Nine idlers

Chapter 82

Chapter 82 Nine Twist Hearts

Hearing Xu Changqing's question, Long Jinbao scratched his head in embarrassment, and said: "I know I can't hide it from Master. After I made a fortune here a few years ago, I sent someone back to my hometown to give my former subordinates Give some money or something, and take care of their lives. Who would have thought that after these bastards heard my whereabouts, they would all come here with their families and their families to discuss life with me. Two thousand people. At that time, I really couldn't think of a place to put them. It happened that the remnants of the Boxer Regiment here were very violent in those years, so I spent money to ask the Zhili Governor's Yamen for a job as an armed militia. We got together and became officers and soldiers." With a look on his face, he said quite proudly: "Over the years, because of my meritorious service in killing thieves, my apprentice has been transferred to a full-time job, and I became the Bazhou General Soldier under the prefect of Hebei. , and the formed militia group was also incorporated into the Bazhou Zhengwu Camp, and the local knives and guns in my hands were replaced by foreign guns and artillery in the past two years. My apprentice, I became a small person in this area. The Beiyang new army came to win me over, and the regent of the capital sent someone to invite me a few days ago, which is just in line with what Master said back then, and the ambition is soaring!"

"Yes, yes, your achievements have exceeded my expectations by a lot. It seems that you have put in a lot of effort over the years!" Xu Changqing nodded slightly, and then said with a serious expression: "Although you are now The scenery is infinite, but it is a pity that it is too sharp, but everyone knows that it is in the midst of fire and water, and there is a possibility of destruction at any time."

Long Jinbao is a careless and careful person, but the elation in his heart fascinated his eyes for a while.After hearing Xu Changqing's words, he was stunned for a moment, and then thought about it in his heart, and immediately saw the deep crisis from the blooming flowers on the surface, his complacency was all gone, and he knelt on Xu Changqing's face pale. In front of him, he urgently said: "Master save me, Master save me!"

"Come on, although all parties want to swallow you up now, it is a crisis for you, but if you can grasp it well, this may not be a turning point. Let me count you first Take a look at your fortune!" Xu Changqing lifted Long Jinbao up, motioned him to stand still, then slightly closed his eyes, circulated his true energy, opened his eyes suddenly, and looked carefully at Long Jinbao's whole body fortune up and down. It was so fast that there was no sign of it, and it was calculated by pinching fingers.Although the Xuangang Heavenly Demon has messed up the fortune near the capital at this moment, even a person like Xu Changqing who is proficient in numerology can't figure out the general trend, but it is still possible to simply deduce a person's fate regardless of the overall situation of.

As the deduction of Long Jinbao's fate deepened, Xu Changqing's face became a little weird, and Long Jinbao couldn't help but feel worried.When the calculation stopped, he couldn't wait to ask: "Master, am I unable to pass this hurdle?"

"Don't worry, not only will you be fine, but you will be blessed by misfortune and get better." Xu Changqing said calmly, "Are you hesitating whether to join the Regent or the Beiyang New Army, right?"

"That's right! That's what the apprentice means!" Long Jinbao nodded vigorously and said.

Xu Changqing took a sip of tea and said, "Don't worry, as long as you do what I tell you, you won't suffer any disadvantages."

Long Jinbao hastily filled Xu Changqing's teacup respectfully, and said, "I hope Master will show it clearly!"

Xu Changqing looked at the tea cup in front of him, hesitated for a while, fell into a state of contemplation, frowned slightly, and suddenly said: "Jinbao, do you really want to be my registered disciple?"

Long Jinbao was stunned for a moment, but he didn't expect that Xu Changqing would ask him about this matter. He soon came to his senses, and hurriedly knelt down in front of Xu Changqing, saying: "There are gods standing three feet above your head. If I, Wang San, don't sincerely want to If I become a master, I will be struck with thunder and thunder, and after death, I will fall into the [-]th hell and never be reborn."

"Okay!" Xu Changqing looked at Long Jinbao with a sincere face, nodded and said, "Let's serve tea! Let's apprentice!"

After hearing this, Long Jinbao immediately expressed his happiness, picked up the teacup, and raised his hands above his head respectfully. After Xu Changqing took the teacup, he knelt down three times and kowtowed nine times. He didn't stand up until Xu Changqing reached out to help him.

"I won't hide it from you. The reason why I accepted you as a registered disciple is mainly because you may be able to help me in the future. You just need to let me know!" Xu Changqing said bluntly: "It's just that you must exchange what you owe me before I can agree to it."

Long Jinbao swears: "I will never dare to abandon my master, if there is such a rebellious thing, I will be willing..."

"Okay! Now that you are my registered disciple, you can be regarded as half a person in the cultivation world. It is better to say less about things like swearing and swearing. It is not empty talk to have a god three feet above your head." Xu Changqing interrupted Long Jinbao swore, and then took out a small porcelain bottle from his arms, handed it to Long Jinbao, and said, "This bottle of nourishing qi pill is a pill refined by Lou Guan Taoist. The effect. After two days, I will send someone to send a book of inner family mentality and some methods of Taoism cultivation. You only need to follow the above method and take a elixir every day when you practice, elixir By the day you finish taking the medicine, you will be considered half a practitioner, and whether you can achieve the Dao in the future depends on your chance."

"Disciple, remember the master's order!" Long Jinbao quickly took the small bottle and put it close to his body, then hesitated for a moment, and asked timidly: "Master, you haven't told me how to get through the catastrophe in front of you?"

"You just need to remember one sentence," Xu Changqing said with a serious expression: "That sentence is that when you encounter water, you will turn against it. No matter which side you take refuge in, you must remember that everything related to water will be object."

"When it meets water, it will turn against it?" Long Jinbao nodded slightly, and repeated this sentence in his mouth.

Xu Changqing put the teacup on the table and asked, "Jinbao, is Cao Kun still with you now?"

"Yes! Master." Long Jinbao was stunned for a moment, then nodded.

Xu Changqing thought for a while and said, "You bring him here, I want to meet him!"

"Okay, master!" Long Jinbao bowed back, closed the door, and walked to another Yage in the backyard. Listening to his footsteps, he could feel that he was in a good mood at the moment.

"Master, why do you want to accept this person as an apprentice?" Guan Zheng, who had been silent all this time, suddenly asked: "Although Guan does not understand physiognomy, he can tell that this person has a fierce face, and he will be a butcher in the future. This person is a disciple, and the murders he committed will definitely fall on the master in the future, and this person is rebellious and has no roots of Taoism, so he is definitely not a good disciple."

"Since Brother Guan can see it, can't I see it?" Xu Changqing smiled lightly and said, "I have seen his shortcomings before, so no matter how filial he is to me, I have never accepted him as a registered disciple. But I did some calculations just now, and found that he might also be one of the robbers in the future. For future plans, it is not a bad idea to take the risk of accepting this evil person. As for the killing of evil that Brother Guan mentioned, there is no way to talk about it. Although I said that I accepted him as an apprentice, and I received his three kneeling and nine kowtows, but I did not drink his apprenticeship tea. The ceremony of apprenticeship is not over yet, he is not my disciple, and his murder has nothing to do with me Come on."

Guan Zheng looked stunned, and he couldn't help sighing secretly: "Oh! It's really not my specialty to fight so hard. Since the master has already calculated it very clearly, if the time comes when we need him, he will switch to another school. Help us, then..."

Xu Changqing smiled and said confidently: "Brother Guan, don't worry, since Jinbao has accepted my elixir, he owes me a debt. As long as he doesn't pay back what he owes me, he can only help us."

While the two were talking, Long Jinbao led a man in plain clothes to the outside of the house and said, "Brother Cao, the tutor is waiting inside, please come in!"

As he spoke, he opened the door and came in, only to see a tall and thin middle-aged man standing beside Long Jinbao, with eagle eyes and hooked nose, looking extraordinarily gloomy, and in his eyes, there was always a hint of sinisterness. 'color', I feel like a jackal who can never get enough to eat.When he walked in and saw the young Xu Changqing and Guan Zheng dressed in western clothes, he couldn't help but froze for a moment, frowned, and said angrily, "Brother Long, are you playing tricks on Cao? Don't tell me." Among these two little brothers is your master who is Huntianlonglongjinbao!"

"Brother Cao is right." Long Jinbao walked up to Xu Changqing and introduced, "This is my Master Long Jinbao, Mr. Xu Changqing from Chen Jiachong."

Hearing Long Jinbao's words, Cao Kun was taken aback for a moment. He suddenly thought of a person his superior Feng Guozhang had mentioned, and after matching the two, his face suddenly changed. He smiled, but there was a trace of disdain in his eyes, and he said, "I didn't expect Brother Long to be Mr. Xu's disciple. No wonder he did this." Then he saluted Xu Changqing and said, "Cao Kun has met Mr. Xu. I have admired Mr. Mr.'s name for a long time, and I have never had the chance to meet him, but I am really lucky to see you today."

Although Cao Kun's demeanor was respectful, there was contempt and indifference in his bones.

"Cao Tongzhi is so polite! Please sit down." Regarding Cao Kun's attitude, Xu Changqing didn't say anything. He pointed to the chair in front of him calmly, and then signaled Long Jinbao to go out. Guan Zheng also felt that it was inappropriate for him to stay here. , got up and left, and went outside to wait for Xu Changqing to come out.

"I don't know why Mr. Xu called Cao to talk about it?" Cao Kun sat down and leaned lazily on the chair with an arrogant expression. Although Xu Changqing had long been famous, in Cao Kun's view, he was just a It's just a quack warlock, with his current status, being on an equal footing with Xu Changqing is already enough to give him face.More than a year ago, he snatched Duan Qirui's third township and became a figure with military power in his hands. Now he has called the wind and rain in the Northeast, ruling the king and hegemony, even his old superior Feng Guozhang saw him. Brothers are commensurate, so naturally, he didn't pay too much attention to the marvelous warlock in front of him.

Xu Changqing could easily see Cao Kun's thoughts from his face, and without saying anything, with an indifferent smile on his face, he asked bluntly: "Cao Tongzhi is not staying in the northeast to watch over the Japanese army at this moment. It must have been instructed by Master Feng to secretly enter Beijing in disguise! I wonder if I can let my subordinates know that Master Feng is in such trouble that he has to use Cao Tong, a general?"

"This is an important matter of the military aircraft, Cao can't tell." Cao Kun was not used to Xu Changqing's direct questioning, and a burst of arrogance rushed to his forehead, ready to stand up and leave.However, he suddenly found that his body could not move at this moment, as if an invisible rope bound his body tightly, causing him to lose control of his body.Cao Kun is not a fool. Thinking of Xu Changqing's various legends, he naturally understood that the person in front of him must have caused his own body to behave like this, so he glared at Xu Changqing angrily, with a gloomy face, and asked, "Mr. Xu, what is the meaning of this?" ?”

"No other intention, I just want Cao Tongzhi to sit down for a while and tell Cao Tongzhi some ways of life." Xu Changqing looked at Cao Kun coldly, and said: "It is a good thing for people to be arrogant, but it must be Distinguish who to whom, I am used to being flattered at home, and I really don't like people pretending to be a master in front of me, not to mention you and other worldly people are like ants in front of me, no matter how powerful you are now, it will cost your life It's just a snap of the fingers, I wonder if Cao Tongzhi is willing to give it a try?"

Cao Kun was able to climb to his current position, not only because of his own ability, but also because of his way of being a man who can adapt to the situation and surrender when he is strong.Seeing that Xu Changqing really has real talent and learning, although he was extremely annoyed in his heart, he still put away his arrogance, pretended to be bold and laughed, and said: "Mr. Mr. Cao drank two more cups of horse urine today, and he messed up here again. I don’t think it’s strange for Mr. Feng. Mr. Feng told us about Mr. before, and he also mentioned many times that you must not neglect Mr. Since the husband wants to ask Cao something, Cao must know everything and talk about it."

Xu Changqing didn't let go of the spell restraint on him, and asked directly: "It's still the same, now that Cao Tongzhi is working in full swing in the Northeast, why does Master Feng want Cao Tongzhi to put down his military affairs, and come to Bazhou to win over in such a risky disguise? What about Bao? I don’t think it’s just for forming a new army!”

Cao Kun looked at Xu Changqing, rolled his eyes, and said without changing his face: "In fact, there are some conflicts between Mr. Feng and Duan Qirui, and the quarrel is a bit fraught. Now Wei Shuai is under house arrest, and Wang Shizhen is still under house arrest. It's a typical example of being unreliable. Duan Qirui has several towns in his hands, but Mr. Feng is only surrounded by me, the third town's people, who are far away in the northeast. He feels that if something happens, I won't have time to come back to help, so... "

"No! There are too many loopholes in what you said, and it's not credible. But the content of what you said reminded me." Xu Changqing's face darkened a little, thought for a while, and murmured: "If Mr. Feng and Duan The fight between the adults is fake, it's acting, so their purpose of doing this must be to attract the attention of others, making people think that the Beiyang new army is fighting among themselves! If you are not the only one ordered to secretly expand the army, Cao Kun, So now must have attracted a lot of armed forces near the capital. Now Lord Feng is the minister on duty at Lianggezhuang in the Western Lingling of the Qing Dynasty and the envoy of the Military Advisory Office of the Ministry of the Army. It is the control of the Beiyang New Army in the four towns and the six towns, which happened to control Zhang Renjun and Zhang Xun's Liangjiang Wuwei battalion, so it seems that the pictures of several people are not small!"

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