Nine idlers

Chapter 901

Xu Changqing, whose mind returned to the Terma Tower, opened his eyes and looked at the cloud of aura floating in front of him, without taking any precautions, allowing it to gradually expand and condense quickly.This aura group also draws a large amount of aura from the vacant Ten Thousand Buddha Mountain leylines at a very fast speed. Its body shape also becomes larger at a speed visible to the naked eye, and its power aura can only be compared with Jindan at the beginning. The immortals gradually accumulated enough to be comparable to the strongest immortals, and finally turned into a dazzling light ball of aura that was as dazzling as a small sun.

This aura light ball illuminated the entire terma tower brightly for the first time, and even the light passed through the wall of the terma tower and projected onto the underground lake outside, penetrating the dark lake water, making the entire underground lake For the first time, the caves in the range are as bright as day.

Just when the aura light ball was shining brightly, the aquatic monsters in the lake were not afraid of this strange light as usual.These aquatic monsters live underground all year round, and they have never seen light since they were born. Even the guiding Buddha light contained in the terma tower will make them feel a little uncomfortable.It's just that the feeling of transforming the demonic power into the Buddha element made them temporarily forget their discomfort with the light, but this discomfort has not disappeared, but is still hidden in their bodies until their strength is sufficient to make up for their own defects.

However, it was this kind of light that was strong enough to be eye-catching and shone on these aquatic monsters, which made them feel the only joy they had before. Instead, they floated up from the bottom of the water one after another, making some strange noises with various emphasis.Although these strange sounds were different, when they were mixed together, Xu Changqing, the listener in the terma tower, felt that the sounds were very harmonious.This attunement is not on the ear of the physical body.But Duobao clone Buddha's heart.It was as if his natal Buddha mind was listening to someone recite the scriptures with the method of Sanskrit singing.

During the period of time when the light appeared, not only the monsters in the water were abnormal, but even the spiritual veins of Wanfo Mountain also changed, but this change was not for the worse, but for the better.Because the abnormal fluctuations in the spiritual veins that appeared from time to time were calmed down by an invisible force, and the spiritual veins of Wanfo Mountain soon returned to the state before Xu Changqing made the central array disk for the terma tower. .

This burst of light illuminating the entire underground lake cave lasted for about a quarter of an hour, then began to slowly weaken, and gradually retracted into the group of aura light in the terma tower, and this group of aura also began to elongate and become thinner.Gradually turned into a human form.This humanoid body solidified quickly, it was a woman's body, and the rays of light converged into her body, but her head was still not fixed, and the rays of light seemed to be changing like a ball of water.

Xu Changqing seemed to know the light group in front of him very well. Seeing it in trouble, he pointed out: "You don't need to deliberately shape it, just follow the first appearance change that appears in your mind."

Just as the words fell, the change of the light group suddenly stopped, and gradually shrank to the size of a human head.The dazzling light also began to fade and converge.The whole picture under the light is revealed.I saw a woman standing in front of Xu Changqing who was somewhat similar in appearance to the Buddha Mother of All Karma. If it wasn't for this woman not wearing a strand of hair and having long silver curly hair, everyone who saw her would probably be surprised She is regarded as the Buddha mother of all causes and conditions.

"The mountain god of Wanfo Mountain, I have met the Supreme One." After the woman stabilized her body, she bowed to Xu Changqing.

Xu Changqing nodded slightly, pointed at her naked body, and said: "You have already opened up your spiritual wisdom, don't be so impolite again, it's better to transform into a piece of clothing first!"

The woman also seemed to feel ashamed when she heard the words, her pale face blushed, and she frantically transformed into a long robe on her body.It just seemed that she felt that this robe was not to her liking, so she changed a few sets of robes with slightly different colors and styles on her body, until she changed into a light gray monk robe before nodding in satisfaction.

Seeing the aquatic monster that has become the mountain god of Wanfo Mountain, Xu Changqing couldn't help but feel a little surprised. Before that, he had seen the effect of foreign gods lighting up the divine fire several times before. Obviously, those foreign gods did not get extra wisdom because of the divine fire, but The body was transformed by the fire of the gods, and the mortal became a god.But now, the mountain god of Wanfo Mountain in front of him obviously possessed a lot of wisdom. Compared with the aquatic monster before, the two were very different.

"Do you have wisdom?" Xu Changqing didn't do any testing, but asked directly.

Maybe it's because of the prohibition of Taoist seals, or maybe it's because Xu Changqing came here to preach and preach. All in all, the mountain god of Wanfo Mountain has a sincere sense of closeness to Xu Changqing. Hearing Xu Changqing's inquiry, she also Without any thought of concealing anything, he directly told all the things he knew.

After listening to the words of the mountain god of Wanfo Mountain, Xu Changqing's face showed a look of surprise, and then he smiled, secretly thinking that the mountain god of Wanfo Mountain is really lucky.

This Ten Thousand Foshan Mountain God can only be regarded as a special case, a special case that is almost impossible to reappear in the future, after he ignites the divine fire and is recognized by the Ten Thousand Foshan Mountains and the heavens to become a mountain god.Speaking of the appearance of this special case, there is a causal relationship with the previous earth vein movement. It can be said to be a coincidence, and she deserves this wisdom.

Before, when Xu Changqing was experimenting with the central array, it caused a change in the spiritual veins, which destroyed the entire Longtan Grottoes, the holy place for ascetic monks to practice in Wanfo Mountain, and the spirits of the ancestors there were also destroyed by the turbulence caused by the aura of the earth veins.However, Xu Changqing guessed wrong, that is, the Buddha heart spirit left by the ancestors of countless ascetic monks has not completely disappeared, and part of it has been integrated into the earth veins.

If there is no Mountain God of Wanfo Mountain, these Buddha spirits will probably be consumed little by little in the cycle of aura, and eventually disappear.At the moment when the divine fire of the aquatic monster merged into the earth veins, and was recognized by the earth veins, and became a real mountain god, the Buddha's heart spirit contained in the earth veins was integrated into the body of the mountain god of Wanfo Mountain along with the aura of the earth veins.The spirit of Buddhism itself has a enlightening effect, and the spirits of the ancestors used by these ascetic monks to assist in the practice of asceticism are the best among them. It is easy to understand the great wisdom of the Lingshan Mountain God.

"What's your name?" Xu Changqing asked again.

"I don't have a name yet," the mountain god of Wanfo Mountain shook his head, and begged Xu Changqing, "Please give me a name."

Xu Changqing pondered for a while and said, "Since you were born in water, you should be called Shuisheng! It's just that Shuisheng doesn't seem suitable for a girl's name. Adding a bamboo head and changing it to Sheng should be more appropriate."

While talking, Xu Changqing stretched out his hand and wrote the word Shui Sheng on the ground.

"Shui Sheng?" The mountain god of Wanfo Mountain chewed the name, nodded quickly, and said, "Thank you for the name, I will be called Shui Sheng from now on."

Xu Changqing said again: "Since you are the first monster among your clan to open up wisdom, your clan will also need to pass through your divine fire in order to incarnate gods in the future. You can be said to be the ancestor of the mountain god lineage of Wanfo Mountain, so your clan also It's named after water, okay?"

"Very good, very good!" Shui Sheng nodded again and again, and said, "I will deal with it according to the decree of my lord."

Xu Changqing then waved to Shui Sheng again, motioning for her to come forward, and before and after she arrived, she stretched out her hand to cover the other's forehead, and passed on a divine thought.Shui Sheng didn't make any movement of resistance, and even let go of her natal divine fire completely, took the initiative to accommodate this spiritual thought, and quickly integrated the content of the divine thought into her memory.

Xu Changqing said: "What I passed on to you is the mansion system of Taishan Shenfu in the secular world. In the future, after your people become gods, you can build Wanfoshan Shanshen Mansion according to this mansion system."

Surprised expression appeared on Shui Sheng's face, and he said hastily, "Thank you, Master, for bestowing the Dharma."

Although Shui Sheng has been enlightened by the Buddhist spirit of the ascetic monks, it does not mean that she can know everything. Just like now, she suddenly became the ancestor of a family, and she will be responsible for the rise and fall of the family in the future. She was a little bit at a loss due to experience.Although on the surface she appeared to be very calm and confident, but in fact she could be said to be flustered and unsure of her future.Although the method taught by Xu Changqing has nothing to do with improving her strength, it just solved her urgent need, gave her a foundation in her heart, and the joy in her heart was palpable.

Xu Changqing then ordered: "Release your natal divine fire now, and I will separate a part of it as the original fire of your family's incarnation gods. After separating the divine fire, you will be very weak. Don't use this before you return to a complete state. The original divine fire ignites the divine fire for other monsters."

"Shui Sheng understands." Shui Sheng responded very cautiously, and then she let go of the divine fire, letting it float between Xu Changqing and her, and at the same time looked at Xu Changqing in a very solemn way, and asked: "Is the lord looking for Wan Wan?" The entrance to the inner world of Foshan?"

"That's right! I'm indeed looking for the entrance." Xu Changqing wasn't surprised that Shui Sheng would know about it. After all, neither of them had used spells to cover up all the conversations with the Karma Buddha Mother before. Maybe Shui Sheng heard it at that time, but that At that time, she didn't have enough wisdom to understand this matter, but now her wisdom is not low. After a little recollection, she can remember the conversation between Xu Changqing and All Karma Buddha Mother, and understand the meaning of it.

After hearing Xu Changqing's confession, Shui Sheng said again: "After I was recognized as a mountain god by the Ten Thousand Buddha Mountains, I already knew all the conditions in the Ten Thousand Fo Mountains, and I also knew where the entrance to the world in the Ten Thousand Fo Mountains was. Is the lord able to help?"

"Naturally it will help." Xu Changqing had expected this, but he didn't show much surprise. Instead, he had a mysterious smile on his face and said, "Is the entrance you want to tell me the destroyed Longtan Grotto?"

"You, you know?" Shui Sheng looked at Xu Changqing in disbelief, and said in surprise. (To be continued..)

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