Nine idlers

Chapter 842 The Secret of the Soul

When the white light merged with the black spots, Xu Changqing's mind had a lot of memories that didn't belong to him out of thin air, which made him unable to adapt for a while.He seems to have fallen into a void with no sky and no bottom, and the images formed by countless memories around him are superimposed, densely covering the entire void, and the sounds accompanying the images are mixed together and become a crazy sound that can make people crazy. Into the soul.

After the initial discomfort, Xu Changqing quickly returned to normal, and restrained his mind, summed up all these chaotic and fragmented memories, and mixed all the lights, shadows and sounds together, turning it into a book that fell on the general public. In the hands of the soul of the avatar.

Puhua's avatar, who regained control of his body, began to flip through the tome that Elder Jingshan's lifetime memories had turned into, so that he could disguise himself perfectly in the future, and the Devil Emperor's avatar, whose mind had retreated to the Demon Realm, also began to sort out the pages that resonated with the remaining pages of the Demonic Dao Book of Heaven in the past two days. income.

At the beginning, Xu Changqing didn't expect that the Demon Emperor's avatar could get anything from the broken pages of the Demon Dao Heavenly Book in Elder Jingshan's soul.The broken page of the chapter in the hands of Sovereign King Gu Luo has traces of use, so it can be traced according to these traces, so as to unravel the mysteries of the half of the magic book in the hands of the Demon Emperor of Myriad Tribulations.However, there is no sign of using the fragmented pages of the Demon Dao Heavenly Book in Elder Jingshan's soul. Elder Jingshan only passively received its images. It is obviously much more difficult to discover any mysteries from this fragmented page than the last one.It is already very good to be able to extract the memories related to Elder Jingshan from this fragmented page, so he did not have too many extravagant hopes in advance.

However, after casting the spell, Xu Changqing discovered that things were far better than he expected, so good that he couldn't believe it was true.

After the devil emperor avatar used the method he got from Gu Luo's broken page to put his soul into Elder Jingshan's broken page, it immediately aroused the resonance of the two broken pages of the same origin, and also drove the demon of ten thousand calamities to resonate. The resonance of the emperor's seal.The power of resonance generated by the three causes the continuous evolution of the magic form of the heavens representing the true meaning of the magic way. Every time Xu Changqing evolves, he understands the meaning of the magic form of the heavens better.It is a pity that all the true meaning of the magic path realized through resonance is just a scattered perception that cannot be explained clearly, and it is not clear before it is sorted out.It cannot be absorbed and integrated by the Nine Streams of Demonic Dao at all, but the content contained in this scattered perception is extremely huge, and it is impossible to capture it completely with the Devil Emperor clone alone, so that the true meaning of many heavenly magics can only be helpless. forget in.

At the beginning, the Devil Emperor avatar could only passively accept the true meaning of the magic way generated by resonance, but later on he was able to gradually adapt to this change, and actively chose to memorize the true meaning of the magic way that he thought was valuable.In the end, he chose to remember the true meaning of the more than ten gods representing the core of the magic way, and completely discarded the other gods.

There must be something to give.Although Xu Changqing gave up an opportunity to maximize the perfection of the nine-stream magic way, he got a chance to spy on the final achievement of the magic way.

When all the heavenly magics that represent the core true meaning of the magic way are integrated together.It was only for the first time that Xu Changqing felt how high the power of the final achievement of the magic path would reach.Xu Changqing didn't know about other things, he only knew that if someone could possess the magic figures of more than ten gods and combine them into one, that person's cultivation would surely be able to reach the level of innate gods and innate creatures in ancient times , even if it is not comparable to the supreme beings such as Hongjun Clan and Sanqing Supreme, it is not too bad, and it is no exaggeration to call him a demon saint.

However, this fusion process is very fast, and there is no time to fully remember the fusion details.Moreover, the fused magic saint could not maintain it, and soon collapsed and dissipated. Obviously, there is a huge flaw in this fusion.Fortunately, Xu Changqing has memorized the unique aura of magic sage, and he has a general grasp of the fusion process, so that his Nine Stream Demonic Way has the same final direction as other nine streams of all dharma avenues.

In Xu Changqing's Jiuliu Dao, immortals, Buddhas, demons and other Taoists all had their ultimate achievements in the world in ancient times, and Xu Changqing didn't need to borrow the secret books of other sects.Just from Zhen Yuanzi's incomplete memory, he has been able to determine the ultimate goal of his avenue.

However, although there was a demon world in the ancient prehistoric period, the demon world at that time was just a gathering place for all kinds of distracting thoughts, evil thoughts, desires, etc. in ancient times. Not only did there not exist demon practitioners, but even the most basic demons nor.Exactly the same as the void.

After the great catastrophe of the ancient times, the Great Desolation was shattered, and the fragments of the various god realms of the Great Desolation were broken into the Demon Realm, and after the Demon Realm fused the power of these fragments of the God Realm, it began to further evolve, and produced the innate demon head and the demons of the heavens. With the continuous accumulation of future generations.Only then did the demons of the heavens gradually improve.

But this is just perfection, and so far no one who is strong in the way of magic has a clear and unified ultimate goal for the way he cultivates.Some people think that changing their magical appearances from the heavens to reality and replacing themselves is the ultimate way of magic.There are also people who believe that cultivating the natal demon way to the extreme, in line with the laws of the heavenly way of the demon world, and becoming an immortal existence that is immortal in the demon world and immortal itself is the ultimate demonic way.

However, most of the ultimate achievements of these supreme demonic ways are just summed up by certain demonic powerhouses based on their own natal demonic ways and other avenues of immortals and Buddhas. There is neither a detailed level of cultivation nor a clear direction of cultivation. It is just a vague concept. .

Now, the achievement of this Demon Dao Saint is the final achievement of the Demon Dao produced by the resonance of the Demon Dao Heavenly Book and the Seal of the Demon Emperor. Obviously, this Dao is consistent with the Dao of the Demon Realm, and the general cultivation method and process have been shown. Compared with other magic ways The ultimate magic way created by the strong is obviously more clever.

In the past two days, the Devil Emperor's avatar was almost entirely devoted to the matter of deriving the magical forms of the heavens, and he put aside the real business of extracting the memories of Elder Jingshan.Fortunately, this serious matter was not very difficult. On the contrary, he borrowed the invisible power of the magic sage when his illusion collapsed, and forcibly extracted this part of memory from the broken pages of the magic book.It was just because he was anxious to sort out the gains of the past two days, so he threw this memory to Pu Hua's clone without any sorting, which made him a little flustered at first.

Because these memories contain the past of Elder Jingshan for nearly a thousand years, the content has not been screened in any way, and there are too many irrelevant contents in it, but these seemingly insignificant contents are likely to become loopholes in disguise at some point, so Xu Changqing could only let the Puhua avatar quietly absorb these memories alone, and it took half a month for this absorption.

In the past half month, Xu Changqing's main energy was also put on the connection between Qiankun World and other worlds.

Xu Changqing has put the Qi of the Three Earths and the Six Realms of Reincarnation handed over by Li Qianqiu, the spiritual incarnation of the Book of Demonic Dao, into the Qiankun Yinyin, allowing it to gradually merge with the Heavenly Dao of the Qiankun Yinyin, and when the time is right, the Six Realms of Reincarnation can be established.

Before the establishment of the Six Paths of Reincarnation, it is impossible to form a complete two-world passage between the universe and the underworld, the stars of the Holy Ruins Temple, the Nine Vehicles outside the Sumering Mountain, and the Sea of ​​Karma, but this is not difficult for Xu Changqing, because there is the world of blood and fog in the demon world. For reference, it took Xu Changqing half a month to quickly open up a special two-world passage leading to three places by using the energy of the six paths of reincarnation.This passage between the two worlds cannot pass through living things, but it has no restrictions on the ghosts of the underworld. Not only the strongest ghosts of the underworld can pass through, but even ordinary ghosts of the underworld can go to three places through these three passages .

The only flaw is that there is no special sealed world like the Blood Mist World to support these ghost races from all walks of life to suppress them, so the suppression and restrictions they endure are far more than what the ghost races in the Blood Mist World have suffered. Suppression and restriction are much greater.Take the strongest ten ghosts from the underworld as an example. Even if they were suppressed after entering the blood mist world, they could still maintain the strongest state at the highest level of the three realms of Kunlun, but they entered the Sea of ​​Karma or Sumeru After the Nine Times outside the Lingshan Mountain, their strength will suddenly drop to the peak of Void Return.

Fortunately, when these underworld ghosts travel to other worlds, they will be contaminated with some of the six samsara energy of this world. As long as they don't leave the influence range of the exit of the two-world passage too far, most of their strength can still be preserved, enough for them to survive. Protect yourself in three places.

Although Sun Xianzhi, who incarnated the Ksitigarbha Dharma King of the Underworld, did not inform Xu Changqing of his connection with Li Qianqiu, the spiritual incarnation of the Demonic Dao Tianshu, and that he conspired to establish the Six Realms of Reincarnation, Xu Changqing did not feel any displeasure, nor did he blame him.It was only after Xu Changqing sent the Qi of Six Paths of Reincarnation in those three places into the underworld, Sun Xianzhi immediately understood that his affairs had been ruled by Xu Changqing, so he took the initiative to plead guilty to Xu Changqing.

In this regard, Xu Changqing did not say anything, but still followed his idea to hand over the power of the six paths of reincarnation, the three passages opened up, and the passage leading to the blood mist world of the demon world to Sun Xianzhi's management, instead of ghosts who paid more attention to this passage. In the hands of the Lord of the Nether, the king of the clan.In this regard, although the Nether Lord was a little displeased, he did not ask Xu Changqing for it, but silently discussed with Sun Xianzhi the number of ghosts from the underworld that would be sent to other worlds every month.

Because of the three successful examples, Xu Changqing also changed the two-world passage leading to the blood mist world of the demon world, although it could not allow more than a dozen strong ghosts from the underworld to pass freely like the two-world passage leading to the Karma Sea , but it is still no problem to maintain the passage of the general bottom ghost race.It is precisely because of the increased restrictions on the objects of passage that the suppressors that maintain the core of the passage between the two worlds are also lightened. Xu Changqing no longer has to wait for Zhu Yan's avatar to get the Confucian suppressors from the Immortal Palace. After being controlled, it can also be used. If this Void Hidden Magic Treasure is used as a suppressor, I believe the effect will be even better. (To be continued. If you like this work, you are welcome to vote for recommendations and monthly tickets. Your support is my biggest motivation. )

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