Nine idlers

Chapter 872

When Zhu Yan's avatar left the core area of ​​the Zushan world, the power of the law of heaven in the surrounding world formed a powerful crushing force on Xu Changqing, as if he wanted to keep Xu Changqing in the core area of ​​the world forever and assimilate with the world.However, at this moment, Zhu Yan's avatar was further tempered by Bu Zhoushan's power, and the Life Essence and blood of the Monkey King was enhanced, and it was more perfectly fused with Zhu Yan's avatar, making Zhu Yan's avatar transformed into a four-armed Tian Zhu hate.Although the blood has become mixed, the physical body has become stronger, and these scattered powers of the law of heaven that were able to pose some threats to his physical body can only hurt him a little bit now.On the way out of the core area, there was no danger, and he returned to the place where he entered the world before, waiting for Gu Hanxu to open the exit.

Taking advantage of this gap, Xu Changqing also distractedly observed those memories and divine thoughts that were sealed and preserved.

Because of his experience in sorting out Zhen Yuanzi's memories, Xu Changqing didn't need to think about sorting out countermeasures in advance, he just needed to apply the previous method of sorting out Zhen Yuanzi's memories.

Soon Xu Changqing discovered that, compared with Zhen Yuanzi's memory, these memory spirits that forcibly drilled into the three-point soul are complete memories, not as incomplete as Zhen Yuanzi's memory, and every spirit The thoughts are the memories of a person's entire life. It feels like the memories of countless people have condensed into individual memory thoughts. They have no owner and no way to do them.

It's just that Xu Changqing was not confused by this superficial illusion. Although it seemed that all the memory thoughts were separate individuals, when Xu Changqing sealed them up, he could feel that all the memory thoughts were emanating. The same kind of divine breath.And this breath of soul is exactly the breath of power on the Panshan Dragon Tortoise's shell.Possesses this special breath of power.Plus the process of obtaining these memory spirits.Numerous clues made it easy for Xu Changqing to guess that these memory spirits should have originated from the stone tablet of the mountain gate, or more correctly, the essence and blood of the Panshan dragon tortoise that had been refined by Gu Hanxu in the stone tablet inside the mountain gate.

Perhaps it is precisely because of the integrity and independence of these memory spirits that these memory spirits present a disordered and chaotic state in memory connection.Although Zhen Yuanzi's memory is incomplete, but because these incomplete memories are compiled according to Zhen Yuanzi's life experience, the whole is as clear as a chronicle with traces.Easy to find.But now these memories are completely chaotic, there is no priority, no sequence, on the surface they seem to exist independently, but in fact the memories in these divine thoughts are intertwined and cannot be separated. Once they are separated or arranged incorrectly, they will return to appear. Memory confusion, memory faults and so on.

Fortunately, Xu Changqing quickly found the core of the problem, since he already knew that these memory spirits originated from the essence and blood of Panshan Dragon Turtle.Then he only needs to find the Panshan Dragon Tortoise's memory spirit among these memory spirits, depending on how familiar he is with the breath of the Panshan Dragon Tortoise.It is not difficult to find out the memory spirit of Panshan Dragon Tortoise.

Soon Xu Changqing found the target he was looking for from a pile of messy memories, but what surprised him was that the target was much younger than he imagined.The memory spirit he found was not as powerful as he thought, but was the weakest one among all the memory spirits, and it felt as if it could be easily smashed apart with a little force.If it wasn't for the Panshan Dragon Tortoise aura contained in this memory spirit, which is much purer than other memory spirits, he might think that he has found the wrong person.

The traces of erosion on the memory spirit are very obvious. With Xu Changqing's wisdom, it is easy to find out from these traces the reason why the Panshan Dragon Turtle's memory spirit is so weak at the core. He said to himself: "It seems that this is caused by the loss of the essence and blood of the dragon tortoise! ​​If Gu Hanxu hadn't moved the ancestor spirit of the dragon tortoise here, so that this memory spirit can be maintained by the power of the ancestor of the dragon tortoise, maybe It has already dissipated. In addition, the change of Zhu Yan's avatar must also be related to this, and it is very good that it can still be preserved now."

While talking to himself, Xu Changqing did not stop casting spells, and extended his divine sense into this memory divine sense to explore the relevant memories contained in it.Although this memory spirit is very weak, it has not damaged any memory stored in it and is still intact.

As Xu Changqing expected, this memory spirit contained all the memories of an ancient Panshan dragon tortoise since he became psychic, and the vastness of the content contained far exceeded Zhen Yuanzi's remaining memories.No wonder the soul of Zhu Yan's avatar is so weird and can't remember any content at all. Such a huge memory pours into the primordial spirit, let alone the soul of Zhu Yan's avatar that has only reached the middle-level to the strongest, I am afraid it is an ordinary golden soul. The immortal's primordial spirit and soul cannot bear the huge external memory.

Fortunately, the Panshan Dragon Tortoise that buried this memory spirit back then made a little protection mistake in the spirit thought. The memory spirit will be automatically withdrawn before the person who bears the memory reaches the limit, so as not to cause fatal damage to the person who bears the memory. On the contrary, it will further temper its soul.Thinking about it, Gu Hanxu should also have received a baptism of memory and divine sense back then, but like Zhu Yan's avatar, he probably wouldn't know the real reason, and would only recognize that it was the benefit of absorbing the essence and blood of Panshan Dragon Turtle.

Although Xu Changqing is also a Golden Immortal cultivator, his Dao realm is already close to the realm of the Daluo Golden Immortal, and the Yuanshen is three points, and the Yuanshen's endurance is more than three times that of ordinary Jinxian Yuanshen.After such a huge influx of memories of the ancient Panshan dragon tortoise, even though it still had a considerable impact on him, such as headaches, dizziness, distraction, etc., he was always able to guard his mind and orderly store the influx of memories. Sort and organize to quickly relieve the oppression of these memories on the primordial spirit.

Although the process of sorting out the memories of Jinxian Body Yuanshen was very long, it was actually only a short while.Xu Changqing did not classify these memories in the same way he treated Zhen Yuanzi's incomplete memories, and absorbed them one by one. Instead, he roughly absorbed a general idea, knowing the general experience of the Panshan Dragon Turtle's life, and then through analysis and comparison, related to it. The memory spirits were sorted out, and a memory tree with a thin trunk and lush branches was formed in the primordial spirit.Then Xu Changqing sent this memory tree condensed with the memory spirit to the shade of the eight-treasure glazed ginseng fruit tree, and overlapped with it.

These memory spirits are different from Zhen Yuanzi's incomplete memory. Xu Changqing has received the inheritance of Zhen Yuanzi, and has the eight-treasure glazed ginseng fruit tree Yuanshen. As long as he is willing, Zhen Yuanzi's remaining memories can be preserved forever and will not dissipate .But the foundation of these memory spirits is in the blood essence of the Panshan dragon tortoise. Now that the blood essence of the Panshan dragon tortoise has been extracted by Gu Hanxu, these memory spirits are equivalent to rootless duckweed. The turtle's memory spirit disappears, and the rest of the memory spirit will also dissipate.That's why Xu Changqing would like to keep these memory thoughts in the three-point primordial spirit, use the wild dragon breath of the human dragon primordial spirit to stimulate the breath of the Panshan dragon tortoise in these memory thoughts, and use the way of mutual generation between heaven and earth to strengthen them .Even if it can't be preserved permanently, there is still no problem in saving it until Xu Changqing fully absorbs the useful content of these memories.

After Xu Changqing sorted out these memory spirits, he roughly checked the memory content of some Panshan dragon turtles.Although Panshan Dragon Tortoise's memory and spiritual content is huge, but the content that is really useful to Xu Changqing is not much, and it is even far inferior to Zhen Yuanzi's incomplete memory.

Zhen Yuanzi is known as the ancestor of the Earth Immortal. After recasting his body in the ancient prehistoric era, he traveled around the prehistoric world and made friends with Taoists. Therefore, he knew everything about the ancient prehistoric era and the mysteries of the ancient prehistoric period like the back of his hand.Even though Zhen Yuanzi's memory is incomplete, these memories contain all kinds of past events that happened on the prehistoric land, and all kinds of secret methods of prehistoric powers. With these memories, Xu Changqing is enough to be called the opponent of the prehistoric in the Kunlun Three Realms. The person who knows the most ancient things.

But the memory of the Panshan Dragon Tortoise is different. Although its memory is extremely complete, it is based on useless foundations. Most of the memory is the growth experience of the Panshan Dragon Tortoise, as well as some facts about the Panshan Dragon Tortoise group. matter.

If Xu Changqing's body is a branch of Panshan Dragon Turtle's bloodline like Gu Hanxu's, then getting these memories is like adding wings to a tiger.Among them are not only a lot of magical powers that only the dragon tortoise can use, but also a lot of insights and cultivation experience related to the blood of the dragon tortoise. Having these memories can definitely help an ordinary dragon tortoise successfully become the ancient Panshan Dragon turtle.

It's a pity that Xu Changqing is not only not a branch of the Panshan Dragon Tortoise, but also his golden immortal body and human-dragon primordial spirit are mutually exclusive from the Panshan Dragon Tortoise, and he can't use or practice the methods and supernatural powers of these Panshan Dragon Turtles at all. The final part of these memories is naturally There is no use.

Most of the remaining memories are about the Panshan dragon tortoise clan and the past experience of the master of this memory, which are of no use to Xu Changqing.

Since its birth, this Panshan dragon tortoise has been living in the imaginary sea of ​​the primordial prehistoric, living with the ethnic group, and rarely leaves for the prehistoric prehistoric land.The Panshan dragon tortoise clan is so powerful that there are very few Primordial Primordial Water Clans near them, and even the Primordial Dragon Clan is unwilling to contact them, so there are very few memories of the Primordial Primordial Continent.

The only memory that is useful to Xu Changqing is some memories about the Void Sea and the primordial prehistoric aquarium. In the prehistoric prehistoric period, Zhen Yuanzi’s strength has not yet recovered, and it is difficult to walk in the prehistoric, not to mention the primordial prehistoric sea, which is more dangerous than the prehistoric. Therefore, in Zhen Yuanzi's memory, there is very little memory about Xu Xuhai, and Panshan Dragon Tortoise's memory just makes up for this gap.It's just that the Void Sea was shattered after the great ancient war, and the memories related to it, let alone in the present Kunlun Three Realms, would be of no use even in the prehistoric period. (To be continued..)

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