Nine idlers

Chapter 799 Exchange Conditions

Lu Ya, even if this name appears in all the classics of the world of secular human practice, and in the romance novels of the secular world, without exception, all the texts point out that this gentleman is the number one free and unrestrained person in the world, and his magic power Boundless, supernatural powers.In fact, as the last bloodline of the ancient Golden Crow clan, Lu Ya did possess the innate supernatural powers that even the innate gods envied. After the power, but still live with gusto.If it hadn't been for the calamity of the world, the shattering of the prehistoric world, and the rebirth of all things, I am afraid that he can still live comfortably now.

Although the scattered people of Lu Ya have disappeared with the prehistoric times, there are many ancient books related to Lu Ya in the current Kunlun Three Realms. With the formation of the Kunlun Three Realms, these relics are also distributed in various parts of the Three Realms.The Golden Crow Hall in the Immortal Palace, the Great Sun Tathagata Dharma Sect in the Buddhist Realm, and the Fire Crow Valley in the Demon Realm, etc., all have collections of prehistoric relics related to Luya, and in all the places related to them, they are in Yuxu Palace. The collection of ancient books about his deeds and Taoism is the largest.The reason why there are so many books written by Lu Ya in Yuxu Palace is mainly because in the prehistoric period of ancient times, Lu Ya was not only the number one scattered person in the world, but also the guardian saint of Yuqing's lineage, whose status was comparable to that of Yuqing Sage. respect.

In the prehistoric period, there were not many people who knew Lu Ya's identity in Yuqing's lineage, and even fewer people knew about it in the Kunlun Three Realms.If the ancestors of Yuxu Palace hadn't found a relatively complete manual of secret affairs in the ruins, I am afraid they would not have known that Lu Ya had a deep relationship with Yuqing's lineage.Xu Changqing also knew this secret from Zhen Yuanzi's memory. After all, Zhen Yuanzi and Lu Ya are both famous casual cultivators, and the two have a good personal relationship. What kind of.

Among the collections of the fourteen Taoist traditions of Yuxu Palace, the collections related to Lu Ya are different, and the degree of emphasis on it is also different. Among them, the Guangcheng lineage pays the most attention to it, and created a lineage of Jinwufeng, which specializes in Collect and practice the Luya Taoism left over from ancient times.As for the Jade Cauldron of Jinxia Cave, the degree of emphasis on Luya is relatively weaker.If it wasn't for Yin Tiancheng who integrated a Lu Ya Dao method into the Dao of Zhan Tian back then, and read a lot of books related to Lu Ya, I am afraid it would be difficult to recognize at a glance from Xu Changqing's appearance outside the body. as its representative.

Although Yin Tiancheng had vaguely regarded Xu Changqing as the orthodox successor of Zhenjun Lu Ya, his vigilance towards Xu Changqing still did not relax much.After all, the relationship between Luya and Yuqing's lineage is a matter of the ancient prehistoric period, and has no necessary connection with the current Yuxu Palace.Practitioners in the Three Realms of Kunlun know that those sects in the Three Realms that claim to inherit the ancient times are actually not directly related to the origins of those sects they claim. superior.It can only be regarded as an outsider in the magpie's nest and Jiuzhan, and Yuxu Palace is no exception.That being the case.Even if Xu Changqing's identity is the descendant of Zhenjun Lu Ya, if he insists on a relationship, he probably cannot have any relationship with the current Yuxu Palace.

What Yin Tiancheng cares about now is not the relationship between the descendant of Lu Ya named Puhua and Yuxu Palace in front of him, but whether the scriptures of the general outline of the death catastrophe and the general outline of the way of cutting the sky that this person said are true .Because if this person is really a descendant of Lu Ya, or an alternate generation who has inherited Lu Ya's orthodox Taoism, then what he said before is likely to be true.Although the general outline scriptures and general outline diagrams are not necessarily applicable to the Dao of Slashing Heaven compiled and comprehended by Master Yuding of the past dynasties, they can point out a clear direction for Yin Tiancheng to practice, so that he can avoid many detours and not Like now, we can only grope forward in the fog.

"What price do I need to pay in exchange for the scriptures of the general outline of the death catastrophe and the general outline of the way of cutting the sky?" Yin Tiancheng couldn't guess what Xu Changqing's purpose was when he saw him at this time.He also knew that he was completely at a disadvantage now. The longer the time dragged on and the deeper he talked with him, the more likely he would be influenced by him and make some unfavorable decisions.So, he directly threw out his exchange target straight to the point, as long as Xu Changqing's request was not too excessive.He immediately agreed and ended the conversation with him.

How can a scheming person like Xu Changqing fail to see Yin Tiancheng's thoughts, but his thoughts just echoed his own, so he answered very simply, saying: "It's very simple, two things for two requirements. This request is very simple, I believe it will not embarrass your honor."

"Let's listen to it." Yin Tiancheng didn't think that the matter would be so simple, and he still looked very vigilant, and said in a deep voice.

Xu Changqing smiled and said: "The first request, I hope to continue the relationship between Yuqing's lineage and Zhenjun Lu Ya in the ancient prehistoric period."

"You mean the protector of the sect?" Yin Tiancheng was stunned for a moment, then shook his head, and said, "I can't decide this."

Xu Changqing knew there would be such an answer.Immediately said: "You don't need to agree, you just need to wait until your cultivation is restored, and after you regain control of Jinxia Cave, you can make a suggestion at the Yuxu Palace Fourteen Dao Lineage Inheritance Party."

Yin Tiancheng frowned, and said bluntly: "Even so, it may be difficult to realize your request."

What Yin Tiancheng said was not an excuse, but the truth.According to the ancient canon, the guardian saint sits on the same level as the head teacher in Yuxu Palace. Although he does not hold a real position in the sect and has no power in his hands, he has the authority to mobilize all the power of Yuxu Palace three times when the sect is in crisis. Right, and Yuqing's disciples who are the head of the sect will perform the disciple ceremony when they meet him.For a long time, the post of Protector of the Sect has been vacant, and everyone has turned a blind eye to him.Thinking about it, no matter it is the inheritance of the Fourteen Dao Lineages of Yuqing, or the Hall of Elders of Yuxu Palace, they will not be willing to let one person dominate over their heads, and even the real master of Yuxu Palace will not be willing to be separated from their hands. s right.

Now Xu Changqing suddenly proposed that he wants to get the post of Protector of the Yuxu Palace. In Yin Tiancheng's view, it is just a daydream. The Jade Cauldron lineage was isolated.Although Yin Tiancheng also really wants to obtain the general outline of the death catastrophe and the general outline of the heaven-slashing Tao, he will not lose his mind because of these two things. He only needs to weigh the pros and cons a little bit, and it is enough for him to refuse Decide.

Xu Changqing didn't seem surprised by this, and after the other party's voice fell, he said: "Your honor may have misunderstood my meaning, what I said before is that the world is scattered, and I don't want to control others, and I don't want to be controlled by others. I don't want the title of Protector Saint Master with real power, all I need is the name of Protector Saint Master of Yuxu Palace, as for the rights and obligations represented by this name, I don't want it at all."

"What? Just want a name?" Yin Tiancheng was stunned for a moment, his face showed a little bewildered expression, and then he seemed to think of something, and said: "I am afraid that what you want is the ancient guardian Seal of the Holy Master?"

Xu Changqing didn't know that the guardian saint master of Yuqing's lineage would have a Dao seal representing his identity. He originally planned to use another reason to explain his purpose of doing so, but now that Yin Tiancheng has found a reason for him , he simply pushed the boat along, with a calm expression on his face, and he didn't speak, just nodded slightly, as if he was acknowledging Yin Tiancheng's guess in this way.

Seeing that Xu Changqing just nodded slightly, he was unwilling to talk more about it, Yin Tiancheng felt that his guess seemed to have hit the nail on the head, and everything related to the Seal of the Protector of the Sect could not help appearing in his mind, but no matter what he did Guess, but still can't find any place that makes Xu Changqing value this seal so much.Although this seal of the guardian saint is also an ancient spiritual treasure, it seems to be useless. Since finding this thing, no one has been able to control this treasure. This thing feels like a slightly harder stone. Without any breath of power, it had to be placed in the enshrinement hall to collect dust.Even though people walk under this treasure every day, none of them can see any beauty in this treasure.

Although Yin Tiancheng also really wanted to know the beauty of this treasure, but after a second thought, he thought that even if he asked, Xu Changqing would not say it, instead he would be making fun of himself.After thinking about Xu Changqing's request for a while, I feel that as long as Xu Changqing only occupies a false name, this request should not be difficult to fulfill.But after he thought of his current situation, he secretly calculated in his heart, and said: "Although I don't know what the magical effect of this seal of protecting the sect is, if you only want a false name and this thing, it's not a bad idea." Impossible. Two years later, there will be a regular meeting of the Daoist Inheritance of the Fourteen Ways. If my cultivation level has recovered by then, I can take you to attend and raise this matter, but can I convince others? It’s up to you if someone agrees to your request.”

Xu Changqing smiled coldly, and taunted: "Your Excellency is very calculating! You just showed the way and said a word, and in exchange for a true article on the Great Dao, which can save you hundreds of years of hard work, this business is really top-notch. Absolute Three Realms! How did I not know that the Jade Cauldron lineage is also proficient in such merchant skills?"

"Your Excellency, you don't have to be so cynical! If I want to return to Jinxia Cave, I have to bring my cultivation back to the previous level. Even if I don't have the previous level, at least I need to reach the mid-level to the strongest level, so as not to make people suspicious. "Hearing Xu Changqing's sarcasm, Yin Tiancheng was not angry, but said calmly: "In two years, it is my limit to enter the realm of the strongest, and it is not certain whether I can catch up with the party. Naturally, I don’t have extra time to be a lobbyist for you, unless you can find a way to restore my cultivation base to the strongest state within a year, so that I can return to Jinxia Cave and help you with my identity as Jade Cauldron Master. A real person who inherits other orthodox traditions."

"I have a way to make your honor return to the realm of the strongest within one year." Xu Changqing didn't say much, took out a jade bottle, and said: "There are three fairy pills in it, named Dao Dan, It is from the Immortal Palace and the Demon Cliff, and this pill is enough to restore your cultivation in a short time." (To be continued. If you like this work, you are welcome to vote for recommendations and monthly tickets. Your support is My biggest motivation.)

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