Nine idlers

Chapter 850

When outsiders mention Immortal Palace, they will think of the three heavens of Immortal Palace, Xiaoyuntian, Xuanyuantian and Hunyuantian.In the eyes of outsiders, the three heavens of Asgard should be one, but in fact it is not.

In the eyes of the Yaozu in the Immortal Palace, Hunyuantian and Xuanyuan Genius are the Immortal Palace, while Xiaoyuntian is the lower realm, and its lowliness is equivalent to the fairyland and mortal realm of the inner door Lingshan.In terms of geography, this division is indeed correct.

Among the three heavens, the Hunyuan Heaven and the Xuanyuan Heaven are one, and their geographical boundaries are closely connected. If it is not for the difference in the strength of the spiritual energy caused by the gap between the spiritual veins, if there is a clear gap between the two heavens, I am afraid that the Immortal Palace will also It will not be divided into two.

As for Xiao Yuntian and Xuan Yuantian, although they can't be regarded as completely separated from the two worlds, they are similar.It is like a completely foreign land that has been forcibly kneaded to the edge of Xuanyuantian by human force. Except for more than ten human-guided spiritual veins connecting the two places, there is no big difference between the two places. contacted.

The Wanyao Mountain Range is right at the junction of Xiaoyuntian and Xuanyuantian, and it is also the only way to enter Xuanyuantian from Xiaoyuntian.Perhaps a person with great ability can directly cross the void and travel between the two heavens, but if there is no direction to guide, the crossing may only be a dead end.

Because the aura of the two heavens is different in intensity, the Wanyao Mountain Range was also cut off in the middle, forcibly divided into an upper bound and a lower bound.In the lower realm of the Wanyao Mountains, the monster races are mainly beast monster races that have not transformed into forms, but can already cultivate. They live in tribes. Although they are civilized, they are very primitive, which is equivalent to the ancient era of slash-and-burn cultivation in the secular world. Similarly, the vast majority of monster races still retain the animal nature of eating blood.As for the upper realm of the Wanyao Mountain Range, most of them are monster races that have already transformed. They are no different from ordinary people, and their overall strength is naturally higher than that of the lower realm.

Although it is often rumored in the outside world that the upper and lower realms of the Wanyao Mountain Range are at odds, or even opposing each other, for the demon clans of the Ten Thousand Monster Mountain Range, the demon clans of the two realms are still in harmony, although there will be some small frictions from time to time.But these are just the natural feuds of some monster clans, and will not affect the overall situation of the entire Wanyao Mountain Range.The monster clans in the upper and lower realms may be low-level, but they also have a blood relationship with each other. After transforming, most of the monster clans in the lower realm will practice higher methods as if they were the corresponding monster clan families in the upper realm. Only a small number of Yaozu who feel that they cannot continue to practice will stay in the tribe.Because of the connection of this layer of blood and race.This makes the relationship between the upper and lower monster races far closer than outsiders guessed.

This time, the Nine Flames Demon Lord commanded the Immortal Army of the Demon God Palace to crusade against the Heavenly Army of the Hundred Clans who had rebelled halfway, and entered the lower realm of the Wanyao Mountain Range.Before the lower realm monster tribe asked for help from the upper realm monster clan family.The family of the monster clan in the upper realm has already sent many elite disciples to help, resisting the advance of the fairy army of the Demon God Palace.So that the Nine Flames Demon Lord felt that there was no opportunity to take advantage of, and he had to withdraw from the Wanyao Mountain Range without achieving the original plan to defeat the Hundred Clans Town Tian Army.

This incident also made outsiders see clearly that the demon tribes in the Wanyao Mountain Range are not as scattered as they imagined. Once encountering foreign enemies, perhaps the two tribes of demon tribes that seemed to be deadly enemies would unite and fight together.However, apart from this, there are other impacts caused by the Nine Flames Demon Lord's attack on the Wanyao Mountain Range this time.It is not so beneficial to the Wan Yao Mountain Range.

Because of the relationship with the Xuanyuantian Yaozu family in Xiangong, the methods that the Yaozu in the Wanyao Mountains cultivated from the beginning were all middle-grade or above methods, which are much better than the methods of some sects passing on their families. , and the other assistance they received in Asgard was far from comparable to other Xiao Yuntian forces.For a long time, the Wanyao Mountains have regarded themselves as Xiao Yuntian's orthodox identity, thinking that Xiao Yuntian should be dominated by them, and most of them treat other forces with a rather arrogant and overlooking view.

However.This time, the Nine Flames Demon Lord's move to sweep the Wanyao Mountains completely shattered the arrogance of these demon clans. The Hundred Clans Tiantian Army, which they had placed high hopes on, was vulnerable. He was able to flee in the face of the wind, and did not stop his escape until he gathered the elite of the upper world's monster family.

This incident caused Wan Yao Mountain to lose face. What really caused Wan Yao Mountain's headache was when Demon Lord Nine Flames was evacuating.Abducting nearly [-]% of the demon tribes in the lower realm together has created an unprecedented regional vacuum phenomenon in the lower realm of the Wanyao Mountain Range.Although most of the demon tribes that were taken away were low-level tribes, they were the foundation of the upper realm demon families. Almost half of the members of the upper realm demon families came from these tribes. It is equivalent to cutting off the bloodlines of these monster families, and its image is profound enough to change the appearance of all the monster tribes in the Wanyao Mountain Range.

It is precisely because of the large number of vacancies in the areas controlled by the various monster clans that when the Nine Flames Demon Lord retreated.The various monster tribes in the lower realm did not choose to pursue the Nine Flames Demon Lord, but instead began to expand their territory, seizing the vacant areas that were vacated due to the kidnapping of the monster tribes.After losing a strong enemy, the Yaozu tribes that were originally united to the outside world are no longer in harmony. All Yaozu chose the most primitive and fair method to determine the re-division of vacant areas. This method is to convince people with force.Therefore, the flames of war in the Wanyao Mountain Range not only did not subside after the departure of the Nine Flames Demon Lord, but intensified. He was secretly involved in this turmoil.

The reason for the turmoil in the Wanyao Mountains this time is entirely due to the rebellion of the Hundred Clans Town Tianjun and their abandonment of the alliance with the Demon God Temple.It stands to reason that as the commander of the Hundred Clans Suppressing Heavenly Army, Bai Jingxu and the others bear unshirkable responsibility for this catastrophe, so they must be dismissed from office and imprisoned for punishment.But the fact is quite the opposite. Not only was Bai Jingxu not punished, but she continued to serve as the commander-in-chief of the Heavenly Army of Hundred Clans.Moreover, this Yaozu fairy army temporarily privately built by the Yaozu in the Wanyao Mountain Range has been recognized by the Immortal Palace. The Immortal Palace not only sent people to expand this army, but also established a new Dadian Town based on it. The Temple of Heaven, and the new master of the palace is naturally Bai Jingxu.

Yunding City is located at the intersection of the upper and lower realms of the Wanyao Mountains, because the towering peaks on both sides of the sky ridges block most of the connecting roads between the upper and lower realms, making this a natural pass.It is impossible to test who built the city in the first place to guard the vital points, but it is certain that it is definitely not the monster race of the fairy palace, because the lower city buildings and the city wall circle of Yunding City show traces of the inner sect Lingshan Xianjia sect everywhere .

Because of the importance of this place, other people can easily obtain huge benefits as long as they control this area and collect taxes from the monster clans that travel between the upper and lower realms.In order to fight for the control of the city, the Yaozu tribes of the Wanyao Mountains also fought several times. The Yaozu tribe also became deadly enemies because of this incident.In the end, under the mediation of Xiangong, the control of this pass city fell into the hands of various monster tribes in a rotating manner, and each monster tribe had ten years of control.

To commemorate this agreement, Xiangong sent people to build a sky city similar to the floating city of War Demon City.It's just that compared to the floating city on War Demon City, this air fortress is bigger, and it can't move around, it can only be suspended in the sky above Yunding City.In order to distinguish the status of the two cities, the Yaozu of the Wanyao Mountain Range called the Yunding City built by the unknown Neimen Lingshan Immortal the lower city, while the air fortress was called the upper city.

Now the upper city of Yunding City has become the Tiantian Palace, which belongs to Bai Jingxu. Although Yunding City has been taken over by the Qianshui Yang Yao Clan, in fact, with the Qianshui Yang Monster Clan being taken over by the Nine Flame Demon Jun kidnapped, and the clansmen who stayed in Yunding City could no longer control Yunding City.With Xiangong intervening, the control of Yunding City has also been handed over to Bai Jingxu. If there is no accident, this control will last for a long time, even forever.

Right now, Bai Jingxu and her subordinates are all quietly staying in the Guantian Pavilion in the upper city of Yunding City, waiting for this order from Xuan Yuantian.

During the process of the Nine Flames Demon Monarch commanding the Immortal Army of the Devil God Palace to hunt down and kill the Hundred Clans Town Tian Army, it can be said that the Hundred Clans Town Tian Army suffered heavy losses, with a reduction of as many as [-]%. The Demon Lord retreated in due course, maybe the Hundred Clans Town Tianjun has been expelled by now.

Although the Hundred Clans Town Tianjun suffered heavy losses, it was very beneficial to Bai Jingxu, because most of the people who lost were forces that were not under her control, while the commanders who really belonged to her control survived.These subordinates have played a very important role in the rebuilding process of the Hundred Clans Town Heavenly Army. Otherwise, no matter how powerful Bai Jingxu is, it may be difficult for the Hundred Clans Town Heavenly Army to be reorganized and controlled in such a short period of time. The real power of Yunding City.

Perhaps it was because the casualties of the Baizu Zhentian Army were so strange that after the Nine Flames Demon Lord withdrew, many people in the Wanyao Mountains suspected that Bai Jingxu had tampered with it when he was fighting the Nine Flames Demon Lord. Let those who are not under her control block the Nine Flames Demon Lord.Some people even suspect that Bai Jingxu and Nine Flame Demon Lord are secretly cooperating, and they each produce dissidents under their command. After all, Nine Flame Demon Lord and Bai Jingxu once had a very shallow relationship, which is not a rumor.

However, these accusations and doubts were finally dissipated after the people from Asgard Palace canonized Bai Jingxu as the new Hall Master.Although the Wanyao Mountain Range has never belonged to the Immortal Palace in name and in essence, and the demon clans of the Ten Thousand Monster Mountain Range also claim to be free, the influence of the Immortal Palace on these demon clans is still extremely huge, especially the internal chaos in the Ten Thousand Monster Mountain Range. While chattering, some actions of Asgard are enough to have an extraordinary impact on the situation.As it is now, Immortal Palace lifted Bai Jingxu, who should have been knocked down into the abyss, to the clouds with just a paper seal, and controlled Yunding City, which was supposed to be absolutely controlled by hundreds of clans in the Wanyao Mountain Range, in disguised form. , the timing is so accurate that people have to doubt the real intention of Xiangong secretly instructing Bai Jingxu to turn against the water. (To be continued. If you like this work, you are welcome to vote for recommendations and monthly tickets. Your support is my biggest motivation. )

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