Nine idlers

Chapter 912

"This matter is a bit big!" Although the red dragon Maitreya has discovered many mysteries of the ages, and even found a treasure that is enough to make the true Zen master soar into the sky, there is no joy on his face at all. concern.

What happened today made Chilong Maitreya feel that he has exceeded the limit of his ability, and such a large treasure cannot be solved by him alone.Perhaps he also thought about taking this treasure as his own, but he was not sure at all that he would snatch it from Ruyi Weidefo. After all, judging from the situation just now, it was obvious that Ruyi Weidefo was stronger than him.What's more, even if he saw the secrets in the Longtan Grottoes, he didn't have the slightest confidence to open the passage to the treasure, and even entered that mysterious place, it was impossible for him to completely occupy the treasure there by himself.So when greed was born in his heart, before it grew stronger, the reality in front of him was like a basin of cold water to extinguish it.

Chilong Maitreya thought about it, and felt that Ruyi Weidefo could not open the passage to the mysterious place in a short time, and he still had enough time to discuss with the two collaborators and arrange the first move.So, he withdrew the magic power on the ground, and without the thought of going to see the Pure Land Buddha, he directly drove the cloud and flew towards the residence of the True Zen Sect.

Chilong Maitreya's current thoughts have been completely attracted by this mysterious treasure, and he has lost his usual calmness in doing things. He didn't even hide his figure when he drove away. Maybe at this moment his whereabouts have been discovered by other Zongcheng people.In this state, his perception of abnormal forces from the outside world naturally declined, and he didn't see two people on a small hill at the edge of the Longtan Grotto watching him leave.And one of the two mysterious people who watched the red dragon Maitreya's every move was Ruyi Weidefo who left just now.And the other person is no stranger to the red dragon Maitreya, who is the mother of all karma he is looking for.

The mother of all karma suddenly broke the peace around the small hill.Full of puzzlement, he said: "Since you have already discovered the secrets in the Longtan Grottoes, why bother to expose them to the red dragon Maitreya? Isn't it good to take those treasures secretly?"

"Are you worried about your Du'er Golden Bridge?" Ruyi Weidefo turned his head and looked at all Karma Buddha Mothers indifferently.Then he clarified all the worries in the heart of the mother of all karma, and said: "You are afraid that if the world in Wanfo Mountain is known by all the sects, and all the strong masters of the sect gather here, you are not sure to snatch it from so many people. Take Ergin Bridge, yes?"

"Disciple is indeed a little worried." All karma Buddha Mother did not deny, but then said sincerely: "But disciple is even more worried about whether our plan will be affected by this."

Just when the mother of all karma raised doubts, Ruyi Weide Buddha's appearance began to change, from an old monk in gray robe to Xu Changqing's multi-treasure avatar.And looking at all the karma Buddha mothers, she smiled confidently: "Don't worry, it won't affect the plan at all. I don't intend to let everyone know the treasures in the inner world now. Those who enter the inner world to get treasures will only If you are a true Zen vehicle, with your strength, even if you can’t beat the three true Zen vehicles, you can grab what you want, and then retreat from it, so you don’t have to worry at all.”

Xu Changqing has been searching for the inner world of Wanfo Mountain in the Longtan Grottoes these days, and with the help of the mountain god Shui Sheng of Wanfo Mountain, he found some clues and discovered the natural formation formed by the surrounding land ley lines.He also found out the magic circle leading to the inner world through reverse deduction.However, the magic circle he deduced can only open a temporary rift between the two worlds.But the power of heaven and earth contained in this crack is too violent and too powerful.Even comparable to the chaotic wind, even Xu Changqing's multi-treasure avatar would not be able to pass through the rift between the two worlds without the protection of the Golden Immortal body.According to Xu Changqing's estimate, in the entire three worlds of Kunlun, perhaps only the Great Destroyer Demon Lord of the Demon Realm can safely pass through this crack, and the rest will be torn to pieces by the power of the crack halfway.

Naturally, Xu Changqing would not think that this rift between the two worlds was deliberately arranged by the Pure Land Sect on the other side. After all, no one would set up a dead end for their treasure.The only reason why this rift between the two worlds is so weird is that Xu Changqing's method of opening the rift between the two worlds was wrong, or more correctly, Xu Changqing used the wrong magic circle he deduced to forcibly tear open a road leading to the inside of Wanfo Mountain. The rift between the world and the earth was counterattacked by the power of the inner world.

Before he found the correct magic circle to open the channel, unless Jinxian himself took action himself, he would have nothing to do with this inner world.What I didn't expect was that this magic circle that correctly opened the inner heaven and earth passage was discovered from the red dragon Maitreya, one of the three statues of the true Zen Buddhism, which can be regarded as an unintentional insertion.

A few days ago, Jiuku Tutuo, who was driven to a dead end, paid the price of a Lingbao to summon the clone of Master Compassionate to the underground of Wanfo Mountain and rescued him. Seeing how the avatar of Master Compassionate showed great power.It has to be said that Xu Changqing was a little surprised by the strength of Master Compassionate. His avatar was able to use the spiritual treasure as a primer to break a space crack when his avatar was imprisoned by spiritual energy in the underground of Wanfo Mountain. Going back to Dajue Mountain directly, such things are far beyond the capabilities of ordinary Prajna masters.Although it is impossible to accurately judge the true cultivation base of the main body with the strength of the avatar, it can estimate a general range, and through the analysis of its mana breath, Xu Changqing came to the conclusion that the cultivation base strength of Master Compassionate must be Far beyond the rumors of the outside world, his cultivation level will definitely not be much worse than those who stand at the peak of the Kunlun Three Realms, such as the head teacher of Yuxu Palace and the master of the Immortal Palace.

Feeling that the Master of Compassionate Heart is beyond ordinary, the True Zen Vehicle is likely to be a variable, so Xu Changqing asked all the people who are karma Buddha mothers to monitor every move of the True Zen Vehicle, and he tried to find a way to see if it is possible to use the current The six sects and two alliances in the Buddhist world have become a situation of five sects and one sect.

After Chilong Maitreya and Painful Arhat came out of Dajue Mountain, although they have been hiding their bodies all the time, they have not escaped the eyes and ears of all karmic Buddha mothers, especially when they approached Wanfo Mountain, their whereabouts are always under the surveillance of others middle.Xu Changqing and All Karma Buddha's mother knew the whereabouts of the two of them immediately. Originally, they planned to find an opportunity to lure the two to the underground of Wanfo Mountain, then create a little trouble, and then release some bait.Unexpectedly, these two people actually parted ways outside Wanfo Mountain. One went to the Zen Zen Buddhist ashram as expected, while the other sneaked into Wanfo Mountain.

Xu Changqing and all the Buddhist mothers of Karma thought that Chilong Maitreya sneaked into Wanfo Mountain secretly for the hidden treasures underground, but what he didn't expect was that Chilong Maitreya went directly to the ruins of Longtan Grottoes, and then found a treasure that was buried in the cave. In the cave covered by gravel, more than a dozen Buddha statues were restored and placed in the cave according to a certain orientation.

At the beginning, the two didn't pay much attention to Chilong Maitreya's actions. Others may not know about Chilong Maitreya's origin, but All Karma Buddha Mother knows its origin very well. Naturally, Xu Changqing has also read these materials. So both of them think that Chilong Maitreya's move is just a nostalgic move.

However, when Xu Changqing was about to cast a spell and took advantage of the opportunity of Chilong Maitreya to lure him to the underground of Wanfo Mountain, he found that the Buddha statues placed by Chilong Maitreya formed an incomplete ancient mandala circle. And he is very familiar with this ancient mandala circle.That day, when analyzing the ancient mandala circles in the prehistoric Buddhist world, he sorted out the ancient mandala circles he had seen from various ruins and books since he entered the Buddhist world, and restored several of them. The array, and now the remnant array placed by the red dragon Maitreya with the Buddha statue is one of them.

After recalling this familiar ancient mandala circle, Xu Changqing realized that the circle he had repaired was not complete. He only repaired the formation, but did not complete the formation heart, and those formation hearts were one Ancient Buddha statues of various shapes.The shape of these ancient Buddha statues is closely related to the operation of the entire formation. Any error in shape, and the difference in orientation when placed, will directly affect the operation of the formation.

From the actions of the red dragon Maitreya, Xu Changqing realized that this ancient mandala circle might be related to the two-world passage leading to the inner world hidden in the Longtan Grottoes.Therefore, he sank his mind into the realm of Dao Xin at that time, and began to quickly deduce the changes of the magic circle in the realm of Dao Xin.It may only be a moment in the outside world, but in the realm of Dao Xin, Xu Changqing has deduced this incomplete magic circle for several years, and fortunately, the Buddha statues corresponding to each circle heart in the magic circle have also been fully made up.

After mastering this ancient mandala circle, even though Xu Changqing has not tested the effect of the magic circle, he can already be sure that this magic circle is the magic circle that opens the entrance to the heaven and earth in Wanfo Mountain.

Although there are countless hidden treasures in the world of Ten Thousand Buddha Mountains, they are of little value to Xu Changqing.What's more, compared to dragon and elephant termas, the inner world itself is the greatest treasure, and as long as the mountain god Shuisheng is still there, it is impossible for this inner world to be taken away.Therefore, Xu Changqing thought of using the hidden treasures of the inner world as a bait to push the true Zen master or the compassionate master to the public enemy of the Buddhist world.

After Xu Changqing told All Karma Buddha Mother about his thoughts, All Karma Buddha Mother immediately had an idea, wanting Xu Changqing to pretend to be Ruyi Weide Buddha and arrange a magic circle to attract the attention of Red Dragon Maitreya.

Xu Changqing didn't ask why all the karmic Buddha mothers chose Ruyi Weide Buddha as the introduction. After that, things developed as Xu Changqing guessed. When the big fish also gather, the net can be collected. (To be continued..)

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