Nine idlers

Chapter 866

"That's right! This tribulation thunder just makes up for my recent consumption." In the Blood God Sect, Puhua's avatar swallowed the thunder dragon sent by Zhu Yan's avatar in one gulp. Smiling, he said: "If there is still such a good thing, call me! After swallowing about ten thunderstorms, my cultivation base should be able to go a step further and reach the half-step Xeon peak."

"How can there be such a good thing!" Zhu Yan's avatar on the Yunye Plain in the Immortal Palace cast a spell to seal the gap in the universe in his palm, shook his head, and said: "This thing can only be an exception, just for me to capture A few half-step Xeon Yaoxians who are about to break through the realm happen to break through the realm in the universe in the palm, and it happens that the robbery cloud appears in the universe in the palm, so your chaotic sky thunder can swallow the robbery thunder and the robbery cloud together. If These monster clan powerhouses are breaking through the realm outside, and Jieyun is condensing outside. I am afraid that before your chaotic sky thunder can swallow Jieyun, the Kunlun Heavenly Dao has already destroyed this sky thunder that should not have appeared in the Three Realms. It was taken away. So don’t think too much about such things, you can’t ask for it.” After speaking, he no longer paid attention to the generalized avatar, but sent a divine thought to Jinxian’s body, saying: “With me Your cultivation level is not enough to send this universe in your palm to the Demon Realm, you better come! Although the movement will be louder, there is no other way."

Jinxian didn't say much, and shot directly, and saw a huge hole suddenly appeared above Zhu Yan's avatar, as if a giant beast the size of heaven and earth had swallowed the sky, and then saw a ray of light Shooting from the hole, it directly hit the Qiankun in the palm of Zhu Yan's avatar, and it was retracted instantly, and the hole disappeared at the same time.Almost at the same time that the hole here disappeared, a huge hole also appeared out of thin air in the blood mist world of the demon world, and then the Qiankun in the palm that had been taken away was spit out from it and fell into the blood mist world. Unlimited expansion becomes bigger.It merged with the blood mist world, and finally all the power contained in the universe in the palm completely disappeared in the thick blood mist power.

When that ray of light appeared, the entire Kunlun Three Realms emitted a cataclysm full of destructive aura. This catastrophe appeared out of thin air without any warning in advance. All the immortals, demons, Buddhas and demons in the three realms of Kunlun felt this calamity.Even the Holy Ruins attached to the Three Realms of Kunlun felt the catastrophe.The invisible power formed by the tribulation qi easily penetrated the physical bodies and mana of all immortals, demons, Buddhas and demons.It directly affected their souls and primordial spirits, making them feel almost at the same time that the catastrophe of heaven and earth was about to fall, and a kind of inexplicable fear also arose accordingly.

Fortunately, this catastrophe came suddenly and went strangely. Before the immortals, Buddhas and demons in the three realms of Kunlun realized what was going on, they disappeared without a trace. The speed was so fast that most people were shocked I couldn't help thinking that what I just felt was an illusion.Only a few powerhouses who have really touched the heavens of the Kunlun Three Realms can clearly feel the golden fairy mana that caused the Kunlun Three Realms catastrophe. Most of them were overwhelmed by this power far beyond their imagination. A few seem to know something.The expression on his face remained calm.

Although the backlash from heaven caused by the golden fairy's mana could not cause any damage to the golden fairy's body in the chaotic void, it was enough to affect the five clones in the three realms of Kunlun, and they all received some impact to varying degrees.Because of the direct contact with the Golden Immortal's mana, Zhu Yan's avatar was hit the hardest. The coercion formed by the heavenly calamity almost crushed the bones of this little celestial celestial being, and it took him a long time to get over it. Come on.

Although Xu Changqing had long expected that Jinxian's mana would not pass through the avatar as a springboard, and entering the Kunlun Three Realms directly from the chaotic void would cause a huge reaction.But I didn't expect the reaction to be so great.In the past, he borrowed Jinxian's mana through his avatar more than once to enter the three realms of Kunlun. Although it caused some abnormalities, it was still within his own control, unlike now that he was completely out of control. Arrived in the devil world.As a result of this tribulation of the Three Realms not being fully formed, perhaps at this moment Xu Changqing's avatars in various parts of the Three Realms have been destroyed by the Backlash of the Three Realms.

"The power of the sky is unpredictable!" Zhu Yanfen, who had recovered most of his injuries, secretly said to himself with lingering fear.

Although there were some twists and turns in the middle, the result was still good. Not only did he get an innate source of energy, but he also got an extinct karmic insect in ancient times, plus the pair of wind and thunder wings that had not yet grown up. far exceeded expectations.The only regret is that this karmic worm doesn't know what it has transformed into.There are no clues to find out, no spells to find out, everything can only be known when it shows its own power.

After thinking about it for a while, Xu Changqing still sent the karmic insects and innate source energy to Puhua's avatar according to the original plan.Although Xu Changqing didn't know what power the karma possessed after its metamorphosis, but since he had planned to give it to Huang Juan in advance, he didn't need to know the details. chance and fortune.In addition, he also handed over the wings of Fenglei to Puhua's avatar, which is the incarnation of Chaos Sky Thunder, and the Puhua's avatar is the best candidate to use this treasure. Bao fully grown up and restored the power of ancient times.

Xu Changqing checked the situation of Qiankun in his palm blending into the blood mist world through the clone of the devil emperor. Without Xu Changqing's mana support, coupled with the erosive power of the blood mist itself, the seal of Qiankun in his palm quickly dissipated.However, the sealed world that imprisoned those strong monsters has not disappeared, it has just changed from an illusory world built by mana and supernatural powers to another real world built by entities.Due to the unexpectedly good effect of the universe in the palm, the Devil Emperor avatar who has entered the Eastern Demon Realm also used other means to control the power in the blood mist world to form a seal similar to the universe in the palm, enclosing all the strong monsters. They were all trapped in the center of the blood mist world.Not only that, even if the demons from the outside world break into it, they will still be trapped inside. The ever-increasing number of sparring partners will surely allow people in the Qiankun world to quickly adapt to the magic and supernatural powers of the Kunlun Three Realms.

After checking that everything was correct, Xu Changqing made Zhu Yan's avatar ready to leave, and continued on the road to the Xuanyuantian Great Sacred Hall.It's just that when he was about to leave, he suddenly stopped and looked at the ground, as if he found something strange.Following his casual move, a wave of magic power rolled up an object on the ground like a whirlwind and flew into his hand.

This item was the spike that the fogman used to attack Xu Changqing just now. Although the sneak attack did not cause any damage to Zhu Yan's avatar, it was just because the fogman's strength was weak, and it did not mean that this magic weapon was weak.

Just now, because he had to deal with the fog man and the universe in his palm, Xu Changqing didn't pay too much attention to the magic weapon that fell on the ground, and he completely forgot about it just now. The destructive breath, maybe he has already left.

After taking this magic weapon back and inspecting it carefully, Xu Changqing discovered that this magic weapon was not as simple as it appeared on the surface.The material used to make this magic weapon is not good. It is a kind of acquired spiritual material called Qiandu Iron Heart. This kind of spiritual material is definitely a treasure in the world, but it is only used to refine the low-grade magic weapon embryo in the Kunlun Three Realms The auxiliary material spirit material, the refining method is also very rough, using the ground fire forge instead of the spirit flame.

Normally, with such materials and crude forging techniques, it is absolutely impossible for the refined thing to be a treasure of the level of magic weapon, but it just so happens that the level of this magic weapon is far beyond common sense judgment.If the grade of this treasure is determined according to the classification of the grades of various magical treasures in the Kunlun Three Realms, then this treasure must definitely be classified as a fairy treasure, because there is a destructive aura in this treasure.

Xu Changqing didn't know where this destructive aura came from, because he could only feel the vastness of the years and a trace of the ancient prehistoric aura from this destructive aura, and there were no other more useful clues other than this.But he can be sure of one thing, that is, the person or thing that endowed this magic weapon with the destructive aura must have mastered the power of the source of the destructive aura, and this power is a powerful enough to pose a threat to the golden fairy itself .

Just now, due to the barrier of Zhu Yan's avatar's own magic power and the lack of cultivation of the Wuman, it was impossible to break through the physical defense of Zhu Yan's avatar, so the power of this treasure was not revealed.But now after Xu Changqing inspected the treasure, he felt a little scared, because if the destructive aura contained in the treasure invaded Zhu Yan's body, it would cause irreparable damage to Zhu Yan's clone.If the backlash from the Heavenly Dao of the Three Realms of Kunlun caused by the mana of the Golden Immortal just now caused great damage to the body of Zhu Yan's avatar, then if this destructive aura penetrated into the body of Zhu Yan's avatar, it could cause a backlash equivalent to the backlash of the Heavenly Dao of the Three Realms of Kunlun harm.It's just that the object of this kind of damage is the soul of Zhu Yan's avatar, and it may even directly cast through the connection of the main body avatar, attacking the Jinxian's main body far away in the chaotic void.

Just the destructive aura attached to a rough magic weapon has such a powerful destructive power, so one can imagine how powerful the source of the destructive aura is.Although in terms of destructive power alone, this kind of power cannot be compared with the destructive powers such as the Four Swords of Zhu Xian and the Great Destroyer Sword Power, but in terms of the effect of attacking the soul and soul, it is absolutely incomparable How many.Inferring from this, it is not difficult to guess that the power to destroy the source of the breath is probably an ancient prehistoric spirit treasure specially used to attack the primordial spirit and soul.

Thinking of this, the names of several treasures quickly appeared in Xu Changqing's mind, guessing which prehistoric spirit treasure could be preserved in the prehistoric catastrophe, and finally he locked on a name. (To be continued. If you like this work, you are welcome to vote for recommendations and monthly tickets. Your support is my biggest motivation. )

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