Nine idlers

Chapter 80

Chapter 80 To kill the catastrophe

Not long after the old man left, Xu Changqing got up and walked out of the bedroom, asked where Guan Zheng was, and walked over slowly.When he reached the door of Guan Zheng's bedroom, he stopped, with a trace of hesitation on his face, wondering if he should open the door and tell him his identity.

"Master, are you looking for me?" Just when Xu Changqing was hesitating, Guan Zheng suddenly walked in from another carriage, and asked a little surprised: "Have you finished talking with that old man?"

"The talk is over! Let's go in and talk about it!" Xu Changqing nodded slightly, opened the door of the carriage, walked in, sat on the western sofa by the table, and waited for Guan Zheng to come in and salute, then he said slowly: "Brother Guan must have guessed that I am a fake monk, right?"

"Actually, after Master Po Taoist hit me with Taoist true energy, I became suspicious." Guan Zheng nodded slightly, and said with a smile: "But I have never been sure. They are all so authentic, and it wasn't until the master restored all the Dao power in the talisman sword for me that I was sure that the master must be a master of Taoism."

"Oh! It's ridiculous. I thought I was hiding my true identity very deeply, but I didn't expect to be seen by others at a glance. I'm really a bit self-righteous, and I also look down on the world." Xu Changqing laughed at himself, and then Said: "Brother Guan, do you want to know my real identity?"

"I don't want to!" Guan Zheng shook his head with a smile, and said, "You and I need to have a heart-to-heart relationship. I just need to know that you are a virtuous and eminent monk that I respect, Master Shenmu. As for other identities, Guan Zheng Irrelevant. Didn’t the master also say that there is no difference between Buddha and Tao?”

"Hehe! It's me!" Xu Changqing raised his head and smiled, deeply feeling that he had not crossed Guan Zheng with this friend, and put down his worries. He looked Guan Zheng up and down, and said, "It seems that Brother Guan's Taoism The cultivation base has grown a little bit, and in a few days, the awe-inspiring righteousness will also increase accordingly, it is really gratifying!"

"It's thanks to the master who helped me through the devil's calamity, so that I was able to break through the Dao Heart barrier." Guan Zhengxin thanked Xu Changqing, then sat down again, and asked with a slightly sad expression: "I would also like to ask, whether the method that the master said is true, or..."

"It's true!" Xu Changqing said bluntly: "At the end of the Tang Dynasty, warlords arose everywhere, China's luck was exhausted, and the entire cultivation world was involved in calamity. Many big families in the cultivation world have used this method in order to survive this disaster. However, most of the practice families who have no luck and no spiritual treasures in the mountain failed to escape this catastrophe in the end. You can get a glimpse of this by simply looking at the inheritance law book of the orthodox immortal Buddha at that time. You close The family is a thousand-year-old family with long luck, but it is not authentic after all. Even if the long luck is in front of the catastrophe of heaven and earth, it will be broken. Although your Guan family must have the ancient Fengshan Lingbao, you can rely on the spirit alone. Treasures can't stop the catastrophe, the only way is to use the life of the blood relatives to deal with the catastrophe, to block most of the catastrophe, and the remaining catastrophe can only be overcome by the Fengshan Lingbao."

Guan Zheng was silent for a moment, then said with a firm expression: "I'll go back when things in Peking are over."

"Brother Guan, have you decided to take the family's robbing?" Xu Changqing looked at Guan Zheng's appearance, understood his thoughts, sighed, and said.

Guan Zheng nodded vigorously, and said: "Although I have practiced Taoism since I was a child and haven't read any books, I also know the principle that the family and the country are the greatest. If I can give up my life in exchange for the continuation of the family, even if I die No regrets!"

"It's a good one to die with no regrets!" Xu Changqing looked at Guan Zheng with a proud face, and couldn't help nodding his head in admiration. He couldn't bear to bury such an upright person in his heart, and couldn't help but point out: "But in my opinion, If Brother Guan really wants to help your Guan family get through this disaster, it's better not to go back."

"What did Master say?" Guan Zheng looked at Xu Changqing in confusion and asked.

"When you go back to the Guan family, all you have to do is to wait for death to meet the calamity. Instead of doing this, it's better to fight for a chance in this catastrophe in the world." Xu Changqing also has his own plan in his heart. Although Guan Zheng's cultivation base is not considered It is particularly strong, but its heart is very upright, and its foundation is solid, and its appearance is the appearance of a long blessing. It is very suitable as Xu Changqing's helper to overcome the calamity together.

"Master, please give me some advice." Guan Zheng couldn't help asking anxiously when he heard that there were other ways to overcome the catastrophe.

"Now that the catastrophe is approaching, the luck of people, families, countries, and the world has begun to be chaotic. According to my estimation, when the catastrophe begins, the luck of everyone or things will become chaotic. The 'chaos' is unbearable, even if you use the technique of predicting fate, you may only be able to see its small luck, not its great luck." Xu Changqing did not hide anything, and said his feelings these days: "At the moment For those of us who are not authentic practitioners, borrowing spirit treasures and terrain to increase luck is completely unfeasible. Perhaps the only way is to cut off luck and grab the chance to survive the catastrophe .”

Guan Zheng is not a blunt person, on the contrary, he has a very high level of comprehension. When he heard Xu Changqing's words, he immediately understood, and said: "The master meant to kill the catastrophe."

"That's right! Brother Guan's comprehension of 'sex' is extraordinary, just one point." Xu Changqing nodded approvingly, then his face became indifferent, and said: "There are two advantages to killing the robbery. First, kill the enemy. There will be one less person who disturbs the luck of the catastrophe. If the enemy is destroyed, the changes in the luck of the world will become less chaotic when the period of the catastrophe arrives, making the catastrophe more difficult. There are opportunities to follow. Secondly, the chance to survive the catastrophe must be as narrow as the road of Shu, with more monks and less porridge, and the porridge cannot be increased. The only way is to reduce the number of monks who drink porridge."

Guan Zheng couldn't help feeling a chill in his heart when he heard it, and said, "Could it be that in the face of the catastrophe of heaven and earth, people must be like tigers and wolves to survive?"

"Alas!" Xu Changqing sighed, his expression was a little tired, and he leaned limply on the western sofa, and said: "Sometimes the more you know about the way of heaven, the more you are afraid. Dogs, in front of the absolute justice of heaven and earth, it is not only those who are pigs and dogs in the secular world, even those of us who have not achieved the Dao are just a group of pigs and dogs who are slaughtered by others." , his eyes burst into a burst of light, and the breath on his body became cold and ruthless, and said: "The only chance for us to survive the catastrophe is to become a wolf, become a tiger, and grow from a pig dog to be slaughtered." Break away from the generation, otherwise there will only be a dead end. Brother Guan must know that the Dao is ruthless!"

"Please allow me to think about it again." Hearing Xu Changqing express his feelings in one breath, although Guan Zheng couldn't accept it for a while, he had already heard his suggestion to himself from Xu Changqing's words, and he was extremely grateful , and didn’t want to see Xu Changqing feel sorry for not being able to make up his mind, so he immediately changed the subject and said, “I don’t know what is the relationship between the master and the old man Sheng Xuanhuai? From the perspective of an outsider, Guan, you must have a good relationship!”

Xu Changqing knew that Guan Zheng was also struggling in his heart now, and he was not going to 'force' him, so he followed his words and said: "Old Sheng is my teacher, he taught me the way of knowing people in the world. The matter, I had a little misunderstanding with him, but now the misunderstanding has basically been resolved, but it is impossible to close the relationship that is already unfamiliar with just a few words, even so, Sheng Lao is one of the few people I respect in my life. one."

"I also heard from the elders in my family that when our Guan family moved from the north to the south, this old man helped us many times. Speaking of which, I should go to thank him, but it's just a bit flattering. I hate it." Guan Zheng smiled awkwardly, then stared at Xu Changqing, and asked with a strange expression: "Listening to the words of the master just now, it seems that the master still knows the master of the Liao Tianyi Pavilion back then, and he is very familiar with him. When he was going to die, those bold words were really admirable."

"Yes, when he was invited by Hunan governor Chen Baozhen to return to Hunan to run a school, he lived in my thatched hut for several months before giving lectures on the New Deal. , How happy was that time!" Xu Changqing closed his eyes and recalled some past events back then, and a smile full of nostalgia appeared on his face, but after a while, he sighed again and said: "Although I won every debate, but in fact I lost, just as he couldn't convince me, I couldn't convince him, even if I knew he would die because of the reform, I still couldn't change his fate. Until then Only then did I realize that the Fa cannot compete with the Dao after all, only the Dao exists in the world in the end, and the Dharma will perish under the Dao.”

Guan Zheng also seemed to feel Xu Changqing's heavy heart at the moment, and he lost interest in talking, and sat quietly, looking at the rural scenery that kept flashing outside the car window, and the atmosphere in the car became dull for a while .

The speed of the train was not too fast. When it arrived in Bazhou, it was already past noon, and the train had to stop here for about an hour to refill the fuel before going on the road.Although Bazhou is only a small county, but because it is close to Tianjin and Beiping, most of the businessmen from the north and the south will gather here to repair before entering Beijing, and then continue on the road, which makes Bazhou compared to other places. Local small counties are much more prosperous.In addition, due to the influence of Cangzhou, there are extremely many people practicing martial arts here. Compared with Cangzhou, there are many martial arts halls, and the arena is held almost every day.Most people who practice martial arts want to make a name for themselves here. If they are lucky, they can open a bodyguard agency in Tianjin or Beiping, build a martial arts gym, or something, and those who are less lucky can be bodyguards beside these businessmen from the north and the south. In short, as long as you don't get killed in the arena, you will have a living meal.

Because the train had to stop for an hour, the passengers in the No. [-] carriage felt that it was too boring to sit like this, and most of them would invite them in groups to walk around the boundaries of Bazhou.Most of the rich businessmen have a few bodyguards around them, many of them are from the arena in Bazhou, so they can be regarded as local snakes here, and the masters who travel as subordinates naturally become guides.

The carriage became much empty for a while, Xu Changqing and Guan Zheng were also preparing to go out for a walk, because this place was too close to Beiping, the Xuangang Heavenly Demon must have put eyeliner here, and they had to change their clothes before getting out of the carriage.Guan Zheng had already changed his clothes, but left the treasure chest and the talisman sword in the pocket of the carriage.On the other hand, Xu Changqing put Maitreya cassock in his sleeves, and put on a whole set of English-style long windbreaker. He was taller than ordinary people and put on a straight woolen coat, and a slightly tight waistcoat shirt made him firm. The full expression of his body made his temperament elegant and at the same time a little more heroic, and the gold silk pocket watch hanging in his coat pocket gave him an extravagant Western style.Before going out, the foreign supervisor of the carriage did not know where he found an English-style wide-brimmed hat with a fake braid and gave it to Xu Changqing to wear, so as not to get into trouble because of the braid.

After leaving the carriage, the two happened to meet Mr. Sheng who was about to board a carriage. Xu Changqing walked over and said hello, "Mr. Sheng, aren't you going to Tianjin?"

Seeing Xu Changqing's decent western attire, the old man didn't answer Xu Changqing's words, but teased him and said, "I didn't expect Changqing to look more heroic than the green shirt in your attire. It seems that the resurrection was right! You A westernized person by nature."

"Mr. Sheng was joking!" Xu Changqing smiled lightly and said, "The western civilization thought is not suitable for me. I am more used to the Chinese way of being restrained."

"It's up to everyone! Among those who studied Western culture with Father Matthews, you were the one who worked the hardest." The old man recalled the past with a smile, turned his head to look at Guan Zheng, and said with a smile: "You Be the gatekeeper of the house!"

"Guan Zheng, a descendant of the Guan family, has met Mr. Sheng, if it wasn't for..." Hearing the old man's greeting, Guan Zheng saluted the old man with a slightly cautious gesture, ready to thank him for his kindness that day.

The old man immediately stretched out his hand to support it, and reminded: "Don't make such a big move, this place is not far from the capital!" He patted Guan Zheng's shoulder and said, "Learn more from Changqing! There are not many people in the world who can compare with it, and they are much better than the people in your family."

"The junior knows." Guan Zheng nodded.

After the greetings, the old man turned to Xu Changqing and said, "This time I went to Tianjin mainly for the Bank of Communications. Now that you have agreed to help, the matter is naturally completed. I just take this opportunity to I have the opportunity to return to Beijing to deal with the things I promised you. Time is running out, and the sooner you return to Beijing, the more people of your kind will be helped.”

"It's just right," Xu Changqing didn't say much, nodded, clasped his fists and said, "Changqing is here to wish Mr. Sheng a smooth journey."

"You have to be careful in everything!" The old man nodded, got into the carriage, gave an order, and then quickly got on the official road and drove towards the capital.

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