Nine idlers

Chapter 862

The reason why Xu Changqing treated the blue-faced giant differently, and didn't get trapped in the palm of the hand with the thunder monster, was to learn about Duowen Temple from the mouth of the blue-faced giant.

When Xu Changqing collected information on all the Asgard forces, he specifically collected information about Duowendian, but the information he collected was no different from the information in the hands of most of the Astoria forces. From the beginning to the end, Duowendian was outside People's eyes seem to be covered with a veil, people can see a general outline, but they still can't figure out the details.

If there are forces in the entire Immortal Palace worthy of Xu Changqing's scruples, the Duowen Palace is definitely one, and its ranking is definitely above the Great Saint Hall and the Kunpeng Hall, and it is almost on par with the Supreme Elder Hall, which is the foundation of the Immortal Palace. .Xu Changqing, who always likes to plot secretly, is very clear that compared with those opponents on the bright side, enemies in the dark are more terrifying and dangerous, especially those enemies that are so deeply hidden that people cannot be sure whether they exist or not are the most dangerous.

Xu Changqing checked some records related to the Duowen Palace. Although these records were all listed by the Immortal Palace, there were not many restrictions on the master of the palace like Xu Changqing.In his opinion, the Duowen Temple of the Immortal Palace is like the White Lotus Sect in the secular world. It is clear that the ancient court knew that there was such an underground force, and they repeatedly suppressed it, but it was never completely wiped out. Resurrected.Moreover, after repeated suppressions, the national strength was severely damaged, and eventually declined day by day, which actually cut off one's own national destiny.

The current situation of the Immortal Palace is also similar to that of the secular court at that time. The degree of secrecy of the Duowen Palace even exceeds that of the White Lotus Sect. Other than that, no one has found out the surnames of the other palace masters.Although every time the Duowen Palace is cleared up, there will be some gains, but it has never touched its core strength. They are all marginal figures, and most of these people's identities are mostly middle and low-level, not enough to get in touch with the core of the Immortal Palace. Therefore, the members of the Duowen Temple among the upper-level powerhouses of the Immortal Palace have not been found out.It is precisely because I realized that if I continue to check like this.Even if the Duowen Palace is wiped out, the Immortal Palace will be seriously injured, so the Immortal Palace will stop the suppression of the Duowen Palace.

Such a hidden force that has been integrated with Asgard is definitely an unexpected existence, and it has mastered a large number of secrets and anecdotes of Asgard, and even countless secrets of Asgard from ancient times to the present. Small actions can affect the power changes of Asgard.It can more indirectly affect the changes in the situation in the Three Realms.Therefore, Xu Changqing wanted to find out Duowendian from a very early age.And while forming the Counseling Department of the Demon God Temple, he also secretly ordered Chaoyin to investigate this matter.In his view, even if you can't hold it in your hands, you must know its membership, so that you can take action in time to set things right when something unexpected happens.

It's just that the eyes and ears of the Counseling Department have been preliminarily established, but there is still no clue about the matter of Duowendian, and even marginal figures cannot be found out, only a method to buy information from Duowendian.Xu Changqing also tried to see if he could lure the snake out of the hole by purchasing information.But in the end, what they found were a few monster clans who were not even regarded as fringe figures. Not to mention they knew about Duowendian, these people didn't even know that they were working for Duowendian.And Xu Changqing also tried to find out the upline existence who ordered them to do things from the causal line on them, but the other party seemed to have some kind of magic weapon that could cut off the cause and effect. Xu Changqing's investigation came out.In the end, Xu Changqing spent a lot of effort.The only useful clue is that these people's uplines are not monsters, they don't have any monster aura, and they are practicing Taoism.

At the very beginning, Xu Changqing thought of the Human Palace, because he was able to get the secrets of the upper layers of the Immortal Palace, and he was also a human race.Moreover, the only way to practice Taoism and immortality is the Hall of Humanity.It's just that he quickly denied this guess, because this human race should be only a peripheral member of the Duowen Temple, otherwise he would not have been sent to contact these chess pieces that are not even considered as alternate members and can be discarded at any time.In this way, there are more and more suspects, and it is absolutely impossible for such a fringe member to have the kind of treasure that can cut off cause and effect, only the master of the Duowen Palace can have it.After all, the first-generation master of Duowen Temple has the blood of listening to truth, and practiced the Ksitigarbha method, which is best at cutting off cause and effect in Buddhism.He may not leave some secret treasures for the later successors, but he can protect all members from being found out by the method of cause and effect. It made Xu Changqing even more scrupulous.

Before, Xu Changqing and Kong Daomiao, who leaned over Bai Jingxu, talked about the things they talked about, which also made Xu Changqing feel that the recent undercurrent of the Immortal Palace is likely to be driven by someone underneath, and no matter how you look at Duowendian, it is possible Get involved.Not many people should know about the loss of Kong Daomiao's inheritance treasure of the palace lord, and few people should know that the inheritance treasure was left in the Demon God's Palace, but now everyone in the fairy palace knows it. If it is not for Kong Dao If Miao himself said it, then only Duowendian, who knew all kinds of secrets and secrets of Asgard Palace like the palm of his hand, had the ability to get this information.

After thinking about this, Xu Changqing also thought about it these days, to see if he could use the pawn of the Demon God Palace to take advantage of the opportunity inside the Immortal Palace to pull out the Duowen Palace from the ground.But I didn't expect that before anyone entered Xuanyuantian, he had already met people from the Duowen Palace, and judging from the strength of the blue-faced giant's cultivation base and his situation in the Kunpeng Palace, even if he was not the core in the Duowen Palace Members, or perhaps marginal figures close to the core, should be able to get some useful clues from him.

"I didn't expect Palace Lord Zhou to be curious about me." Facing Xu Changqing's questioning, the blue-faced giant was only a little surprised. He pretended to be relaxed, and said: "As long as Palace Master Zhou joins my Duowen Palace, the location of Duowen Palace will naturally be known."

Xu Changqing said slightly teasingly: "Okay, I agree to join Duowen Palace, can you tell me where you are?"

Hearing Xu Changqing's words, the blue-faced giant didn't understand for a while, his expression was stunned, and soon he said a little annoyed: "The majestic master of the palace, it's too much, too much..."

For a while, the blue-faced giant didn't know what words to use to describe Xu Changqing's actions. He had met many people in the fairy palace for so many years, but no matter who they spoke or behaved, they would match their identities.However, the lord of the palace like Xu Changqing should maintain a serious and serious manner, but he is like a low-level three-educated and low-level person who speaks nonsense, scoundrels and despicables, which really makes him unable to deal with it for a while.

"Is there any other ceremony for entering the temple?" Xu Changqing didn't intend to stop there, and continued to tease: "You can also take me to meet someone who can perform the ceremony, or tell me where the person is, and I will find it myself also."

Hearing Xu Changqing's question, the blue-faced giant, who didn't know how to answer or refute, simply closed his eyes and meditated, as if he didn't say anything, didn't do anything, just kill me.

Xu Changqing smiled lightly and said: "Do you think that if you don't speak, I will have nothing to do with you? There are so many soul searching methods in the world. If I use this method on you, can you still hide the secret?"

Hearing this, the blue-faced giant opened his eyes instead, but he was not frightened by Xu Changqing, but glanced at Xu Changqing with a slightly contemptuous look, and said: "If Lord Zhou thinks that the method of searching for gods is useful If it is used, even if it is used on me, I really want to try the feeling of being soul-searched."

"Alright! I also want to try some way to resist my soul-searching method." Xu Changqing already knew from the attitude of the green-faced giant that Duowendian had tampered with the souls of his members, and his soul-searching method It is impossible for the method to be useful, but he is suspicious by nature. If he does not try it himself, he will not believe what others say, so under the contemptuous eyes of the other party, he directly stretched out his hand and pressed it on the top of the blue-faced giant's head, and injected it into his body. A mana.

The rope that binds the green-faced giant is a rope that Xu Changqing made himself by imitating the fairy rope bound by the Lingshan Xianlutang of the outer sect. It contains various magical methods such as the seal of prohibition and punishment. The mana will be completely imprisoned, even the soul can't move.If there is a strong person who can break free from the confinement, then the rope will absorb the other party's strength on its own, enhancing its own confinement power, and finally achieve the effect of getting stronger and stronger.The only disadvantage of this treasure is that it is too eye-catching to cast, and the casting speed is also very slow. When it is used normally, even the earth immortals of the right way can easily avoid it. play out.

Xu Changqing's mana entered into the blue-faced giant's soul without any hindrance, and then flipped through the blue-faced giant's soul like a book, but just like the self-confidence shown by the blue-faced giant, he did not start from the other. Find anything useful in the soul, not even anything related to Duowen Temple.It's just that he didn't get nothing at all. Although he didn't find any useful memories from the soul, he found a trace of reincarnation from the life energy contained in the soul itself.

The place where this trace of samsara appears is very strange, it is in the natal qi of the soul core of the blue-faced giant, and it is completely compatible with its natal qi, without a trace of rejection, just like the trace of samsara that the blue-faced giant was born with. It seems to exist.

Xu Changqing seemed to realize something, and tried to force a power of divine sense mixed with information about Duowen Temple into the soul of the blue-faced giant.At the moment when this divine thought merged into the soul, the samsara, which had not moved at all, immediately began to circulate, swallowing this memory related to the Duowen Palace, and made the blue-faced giant's soul feel the same as Duowendian. Cognition has always remained a blank state.state. (To be continued. If you like this work, you are welcome to vote for recommendations and monthly tickets. Your support is my biggest motivation. )

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