Nine idlers

Chapter 794

After Xu Changqing confirmed that he was in the non-living wasteland, he cast a spell and flew into the air. He borrowed the power of the great light from the Jinxian body, looked around, and found that he was in the non-living wasteland at the moment. Behind the edge of the Hundred Thousand Devil Heavens, he couldn't help but frowned and said: "It seems that something happened to Wanhou Jin, otherwise he wouldn't have placed the coordinates of this method here, obviously because he wanted to take advantage of the uniqueness of this lifeless wasteland. power against me."

As he said that, he saw Xu Changqing crushing a magic weapon in his hand that was used as the coordinates of Taoism, and there was a faint trace of anger on his body..."".If Xu Changqing's generalized avatar enters here, even if he has the Four Swords of Jade Immortal and the fragments of Juexian Sword to protect his body, it may not be able to resist the erosion of the power of Jade Immortal Sword. , in the end, although it will not be named, it will completely abolish this avatar of the Great Dao.For Xu Changqing, the loss is not insignificant, which also shows how much anger is born in his heart.

"Hey! It's a bit weird." Xu Changqing's golden fairy body was trying to find the seal of forbidden punishment left on Wanhou Jinwo, but found that Wanhou Jinwo seemed to be banned by some kind of power, and the specific weight could not be judged. He could only vaguely feel that he was in Yuxu Palace in Da Luotian.

"Could it be... so unlucky that I became a scapegoat!" Xu Changqing was also a little surprised when he felt that something happened to Wan Houjin and me, but soon he connected all kinds of things and figured out the cause and effect.

From Xu Changqing's point of view, Wanhou Jinwo was obviously put under house arrest by Yuxu Palace, and all the reasons should be attributed to the blood of the alien gods in Wanhoujinwo's body.Apparently, after the family of the third family of Yuxu returned to Yuxu Palace, the divine power of foreign gods inspired by Yijing in Wanhou Jinwo's body was discovered by Yuxu Palace.Yuxu Palace is afraid that Yijing will regard him as a spy sent by Shengxu.He himself was captured by Yuxu Palace.The things on his body that were originally used as Taoist coordinates were naturally considered to be prepared for the Holy Ruins.As for the Taoist Coordinate Magical Artifact being placed in the Inanimate Wasteland, I am afraid that Yuxu Palace wanted to teach the so-called "Sacred Ruins comer" a lesson, but they never expected that the person who came was Xu Changqing.

Thinking of being accidentally injured, Xu Changqing couldn't help but smiled wryly, and the anger in his heart quickly disappeared.He is also unable to rescue Wanhou Jinwo now, and it is obvious that Yuxu Palace only suspects Wanhou Jinwo and put him under house arrest.His life was not harmed, and things turned around.His best way to deal with it is to ignore Wanhou Jinwo and temporarily forget about this person, so as not to confuse with him and cause deeper misunderstandings.

After calming down his mind, Xu Changqing turned his attention to Zhouwei, and his eyes fell on the mortals in the ancient ruins below, and he also paid attention to the movements of the Hundred Thousand Demon Heavens in the distance.

The Wusheng Wasteland is located at the junction of Xiaoqingweitian and Xiaoluotian. On one side, it is adjacent to the Sea of ​​Stars and Hanhai and the Sea of ​​Crescent Moon, while on the other side is the Hundred Thousand Motian, which is connected to Wuqitian.These three places separated Xiaoqing Weitian and Xiao Luotian, just like the sea of ​​stars separated Da Luotian and Xiao Luotian Yiyang.Generally, no matter whether it is a mortal from the inner sect Lingshan.Or if the disciples of the sect want to travel between the two places, most of them will choose the relatively safe Crescent Moon Sea.Traveling on the Crescent Sea, you only need to pay some offerings to the aquarium in the sea, and you will not be attacked by them. As long as you don't encounter disasters such as bad weather or sea eyes, you can generally reach the other side smoothly.

As for the Hundred Thousand Devil Heavens, very few people would choose this place as a passageway, not even the demon immortals would choose this place.Shiwan Motian can be said to be the gathering place of the traitors of the inner Lingshan sect and the remnants of the defeated sect. This place is secretly funded by the Wuqitian Modao sect, and has a special meaning for all Xiaoqingweitian and Xiaoluotian. Extremely hostile, they would often leave the Hundred Thousand Devil Heavens from time to time and attack the sect forces on both sides.Xiao Luotian and Xiaoqing Weitian also joined forces to encircle and suppress the Hundred Thousand Demon Heaven several times, but each time those people from the Hundred Thousand Demon Heaven would know in advance, and then fled into Wuqitian to avoid the edge temporarily, and when the matter subsided, Xiao Luotian After Luo Tian and Xiaoqing Weitian retreated, they reappeared and continued to harass the sects on both sides.

Compared with the lifeless wasteland and the Crescent Moon Sea, the Hundred Thousand Devil Heavens can be said to be extremely barren. It is no exaggeration to call it a barren mountain and bad water, and it has no value of occupation, so every time the sects on both sides are encircled and suppressed, there will be no surprises. plan to stay.It's just that letting the Hundred Thousand Demon Heaven continue to disturb them like this, their face will be tarnished, so they simply implemented a solid wall and cleared the wilderness on both sides of the Hundred Thousand Demon Heaven, drawing a separation zone, and this separation zone became the two sides. The trial ground used by the sect to train and train disciples in the sect is also the place where fights are most frequent in the entire Inner Sect Lingshan. Naturally, no one is willing to risk being accidentally injured and killed by passing through here.

However, for Xiaoqing Weitian and Xiao Luotian's lowest-level casual cultivators, the cost of passing through the Crescent Moon Sea is really staggering, and they cannot afford it, and the Hundred Thousand Demon Heaven is too dangerous, so it is the most dangerous On the contrary, the lifeless wasteland is the preferred path for them to travel between the two places.

The spiritual veins of Xiao Luotian and Xiaoqing Weitian are connected. After the inner circulation of the spiritual energy of the spiritual vein for a week, there will be a month of each year to Jinhang each other for a big outer cycle. The movement of this spiritual vein of heaven and earth will also It has a certain impact on the Wusheng Wasteland, so that the chaotic aura in the Wusheng Wasteland can be restored to a relatively calm state, and the power of the Immortal Execution Sword contained in the aura will also weaken accordingly.During this month, not only a large number of lucky treasure hunters entered this area, but even some casual cultivators who did not want to go to the crescent moon sea would choose this shihou to pass on both sides, so every time they arrived at this shihou, they could see countless treasure hunters. There are a lot of scenes of light flashing across the sky in the wilderness, so many that it looks like a meteor shower.Ordinary people in Lingshan, the inner sect whose cause is unknown, thought it was a vision of heaven and earth after seeing this scene, and some good people even gave it a very nice name Wu Sheng Xing Dong.

Compared with the outer sect Lingshan, Xiangong and other places where immortals live together, the inner sect Lingshan has a very clear boundary between immortals and mortals. There are almost no practitioners in the mortal city, and even if there are, they have not revealed their identities Yinxiu, the vast majority of mortals in the inner sect of Lingshan don't even know whether there are real immortals. Most of them regard the immortals, demons, Buddhas and demons of those sects as legends.In the mortal world of the Inner Lingshan Mountain, although most of them and the Yiyang of the Outer Gate Lingshan are mainly cities, there are also countries. Among them, the two largest kingdoms in the Inner Lingshan Mountain happen to be on both sides of the lifeless wasteland.

Although the Wusheng Wasteland is extremely desolate, with no grass growing, except for the dry and cracked land, the wind and sand all over the sky, there are countless ruins and broken tiles, but the land on both sides of the Wusheng Wasteland is extremely fertile, and it is still a large plain with criss-cross waterways. Planting a little shime can grow gratifyingly, the only flaw is that the spiritual energy here is extremely thin, which is not as good as the mortal city in the outer gate Lingshan.

Although this place is not suitable for cultivation of immortals, demons, Buddhas and demons, it is extremely suitable for mortals to live in.The first mortals who settled on both sides built a large number of cities according to the direction of the waterways, and the forces of all sizes were dotted around. Later, a wizard emerged from among these forces, and together with all the city-states in a short period of time, they finally established the Kingdom of Xia and the Kingdom of Xia respectively. The two inner gates of Lu State are the largest countries in the mortal world.

When Xu Changqing first read the written records about these two mortal kingdoms, he quickly thought that the establishment of these two mortal kingdoms must be controlled by the sect forces of the immortal family. The Lord is even the practitioner himself.It's just that I don't know why the Xianjia Zongmen built these two mortal cities for Shime, because the immortals here have never appeared here, and there are rules set between the two Zongmen that no Zongmen practitioners are allowed into these two countries.As for those casual cultivators, they cannot reveal their identities like other mortal cities, and can only come and live here as ordinary people.It is precisely because of this regulation that most of the traitors of the sect or the remnants of the destroyed sect will use these two countries as a springboard to enter the Hundred Thousand Demon Heaven through the Inanimate Wasteland.

It's just that Xu Changqing found something strange in it. Those sect traitors and remnants of sects who should not be bound by the rules of immortality, after entering these two mortal countries, still obeyed the rules and did not reveal their identities.Obviously, this proves that the forces that set this rule are not just the sect forces of Xiao Luotian and Xiaoqing Weitian, but also the shadows of the nine sects of the inner sect Lingshan, and even the establishment of these two countries are behind them push results.

The first two countries on both sides of the Shimeshihou Wusheng Wasteland began to communicate, and there are no written records, but it is certain that the people who first set up a bridge for them were not extraordinary people.After that, the trade between the two countries began to increase frequently. The month when the lifeless wasteland subsides every year is the peak of the business transactions between the two countries. During this month, the two countries will organize a huge caravan to go to each other. Countries, trade each other's special products, wait until the next year to come back with the other party's caravan, and repeat.

For Zongmen immortals, these trading items of mortal commerce are not worth paying attention to.It's just that among these caravans, there are also some adventurers. They will go to the other side of the country with the caravan, and go to those ancient ruins to find some valuable things.I don't know the reason, but in this lifeless wasteland, the luck of these mortals is often much better than that of those practitioners, and they can find some ancient relics every time.Although these things are not necessarily useful to practitioners, these things still have certain collection or reference value, so there will be many casual practitioners mixed in these caravans, and they can buy them from mortal adventurers at very low prices. some good stuff.

Now Xu Changqing is in the ancient ruins of a lifeless wasteland, and in this ruins, there are four teams of mortal adventurers searching around, trying to find some good things.The area of ​​this piece of ancient ruins is very large, and it almost covers hundreds of miles of land. It is built on a small hill as a whole, and it feels like a small city. The style of the architectural ruins here looks very strange, and there are many The huge stone pillars are not like the ancient Chinese style, but more like the otherworldly gods, tebie is the style of the ancient Olympus gods.

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