Nine idlers

Chapter 898 Master-Apprentice Cooperation

Although the mother of all karma Buddha felt that the disc next to Xu Changqing was a bit weird, she didn't see any magic. She could only speculate that this disc might be the treasure that controlled the spiritual veins of Wanfo Mountain.After all, apart from this disc, there was nothing suspicious around.

"No." Xu Changqing shook his head, but changed the topic again, and said, "This is just a part to control the spiritual veins. The treasure that really controls the spiritual veins of Wanfo Mountain is this tower."

The mother of all karma Buddha was slightly stunned when she heard the words. Although she also saw that the tower was a treasure of ancient Buddha, judging from the light of the Buddha, she thought it was a Buddhist treasure of Dharma altar, and there was no such thing as it. Think elsewhere.

The so-called Dharma altar Buddha treasure is a Buddhist treasure specially used to assist and enhance the effect of preaching and speaking. For example, the Lingtai Dharma altar on Xumi Lingshan is such a Buddhist treasure.Although this kind of Dharma altar and Buddhist treasure is very important to Buddhist practitioners or Zongcheng, its effect is very single. Once the auxiliary effect of Dharma altar is the main effect, other aspects such as offense and defense will be weakened a lot, or even completely. Cancel it, otherwise several magic circles will run at the same time, they will only conflict with each other, and eventually destroy this treasure. This is almost a well-known rule.

But now this high-pagoda ancient Buddha treasure has become an exception. From the conversation with the Pure Land Buddha before, the mother of all karma knows that Xu Changqing has not had much time to come to this dragon-elephant terma, so I have to get familiar with this ancient Buddha treasure. In the end, Xu Changqing used this treasure for less than ten days.But in less than ten days, he was able to use the Buddha light of the treasure's own dharma altar to make these lowly monsters with no spirituality have the wisdom of Buddha nature, and some even condensed into Buddha hearts. It can be seen that this ancient treasure The Buddha's Supreme Treasure is better than any Buddha treasure she has seen in transforming aliens.

However, from what Xu Changqing said, the altar Buddha light that guides people into Taoism is only one of the many functions of this ancient Buddha treasure. The real purpose of this treasure is to control the spiritual veins of the entire Ten Thousand Buddhas Mountain. It's different, this high tower also reminds all karmic Buddha mothers of the Eight Treasures Merit Pond in Sumering Mountain.

"Is this a fortune-telling treasure?" All Karma Buddha Mother seemed to be talking to herself.It seemed to be asking Xu Changqing again.

"At least the Bian'an Pure Land Sect who installed this treasure here back then wanted to turn this treasure tower into a treasure of fortune." Xu Changqing nodded slightly, and said with regret: "It's a pity that it turned into a treasure in the end." Such a nondescript thing."

Xu Changqing didn't mention the treasures of the terma pagoda in detail, but simply mentioned it.It seems that he is wary of all the Buddha mothers in front of him, because he is not sure whether the person who is affecting all the Buddha mothers is Huang Juan or Li Qianqiu.

Although Li Qianqiu was transformed by Huang Juan's evil thoughts avatar fused with the broken pages of the Demon Dao Heavenly Book, it belongs to Huang Juan, and is no different from all karmic Buddha mothers, but even if her random demonic heart cannot affect Huang Juan, it can. Indirectly affect all the karma Buddha mothers who have cooperated with it for a long time.Xu Changqing believes that if it is really Huang Juan, the mother of all karma and fate will never have any calculations against him, only to be influenced by Li Qianqiu and give birth to a competitive heart.Only then would it be possible to plot against him again and again.

Just before, when the Pure Land Buddha had just arrived at the Longtan Grottoes, the mother of all karma and fate cast a spell to affect the state of mind of the Pure Land Buddha, and asked him to deal with those snoopers.Afterwards, when the Buddha Mother of all karmic conditions enters here again.Through some special methods, it left traces that were not easy to find on the way.It would be fine if these traces were left at other times, but now the situation here in Wanfo Mountain has become extremely tense, and the strength displayed by the Pure Land Buddha is enough to make people vigilant, and someone will definitely come to investigate.At that time, even if there is a maze-like underground waterway blocking it, I am afraid it will be difficult to resist the stalking of the investigators. This high treasure tower will inevitably be exposed. Difficult.

All karma Buddha mother looked around.He didn't seem to feel Xu Changqing's obvious intention of guarding, and said to himself: "Even if it's nondescript, it's a big deal, and it's more than enough for Lizong as a school of sects."

Xu Changqing didn't intend to beat around the bush with all karma Buddha mothers, and said directly: "You came to see me, shouldn't it be just for chatting?"

"Couldn't the disciple know that the master is here, so come to pay a visit? Do you want to talk?" All karma Buddha's mother showed a kind of little girl's attitude that she had never had before.She looked at Xu Changqing pitifully, although this demeanor did not match her identity and cultivation level, but there was no sense of disobedience, and Xu Changqing couldn't help but think of Huang Juan when she was a child.

Seeing this, Xu Changqing couldn't help frowning, with a hint of anger on his face.Said: "Do you think that you can do whatever you want in front of me because you are Xiaojuan's avatar? You must know that you are not Xiaojuan, and I will not have any pity for you. If you continue to be so unruly, then before You have calculated my affairs one after another, and I will calculate with you once, and then don't blame me for being cruel."

When Xu Changqing said these words, he did not hide the anger and killing intent on his face, which was enough to make people feel his determination.

The Buddha Mother of All Karma can feel that Xu Changqing is not joking, knowing that if she uses Xu Changqing's master-student relationship with Huang Juan again, Xu Changqing will really attack her against her.It's just that she didn't show weakness. Instead, she said in a strong tone, "I can't represent her, but you are also not him, so we are actually the same existence. If that's the case, why should we?" With such hostility, what’s the harm in cooperating with each other?”

"It's not good!" Xu Changqing thought to himself when he heard all the words of the Buddha Mother of Karma.The bad thing he said didn't refer to himself, but to Huang Juan, because now he was almost certain that the avatar of Huang Juan, the mother of all karma and fate, had given birth to her original mind under the influence of Li Qianqiu.

Several avatars of Xu Changqing have the Daoist heart from the beginning of refining, this heart is separated from Xu Changqing's Daoist heart, even though each avatar has a different personality and way of doing things, but it is not the same as Xu Changqing's mind Conflict, so Xu Changqing doesn't need to directly control the avatars at all, he only needs to separate a ray of divine sense to make each avatar do different things in different ways at the same time.

But Huang Juan's avatar refinement method should be different from Xu Changqing's. She should be just an avatar. When she first used it, she needed to put her soul on the avatar before she could use it.The advantage of this is that after the main body enters the soulless state of extinction, she can still let the primordial spirit practice on the avatar, especially the Buddhist method that focuses on cultivating nature is more beneficial. , split the soul and duality, then the main body can be cloned to practice at the same time, so that the effect of cultivation can be doubled or even several times.But the disadvantages are also obvious. Once the avatar is damaged, it will immediately hurt the main body. If the avatar is in the state of spirit when it is injured or died, the main body will also suffer the same damage.

If Xu Changqing's expectations are not bad, the appearance of Li Qianqiu should be an accidental product. Her situation is similar to Xu Changqing's avatar, especially the Devil Emperor avatar. One is the remnant pages of the Heavenly Book of Demon Dao, and the two are almost of the same origin.Therefore, Li Qianqiu does not have all the initial defects of Karma Buddha Mother, and naturally has a lot less advantages.

Now all the karma Buddha Mother is changing like Li Qianqiu's situation. She has already given birth to her original heart, but she is a little different from Li Qianqiu's situation, because the root of her existence is entirely in Huang Juan, so the degree of mutual influence between the two is far from that of Li Qianqiu. It surpassed Li Qianqiu's influence on Huang Juan.

"Did she do this voluntarily?" Xu Changqing's expression became serious, and he suddenly asked a question that made people feel inexplicable after hearing it, and said.

Although the question was endless, the mother of all karma and fate understood Xu Changqing's meaning, her face became serious, she looked at Xu Changqing, and said: "If it is not voluntary, you will solve me right here if you think about it." Get rid of a hidden danger for her, right?"

"That's right!" Xu Changqing nodded without hiding his thoughts.

Xu Changqing is very aware of the lack of checks and balances between the avatars and the main body. The reason why he can control the five avatars without any problems is because his main body is so strong that he can easily suppress it. Any influence transmitted by the avatar can even turn some influence into something beneficial to oneself. For example, the natal Taoism practiced by each avatar is all transformed into the Jiuliu Dao at the main body.

But Huang Juan obviously doesn't have the conditions like Xu Changqing. Judging from the repeated calculations of all the karma Buddha mothers, it is clear that Huang Juan's control over the clone is not absolute. Once the clone's heart grows, it will inevitably eat back the body. For Huang Juan, it was no less than a catastrophe of life and death.

Xu Changqing originally felt guilty towards the Huang family brothers and sisters. When they were young, he put the identities of the owners of Yizhuang and Jiuliu idlers on them, and taught them for a short time. Now the Huang family brothers and sisters live in Kunlun Basically, everything in the Three Realms was achieved by the brothers and sisters themselves, which made him, the master, feel a little ashamed and wanted to help them with what he could.Therefore, Xu Changqing didn't feel annoyed or displeased when all the karma Buddha mother plotted against him in the sea of ​​wronged souls, tricked him into Haiyan, and relieved Li Qianqiu of her hidden dangers, he just took it as compensation for Huang Juan.But this does not mean that all Karma Buddha mothers can use Huang Juan's identity to ask for anything from him, just like all Karma Buddha mothers and Li Qianqiu will not regard Duobao clone as Xu Changqing himself, Xu Changqing will also not regard this The two clones are equal to Huang Juan scratching.Once the existence of these two clones poses a threat to Huang Juan, he will get rid of them without any hesitation, without showing any mercy.

Under the pressure of Xu Changqing, the mother of all karma and fate said slowly without changing her face: "It is true that Li Qianqiu and I made up our own minds to plot against you, but she didn't object, and she didn't blame her afterwards. It seems she acquiesced. As for me There is no doubt about my appearance. Without her consent, I would not have appeared. You underestimate her. She is not the little girl who grabbed the corner of your clothes in Peach Blossom Mountain. It won't be long before even Leiyin Temple will submit to her, she is stronger than you imagine."

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