lord inspires the full power of his own blood, within a long period of time, The master can stand on the top of the Kunlun Three Realms and overlook everything. Daoist Yuanbao has also officially seen this, so he made an agreement with you to try to give Lou Guandao a powerful ally. Compared with Dou Zhan Coming to the city, the real person Yuanbao values ​​only you, the lord. Because of this, even if there is no cooperation this time, the real person Yuanbao will think of other ways to make Douzhancheng able to be a member of the Inner Gate Lingshan Daluotian, or Louguandao. Set up a sect sect dojo within the sphere of influence to bind your interests with Lou Guan Dao."

Master Dou Zhan frowned after hearing this, and said with a sneer: "He has a good idea, and wants to use my power to help him deal with other Da Luo Tian sects."

Xu Changqing didn't quite agree with Master Dou Zhan's statement, and said: "It's just that everyone takes what they need! It's nothing to use. In fact, no matter how things develop, you will do more good than harm to Master Dou Zhan, not only to solve the current fight In the predicament of Zhancheng, you have also got an opportunity with unlimited development potential, and all you have to pay, Lord, is to show your strength and frighten the Xiaoxiao around you."

The host of the fighting method "Entertainment Show" suddenly pointed the finger at Xu Changqing, and asked, "What about you? What benefits can you get from it? I don't believe that you spent so much talking just for a verbal agreement."

Xu Changqing smiled and said, "It doesn't matter what I can get. The important thing is that the interests of me and the leader are not in conflict, but we can cooperate with each other."

"What cooperation?"

"My lord entered this middle blood mist world just for the treasure that can stimulate the power of your blood." Xu Changqing said slowly, "Let's not say that the treasure is something I must have, even if I'm the one who gave that treasure to you, **lord, I'm afraid you won't be able to take it. Please don't object, please listen to me." Seeing that Master Dou Zhan seemed to have something to say, he raised his hand to stop it , Then continued: "Actually, as I said just now, there is no conflict between the interests of you and me. What you need, Lord, is to borrow the power of the treasure to stimulate the power of your own blood, and what I need is the treasure itself. That's all, so I can hand over the treasure to the **** master for use, and I can even help from the side, so that the time to activate the bloodline power will be shortened and the danger will be reduced." (To be continued.)

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