Nine idlers

Chapter 885 First Dragon General

"Please leave, Elder Bai won't see you." Tu Shengu looked at the accident in front of him, and said solemnly.

"Commander Tu Shen hasn't reported to Elder Bai yet, how would he know that he doesn't want to see me?" The man surrounded by the guards spoke while taking off the hood that covered his face, revealing his true colors, and said: " Commander Tu Shen arbitrarily making decisions for his master is really against the way of subordinates."

The mysterious man who took off his hood revealed his extremely eye-catching dragon horns, which also revealed his identity.A member of the Tianchi Dragon Clan appeared in the hinterland of the Great Sacred Hall, and wanted to meet Bai Yu, the Supreme Elder of the Immortal Palace, who was very important to the Great Sacred Hall. The identities of the Tianchi Dragon Clan members are well known.

"It's not your turn to ask me whether I have violated the way of my subordinates!" Tu Shengu snorted coldly, and asked rhetorically: "On the contrary, you are the number one dragon general under the throne of the dragon kings of the Tianchi Dragon Clan, but you didn't get my Great Saint Hall. Anyone allowed to enter the hinterland without authorization is an unforgivable crime, even if I kill you on the spot here, the Tianchi Dragon Clan can't find the slightest excuse to blame me."

After Tu Shengu deliberately revealed the identity of the person in front of him, the other guards around him who hadn't figured out the situation immediately became serious and nervous. Run the magic circle in the shortest possible time.

It's no wonder that these proud guards of the Great Temple are so nervous. The reputation of the first dragon general of the Tianchi Dragon Clan is like thunder to the ears of the lowest demon clan in Xuanyuantian, let alone the Tianchi Dragon Clan. The gatekeeper of the Great Temple of the imaginary enemy is gone.

The First Dragon General has always been a special title in the Tianchi Dragon Clan.Among the various titles of the Tianchi Dragon Clan, even the title of the Dragon King will change due to the different owners of the title, but only the title of the First Dragon General has not changed since its inception.

This title was specially set up by the direct lineage of the Tianchi Dragon Clan for those offshoots. Only the strongest existence among the offshoots of the Dragon Clan is eligible to inherit this title, and the title is not for life. Every two Jiazi (120 years) will pass some method to re-select one.

These screening methods are almost different every time, sometimes it is just the simplest competition, and sometimes it is some extremely difficult tasks.These missions are extremely weird. They are not just killing missions such as assassinating the powerhouses of the Three Realms and destroying hostile forces.For example.There was a time when the selection task of the first dragon general was to go to the Sumi Ling Mountain in the Buddhist world to get the shoes of the Buddhist master, whether it was theft or robbery.

In any case, it can beat the pack.The strength and mentality of the person who won the title of the first dragon general are extraordinary.Although this title will not bring any real power to it.However, it can be endowed with supreme glory, and its status in the Tianchi dragon clan is not inferior to that of the dragon kings of the sea.

Because the selection methods are varied every time, it makes the title of the first dragon general very few people can be re-elected.Because maybe this time he can rely on his own strength to overwhelm the heroes and win the title, but the next selection method may become a battle of wits rather than strength.

However, after so many years, there are still some exceptions, and the No. [-] Dragon General who is now surrounded by the guards of the Great Saint Hall is one of them.His name is Ao Jie, but it wasn't that name at first, the surname Ao is the surname of the Tianchi Dragon Clan's lineage, and no side branches can bear this surname, it's just because he was given the surname Ao after he became the number one dragon general.

Before this Ao Jie became the number one dragon general, he was just an unknown person in the Tianchi Dragon Clan. There are tens of millions of aquatic monsters like him in Tianchi, but in the selection for the title of the number one dragon general, he was Overwhelm the heroes, reach the sky in one step, and become the number one dragon general who is almost on an equal footing with the dragon kings of the seas.Afterwards, he defended the title of No. [-] Dragon General three times in a row. In terms of wisdom, courage, and strength, he was the best of the Tianchi Dragon Clan. There is no doubt that with its ability, it can definitely break this record and become the defending champion with the most dragon generals.

Different from other clansmen who have won the title of the first dragon general, Ao Jie lived more reclusively after receiving the title of the first dragon general. Unless he was attending some necessary ceremonies, he rarely left his water mansion. During the period of the first dragon general, the number of fights with others is also very few.Even so, none of the monster clan powerhouses in Xuanyuantian dared to underestimate this number one dragon general who is indifferent to fame and fortune, because although he made few shots, his record was extremely outstanding.Among his few victories, the most famous one is to fight against Chen Guangting, the head teacher of Yuxu Palace who visited the Immortal Palace. There were also some killer moves that were useless. Afterwards, Chen Guangting also expressed that he would have to pay a considerable price if he wanted to take down Ao Jie.

Standing in front of such a formidable opponent, no matter how proud Tu Shengu was, he was not so proud to the point of blindness and ignorance. He knew very well that with his own strength, it was absolutely impossible to pose any threat to Ao Jie. The only trump card he could use was Wen Yueyan made this set of formation flags by herself.Although the magic circle formed by this set of flags is still impossible to cause harm to Ao Jie, it is enough to trap Ao Jie for a period of time. The army will come after hearing the news, and it is not a bad idea to capture him alive at that time.That's why Tu Shengu emphasized the tone to remind his subordinates of the danger of this person in front of them, so as not to capsize in the gutter because of a moment's slack.

Feeling the surge of pressure around him, the first dragon general, Ao Jie, couldn't help but frowned, but he didn't show too much nervousness, on the contrary, he still looked extremely calm, and said, "I didn't come here to fight with the Great Saint Hall." Conflict, I hope that the matter can be resolved in a more peaceful way, so as not to cause unnecessary casualties, so please tell Elder Bai, if he disagrees with me, I will leave immediately."

Although Ao Jie has lowered his posture, his tone is still domineering. After listening to his words, people always feel more like being provoked. What is a more peaceful way to solve it? What is it to cause unnecessary casualties? People can't help feeling The person who is talking seems to be letting himself go.

The powerful monsters who can become the guards of the Great Temple are all the elites of the various monster clans under the command of the Great Temple. They have always looked down on others with a high profile, and how long ago have they been so underestimated by others? Shen Gu couldn't help the urge to do something in his heart.

Just when the atmosphere became extremely dignified, a burst of brisk footsteps came from the other garden, and then a little girl with a unicorn on her head was seen bouncing and running out.I saw that she was not affected by the dignified atmosphere around her at all, she ran to the middle of the opposing sides, looked up at Ao Jie, and asked, "Are you the debt collector that the teacher said?"

As the little girl's voice sounded, there seemed to be a trace of inexplicable mana in her voice, which immediately disintegrated the tense atmosphere around like an avalanche. He relaxed the command flag in his hand a lot, and it was no longer as tense as before.

Tu Shengu and other guards had been following Bai Yu for more than ten days, and they had already gotten used to the little girl's innate ability to turn hostility into peace, so they didn't express too much surprise.On the contrary, Ao Jie couldn't help showing a different expression on his always steady face, because he found that he couldn't stop this kind of power that affects his mood.

Seeing Ao Jie standing there in a daze without answering her own question, the little girl couldn't help but frowned, with an expression of displeasure on her face, she pouted, stretched out her hand and patted Ao Jie's calf a few times, and said: "Hey! Someone is asking you something, don't you know how to answer it?"

"Uh!" Ao Jie came back to his senses, and found that the little girl could easily break through his protective magic power and hit himself. The surprise in his heart was even more extreme, just because he had already prepared, and his reaction was also stronger than before. The case improved a lot, and he managed to remain calm, and answered his question, saying: "Elder Bai really owes me a debt, I think he should be talking about me."

"En!" The little girl nodded, then turned around, looked up at Tu Shengu, and said, "Teacher wants to see him, can you let him in?"

Tu Shengu frowned slightly. According to his idea, he wanted to prevent the Tianchi Dragon Clan from seeing Bai Yu as much as possible.However, Bai Yu is not a prisoner, but because he is going to be Zhao Yi's teacher, he also has a detached status in the Great Temple, so naturally he can't allow others to stop him if he wants to see someone.

Thinking of this, Tu Shengu raised his hand to signal the surrounding guards to take back the command flag, then moved away, and said to Ao Jie: "Please come in!"

"Thank you." Ao Jie simply cupped his fists towards Tu Shengu, and then walked towards the other garden under the guidance of the little girl.

After Ao Jie left, one of the guards came to Tu Shengu's side, and asked with some concern, "Boss, is it appropriate to let Ao Jie in to meet Elder Bai?"

"What if it's not suitable?" Tu Shengu glanced at his subordinates, and said: "Elder Bai wants to see Ao Jie now, can we stop him in our capacity? We are only protecting Elder Bai's safety, not Escorting the prisoners, it’s not up to us to decide who Elder Bai wants to see.” Then, he waved his hand to the surrounding guards angrily and said: “Everyone disperse! Go back to the place where you are stationed, and don’t make any more troubles. gone."

Following Tu Shengu's order, the crowd quickly dispersed and disappeared into the dense forest. Tu Shengu, who was supposed to enter the other garden to guard Bai Yu's safety, walked to the stone pavilion beside the path. , sat down, it seemed that he was going to return to the other garden after Ao Jie left, so as not to be misunderstood by Bai Yu and Ao Jie for eavesdropping on their conversation. (To be continued..)

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