Nine idlers

Chapter 887 The Invisible Thread

Originally, Xu Changqing didn't care how incredible his ascension to the sky was, but after Kun Ling's reminder, he realized that the content revealed in the process was not simple.

Xu Changqing was able to achieve the realm of the Golden Immortal, entirely thanks to the remnant soul and blood of the ancient dragon leader Xing and the remnant soul of Zhen Yuanzi. After the fusion of these forces, he can have the body of the prehistoric and the primordial spirit of the Golden Immortal.However, now that I think about it, when I obtained these powers, I hadn't even formed the golden elixir of the Dao, and hadn't entered the Tao. I can only be regarded as a mortal who has just stepped into the door of cultivation. For mortals, not to mention the infusion of fusion, even if it touches a little bit, they will die on the spot as if they were poisoned, and it is even impossible for the soul to survive and reincarnate.

But the fact is that Xu Changqing, a mortal, has completely endured it, and has changed his fundamental physique, and his cultivation level has risen to the sky. The matter can only be described as a miracle.If it is said that there is no external force involved, even Xu Changqing himself would not believe it, and the only thing in Xu Changqing that conforms to external force factors is his own third eye and the most treasured road map handed down from his family.At that time, due to the influence of various external factors, and he felt a little at a loss about the sudden elevation to the extreme state of the soul and the changes in the physical body, his thoughts were all on adapting to the new soul body, so he did not doubt the cause of all these changes .Later, he gradually put his mind on the Kunlun Three Realms, and the doubts he should have disappeared. It was only now that he heard Kun Ling mentioning it, and the doubts arose again.

Xu Changqing, who was full of doubts, seemed to be talking to himself.As if asking Kun Ling again, she said in a deep voice, "What's so special about me? Why does she value me so much, and even arrange my birth even at the expense of exposing her own existence?"

"Do you think she arranged your birth?" Kun Ling asked back at this time.

Xu Changqing frowned and said, "Isn't it? Arranging for Kong Daomiao to be reincarnated as my mother, and for you, Nuwa, to be reincarnated as my master. She has been sitting in the Underworld before, maybe it was her who arranged for me to be reincarnated in the human world." of."

Kun Ling shook her head and said, "Samsara is the supreme and mysterious power of the world. It existed before this world, or even the previous world, and no one can control reincarnation. At best, they just borrow the power of reincarnation."

"Impossible, I..." Xu Changqing wanted to refute Kun Ling's words, but his words suddenly stopped as if choked up.

Xu Changqing actually wanted to refute Kun Ling's words by claiming that he had already mastered the reincarnation of a world, but he suddenly found that he had no real grasp of the reincarnation of the Qiankun world, let alone control.He can't control the power of reincarnation to reincarnate any creature in the universe world to the place he wants.At best, he can only use the power of reincarnation to send someone directly into reincarnation, which is just as Kun Ling said, just borrowing the power of reincarnation.

This also made Xu Changqing couldn't help but believe Kun Ling's words. If he controls a world, he can't control reincarnation, let alone other people.

However, this also made Xu Changqing feel a little puzzled, and said: "Since reincarnation cannot be controlled. Then the reincarnation of the Buddha world..."

"The samsara reincarnation in the Buddhist world did not enter the samsara at all. They just used the Eight Treasures Merit Pond to attract some reincarnation power to purify the souls of the Buddhas and Bodhisattvas who were about to reincarnate, and then directly injected the purified souls into the womb of the mother's womb. If the reincarnation of the Buddha Realm really enters the reincarnation, they will not encounter the mortal calamity such as the five declines of heaven and man, and the Buddha Realm has already unified the Three Realms." Kun Ling Obviously he doesn't care about reincarnation in the Buddhist world.There was also a look of disdain on her face, and she continued: "Actually, the way Nuwa reincarnated me and Kong Daomiao into the human world was almost the same as the reincarnation in the Buddhist world, but she did it better. She can After sending people into reincarnation, it can also protect other people's spiritual consciousness, so that their spiritual wisdom will not be lost."

"In this case, my appearance is just a coincidence?" Xu Changqing smiled self-deprecatingly.

"Of course it's not a coincidence. If it's a coincidence, then what was the arrangement Nuwa made before?" Kun Ling thought for a while and said, "It doesn't matter who Kong Daomiao reincarnated into the secular world, because no matter who she Whoever you are will be your mother in the end, and the only task of my reincarnation is to guide you into the immortal way. Your birth was doomed before you were born, although it is a bit convoluted, it is the most correct explanation."

Xu Changqing's face darkened. After all, no one wants to be manipulated in his life.He snorted coldly and said, "It seems that I am quite important. It sounds like some kind of savior."

Kun Ling said truthfully: "I don't know if you are important to the Kunlun Three Realms as a teacher, but I do know that you are very important to the Nuwa clan."

Xu Changqing was silent for a while, and a chilling coldness suddenly flashed in his eyes, and said: "Since it is so important, master, if I commit suicide now, will it cause Nuwa a headache?"

Hearing Xu Changqing's words, Kun Ling was completely stunned. She didn't expect to hear such words from Xu Changqing's mouth, and she didn't know how to answer for a while.After she calmed down, she asked in a deep voice, "Are you joking, or serious?"

"So what if you're joking? So what if you're serious?"

"If it's a joke, just smile, but if it's serious, you should get rid of this idea as soon as possible. Although you are very important to the Nuwa family, you are only important, not indispensable." Kun Ling looked He said very seriously: "I can tell you with certainty that you will definitely not be the only choice for the Nuwa family. She should have prepared a lot of back-ups, and these back-ups are enough to make up for the loopholes caused by your mistakes."

Seeing Kun Ling showing the majesty of an adult in the appearance of a little girl, Xu Changqing couldn't help but put her together with the majestic figure in his memory, and suddenly felt an inexplicable sense of joy, because of the frustration of being manipulated. The feeling of inexplicable depression also quickly subsided.

"Inner Demon." Xu Changqing, who calmed down, quickly realized that something was wrong with him just now. Obviously, his emotions were a little out of control for a while, which caused the power of the Inner Demon Realm to directly arouse the Inner Demon in his heart through the connection of the seal of prohibition and punishment, and gave birth to his own. destroy intent.

Xu Changqing thought for a while and asked, "Is the Nuwa family also in the Kunlun Three Realms now?"

"Yes, not here." Kun Ling gave a vague answer, saying: "Her avatar is here, but the main body is not necessarily here. Even you can think of the main body to avoid the sky and leave this avatar here in Kunlun. How could she not think of such a way to act in the Three Realms?"

"Master, what should I do?" Xu Changqing suddenly looked to Kunling for solutions when encountering difficulties, as he did when he was a child, but the difference from when he was a child is that he now looks a lot more determined, from his confident eyes. In fact, he already had the answer in his heart.I have this question now, just to recall my childhood, and it is also for one more reference object.

Kun Ling could feel the self-confidence emanating from Xu Changqing, and knew what he was thinking, so she was not vague, but thought for a while in a very formal way, and then slowly said: "You didn't know that Nuwa's secrets for so many years. Affecting your life, you are still living well, so why don't you forget all this, what you did in the past, what you still do now, and wait and see the changes."

"Want to watch the changes?" Xu Changqing frowned slightly, looked at Kun Ling and said, "Master, you really have changed. If you were back then, you wouldn't say such things."

"Everyone will change, even you are different from what you were then, let alone me." Kun Ling said with a calm smile.

"Well! It will indeed change." Xu Changqing nodded, seeming to agree with Kun Ling's words, but then he said vigorously: "It's just that I have been secretly manipulated for so long. If you don't fight back, get back some face. It really goes against my heart, and it seems that this matter can only be done according to my own ideas."

Seeing Xu Changqing gradually recovering her confidence and getting rid of her psychological shadow, Kun Ling felt that Xu Changqing's counterattack was not a joke, he really wanted to make Nuwa suffer a little.To be honest, Kun Ling is now a little bit confused about the strength of her disciple. Judging from this avatar alone, she is already the best in the three worlds of Kunlun.Although Kun Ling still didn't think that Xu Changqing could pose any threat to the Nuwa clan, she was happy to see it succeed, even if it was to cause a little trouble for the Nuwa clan.

After Kun Ling thought it over, she didn't persuade Xu Changqing to give up this somewhat arrogant idea. Instead, she reminded him: "Since you have already made up your mind, I can't stop you, but you must remember that the Nuwa family can survive from the ancient prehistoric times." So far, its wisdom has been self-evident, and you can't tolerate the slightest carelessness."

"I understand." Xu Changqing nodded and accepted Kunling's kind reminder. He also knew that if he really wanted to fight back against Nuwa's family, it would be as difficult as what he was doing in the Kunlun Three Realms. But no matter how difficult it is, he will do it, after all, it is related to his position in this catastrophe.

At this time, Xu Changqing suddenly thought of another question, and said, "Master, how do you know that this clone is mine? You and Kong Dao... who is also connected?"

"I don't dare to contact your mother now. She was plotted by the Nuwa clan back then and I have something to do with it. If I go to see her, I'm afraid she will tear me apart." Kun Ling showed a little embarrassment on her face, and said: "Actually It's not difficult to know your situation. Don't forget that there is a deep causal connection between you and me, you and your mother, and even you and Nuwa, although you can cut off it through some magical powers. Some causal lines on the body cover the karma of the body, but some karma cannot be covered by mana or supernatural powers." Then, he paused, and then said: "That is to say, what I know now, I am afraid that Nuwa's I also know."

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